brew . [ ff ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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stormy, bronwen
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 23:59:22 GMT
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She breathed a sigh of relief that she had been correct.. although, she hadn't really meant honey in the sense of a drink, but she supposed that that made sense.

When Cait rushed towards her, however, she took a step back in surprise, turning around sharply as if worried a predator was approaching. Her partners excitement hadn't been fear, however, it had been relief. She was pointing towards a particular patch of grass at the base of a tree.

She squinted, trying to see what it was that she was pointing at. Confused, she seemed to frown in frustration, not quite getting it.

"Does it smell as potent as peppermint?"

Cait took the lead again, walking right up to the spearmint patch. Stormy didn't crouch next to her just yet, though, as she wasn't sure what exactly she was to do. She was the clueless one out here, sort of a glorified bodyguard for the green-haired woman.

Her partner was beaming, clearly overjoyed about this plant. Stormy watches as she pulls out a plastic bag, her eyes carefully watching how deftly and carefully her fingers move. When she turned to Stormy, however, the girl pointed at herself in confusion.

"Oh no, no no no. I'll just ruin it, surely. I'm not as patient and delicate as you, I'm sure."

The woman was insisting however, and looked so genuine and trusting that she felt an invisible string pull her to the ground next to her. She sighed in defeat, offering her hands to her.

"If you insist, I trust you."
deltra of gangnam style
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brew . [ ff ]
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2019 2:59:09 GMT
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cait beamed in response to stormy's hesitance, finding such a display to be rather endearing as she quickly sought to encourage the female. 

"you don't seem like the type to dismiss yourself so easily," she replied, amused. "think of it as a sort of... challenge.

the freckle-faced officer reached out to gently accept stormy's hands into her own. her touch wasn't  dissimilar to that of a caress, her gaze swiveling from the uncertainty that plagued the woman's features to her hands. 

'they're the same size as mine,' she noted. 

cait's finger gently traveled across the rough sections present within those seemingly dainty palms - the officer sensing the vast potential present within them as she lingered. eventually, she'd gingerly lead their hands down as though they were somehow joined, manipulating stormy's slim fingers until they carefully wrapped 'round the stalk of the spearmint. 

"just like this," she said. 

they both peered down at the delicate plant within their combined grasp, with cait's mane falling over her shoulders and framing her face as she concentrated on the task at hand with her lips set into a pleased smile. 

"and then pull.

once it was harvested, cait placed the spearmint into the bag after releasing her hold upon the young ranger.  

"we won't touch the rest," she said. "this stalk alone has plenty of leaves for us to work with."

the pair was still crouched closely together as cait spoke, their shoulders brushing against one another's slightly. though the green-eyed woman didn't appear to be in a rush to remove herself from such a position, the look upon her face revealing that she was entirely at ease. 

"it's not so hard. you just have to be gentle, you know?"  

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stormy, bronwen
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july 25
saffron city, kanto
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
brew . [ ff ]
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2019 4:23:28 GMT
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It annoyed her, in a good way, that Cait was right. She had never been the type to just give up.

Her shoulders tensed at the flood of thoughts, remembering how she had given up protecting Kanto and her home, running in the direction of the sea in order to escape the destruction because she was helpless to defend anyone or anything.

Stormy snapped back to attention when Cait's soft, warm hands slipped underneath her own. The sensation was tingly, a friendly sort of feeling. It made her calmer, more in tune with what was going on around her.

For once, she was silent, her eyes wide with innocence and curiosity. She watched as Cait took control of her fingers, how easily she moved, how gently. Her own hands were much rougher than Cait's in some places. She reveled in the similarities between them though, how they fit so nicely together.

Her gaze shifted to watch as the two of them tugged at the stalk, but she couldn't help but notice how naturally beautiful and kind Cait looked in the moment. She was one with the earth, a nymph, a fairy burdened in the body of a human. She was completely unlike Stormy in every way. She was both delicate like the spearmint clasped gently in both of their hands, but as resilient and wise as the tree the fronds were growing beneath.

"It's not so hard. You just have to be gentle, you know?"

Stormy sucked in air in surprise, her thoughts having drifted so far that she hadn't registered Cait's hands had left her own, and that she had safely stored the stalk they had harvested. She shook her head a little bit, smiling.

"People don't call me Stormy because I'm gentle. Stormy, Hurricane, other varients of tragedy, I've been called it all. I just liked 'Stormy' the best."
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POSTED ON Jan 16, 2019 4:51:14 GMT
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"like a hurricane," she murmured. 

she wondered if that was her actual name - no - it was - because she said it was. cait simply pondered over what her mother and father had decided to name her prior to her changing her own title - doubtful that someone would name their daughter 'stormy' as opposed to something far more traditional-sounding.

'i like the name 'stormy', though,' she thought. 'it stands out.' 

"i think it fits you just fine," she said, nodding her head. "my father picked out my name. he called me 'cait' because it meant 'pure'.

was she pure? she wasn't certain if she had the right to label herself as such. she tried to maintain a positive lifestyle - and aided whomever was in need - but was that all that was needed to be awarded such a title

"you're more of a fighter than i am," she admitted. "i think that's why i decided to become an officer."

there was a brief pause before she continued, speaking almost in an absent sort of way. 

"i don't think i was ever really meant to be that," she said. "a 'fighter', i mean. if the war  had never happened i'd be working in my parent's shop as a run-of-the-mill herbalist. but because of rocket i can't really afford to live that way."

the laugh that followed was humorless as she shook her head. 

"it's sad."

but her smile brightened then, her gaze once again settling upon stormy. 

"but i think it'll all be worth it in the end. as long as we work together, at least. it's people like you that we need now more than ever - people who won't stop fighting."

there was genuine hope present within her expression as she peered at stormy, cait having identified her worth. 

"i want that kind of spirit. it's so... inspiring," she commented, a hint of envy flashing within her green orbs. 

she'd stand and offer the ranger her hand after tucking the bagged herb into her purse, intending to help her up. 

"ready to keep moving?"  

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
brew . [ ff ]
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2019 5:39:06 GMT
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"Exactly like a hurricane."

She winked, smiling a little brighter. She sort of shrugged, mildly content with herself. She had chosen her name out of spite from her parents, refusing to abide by their many rules. They called her a menace because she was unpredictable, so she adapted and adopted the accusations. She owned it.

"Bronwen was just too stuffy."

While Cait explained her own name, Stormy listened, still crouched.

"I like your name too. It's cute."

Stormy looked up at her beneath her eyelashes, and she absently tucked a loose strand of dark brown hair from her face. She slowly swept it behind her ear, tugging on the end of it before responding to her assumption of strength.

"Everyone is a fighter, some people just fight more obvious battles. Doesn't make you any less strong or important. We've all got something we're fighting for, y'know?"

Her face shadowed with a very intense bout of hatred and darkness at the mention of Team Rocket. There was a very sudden stiffness that fell over her, a wave of anger and intensity that lingered a bit longer than she had hoped. Team Rocket had taken so much from so many people, and they needed to be stopped.

"It's sad that you're forced to abandon your dreams to fight a war that shouldn't be here. It should have ended in Kanto."

Stormy's anger seems to melt there, Cait's smile stripping away the bad. Despite how disappointed and sad she seemed to be to be forced to fight in this war, she had the courage and the strength to keep on smiling.

"We need people like you too - people who won't stop smiling. I think you're even stronger than I am, honestly. I don't always have the strength to see the good in the world. I think you're inspiring."

Another smile spreads slowly, shyly across Stormy's cheeks. She takes Cait's extended hand firmly, allowing the woman to help pull her to her feet. She didn't need the help, and was genuinely surprised that she had willingly allowed herself to be helped.

Cait was bringing out a different woman in her, and it was a little bit scary.

"Yeah, yeah I am."
deltra of gangnam style
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y o y o

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cait alfric
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POSTED ON Jan 16, 2019 16:20:42 GMT
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"c'mon then," she said, jovial.

she'd guide stormy deeper into the forest, reassuring the ranger with her presence alone as she navigated the seemingly never ending span of greenery. 

"i want places like these to be safe from rocket," she commented. "the pokemon who live here deserve that much, at least.

there was little doubt in her mind that rocket wouldn't hesitate to poach and pry the region's forests of their resources. but despite the aforementioned resources being plentiful in amount as of present day they were finite if not allowed enough time to recover. 

'and i doubt that rocket cares much about preserving the local fauna.' 

cait's smile lessened somewhat, her grip upon stormy remaining firmly in place despite her having already assisted the woman onto her feet. she'd continue to hold the woman's hand as they made a good amount of progress, their journey filled with a comfortable round of silence. 

"i think i -

the girl slowed to a halt as she abruptly fell silent, straining her hearing as she detected the sound of moving water. 

'that's what we're looking for!' 

she'd shift toward the source of the subtle noise before making her approach, easily bypassing a plethora of thick shrubbery that had concealed it from sight. the pair were greeted with the sight of the a slim river, roughly half a dozen budew at its edge. cait grinned, visibly excited by the sight of the little creatures that were idling away. 

'it won't be long - little lamb - you'll be feeling better by the day's end.' 

she'd gently tug stormy along with her, that look of encouragement once again surfacing.

"let's do this together," she said. 

[ mission end ] 

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