shattered illusions

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Oct 18, 2021 5:59:19 GMT
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she wanted to turn and run. she told herself she should. she should pull her phone out while headed in the other direction, delta over her shoulder. call the authorities. leave him behind her, as she had last time.

but she couldn’t. she stared up at him, absorbing the terrible moment she’d thought for sure would never come. even after all the nights she’d spent in hoenn thinking about how she’d kill him if she ever did run into him again, now that it was a reality, she only wished she would have stayed in kanto. had a new life anyways. he wasn’t the same boy he had been; nor was she the same. what was she here for?
was it really just this? this was hell.

maybe it was punishment.

she breathed hot air at the back of her throat, keeping a dam over the tears in her ears—always.

“i ran from the war.” something part of her had always regretted, though she’d never fully admit it to herself, let alone utter it out loud.

“i didn’t know you. not really.”

she shook her head, hatred twisting her face.

“no. not at all.”

it was then that she reached for her phone in one hand and a pokéball in the other, eyes glued on him severely. “i’m calling the police. don’t even think about running. i haven’t gotten any weaker.”

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Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
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POSTED ON Oct 18, 2021 7:35:07 GMT


"don't bullshit me."
his jaw clenches, and eyebrows crease. despite the red rim of his eyes, and his near blubbering lip, his face contorts into something akin to rage.
"ye ran away with my kid in your belly. MY KID."
he emphasizes the end with the point of his finger, stabbing into his chest. despite his best attempts, the anger leaks out, but he doesn't make a move towards the woman, or their daughter.
even in the face of her threat, he lowers his gaze to the ground, and sucks in a deep breath. he wouldn't be the person she so wanted to paint him to be.
"ye don't want me in yer life 'gira, i can accept that. i would've accepted it back then, too. but her?"
his eyes fall back onto delta. the latest in what he thought to be the end of the wayland line. someone who would hopefully one day make the name worth a damn again.
if she decided to use it.
when they pull back up to meet sagira's, there is a absolution to them; a resolute, unstoppable force that spills into his words.
"she's my daughter. you, matias - no one - will keep me from her. not ever again."



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POSTED ON Oct 19, 2021 2:24:38 GMT
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with his kid. she could see the argument, but from the beginning it had felt like her own struggle. even if she’d allowed him to be a part of it, it had been an experience of loneliness like no other—except for delta. except for the knowledge of what had been inside herself. still was, and everywhere around her.

king had been a stranger. a drop. a floating seed landed in a garden rooted to the ground that weathered storms and fires to keep it alive.

he surely couldn’t have left the war, and they’d had something to fight for there anyways. he’d had bigger responsibilities to their region. during the painful act of dishonorably withdrawing her sword from the fight for kantonian lives, she’d have been damned if she’d voluntarily dragged another out with her.

and, there was that she’d always noted something off about him, although she’d never been quite able to put her finger on what it was.

now, it stared red in her face. growled at her. ripped through the aged leather of her soul.

she opened her mouth, but as soon as she felt the heat of fire rolling up the chimney of her throat, it was swallowed wholly by the vacuum bomb of their child’s first words.

“you’re my dad?”

every short syllable was clear, the tones and formants of her voice falling into the glory of perfect normality.

sage’s breath hitched, steady knees quaking.

everything she’d done. all of the doctors. all of the scrutiny, and doubt, and self-loathing; believing it would never happen, and that it was her fault.

maybe it was, after all.

her heart was ripped out, and she looked up at king wordlessly, barely feeling the phone still in her hand.


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Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
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POSTED ON Oct 23, 2021 5:30:25 GMT



king would have no way of knowing the weight of his daughter's words; that it would be the first time she'd ever spoken aloud, much less to him. despite this, he's grounded in a way all too similar to sagira. it the was most fluid sounding, angelic thing he'd ever heard.
it brought him to tears.
he presumes sagira's reaction is the result of having her child learn that he was the father. a murderer; betrayer; criminal. king pushes it from his frame of mind, turning the entirety of his attention onto the small, delicate thing in front of him. he kneels, tears staining his cheeks, and looks the girl in her eyes.
"sure am kiddo. can't ye tell? we got the same dimple."
he drills a finger playfully into his right cheek, feeling the indent in his skin that was unique to him. the hair would've been too obvious; the eyes hard to tell.
there were signs of sagira in her visage, too. the delicate eyelashes, the sharp eyebrows, her small ears..
she was perfect.
"i'm king. what's yer name?"



[newclass=.king4 .pokesprite]color:#32a852; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.1);border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2); margin-right:10px; margin-top:5px; padding:5px; filter:grayscale(90%); transition:0.5s all;[/newclass]

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POSTED ON Oct 23, 2021 10:50:26 GMT
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was this a dream? surely it wasn’t actually happening.

she watched, too thoroughly stunned to do anything much of anything as he lowered to the ground. usually someone quick on her feet and decisive in nature, her mind suddenly fogged with the inability to act at all.

delta was fascinated. to her mother’s frozen horror, her small hand lifted tentatively towards the man’s face. she moved his finger out of the way to feel the dimple there, intense as she studied his.

hearing him introduce himself spurred sagira to action, finally.

“no!” her hands reached for delta to pull her away, nearly dropping her phone in the process. “you can’t do this.”

delta stared up from her mother’s grip. “delta.”

at the same moment, the phone came up to the side of sage's face. her voice was steady despite mixture of feelings pulling her apart. “yes. slateport oceanic museum.”“i need to report a fugitive...”

her eyes remained glued on him, quick reflexes ready to grab for a pokéball the second she needed it, but not a moment sooner. not with delta there.

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Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
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POSTED ON Oct 27, 2021 4:58:24 GMT



he lets out a chuckle that sounds more strained than it felt, as she touches his cheek. king was ready to echo the sentiment when sagira reaches out again to pull her away.
he didn't blame her, but the spark of anger in his chest didn't subside either. instead, it's stuffed back down into the dark recesses of his stomach and back into the pit as best as possible. it lingers at the edges, waiting to seep out like a toxin.
"that's a lovely name, delta. my name is king."
king gives his daughter one of the most genuine smiles he'd ever had, and, one of the few since he made that decision five years back. sagira's voice pulls him from his stupor, and he pushes himself to his feet, hands on knees, to face her.
he warns, gaze hardening. he'd loved this woman everyday for nearly half a decade. there wasn't a single person on this planet he'd cared for more.
until now.
and he wasn't going to let another precious person slip through his fingers. not again.
his voice drops to a low-whisper, barely audible over his own thundering heart beat.
"yer making a mistake. it doesn't need to be this way."
lips quiver, a deep, echoing ache in his chest. fear. rage. entirely different emotions, yet each and every time, they led him down the same path. the same path that led to the deaths of dozens, the scarred reminders he and matias both shared, and the same path that he felt himself staring down right now.
she ran from the war that rampaged across kanto and has been running everyday since. king hadn't. he wasn't the same man he was then. he didn't want to prove that to her now.
but he would.
"hang up the phone."



[newclass=.king4 .pokesprite]color:#32a852; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.1);border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2); margin-right:10px; margin-top:5px; padding:5px; filter:grayscale(90%); transition:0.5s all;[/newclass]

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[newclass=.king4 .setting]background-image:url(; background-size:cover; background-position: bottom; filter:saturate(110%); height:150px; width:400px; margin:10px auto 20px; [/newclass]

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POSTED ON Oct 30, 2021 1:32:53 GMT
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sage had never told her king’s name. maybe that was wrong. but now, delta had that knowledge, and it felt like thorns growing in her insides. he was never supposed to introduce himself. this was never supposed to happen.

how the hell was this rotten world so small?

her full name in his mouth further mortified her. she stared back, and the intimidation she felt was unexpected. she didn’t feel it easily from people.

there was no response for him. instead, she leaned towards delta, voice growing stern. “delta. i need you to go that way. i’ll follow you in a minute. just go.”

the girl looked up between them, not moving, and looking desperate. “dad?”

her voice. it hurt.

“delta, go! now!

she went that time, and delta took a step back after her but never turned away from the man in front of her. the phone came back up to her cheek. something told her this wasn’t to end well. she dreaded every possibility.

“his name is king wayland. he’s wanted in kanto for serial murder. blue hair, blue eyes, tall, ex-military…”“thanks.”

already in her hand were two pokéballs, and she finally hurled them forward.

pangoro was unfamiliar and ready, and cacturne didn't seem to recognize him. but donphan was surprised, because an elephant never forgets. the recognition would be there in the way it briefly cast a glance at sagira, but the look on her face made their target clear.

“don’t you fucking dare run.”

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Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
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POSTED ON Oct 30, 2021 5:34:37 GMT



if there was any doubt left in his system, hearing delta call him dad had removed every last shred. for the first time in recent memory — probably his life — king wasn't content to simply lie down and die.
he stands unnervingly still as she lists off his crimes, and when sagira ends the call, he sighs.
"i won't be the villian yer painting me out ta be ta our daughter. but i won't just let ye take her 'n hide 'er away from me again. i won't let you and matty decide my life for me 'nymore."
as she releases pokemon familiar to him, he does something similar.
a lucario, blaziken, kommo-o and lastly, a falinks hit the battlefield. while the first three take positions in-front, the falinks approaches and stands next to king, shields held high.
like donphan, lucario recognizes the face of his opponent. he turns to give a look to king, and catches the sad, angry, but determined glare. with a nod, he pushes back against the hesitation he feels in his chest, and stands at the forefront of the trio.
"don't ye worry about that. i'm done runnin'."
a NOBLE ROAR bugles and all three-pokemon descend on their opponents.



[newclass=.king4 .pokesprite]color:#32a852; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.1);border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2); margin-right:10px; margin-top:5px; padding:5px; filter:grayscale(90%); transition:0.5s all;[/newclass]

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POSTED ON Nov 6, 2021 4:34:54 GMT
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in reality, delta knew nothing of her father; not even his name, until this day. sagira hadn’t known how to open up such a discussion, especially when it would be entirely one-sided. delta didn’t exactly ask many questions.

even for her, someone so utterly collected, it was difficult to hold back. as the phone slid into a pocket, she breathed long and low from her chest, centering herself.

“you’ve done all the painting yourself, wayland—in the blood of your own comrades.”

her eyes were cold and resolute.

their teams clashed violently. it wasn’t lost on her that they were at a slight disadvantage. “we don’t need to beat them; we just need to keep them here,” she called. that meant slowing them down.

“cacturne, pangora: POISON STING and ENTRAINMENT on blaziken.” their reflexes were sharp in response. then, her eyes found the hesitating elephant as it rolled out of the way of an attack, just enough. “donphan, on the lucario!” xen.

its rolling picked up into a RAPID SPIN, straight for the target.

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Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
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POSTED ON Nov 7, 2021 19:05:25 GMT



he gives a venomous scoff, lips curling into a snarl.
"they turned on me the second things became convenient for 'em — like ye 'n matty. i was disposable ta every single one of ye 'n ye know that's the truth. their blood is on yer and matty's hands, just as much, if not more, than mine."
if her eyes were cold, his burned with the rage of neglect, grief, and anger. he was an outcast even before she left; a third wheel in the perpetual back and forth that was and . they were the only people that could stand him, and then? even barely.
he was only just figuring out now how much barely that was.
blaziken, beset by two sides, picks defense as he takes the poison sting to his cross-armed guard. his connection to the deep reservoir of flames in his spirit subsides, then cuts off all-together, and he snarls in annoyance. behind him, the CLANGEROUS SCALES of the dragon pokemon reverberates in a piercing, painful cry as it races towards the two pokemon.
his anger had reached the peak, and like the eruption of a volcano, it came with the same, dire consequences. a bead emerges in his hand, and a solemn look on the lucario's, as the MEGA EVOLUTION takes hold. from the confines of the multi-colored sphere, a fist clad in the brilliant hues of silver, and steel, emerges, a METEOR MASH aimed directly at the spinning ground-type.



[newclass=.king4 .pokesprite]color:#32a852; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.1);border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2); margin-right:10px; margin-top:5px; padding:5px; filter:grayscale(90%); transition:0.5s all;[/newclass]

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[newclass=.king4 .pokeclass img:hover]background:var(--accent); transition:1s all; box-shadow:2px 2px #232323 [/newclass]


[newclass=.king4 .credit]font:bold 15px poppins; transform:rotate(90deg); position:absolute; bottom:55px; right:45px; color:rgb(65,65,65); text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #232323, 1px -1px 0 #232323, -1px 1px 0 #232323, 1px 1px 0 #232323;[/newclass]


[newclass=.king4 .setting]background-image:url(; background-size:cover; background-position: bottom; filter:saturate(110%); height:150px; width:400px; margin:10px auto 20px; [/newclass]

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POSTED ON Nov 10, 2021 2:57:46 GMT
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convenient? for her?

nothing about any of this had been convenient.

hatred screamed and thrashed in her heart, caged, controlled—barely. her sharp, pale eyes bore into him, saying all they needed to.

as for the blood on her hands, she already felt it. not just her unit, but other lives lost in kanto, after she’d run from the war. she wouldn’t further dishonor herself by sputtering over it, or apologizing to this man.

what was done was done.

lucario’s mega evolution came as a surprise to sagira, who hadn’t witnessed this yet in hoenn. of course, she’d certainly heard about it.


before there was any time to react, an overpowered attack impacted the elephant, pushing it with great force into the air, tumbling, and into the glass of the aquarium that surrounded them. tusks hit, and propelled by such power, did damage.

there was the heart-sinking sound of glass crunching. water began to trickle.

sagira saw it happen: the first of a spiderweb, winding out haphazardly from the point of impact.

“oh, arceus…”

her eyes looked over at king, for one last millisecond, before bigger fish stole her attention.

she knew it was unlikely that they’d make it out in time.

beams of red returned her pokémon, and she turned to run as fast as she could in the direction she’d sent delta.


the big one.

she was frantic.


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Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
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POSTED ON Nov 10, 2021 3:32:48 GMT



actions. meet consequences.
silence falls, and faces drop, at the sight of the spiderweb shaped cracks. it's only broken by sagira's cries.
their eyes catch, and there's something in them that both of them share outside of anger: concern.
xen turns to face king, his expression solemn, concerned.
"don't worry bout me ye shithead. save 'em. both."
the lucario hesitates, his cobalt fur bristling under the weight of indecision. but, a look from king seals it, and for the millionth time, he places his trust in him.
in less time than it takes to blink an eye, he races off with EXTREMESPEED, massive paw's seeking to clamp down on both mother and child alike as he attempts to bring them to safety.
taking stock of his surroundings, he recalls both blaziken and kommo-o, fingers already reaching for the three other orbs he keeps on him. he has a breadth of time to make a decision, before three falinks appear in the building.
"protect ye little bastards. PROTECT!"
dozens of families had come to see the exhibits today, and deep-down inside, he didn't want to have the deaths of more people on his hands. not kids, at the very least.
shimmering orbs of blue explode outwards from the small soldiers, encapsulating as many people as they could in their domes just as the main-tank bursts in a roaring tide. water rushes in, greedily filling whatever space it could find, it's former occupants now riding out on uncontrollable waves.
he looks in the direction of his kid, hoping that the lucario was quick enough. even if sagira had fought him off, there was little she could do in the way of his empowered strength. the idea alone has his lips parting in a shit eating grin.
now, just how the fuck are they going to get out of here?



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POSTED ON Nov 12, 2021 21:43:23 GMT
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today, she cursed herself for a) not having something speedier; b) not having something water-typed. she made a mental note to keep both on her at all times, and never step foot in an aquarium again—if they made it. this was some final destination shit.

sage gave a choked gasp as she was ripped from her stride and into a blur. she saw a flash of blue hair, and felt a wave of relief.

delta was quiet. no screams, no panic. her eyes looked back over xen’s shoulder, watching as the water chased after them.

three… two…

presumably, they could escape through the well-marked exits. heavy doors, lit neon and faintly calling with league sirens on the other side.
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March Twenty-First
Vermillion City
League Turncoat
Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
1,477 posts
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TAG WITH @king
shattered illusions
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2021 3:30:24 GMT

the trio burst through the steel doors, shattering the hinges that keep them latched onto the wall, continuing for another dozen or so feet, before the lucario comes to a sliding stop.
with perfect control over it's body, lucario sets the two girls down, showing extra care to the young delta. in her delicate features, and strong aura, she reminds him so much of king that his desire to protect her has his fur bristling from the familiarity.
with sirens bugling the arrival of security, he turns his pointed maw back onto sagira. xen steels his jaw, muzzle twitching and looking every bit ready to speak, before he steps back and disappears into another EXTREMESPEED.
inside, the bubbles of protection stave off the worst of the flood, and within' seconds, it becomes readily apparent that the exits would filter out the worst of it.
xen appears in front of him, breathing heavily, but reassuring his trainer with a nod. at least the stars had aligned in that regard.
"good job. now, let's figure out how the fuck ta get out of 'ere."


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march 14th
pewter city, kanto
retired soldier
ex lieutenant
52 height
52 height
the whispers in the trees are getting near
363 posts
sagira mosse DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @sagira
sagira mosse
shattered illusions
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2021 7:04:12 GMT
sagira mosse Avatar

the sudden bright flash of sunlight when the door opened was almost blinding, but it gave an overwhelming sense of relief. they were set down safely, and sagira nearly tripped over xen on her way to grab for her daughter. “delta!” there were incoherent sounds of panic and relief as she pulled her into both arms.

delta was stoic. distant. still staring at the building, as league officers stormed into it. sage glanced to xen, before he disappeared, breathing with wide eyes, “thank you.”

after a few moments of recovery, sagira got to her feet and got down to the business of filing her report, willing herself to be less frantic as she did so. as even-keel as the former lieutenant was, nothing could have possibly prepared for the endangerment of delta.

in the end, someone asked her if she was alright.

“i’m fine.” it was sharp. dismissive, as her stare settled on the building as well.

he was here, in hoenn.

and they weren’t going to catch him.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP