july 4
mauville city
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
shadows [c/dw]
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2022 19:38:48 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","annal"] [attr="class","annalluck"] [attr="class","annalpostbody"] "ooohhh," she draws out as he explains why he'd been sitting out there in the first place. "i'm more of a watch-tiktok-in-bed type of girlie when i can't sleep, but your method sounds a lot better to actually, like, get yourself in a sleepy mood."[break][break] a walk outside under the crisp light of the moon, swaddled in the comfortable cool of a summer night — the perfect way to wear out the body and the mind. watching videos does very little for her and, honestly, probably makes her insomnia worse. one moment, the clock on her wall says 11 and then, in a blink, it's pointing a judgmental hand at 4am. [break][break] "yeah, you did," she agrees, smiling up at him. "i just didn't do a good job not getting scared."[break][break] the conversation ambles towards jobs as they wander the gravel path. she giggles, relieved, as @fenris reassures her that his boss is still the "same old man", even after his injury. "that's great to hear! glad he's in good — well, maybe not good, but ... i'm glad he's in some kind of spirits!"[break][break] "that's pretty cool." having a commissioner as a family friend needles her curiosity. annalise wonders, privately, if that means he's from an affluential family. it would explain the sort of directionless way he talks about both of his jobs — you don't really need to take the dive into a full-fledged career if you don't necessarily need one to put food in your mouth. [break][break] "yep!" she chirps proudly after he deduces her job, beaming. for a moment, she's sunshine enough to light up the whole path, dimming down at the mention of hoenn's world-threatening problems. it's her achilles heel. the end of everything, that is. her brows knit thoughtfully, but her answer doesn't change, just manifests differently on her tongue. [break][break] "i love it. i get to travel all over the region to help pokemon and, like, someone has to advocate for them, y'know? especially now since they've been getting displaced from their homes by disasters and war. so, like, i'm so happy i can be that person for them." her voice is thick with passion. [break][break] "i wish i could do more, though." she admits, a little softer. a sprout of despair grows in her chest at the thought, grasping her attention for a vulnerable moment before she shakes it off. forcing a smile on her face, she tries to grind that nagging weed of hopelessness beneath her heel. "but i just have to remind myself that i'm doing my best! i'm just one girl, after all."[break][break] off the path, a mountain moves, its tree branches shuddering. it lumbers onto the gravel with a rumble that makes annalise stop in her tracks. she reaches for fenris's arm subconsciously, fingers stopping short of his skin as the torterra sets its eyes on her. it grumbles again, higher pitched. [break][break] "i think it's friendly?" she announces to fenris and his skarmory, her voice rising with uncertainty. another grumble, one she takes as an affirmation. emboldened, annalise steps away from her security detail, approaching the grass-type with slow, precise steps. it lets her reach out and touch the sleek nose of its beak. after a short interaction, she invites it into an empty poke ball. [break][break] "you think it liked my little ranger speech?" she asks over her shoulder at fenris, thumb running over the seal of the still poke ball clutched in her hand. [break][break] [attr="class","annalooc"] + grass / bug / flying [break]catching torterra :peepohugesmile: [attr="class","annalaccent"] [attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]
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