laying low [gym]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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november 17
stay at home son
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6'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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aaron faust DOLLARS
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aaron faust
laying low [gym]
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2022 20:08:01 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
aaron feels nervous.
his bullheadedness makes him foolish, but it also protects him from feeling pressure like this. gazing at the sign that says "Fortree Rescue & Treatment Sanctuary", he feels a persistent tingling in his fingertips that doesn't go away no matter how many times he clenches and unclenches his fists.[break][break]
he's spent the last months improving himself — hitting the (people) gym, practicing his survival skills with his pokemon, badgering other trainers for matches — but doubt needles at him now. this is why i don't do shit, he thinks, rubbing his forehead with the meat of his palm. [break][break]a weight shifts on his shoulder, a welcome distraction from his anxiety, followed by the crinkling of a wrapper. the annoyance that sparks in his chest chases away the shadows of self-doubt. 
"are you seriously eating my fucking protein bars right now?!" he reaches for the pikachu on his shoulder, but she digs tiny razor-sharp claws into his shirt and skitters across the navy material until she's clinging to his midback. aaron twists his arms uselessly, but she evades each desperate attempt to reclaim his gym match snack. with a defeated sigh, he growls, "fuck it."
irritation is an emotion he's more comfortable working with. he passes through the doorway of the rehab center, withering a bit as realization sinks its teeth into him again.
but fuck it, he's here, isn't he? and there's no way he's gonna go home and tell he backed out. 
"hey," he says once he reaches the receptionist desk. his pikachu creeps back onto his shoulder, pressing the tingly fur on her forehead against his jaw in support. "m'names aaron faust. i have a, uh, gym match appointment thing." 

[attr="class","annalooc"] +   pika is just a cheerleader 

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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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חקל דמא
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Alexei Ivanov
laying low [gym]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2022 15:44:44 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar


Well, surprise!

Alexei himself was at the receptionist’s desk; but at least there wasn’t any paperwork to be done—bless Ethan and Claire for getting all of that squared away.

“Ah, there you are,” he began as he looked up from the screen. “Was wondering if you got lost or something—I mean, not that you’ve got a bad sense of direction, but—” he backtracked a few moments afterward.

Geez, why were you so wound up today?! Ahem.

“You’re here for the traditional gym match, right?” he confirmed as he stood up and stretched his hands over his head.

At the sight of the Pikachu being a cute little jackass, he couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Damn, they’re always like that. My own Pikachu loves eating anything sweet when left unattended. You’re not alone there. Although, I can recommend a recipe for Pokétreats to feed them after our match is done,” he offered as he went over to the second door—the one that opened to the open-air outdoor arena out back.

“Come this way.”

Once he’d allowed the other enough time to go out towards the arena, he’d follow suit and close the door quietly behind him.

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november 17
stay at home son
6'3 height
6'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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aaron faust DOLLARS
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aaron faust
laying low [gym]
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2022 3:13:33 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
the face that peers up from the computer monitor looks a lot like . aaron quirks a brow as the man bounces between wondering if he got lost on the way and reassuring him that he wasn't assuming his sense of direction is bad. behind relaxed lips, he sets his tongue between his teeth in a herculean effort to not say something stupid back. worried about me or something? edges itself to the tip of his tongue. he swallows.
"sorry, man. i live all the way in lilycove," he thumbs the doorway behind him. "and i left a little later than i should've."
"yeah," he confirms, nodding his head. the tingle of anticipation returns to his fingers as alexei rises from his chair and stretches. shit. i'm really doing this.
aaron turns his head at the mention of his pikachu, catches a glimpse of yellow fur in the corner of his eye. alexei remarks that they're all like this, but he feels like his is some kind of karmic punishment, chaotic and all-consuming of any delicious treat within reach. [break][break]"shit, if it can fit in her mouth, she eats it." he runs his fingers through his hair, a defeated sigh hisses through his teeth. "but, fuck it, yeah, i'll take that recipe." [break][break]aaron faust? cook a damn thing beyond the blandest chicken and rice anyone on hoenn has ever seen? he supposes if he's going to run the gym circuit, his pokemon need to be in top form. and if the poketreats don't subdue his pikachu's appetite, she'll at least be too round to climb into the snack cabinet at home.
his eyes fix on the open-air arena that sprawls out beyond the open doors. a breeze rolls in through the doorway, tugging at his clothes. his mouth feels dry, but he's pretty sure it's the fortree air and definitely not the nerves hunkering down to stay. licking his lips, he steps out into the arena.
"yo, bro — this place is pretty sick!" on his belt, one of his poke balls begins to rattle. smoke squeezes dark fingers between the seal of the capsule, curling upward and dissipating. [break][break]"i-it's not a bomb," aaron says quickly, sounding suspiciously like a guy with a bomb, fumbling for the poke ball like it's a live grenade. "it's my charizard. she's just really fu— "
in a flash of light, charizard bursts from her capsule with an impassioned roar. [break][break]
"— excited to be here. uh ... i guess i'll let the other one out, too." charizard stretches her wings, straining her wingtips as far apart as possible before letting them fold in again. with a light toss, a second poke ball arcs through the air and splits open to release his xatu. [break][break]
charizard is a coiled spring, contrasted by the calm, unreadable stare xatu extends through her opponent.

[attr="class","annalooc"] + sorry this is long for no reason

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
fortree gym leader
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Alexei Ivanov
laying low [gym]
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2022 18:29:27 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

He appreciated the other didn’t even bother stopping his angry outburst when the Pikachu continued to eat through the other’s stash of energy bars—because honestly, why act all prim and proper when you could be raw and genuine?

That was what he appreciated about other people, especially those who didn’t need to filter themselves before speaking with him just because he had a position of power…

“I’ll give the recipe to you later,” he began once he saw a Charizard—rather similar to his own Ravana—suddenly burst out from the other man’s Pokéball due to sheer excitement.

“I like having the arena open air—obviously, because look at all the nature around us!”

The shadows of several flying avians darted past them; some circling overhead while others chose to settle themselves around the perches that were scattered here and there across the arena.

“I presume your Charizard is going to be my first opponent, then?”

Right then and there one of the other avians came barreling in, being followed by a bunch of equally-loud Pelipper—

Oh, boy.

“Well, Mike…” he said as he reached out to give the Pelipper a beak scratch, “he’s going to be your opponent today.”

He then walked across the arena before taking his place on the opposite side.

“You get first move!”

Pelipper is out on the field!

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november 17
stay at home son
6'3 height
6'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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aaron faust DOLLARS
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aaron faust
laying low [gym]
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2022 15:39:02 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
it slowly dawns on him that 2 v 2 is not a double battle. [break][break]
he opens his mouth, but the loud honk of a pelipper draws his attention away from . the bird swoops down to the gym leader's side to get some affection. aaron realizes, much more quickly than the 2 v 2, that this bird with the peculiarly human-like name is his opponent.
oh fuck.
aaron can feel the type disadvantage in his bones, but stuffing his charizard back into her poke ball would be an embarrassingly herculean task.
"uh ... yeeeah ... charizard." he finally answers. without reaction, his xatu pops out of existence with a teleport, reappearing behind her trainer. aaron's shoulder rocks as pikachu springs off him to go make faces at the stoic, now-spectating psychic-type.
charizard lashes her tail against the ground with a hard thud and a growl, eyes burning with eagerness as alexei comes to a stop at the other end of the arena. it takes every tensed muscle in her body not to start the battle prematurely — like a rapidash chomping at the bit before a race.
"okay, cool." aaron sounds unperturbed for someone who is very much perturbed. we just gotta get into it. he takes a breath. then we'll be gucci. "smokescreen."
the fire that burns in her throat makes her mouth fill with inky black smoke. it escapes between her teeth, curling its fingers over lip and snout. with a roar, it spills off her tongue, making the air thick and hazy.
aaron clears his throat, eyes irritated, and watches charizard disappear into the smokescreen with a powerful downbeat of her wings.
[attr="class","annalooc"] + i hope this is okay :3 

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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Alexei Ivanov
laying low [gym]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 17:22:09 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

And right then and there the battle began—with the Charizard setting up things with a screen of dust.

Smart opening move.

And that’s noted, he thought as Mike the Pelipper let out a loud squawk, flapping his wings once as his Drizzle ability came into play. A torrential downpour then began across the battlefield, the sunny skies above temporarily becoming dark and a muggy sort of gray.

He knew he was on a timer because the downpour wasn’t going to last forever, so…

The Pelipper then let rip right off the bat with a gale-force microburst of Hurricane winds, aiming to funnel the Smokescreen away and have the Charizard wide open for attacks.

Pelipper’s Drizzle ability activated! (1 / 5)

Pelipper used Hurricane!

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november 17
stay at home son
6'3 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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aaron faust DOLLARS
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aaron faust
laying low [gym]
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2022 16:59:33 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
aaron looks up as the sky darkens overhead. at first, he assumes the smokescreen has blotted out the sun, but no — a raindrop strikes his cheek, drawing the pads of his fingers to his face. the sudden, shitty weather reminds him of his fight with , though the jury's still out on whether rain or cold is worse.
the hurricane 's pelipper whips up turns dark as it pulls the smokescreen up into its column. charizard's cover is leached away, rolling off her orange, leathery hide as it's funneled into the wind. she's close, clearly closing in on what would have been an ambush attack before her position was revealed. she streaks forward to close the distance, the fire on her tail flaring up to compensate for the way mike's drizzle makes it flicker and shrink.[break][break]
blue flames lick at the corners of her mouth, a heartbeat of warning before a beam of dragon breath plumes out of an opened maw.
"yeaaaah!" a now-soaked aaron cheers from where he stands. behind him, his pikachu mimics the way he pumps his fist in the air. typical man — leaning hard into offense and aggression.
[attr="class","annalooc"] + the smokescreen is gone![break]charizard uses dragon breath!

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



[newclass=".annalluck"]margin:0px auto -10px; width:450px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-color:#2b2b2b; color:#ddd; text-align:justify; border-radius:5px; border:1px solid #232323; text-transform:lowercase; letter-spacing:0.2px; font:12px 'Roboto'; position:relative; overflow:hidden; z-index:1;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".milkcredit"]font-size:15px; position:absolute; z-index:99; top:0px; right:5px; border-radius:100px; color:var(--accent); } .milkcredit a { transition:0.5s all; color:#333!important; } .milkcredit a:hover { transition:0.5s all; color:var(--accent)!important; [/newclass]

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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חקל דמא
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Alexei Ivanov
laying low [gym]
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2022 14:09:30 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Mike, for that matter, let out a squawk of surprise as the draconic energy slammed into him from one side.

Due to the fact that the other had been so close under the shade from the earlier covering maneuver, the Pelipper barely had time to react, being sent off-course as the attack connected—but riding on the updrafts once again.

“Be careful out there, Mike!” was all he would shout from his side of the arena before the Pelipper flapped his wings again—and this time a powerful burst of torrential water shot out at hose-like speed came chasing after the Charizard—a Hydro Pump attack!

Pelipper’s Drizzle ability activated! (2 / 5)

Pelipper gets hit by the Dragon Breath attack, and used Hydro Pump!

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november 17
stay at home son
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6'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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aaron faust DOLLARS
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aaron faust
laying low [gym]
POSTED ON Sept 20, 2022 22:38:47 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
the noise on aaron's side of the arena is borderline annoying. jeering, cheering, praise — all intermingled with occasional, high-pitched, "pikaaa!"s. it must be working, though, because the beam of dragon breath lances the pelipper and sends him off his flight path. charizard gives no quarter as mike rises with an updraft, surging to meet him with a lash of her wings.
"oh shit, wai—!"
the second dragon breath is snuffed out before it can scorch the pelipper's feathers. the hydro pump strikes point-blank, buffeting her through the air. she tries to catch herself as the ground rushes up to meet her, wet wings snapping in a pitiful attempt to find a draft.
the platform trembles as she lands. aaron cringes, feeling the impact beneath his feet. after a moment, her eyes loll open with a low growl. she raises her head, snorts a defiant plume of smoke, but she has no energy left.
aaron recalls his charizard. without prompt, xatu blinks into existence in front of him. it's only then that aaron realizes he doesn't really know how deals with situations like this. is he supposed to keep beating up the pelipper? or is a new opponent going to be called out?
he guesses he'll find out one way or another.
[attr="class","annalooc"] + charizard is hit by hydro pump and faints![break]xatu is called out!

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[newclass=".annalluck"]margin:0px auto -10px; width:450px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-color:#2b2b2b; color:#ddd; text-align:justify; border-radius:5px; border:1px solid #232323; text-transform:lowercase; letter-spacing:0.2px; font:12px 'Roboto'; position:relative; overflow:hidden; z-index:1;[/newclass]

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
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POSTED ON Sept 22, 2022 10:06:16 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

The Hydro Pump was more than enough to knock the Charizard backwards—but combine it with the pouring rain, he was surprised to see it get thrown as far back as it had.

“Show some backbone, don’t give up right away!” he shouted from across the arena, hoping his voice would carry above the torrential rain as a Xatu took position on the other side of the field.

“Would you want to let your Charizard down? Definitely not, am I right?!”

Now, seeing as the Pelipper had already been battered by the earlier attack, one or two more attacks would do it in—while on the faster side of things, they were rather frail—unlike the rest of the other avians he had within the armada.

“Give me some of that fighting spirit you have! I can see it! he continued, as the Pelipper them moved in for a Wing Attack on the other avian.

Pelipper’s Drizzle ability activated! (3 / 5)

Pelipper used Wing Attack on Xatu!

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november 17
stay at home son
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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aaron faust
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POSTED ON Nov 5, 2022 22:30:28 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
across the arena, over the rain, cheers him on. it's a level of good sportsmanship that aaron could never hope to understand himself, but he feels motivated hearing it. [break][break]right, he thinks, brushing wet bangs off his forehead. i'll show you backbone!
"you don't gotta worry about us, bro!"
his voice carries over hissing rain.
"we're just getting started!"
and then, in a strategically lower voice, he hastily stumbles over a command for his xatu to dodge as the pelipper comes racing at them with a wing attack. the enigmatic bird remains a stock-still target until the last moment, spreading her wings and fluttering up and out of the way. [break][break]
aaron's face clouds with surprise. he didn't even know his xatu could actually fly — he's always just seen her stare at the sun and teleport around motionlessly and other weird psychic-type shit.
she twists her body to face mike, eyes unblinking, and flaps her wings at him to whip up a ghastly ominous wind.
[attr="class","annalooc"] + xatu dodges and uses ominous wind![break]
i'm so sorry for the delay aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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[newclass=".annalluck"]margin:0px auto -10px; width:450px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-color:#2b2b2b; color:#ddd; text-align:justify; border-radius:5px; border:1px solid #232323; text-transform:lowercase; letter-spacing:0.2px; font:12px 'Roboto'; position:relative; overflow:hidden; z-index:1;[/newclass]

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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
Mistralton, Unova
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Alexei Ivanov
laying low [gym]
POSTED ON Nov 12, 2022 15:56:00 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

And there it was.

The encouragement was what the other man needed—and while Mike veered ridiculously close to where the Xatu was, the other avian suddenly made a dodging gesture skyward before striking down with an Ominous Wind attack.

For one thing—Mike shared his propensity of being terrified of the supernatural with his human companion. And another good to know?

He was just as scared shitless as Alexei was when it came to the unknown!

A loud squawking noise cut through the rain before the Pelipper was finally sent crashing down to the muddy ground—but a red beam of light saved him from becoming a seagull pancake.

Due to the weather, he’d fumbled another one of the Pokéballs he was carrying with him, and instead of pulling out what he wanted to send out against the Xatu, another much smaller Pokémon appeared—

A Masquerain.

Bit of a departure from the norm, but it had big-ass wings so it could be spotted easily as it came in screaming with an Aqua Jet attack!

Pelipper’s Drizzle ability activated! (4 / 5)

Pelipper is hit by Ominous Wind and is sent crashing toward the ground!

Masquerain is now out on the field and opens fire with an Aqua Jet attack!

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november 17
stay at home son
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aaron faust
laying low [gym]
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2023 2:05:41 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
wait — xatu is actually cooking right now. [break][break]aaron gapes as the ominous wind knocks 's pelipper out of the sky, eyes following the bird's downward spiral until it's swallowed up by red light. beneath the cover of slick rain, aaron hardly registers the masquerain or the aqua jet it rides in on. [break][break]
but xatu has already seen it, calculated the risks, and decided not to move out of the way. all she does is brace against the strike, tiny wings fluttering as the arena spins and she tries to right herself again.
"oh shit!" [break][break]aaron finally sees the masquerain. his mind races down xatu's known moves, ready to min-max like a smogon sweatlord.
"kick its ass! heat wave!"
the drizzle hisses into steam as a heat wave pulses out of the psychic-type, searing the air around her.
[attr="class","annalooc"] + xatu is hit by aqua jet and uses heat wave![break]

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[newclass=".annalluck"]margin:0px auto -10px; width:450px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-color:#2b2b2b; color:#ddd; text-align:justify; border-radius:5px; border:1px solid #232323; text-transform:lowercase; letter-spacing:0.2px; font:12px 'Roboto'; position:relative; overflow:hidden; z-index:1;[/newclass]

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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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חקל דמא
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Alexei Ivanov
laying low [gym]
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2023 10:08:17 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

The rain was petering out—it was the last turn of the downpour, and while the weather dampened the effect of the incoming attack somewhat it still struck the tiny little target true.

A loud, angry buzzing noise came from the Masquerain and Alexei whistled sharply, exactly once, and the skittering little dual-type backed away—singed but still otherwise able to fight before vibrating the tiny little wings it flew on as fast as possible—so fast that it became a little blur.

A potent Bug Buzz hummed through the air as the Masquerain charged forward; causing Alexei himself to clap his hands over his ears because the noise was incredibly high-pitched and really distracting.

Gah, that’s loud! he thought as he closed his eyes for a bit to hide the wince that was threatening to escape him as the little dual-type went full-throttle on the Bug-type attack it threw at the Xatu.

Pelipper’s Drizzle ability will fade next turn! (5 / 5)

Masquerain takes a hit from the Heat Wave, but backs away and charges forward at the signal and brings down hell (as much as it can anyway) with a loud, potent Bug Buzz attack on the Xatu!

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november 17
stay at home son
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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aaron faust
laying low [gym]
POSTED ON Mar 25, 2023 8:19:36 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
the rain begins to let up, but the damage has already been done — aaron and his pikachu look like a pair of drowned rats on the other side of the arena. through dripping bangs, he watches the heat wave ripple out and strike the masquerain.
he cheers for his xatu, but his voice is soon drowned out by the ugliest sound. like , his hands snap up to cover his ears. [break][break]
"bro, what the — !" he grits his teeth as the sound bleeds between closed fingers. beside him, his pikachu tugs her ears down, one clutched in each paw.
there's nothing his xatu can do except teleport out of the arena, he thinks, but that would probably disqualify him.
[break][break]"brace for it!"[break][break]
the xatu's eyes squeeze shut as the onslaught washes over her. it's the closest thing aaron has seen to her being in pain. his fists clench at his sides.
there's no fucking way i lose this.
his match with taught him an important lesson: spamming one attack is a completely valid strategy. why be creative or tactical or anything like that when you can just press the same button over and over?
"heat wave!"
xatu flaps her wings, kicking up another gust of searing wind.

[attr="class","annalooc"] + xatu is hit by bug buzz and uses heat wave![break]

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