A Dead Job Misson 1

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Day Dreamer
He his him, Day Dreamer
twenty eight
October 22
Golden Rod
Pokemon Ranger
Elite Ranger (OOC)
6"00 height
6"00 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ghostx
ghost fireheart
A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2022 3:37:59 GMT
ghost fireheart Avatar

It was a good day, to say the least as the sun was shining brightly. Ghost decided he would lay outdoors for the night as per usual. With his most trusted and powerful Pokemon Roc Royal The Salemence. A very powerful dragon type and one to be known to take on anything that comes its way. Ghost tends to sleep on his back from time to time. Such is the case when Roc was in his first stage of Bagon. He pretty much used Ghost as a pillow. As He prepared himself for the day. He would start to get ready. Grabbing all his gear and his special camera of all things. You see Ghost loved to take pictures of amazing things. This was hard proof of him witnessing the unseen.
Just as he was finishing up putting his Ranger jacket on. Rocky The Galarian Farfetched would appear.
As Ghost gave a smile and waved at him he would say to Rocky. "Thanks for your hard work last night. It saved us a bunch of time. You truly are a powerful warrior like none other." With a smile on Rocky face, he would give off a brave boy stance.

As the trio was now all back together Ghost would be at the bottom of a mountain wat point just west of route 110. As he returned the two to their respective poke balls. He would yawn and start to head on his way. "I wonder what today will hold for me and mine? We could really use a chance to improve on a few things." He would say with an upbeat yet kinda sad tone of pace as he was walking back towards Route 110.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2022 5:54:57 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
TO: Josh Devlin (josh.devlin@hoennleague.gov)
CC: (ghost.fireheart@hoennrangers.gov)
MISSION: "No Yodeling Allowed"
PROTOCOL: Search-and-Rescue
DANGER: ★★☆☆☆

A twelve-year-old boy and his Absol have gone missing in the Slateport Hills area west of Route 110. He is around 5'2", around 125 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes. He was last seen wearing blue slacks and a white tee. The two were last seen on the southeast side of the mountain, up the river feeding Littleroot Bay. His Absol's Poké Ball is broken, and will need to be transported manually.

Your mission is to rescue the young boy and his Absol and ensure they get to Slateport City safely. While we are unable to obtain exact coordinates due to insufficient signal strength, we were successful in triangulating the boy's coordinates within a one mile radius. Please see attached local area map for the radius' central coordinates.

Good luck! We're all counting on you.

After all the rough missions Josh had to go through with , , and , it felt great to be able to go back to the basics for a simple Search-and-Rescue with little potential for complications. There was not a cloud in the sky, with almost no wind, and the temperature was almost ideal. The job didn't pay very well, but it was right for the level of risk he took on. The real risk was in Josh's choice of mount. He was surveying Route 110 from the back of Kokusho, his Hydreigon. While the three-headed dragon was better behaved than most of his kind, that wasn't saying a lot.

The six-winged Pokémon was proving to be a headache to control, each of his three heads independently tugging at the complex set of reins Josh held in his hand. He couldn't even take his hands off them to look at his phone; controlling the proud creature required a firm hold with both his hands at all times. Josh could feel his mount pulling on him with every turn, his skin tingling with every turn the Hydreigon made.

As the two surveyed the foothills, a man matching the physical description of the coworker he was assigned for the mission came into view. "Come on, Kokusho, let's land. Gently." While it was gentle by Hydreigon standards, the descent was far from smooth by Josh's. The two touched down, the red-uniformed Ranger greeting Ghost with a wave, a visible red mark on each of his hands from how hard Kokusho was pulling the reins. "...Ghost?" he asked for confirmation he had the right Ranger. Twin sheaths containing his Doublade, Yagyu, hung from his hips.

{WC: 438}
{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Yosei         Salamence      Good
Twilight      Absol          Good
Ares          Charizard      Good
Bladestorm    Skarmory       Good
Kokusho       Hydreigon      Good
Yagyu         Doublade       Good
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played by


Day Dreamer
He his him, Day Dreamer
twenty eight
October 22
Golden Rod
Pokemon Ranger
Elite Ranger (OOC)
6"00 height
6"00 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ghostx
ghost fireheart
A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2022 8:04:48 GMT
ghost fireheart Avatar
As he was walking he was starting to think on whether he ride Roc back to the city or not. But from the looks of it, he was truly set on taking to the sky. As he held his hand up to watch the clouds through his fingers. Just as he did that he would soon notice that a large shadow was overhead. As he looked up he would take a few steps back and see a Hydreigon descending upon him. Ghost would quickly roll over to not be crushed by it.
As from his point of view that was going to happen to him.
As he did that he would start to notice that someone was riding on the back of the said Pokemon. "Wow a rocket member trying to ambush me. I don't think so, they are not the only ones who tamed a dragon type, and a freaking Hydreigon at that. Now that takes some true skills to do."

Just then he would hear that his name was being called and to his shock, he would see the dragon type land and with a Ranger on the back of it. Suddenly, he would be calmer and more relaxed as he would then reply to the question of whether was that his name or not. " Maybe?.... Who wants to know?" He wasn't being smart mouth or anything but it's not every day that someone comes out the sky and says your name. Ghost always be on point when it comes to this kind of things.

NAME            SPECIES          STATUS 
Roc Royal.     Salamence.     Good
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2022 16:41:18 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
With a name like Ghost, which Josh thought couldn't have been the man's real first name, being not as forthcoming as he would have liked came as no surprise. There was nothing wrong with a pseudonym, though! His old racing rival, , went by a pseudonym, after all!

Ghost's defensive reaction to Kokusho did not surprise Josh one bit. After all, the entire evolutionary line, even Deino, were some of the most naturally aggressive Pokémon around. Josh hung the three-headed Pokémon's reins at the end of the saddle before dismounting; unlike with the rest of his Pokémon, there were two hooks instead of one to accommodate their unusual with due to his three sets of halters. Kokusho's three pairs of eyes shifted rapidly and warily, looking for a wild Pokémon to pounce.

Provided Ghost would confirm that Josh had the correct person, the tenured Ranger would introduce himself. "Senior Ranger Devlin or Gym Leader Devlin, but I go by Josh. Great to meet you. I understand that I'll be working with you to find a lost boy and his Absol. Did you review the RangerNet briefing? They've got it triangulated down to about a mile." Now that he didn't have his hands full controlling a dragon that rode like a wild Pokémon, he could check his phone and load the email attachment showing the radius. "It's a lot of area to cover. You have a few flying Pokémon? If not, I've got you covered."

{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Yosei         Salamence      Good
Twilight      Absol          Good
Ares          Charizard      Good
Bladestorm    Skarmory       Good
Kokusho       Hydreigon      Good
Yagyu         Doublade       Good
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played by


Day Dreamer
He his him, Day Dreamer
twenty eight
October 22
Golden Rod
Pokemon Ranger
Elite Ranger (OOC)
6"00 height
6"00 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ghostx
ghost fireheart
A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2022 21:18:15 GMT
ghost fireheart Avatar
This was odd for him as the man came down off his Pokemon. Ghost realizes by law if he was a Ranger then he would outrank him. On that note, he did not check the Ranger net. So he did not know he had a mission to complete. But he could not let this guy know he did not know he had a mission to do. As he would then reply to him again. "Yeah, I am Pokemon Ranger Ghost FireHeart. But if we go by two titles I am also Pokemon Chaser Ghost.
This mission I did see it and was wondering when you were going to show up. But seems you came more prepared than I assumed." As he asked him did he have any flying types he would put a smile on his face. " I do Senior Ranger Devlin but the thing is. Roc Royal my flyer is all tired out and is resting for the moment. So for the time being I am walking to get the job done."

As he said that he would look on at the RangerNet briefing via his phone email. As he read over everything he was still listening out to the other Ranger just in case he would say something. But then in the best of the moment with a serious yet friendly tone, he would say, "If you got a spare I can ride that would be swell If anything I tamed a Salamence after all. But Roc doesn't like me riding other ones so yeah." He would say with a smile.

NAME              SPECIES.          STATUS
Roc Royal.      Salamence.      Good
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2022 16:47:45 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"Pokémon Chaser?" Josh asked. "You might call me one of those, too." The Mauville Leader looked frazzled for a few seconds, conflicted about whether to share the subject of his chase with Ghost. If he was a Ranger and tamed a Salamence, then he could probably be trusted. The words of rang in his head, giving him second thoughts. Plus, he still had suspicions about a mole in the Rangers. Anyone could be the one. As much as it pained him, Josh kept his dream about Raikou to himself.

"No need to be formal with me, Ghost! Josh is fine," he reiterated. "No big deal! We're a long way from Slateport or Mauville, so it would make sense for your Pokémon to be tired." As a Pokémon racer, Josh's entire squad was built to handle ferrying people around. Perhaps more than a little faster most people were comfortable going, but minor details. He would want to have the other flying Pokémon out and about to help with the search, anyway.

Josh undid the snaps covering three of the Poké Balls on his belt, calling forth the three other flying Pokémon within: Yosei the Salamence, who immediately edged toward Ghost and looked eager for flight; Ares the Charizard, whose tail flame burned bright and tall; and Bladestorm the Skarmory, whose eyes shifted for a poor wild Pokémon to rend his talons through. "These three are Yosei, Ares, and Bladestorm," he introduced the flying Pokémon, all of which were in full riding gear, much like the Hydreigon...except much simpler to control. "You're welcome to Kokusho, my Hydreigon, as well, but he can be...a handful." The black dragon's three heads tilted toward Ghost, excited for a new friend to challenge.

{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Yosei         Salamence      Good
Twilight      Absol          Good
Ares          Charizard      Good
Bladestorm    Skarmory       Good
Kokusho       Hydreigon      Good
Yagyu         Doublade       Good
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played by


Day Dreamer
He his him, Day Dreamer
twenty eight
October 22
Golden Rod
Pokemon Ranger
Elite Ranger (OOC)
6"00 height
6"00 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
316 posts
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TAG WITH @ghostx
ghost fireheart
A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2022 18:36:44 GMT
ghost fireheart Avatar
As he looked on at Josh he was assured he could just call him by his given name. But soon Ghost would zone out as Josh said he could be called a Chaser as well. This only had him wonder what legend was he after. Everyone has their own reason to chase a certain Pokemon.
Soon enough he would see Josh bring out three more Pokemon besides the one he was already riding. To which he would point something out to him. "Each one of these Pokemon you have tamed and trained is indeed proof of how skilled you are and for them to allow me to ride upon them shows even more respect they have for you and it may not mean much I truly thank you for that. When people take care of their Pokemon it brings me great joy you know." As he started to scan the pokemon he would want to ride upon. Ghost would reach his hand out and then he would close his eyes and would start to move.

As he open his eyes he would be standing in front of the one known as Bladestorm. "If your Pokemon would allow it then the Skarmory Known as Blade Storm would be my choice for the recuse." As he looked over he would wait on Josh to grant it.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2022 20:21:35 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
If Ghost had been to Mauville Gym since passed the Gym to Josh, it would be obvious which legendary Pokémon he would be chasing. There was no closing that Pandora's Box though; it was clear that no matter what the vector was, Josh's desire to meet Raikou was known. The level of devotion he had to the cause, and on just what level he was willing to submit to the Beast was something he kept close to his heart, but at this point he was at least known among Rangers as the one who chased Raikou.

"Thanks so much," Josh humbly accepted Ghost's compliment. "Not enough trainers understand that. As Mauville's Gym Leader, I want to teach every one of my challengers and regulars how important it is to care for each and every one of your Pokémon. I want to make every single one of mine feel important." Of course, with the large collection of Pokémon Josh needed to maintain for his Gym, he would need to defer some of that responsibility to his Gym Trainers. He did truly care about each and every Pokémon on his team, and while it was impossible to give all of them as much as attention as he would have liked, the Gym was a great outlet for them to run, swim, or fly playfully.

The Skarmory looked excited to take to the air with Ghost as a guest rider. "Bladestorm can get a bit aggressive, but he's reliable. If you can handle it, he loves diving." The Skarmory sounded a metallic screech of approval. "Hop on, hold his reins, and control him like you would any other flying Pokémon. Now, let's get in the air and find us a boy and his Absol." With that, Josh mounted his Hydreigon once more, grunting at the dark-type's powerful ascent. Josh's other dragons scattered, keeping their eyes open for the lost one.

{PC: 4}

NAME           SPECIES         STATUS
Yosei          Salamence       Good
Twilight       Absol           Good
Ares           Charizard       Good
Bladestorm     Skarmory        Good
Kokusho        Hydreigon       Good
Yagyu          Doublade        Good
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played by


Day Dreamer
He his him, Day Dreamer
twenty eight
October 22
Golden Rod
Pokemon Ranger
Elite Ranger (OOC)
6"00 height
6"00 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ghostx
ghost fireheart
A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2022 4:17:04 GMT
ghost fireheart Avatar
Ghost would be all set to go for the next mission. This kid had to be found and hopefully sooner than later. As Ghost looked at the large flying steel Pokemon that was Skarmory. He would slowly walk up to Bladestorm. As he held his hand out and took to account what his trainer just told him. Ghost would start to try and feel his aura. "So far so good BladeStorm. My name is Ghost and if you do not mind. I need your help today and it's important. You see a kid and his Pokemon went missing and it is up to us to go find him. May I catch a ride with you?"

As he said that the Skarmory would start to let out a battle cry. Almost as if he was agreeing with Ghost. Who would slowly but surely climb on the back of him. As he placed his hand on the back of the Flying Pokemon he would then say "Thank you for trusting me. " Looking back at Josh Ghost would take to the skies as he started the mission.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2022 17:17:07 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
While Ghost could tell the trust between he and Bladestorm were tenuous at best, the large Skarmory trusted Josh's judgment that the guest was a competent enough rider to fully control him. Blatant about the way he was going to test Ghost, he was picking up altitude fast. Every stroke of his powerful, metallic wings may have felt like the two were being flung higher into the air.

The much more heavyset Hydreigon simply could not keep up. Kokusho was one of Josh's slower dragon Pokémon, but was nothing short of brutal in combat, with the stamina to keep going for far longer than almost any other Pokémon on his team. Consequently, he could fly for very long distances without tiring. He was almost like the flying counterpart to Nitro, the Mauville Leader's Gogoat, in that regard.

Josh reined the Hydreigon around the outer edge of the radius specified in the briefing, keeping a fairly low altitude while looking for signs of the boy and his Absol. His Pokémon's left and center head obeyed Josh's command, though the right head was distacted by a Stantler foal his brutal, predatory instincts wanted to make a meal out of. The Leader tugged back with his right hand. "Not now!" Josh shouted, exhaling. This made him want to put outside blinders on the left and right heads when riding.

Meanwhile, with Bladestorm and Ghost high in the air, well above the guest rider's detailed vision of the mountainside, the Metal Menace entered a dive. The blades beneath the leading edge of his wings started humming like a resonating series of turning forks, building up compressed air that would typically be released in the form of a destructive AIR CUTTER. This was not to attack, though; this was a test of the rider's grit to try to earn his full trust.

{PC: 5}

NAME            SPECIES          STATUS
Yosei           Salamence        Good
Twilight        Absol            Good
Ares            Charizard        Good
Bladestorm      Skarmory         Good
Kokusho         Hydreigon        Good
Yagyu           Doublade         Good
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played by


Day Dreamer
He his him, Day Dreamer
twenty eight
October 22
Golden Rod
Pokemon Ranger
Elite Ranger (OOC)
6"00 height
6"00 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ghostx
ghost fireheart
A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2022 23:15:26 GMT
ghost fireheart Avatar
The air up above was something in itself. He was use to being this high up in the sky. He domride on the strongest dragon type to not be a legendary. But as he braced himself for the drop that Blade Storm did. He would hang on type as it started to spin around and what not. Ghost would see air come around his wings and looked on. To see the air cutter getting flung out. Ghost would let out a loud yell out of exicment. "Wow that was some power you have there Bladestorm. I bet not many could keèp going after getting hit with that. But listen up. I need you to stay focused on yhe task at hand. Slow it down as I need to scan the area a bit mode. But your speed is something else it's nothing short of amazing BladeStorm."

Just as he said that he would see something up close it was a Absol and it would roaring at them. "Could it be maybe just maybe. "As he would then cut on his phone to ring Josh. He would then say to him. "I see a Abosl up ahead. It might be the one we looking for I truly hope so."

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 2:11:07 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The steel-type released his destructive AIR CUTTER as he pulled up, slicing a few trees in two and even displacing rock around the points of impact. Ghost may have felt the sensation of his weight being multiplied, pushing him into the saddle hard. Ghost's remarks were understandable; while the dive was fun for the Skarmory, they did need to stay on task. The Metal Menace fully relinquished control to Ghost, the guest rider able to take full manual control with his reins.

As Josh and Kokusho wheeled around, he received a comms message from Ghost. "Cadet Ghost, this is Senior Ranger Devlin, hear you loud and clear." He listened to his partner relay the Absol's location. "Great work. Kokusho and I are on the way. Stand by, over." With that, Josh squeezed his legs against the Hydreigon's tough scales, and they slowly accelerated. Hydreigon were not very fast, but did they ever have destructive power. The slower speed made finding their target easier, too. "There it is, Kokusho. Let's look for the boy and get them out of here." With that, the two descended to approach the Absol.

{WC: 188}
{PC: 6}

NAME             SPECIES           STATUS
Yosei            Salamence         Good
Twilight         Absol             Good
Ares             Charizard         Good
Bladestorm       Skarmory          Good
Kokusho          Hydreigon         Good
Yagyu            Doublade          Good
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played by


Day Dreamer
He his him, Day Dreamer
twenty eight
October 22
Golden Rod
Pokemon Ranger
Elite Ranger (OOC)
6"00 height
6"00 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
316 posts
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TAG WITH @ghostx
ghost fireheart
A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2022 22:35:03 GMT
ghost fireheart Avatar
Ghost would look on to see Josh landing on that gave him the sign to follow suit. As BladeStorm would see this as well. He would squeeze onto the steel-type sides. That was a way to let him know to slow down and to let up as the duo started to go down. As he descended slowly toward the duo. The Absol would take off running. As Ghost saw this he would hop off of Bladestorm. Ghost would look to the mighty steel and flying type and then would say to him. " Thank you for allowing me to take passage on your wings. My new friend but there is still more to do." 
As he said that he would look on as he yelled out. "Josh up ahead you hear that I hear a male voice." 

If they listened closely they would in fact hear someone screaming for help. As Ghost would start to run towards the sound. Soon enough he would see the Absol and he would be standing over a cliff a small one and the boy was stuck down there. He was stuck in what appeared to be mud. "Josh you wouldn't happen to have a water type on you do you?"

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2022 5:47:10 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
While squeezing Bladestorm's sides would normally be a command to speed up, the Skarmory was also very intelligent, like most Pokémon were. He knew to follow his trainer's lead. Josh watched the two circle downward toward the Absol, the Metal Menace landing and letting Ghost dismount. The Leader swooped Kokusho in for a low flight, preferring to stay in the saddle. His Hydreigon's six wings letting him hover, unlike many other winged dragons that could not do so.

Josh felt the sharp recoil of all three of his mount's heads against the reins as they fired a warning FLASH CANNON well wide of the Absol. "Kokusho, this is serious! I need you to behave, please!" With a shake of his heads, the dark-type beat his wings hard twice, flicking his back up and down in a rough flailing motion. "Ow!" Josh yelped as the snap of the bucking motion coursed through him.

With Ghost's and the wild Absol's guidance, it did not take Josh long to locate the boy...and he was in peril. The young one had survived a mudslide by hiding behind a thick, rocky outcropping, but the mod had pooled around him, leaving him stuck. "Unfortunately I don't have a water Pokémon here," the Senior Ranger answered. "The briefing never said anything about a mudslide, or I'd have come more prepared. I'll have to try airlifting him out. Ares, you're up!" The Charizard emerged from his Poké Ball and immediately saw the young one at risk, flying toward him. "Hey!" the Ranger shouted toward the trapped one, unable to get particularly close due to the breadth of the disaster area. "Grab my Charizard's claw! He'll try to pull you out of the mud!"

{WC: 288}
{PC: 7}

NAME           SPECIES         STATUS
Yosei          Salamence       Good
Twilight       Absol           Good
Ares           Charizard       Good
Bladestorm     Skarmory        Good
Kokusho        Hydreigon       Good
Yagyu          Doublade        Good
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played by


Day Dreamer
He his him, Day Dreamer
twenty eight
October 22
Golden Rod
Pokemon Ranger
Elite Ranger (OOC)
6"00 height
6"00 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
316 posts
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TAG WITH @ghostx
ghost fireheart
A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2022 23:12:30 GMT
ghost fireheart Avatar
Ghost would look on and be fully disclosure as to what was going on. He had to keep it together or else this could end badly. As he looked on and saw Josh's choice of Pokemon. It wasn't a bad pick. But if not careful the boy could be hurt. It was the mud that was the real problem and all that. Ghost needed a way to lift this stuff. He did not have any water types himself. But he did have a psychic type and she was all he had at the moment. "Josh we need to work together to lift the boy. You see the mud is sticking him to the ground and most likely he is being crushed by it. If we are not careful this poor little guy could end up in more pain than not. 
I have an idea but it needs to be done extremely carefully if not we will have a real problem on our hands." 

Just then he would call out his Ralts. "Okay, Yara it's up to you. Use your psychic to lift the area around the boy. But please you must do it with care." Just as he said that Yara would get into action as she looked at the light ring would start to form. As she started to lift the boy toward Josh fire type. Josh, please have the Charizard use his wings to knock the mud off the young boy. I say this because he is extremely slippery at the moment and if your Pokemon grab hold of him and he slips it could be bad. But please make it fast Yara is not doing too great." 

As he said that he would look and see the Asbol was hurt as well and Ghost could tell the duo could have been attacked.

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