Wanna See A Dead Body? [Mission/Closed]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Wanna See A Dead Body? [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 11, 2021 23:29:12 GMT
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    Rowan vigorously hacked through the vines and jungle thicket with the machete, creating a path for himself and to travel. “Did you really have to dump this guy all the way out here?” Sweat began to soak their skin, clothing clinging to his diminutive frame as he pushed forward through the foliage.

    Details were seldom given about the body he was sent to help the underboss retrieve, all he knew was that the family was willing to reward a large sum to prove either life or death. “Why’d you kill this one anyways?” Chu-e was too weak to dig up the body on their own for reasons that weren’t entirely known to Rowan, meaning that his role here was primarily physical labor.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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Wanna See A Dead Body? [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 11, 2021 23:45:10 GMT
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"Next time you hide a body, put it somewhere easy to find. See how it works out." For his part, Chu-e was just fine. While poor was stuck doing the physical labor, he was riding on the back of his Mudsdale with the equipment they would need for this little archeological hunt.

"He approached Rocket hoping to buy a kid." Disgust filled his voice as he spoke. "Kid, you're new to this. We're a fucked bunch of individuals, but we got lines. I just figured I would solve a problem before it became a problem, ya know?" His Mudsdale snorted as she waited for Rowan to clear the path for her bulky frame.
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
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Wanna See A Dead Body? [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 12, 2021 0:35:49 GMT
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    “Yeah, yeah.” As much as Rowan didn’t want to give them credit, had a point about hiding bodies in places that weren’t easily accessible. “Doesn’t make it any less of a pain in the ass.” Progress came to a halt as he took a moment to catch his breath, leaning against a nearby tree and stabbing the machete into the ground.

    “Sounds about right.” Rowan huffed out between breaths, using a sleeve to remove sweat from his forehead. “What is it about rich people and wanting to do fucked up things just because they can? I was rich and I didn’t even drink.” Of course his drinking habits changed now that he was poor, but that wasn’t part of the example. “Good riddance, then.”

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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Wanna See A Dead Body? [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 12, 2021 0:42:04 GMT
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"Eh, lots of places you can buy your way out of any trouble. Shitty, but it's true. Grease the right palms and you don't have to worry about things like 'consequences'." Since had paused, Chu-e slid from his perch and pat his pokemon on the nose in thanks. "Maybe you just have strong morals." Which was funny, considering.

"We should be able to walk from here." Rummaging around in the packs on his Mudsdale, Chu-e offered Rowan a mask for his face before sliding one on himself. "This'll stink. Might make you sick, too. Put this on."
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
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Wanna See A Dead Body? [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 12, 2021 1:08:33 GMT
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    “Thank Arceus.” Rowan pushed off against the tree, reaching down to snatch the machete from the dirt. “Miracles do exist.” A smirk of amusement crossed his lips, accepting the mask from with a nod of thanks. “Turns out, they smell terrible though.” Sliding the machete into its sheath, Rowan began walking deeper into the jungle now that the Underboss was leading.

    “I’ve never actually seen a dead body before.” The words had many implications on exactly how green he was to this whole criminal underworld, especially the fact that he’d obviously never killed anyone. “Should I be expecting something like The Mummy or Night of the Living Dead?”

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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Wanna See A Dead Body? [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 12, 2021 2:52:16 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"Expect pus and rot. This guy has been out here a month or so- put on some gloves." The path didn't take too long to traverse. Chu-e didn't stop in the middle of some clearing or some open space. Nope, after a pause to get his bearings, he stopped in the middle of a cluster of twisted, young trees. The ground looked perfectly normal aside from a small pile of stones, nothing too unusual. He kicked them over and brushed aside the leaves, revealing slightly discolored and soft dirt underneath.

"Welp, start digging. Two feet down is a dead Golduck. He's about two more feet under that, crammed into two duffel bags."
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
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Wanna See A Dead Body? [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 12, 2021 20:56:11 GMT
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    Pus and Rot? Fantastic, who knew that this day could only get even worse after trekking through the jungle for hours. “Lucky me.” Rowan produced the set of gloves from his belongings, sliding them onto both hands in anticipation of being forced to touch something truly nauseating. The Underboss finally came to a stop between a cluster of trees, nestled in an inconspicuous place that no one would assume a body to be buried. “I’ll get started then, I guess.”

    Slinging the shovel off his back, Rowan began digging into the earth with deliberate motions, working his way through the tightly packed dirt. “Did you have to kill the Golduck too?” He asked, curious as to what the Pokémon had done to deserve being subjected to such a terrible fate. “Speaking of…” The shovel struck bone, eliciting a sigh from the grunt as he’d reached the remains of this Golduck.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
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solaceon, sinnoh
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Wanna See A Dead Body? [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 12, 2021 21:47:40 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"Nah, I found it on the way up." Chu-e was not opposed to murdering a pokemon or two, he already killed humans after all, but that didn't mean he enjoyed killing animals any more. In fact, he kind of hated killing in general.

"These types of places, you can find dead things pretty easy if you know how to look. Try not to thin my own stock unless I'm really forced into it." A pokemon with a powerful nose, for example, was a good pick.

"But, you said you haven't killed anyone, right? What kind of missions you been on?"
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
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Wanna See A Dead Body? [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 14, 2021 0:06:27 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    What modicum of comfort could be found in the idea that didn’t kill the Golduck was immediately dashed as Rowan was forced to toss aside the remains of the Pokemon, scooping up the gooey bones with the shovel and tossing them into the brush. “Gross.” He muttered underneath his breath, lucky at least that most of the flesh and organs had been eaten away by time and dirt-dwelling Pokemon.

    “No I haven’t killed anyone.” Rowan began as he started shoveling aside more clumps of discolored earth, getting closer to the source of his inevitable regurgitation. “I’ve only been on a few missions since joining. I stole some Castform with Gavin, lifted some jewelry with Miles and went to the Cave of Origin with Alexandra and Oscar.” Two of those missions ended with him becoming critically injured, but he chose to leave those kinds of details out from those who didn’t already know. “Why?”

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
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solaceon, sinnoh
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call you tonight?
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Wanna See A Dead Body? [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 14, 2021 0:12:44 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"You might have to, someday. Do you think you can handle it?" It was frank in the way he said it. The Rocket of now, unlike the Rocket he had joined, was a kinder animal. But even kind animals would bite if prodded. If was already rubbing elbows with big dogs like him, , and then he had a promising future. If not, a very eventful one.

"It won't always be a pedophile. It could be a guy just doing his job and trying to feed his kids. A lost college student could wander up here and see us doing this. We'd have to kill them. Do you think you'll be able to live with yourself after?" It's not said as a threat or even a warning, some plea to Rowan's humanity. It just how it is for them. You put the lives of your fellow Rockets before you did those outside the group. It made it messy.
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
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Wanna See A Dead Body? [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 15, 2021 23:35:24 GMT
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    “I don’t know, actually.” Rowan stopped shoveling for the time being, stabbing the spade into the dirt so he could lean on the handle. “I’ve never really considered that I might have to murder someone.” His tone was solemn, voice full of audible uncertainty. Team Rocket weren’t the heroes of the tale by any stretch of the imagination, especially not their own. Deep down, Rowan knew that he’d decided to throw in with murderers and criminals, but for some reason he always considered himself above those actions, righteous in a way that he couldn’t quite explain or grasp.

    The shovel resumed while finished his explanation, attempting to focus on the work at hand to push away overwhelming thoughts. This was the first time that Rowan realized he might have been in over his head, having remained blissfully ignorant about what it meant to join Team Rocket until now. “I…” There was a moment between words where he was silent, listening to the sounds of the jungle all around them, serene despite the dark deed that was being undergone. “No, I don’t think I will...but I don’t have a choice, I can’t go back now.”


    Finally the digging had produced a solid noise as the metal struck a hardened surface below a thin layer of dirt. “Guess I found him.” Rowan knelt down and used a gloved hand to brush away the earth from atop the duffel bag, finding one of the handles and beginning to heave it up towards the top of the hole. Luckily, whatever the bags were made out of, they were sturdier than the body they contained.
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
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call you tonight?
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Wanna See A Dead Body? [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 16, 2021 7:08:30 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"You always have an option. Even if it doesn't seem like it." At the promising clunk, a pokeball was tossed out. A Drampa grunted, cramped in the small space of the trees.

"Load those on him. He knows where to take them." Whenever would get done with that task, however he did it, the Drampa would levitate into the air before flying off like the weird dragon he was.

"With murder," Was continued from the earlier conversation, after the silence had hung and Chu-e has time to think it over. "Is if you enjoy the act or not. Knowing that, even if it was in self defense or to keep yourself safe, that blood will always be on your hands. That you have no right to determine if someone lives or dies."

Which, at the end of it, was a bit contradictory for what they were. What they did.

"That man. Even if he was a terrible person and I thought he should die, well, his family wouldn't agree with me, would they? They still loved him at the end of the day. It was still a choice I made and will have to live with."
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
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Wanna See A Dead Body? [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 19, 2021 3:55:25 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    “Starting to feel more and more as though I don’t have a choice.” It was no secret that Team Rocket had taken a more violent turn recently with the return of and Rowan was beginning to wonder if he’d made the right decision by joining the organization. “Will do.” He was thankful for the mask preventing a majority of the smell from getting to his nose, though the sloshing of fetid flesh inside the duffel bags was enough to turn his stomach as he loaded them onto the Drampa. “I don’t see any situation where i’d enjoy taking someone's life, even if they were a piece of shit like this guy.” Rowan pulled off his mask and spit into the former grave, beginning to shovel the dirt back into place while he listened to their words of advice.

    “How do you live with it?” The shovel stopped moving, amber eyes shifting to glance over at once more. His tone wasn’t accusatory, more curious as to how he’d managed to put aside the dark feelings that came with snuffing out the light of another human being.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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Wanna See A Dead Body? [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 19, 2021 6:24:07 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"I try to weigh the bad I prevented with the bad I did."

It's not perfect. It doesn't always help. Sometimes, Chu-e can't do anything when he's alone but sit numbly and stare into space. It's all that you can do.

"How many kids would that man have hurt, do you think? If he was alive? All those kids traumatized, some of them would grow up to perpetuate that abuse. None of them would have ever gotten any justice, even if they spoke out. To me, for this kill, ending that cycle of abuse, saving all of those potential kids, it was worth it to me. Every kill I do has a reason. You know someone is really gone when they're just... senselessly violent."

Somewhere along the line, Chu-e's eyes had been staring somewhere far away. Slowly, he comes back, eyes raising to meet with a surprisingly soft look.

"Rocket broke me down into a weapon. If you let it, it'll break you, too. Never let go of your morals, no matter what happens. As soon as you do, you've lost."
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
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Wanna See A Dead Body? [Mission/Closed]
POSTED ON May 19, 2021 21:25:41 GMT
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    Rowan considered their words for a moment, understanding the motivation of their decisions on who deserved to live and who deserved to die. had factored the ripple effect that would occur should his victims be killed, weighing the good that would come over the bad of the murder itself. “That makes sense, surprisingly.” He didn’t mean for the comment to seem as discourteous as it may have been perceived, actually finding comfort that at least one person in this organization wasn’t a senseless killer.

    “My family attempted to break me for nineteen years, never once did I give in or compromise who I am. No matter how bad the punishment had gotten.” With the hole filled in once more, Rowan tamped down the dirt with the back of his shovel to create an even surface with the rest of the ground. “I don’t doubt that one day someone will try to break me in Rocket as well, but they don’t know how stubborn I am. How willing I am to fight back for what I believe in and what I think is right.” An arm reached up to wipe sweat from his brow, turning once more to the underboss. “I won’t lose myself.”