A Dead Job Misson 1

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2022 18:20:48 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Admittedly, a Charizard was not the greatest choice for a mudslide rescue. Their clumsy flight made gradually lifting the victim difficult. It was the best he had, though; Bladestorm's talons were sharp as swords, and the risk of a nasty cut would be too high. The other dragons on his team were unreliable, as well; simply too wet behind the ears. Ares was his best and most reliable Pokémon for the job.

"Got it!" Josh confirmed. Charizard weren't the best at blowing air around with their wings, but it would have to do. "Can you lift your hands for me? Ares here is going to try to dry them off with his wings before picking you up," the Ranger asked, the young man complying with his request. The victim closed his eyes as powerful gusts of wind created from Ares harshly flapping his big wings blew over him, It took a bit of doing, but he was at least able to get the mud a little more dry. Ares' wingbeats simply weren't powerful enough to completely dislodge the mud.

Working together, Yara was able to lift the boy out of the mud far enough to reach the low-flying Charizard's extended claw. With a heave that made both Josh and the scared child flinch, he was successfully airlifted onto solid ground near his Absol, though with moderate pain in his legs. He dismounted his Pokémon and sat down next to his Dark-type companion, Josh joining him. "Are you alright?" he asked in worry.

{WC: 254}
{PC: 8}

NAME           SPECIES         STATUS
Yosei          Salamence       Good
Twilight       Absol           Good
Ares           Charizard       Good
Bladestorm     Skarmory        Good
Kokusho        Hydreigon       Good
Yagyu          Doublade        Good
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Day Dreamer
He his him, Day Dreamer
twenty eight
October 22
Golden Rod
Pokemon Ranger
Elite Ranger (OOC)
6"00 height
6"00 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ghost fireheart
A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2022 21:56:36 GMT
ghost fireheart Avatar
"Alright now that's what I am talking about. We make a pretty good team. The kid seems to be in good condition, given what he just went through and his Absol well we can handle that now can't we Yara." Ghost would smile at Yara as she shook her head in agreement and the next thing next the Kirlia would go over to the dark type and then use her heal pulse on him. 
Well then as he looked on all was well and the mission was complete. 

"Josh we did it, anyone of you wouldn't  happen to need a heal pulse as well now would you." He would start to laugh. As he went into his phone and then the Ranger Network to deliver the news of finding the boy in one piece and was doing well. The duo of Josh and Ghost was one to ne amazed at. 

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,875 posts
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Josh Devlin
A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 17:01:59 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The Kirlia's HEAL PULSE had eased the victims' pain. While the young man had an Absol of his own, the specimen was too small for him to mount. The Pokémon was in good enough shape to walk, but the trainer was not. Luckily, he had his own solution. Josh withdrew the remainder of his Pokémon, except for Ares, and sent out his Absol, Twilight, her head tilted toward her fellow, smaller Pokémon. "Hop right on! We'll head back to town together and get you and your Absol patched right up." The younger trainer's eyes lit up, gratefully thanking the Senior Ranger. Twilight crouched, letting the guest mount up and take the jet-black reins into his hands.

Pokémon healing, while putting a great deal of stress on the user, was invaluable. It had made it possible for the young trainer to make it back to safety without too much trouble. "And that's a job well done," Josh replied. "You're a pleasure to work with, Ghost. I look forward to working with you more. Keep me in mind!" Once the duo were patched up, Ghost offered Josh a second wave of his Kirlia's restoration. "I'm unharmed. Just a little tired is all."

Josh climbed on Ares' back and had the fire-type reptile maintain low flight that his Absol could keep up with. It looked like the short man was having a great time, his own Absol running alongside Twilight. "Alright, let's get these two back to Slateport. Then I need to go back to Mauville HQ and give my situation report. Only then can we call it Mission Complete." With that, the two were able to fulfill their duty without further incident. He had received an email about some delicious fruit cakes being given away at HQ. Perhaps something there would tickle his fancy!

{WC: 306}
{PC: 9}

NAME           SPECIES         STATUS
Yosei          Salamence       Good
Twilight       Absol           Good
Ares           Charizard       Good
Bladestorm     Skarmory        Good
Kokusho        Hydreigon       Good
Yagyu          Doublade        Good
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October 13
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A Dead Job Misson 1
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2022 7:20:18 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!



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