july 4
mauville city
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
boat bonding [m]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2022 0:29:26 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","annal"] [attr="class","annalluck"] [attr="class","annalpostbody"] guilt swells in annalise's chest as she watches the waterspout churn its way into the distance. she had slacked off on the job and nearly screwed it up for her, Elinor Anderson , and the corsola. feeling sufficiently humbled by the experience, she turns away from the great blue expanse and looks over at elinor with a grateful smile. [break][break] "thank arceus for your cramorant, elinor. we would've been overwhelmed if they got any closer." she winces at the thought, mind swimming with scenarios where the sharpedo get the jump on them, scatter the panicked corsola, and — she shakes her head as though to dislodge the thought. "your pokemon did amazing out there!"[break][break] her altaria flies back to the boat, delicately touching down on the boat's edge near her trainer. annalise reaches up to pat her partner on her lowered head.[break][break] "good job," she praises, then leans over the boat to graze her fingertips against the water's surface. her lanturn pushes her nose against her hand, making a laugh rise in her throat. "good job! now go and make sure the corsola are herded up, please!"[break][break] as her pokemon slips beneath the waves, annalise straightens up again, looks towards elinor, her vibes ruined by the sharpedo encounter. "i'll get back to driving the boat so we can get them to the next route before any more baddies show up."[break][break] [attr="class","annalaccent"] [attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]
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