Controlled Chaos (Gym)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Grey / Connors
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Greyson Connors
Controlled Chaos (Gym)
POSTED ON Mar 25, 2022 21:19:13 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
the AROMATHERAPY is quick thinking on hideo's part, and provides a much needed relief in this environment. the nearly knee deep sludge certainly doesn't help, and if hideo should continue to stay in, it'll probably sink into his shoes. that would very unpleasant. not like, crippling or anything — just unpleasant.

eventually though, the younger man and his team come across a T-shaped intersection. on his left is another large, straight-forward walkway that eventually ends at a drop-off. to the right, the tunnel curves further in the direction they were headed to get here. it seems like a tighter-squeeze, and walking side by side with his pokemon would likely be more difficult.

in-front of him is a small, mesh-wired opening, likely used as a water-break off point somewhere along the line. along the mesh is a tight collection of dirt, debris, and... something else. it's purple, with an almost slime-like texture to it. this substance seems to compound onto itself, gathering like a blockage. a faint hissing sound, and a trail of smoke, wisp off of it.


Hideo comes to an intersection and is given two obvious choices. Each comes with their own unknowns, with no real idea which is the safest — at least at first glance. Furthermore, a strange substance accumulates in a drain in front of him. Odd.

Choose your next path.

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Blue Star

October 18th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
Controlled Chaos (Gym)
POSTED ON Mar 28, 2022 22:34:52 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Walking knee-deep in sludge was enough to convince Hideo to never want to enter a sewer again. Not that he'd ever planned on it: the stench was enough a deterrent.

The risk of getting that stench stock on his shoes - and in his socks - convinced him to stop. "Lemme give you a break, Dancer," he said, switching his Gardevoir out for his Beheeyem, the smaller Psychic-type not even letting its legs touch the sludge, floating in the air with pure Psychic force. "Elga, you mind-"

He could already feel himself be lifted out of the sludge - even catching the two antidotes before they fell. He wasn't keen on getting carried around - it was hard to keep himself oriented in the air - but it was a sacrifice he'd make for his socks.

The floating trio soon found a crossroads in the sewers, Hideo's Beheeyem filling him in: one open path to the left with a drop, and a narrow pathway to the right. And Hideo could hear something gooey in front of him - with a smoky scent to it. Weird.

Uneager to get in a cramped space when something could happen at any moment, Hideo's choice came quickly. "Let's go left," be said, his two Pokemon nodding and moving in that direction - with Hideo between them.

Gardevoir switched for Beheeyem
Beheeyem Psychically lifts himself, Hideo, and the antidotes
Hideo chooses to go left at the crossroads

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Greyson Connors
Controlled Chaos (Gym)
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2022 0:43:52 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
ROLL at the end of your post to potentially determine an outcome.

choosing left the boy and his team march onwards — float onwards?

this path is the shorter of the two easily, and hideo soon learns why. a chorus of thundering sounds echo through this area, and as the challenger delves deeper, he comes to a stop.

the tunnel ends into an opening — a large cylindrical room upon which half-a-dozen different directions spread out before him, each tunnels of their own accord. from them water pours, including the one hideo floats over, into a central area to be distributed else.


beneath the boy and his pokemon large clumps of that same purplish goo gather, collecting in great masses at the drains below. slowly but surely, the water seems to rise further and further. an investigate eye would spot multiple pieces of his strange goop emerging from at least two tunnels, carried by the water or perhaps some unknown force.

Multiple tunnels stand before you and a rising sea of water from below. Continue your investigations, should you wish to continue.

But perhaps what lies in the unknown is best left that way...


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Blue Star

October 18th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
Controlled Chaos (Gym)
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2022 22:38:28 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Floating around definitely helped ensure Hideo wouldn't be walking around with sludgy socks for the rest of this gym challenge. It was something he usually preferred not doing - he didn't like the loss of control, and it was hard to keep himself oriented without something to feel as reference. His Beheeyem did its best to keep him informed, but it wasn't perfect.

Though even if he did have that reference, he didn't quite know where he was going: these sewers were quickly proving to be quite the maze, with his choice only bringing him to a great number of tunnels. Six, if he counted the one he came from.

Fortunately(?), he had a bit more guidance with this set: his Beheeyem informed him two tunnels had strange goop coming from them, distinguishable from the sloppy sewage.

With the water level rising and the goop building up, he didn't have much time to think it over. "Elga, take us into one of those goopy tunnels," he ordered, his Beheeyem obediently floating him inside one of the goop tunnels, his Weezing following behind.

Hideo is choosing to go into one of the goop-producing tunnels


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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
Controlled Chaos (Gym)
POSTED ON May 17, 2022 18:09:14 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar


[attr="class","raidBG" style="width:99.6%"]



[attr="class","raidName"]CONTROLLED CHAOS







Hideo's search finally yields results. Deep beneath the layers of gunk, and through a series of tunnels, something moans aloud. It echoes off the walls and vibrates the water noticeably. Should the challenger's pokemon attempt to reach out with their psychic powers, they'd find something startling. A vast presence, oppressing and... screaming in pain?


Coming out of the tunnel into an even larger chamber, they come a unique sight. An underground sewage plant of some kind going through the motions. It's many pumps and cylinders and tanks hard at work. But nearby something rustles and jiggles — a massive pokemon.

This pokemon — a muk — is a gross amalgamation of sewage, filth, waste and more. It's far larger than any pokemon of its type has ever been identified to be. At its base are two humanoid figures in black and white, a clearly identifiable red 'R' on their chests. They turn and spot and his team, shouting something incoherent from beneath the pained moans of the muk.
Then, one of them presses a switch, and a current of electricity sparks over the pokemons entire gelatinous form. It screams in pain, echoing in this chamber, and looks down at the human responsible. With a long groan, it slithers on the ground and in hideo's direction.
The Muk opens the fight with a GUNK SHOT the size of a mini-van, acidic and foul smelling as it was.
This would be no regular challenge.

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Blue Star

October 18th
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Ace Trainer
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
Controlled Chaos (Gym)
POSTED ON May 26, 2022 23:32:50 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo could certainly smell that they were getting close to something, but any chance of it merely being a pile of refuse fell through as the moan echoed through the tunnel. Whether it was the crisis he had to solve or a victim, it was worth investigating, the small group advancing onwards.

And at the end of the tunnel was an unexpectedly-developed and surprisingly-open chamber. Hideo didn't expect there to be much in the sewers other than dirty water, gunk, Pokemon that liked the previous two, and maybe the occasional sewer worker dealing with the previous three, so he was caught off-guard by what his Beheeyem told him was complicated machinery.

The giant Muk in the room was to be expected; he wasn't surprised there. He heard its moans before he was told what it was.

But his Beheeyem informed him of the presence of two people, both with giant red R's on their clothes.

Rocket. So, this was his next crisis to solve; a couple of Rockets and their massive Muk.

Though the sound of electricity running through the Muk brought to question just how loyal this Pokemon really was. If they had to use electric shocks like this, then there was a clear way to end its threat.

The only matter was getting there, not at all helped by the massive glob of gunk hurtling towards them.

"We gotta move!" was Hideo's swift order - pointing out the obvious. His Beheeyem was right on it, Psychically tossing the team to the sides, away from the Gunk Shot. Hideo and his Beheeyem would hit the ground a bit roughly - fortunately, there were some gunkless patches around here - but it was better than getting hit. His Weezing naturally stayed afloat.

Smokes, keep its attention on you! Elga, we gotta do something ‘bout those Rockets.

His Weezing was quick to act, spreading a Misty Terrain over the area, as well as aiming some Strange Steam at the Muk. It wouldn’t be a strong attack - his Weezing was more support than power - but it could help draw its attention away.

And all the while, Hideo’s Beheeyem would turn his attention towards the Rockets - in particular, the one with the switch. He’d take the chance to try and restrain it, attempting to put the Rocket under a Psychic hold.

Hideo's Beheeyem identifies the problem - and the Rockets controlling it
 Beheeyem uses Psychic to push himself, Hideo, and the Weezing away from the Gunk Shot
Weezing lays a Misty Terrain
Weezing tries to distract the Muk with Strange Steam
Beheeyem tries to restrain the switch-bearing Rocket with a Psychic

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October 13
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Controlled Chaos (Gym)
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2022 4:20:34 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]GYM BATTLE COMPLETE!


