july 4
mauville city
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
suneater [mp]
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2022 8:46:09 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","annal"] [attr="class","annalluck"] [attr="class","annalpostbody"] annalise tries to stumble away from the springtide storm, but the fairy winds pick her up and toss her into the dirt. she lands on her side with a grunt, air stolen from her lungs, and rolls to a stop on her back. "fuck," is all she can manage to get out, breathless. [break][break] she puts a hand to her chest and feels her heartbeat beneath her fingertips. experimentally, she lifts her hand and watches the red dye on her fingers mix with the rain and run pink streams down through the creases of her palm. she's alive, at least, which means she has to keep going. [break][break] then the ground rumbles beneath her, prompting her to push herself upright with what little adrenaline-powered strength remains. lugia cuts an impressive (and terrifying) figure as she stands over her avatar, guarding him from annalise and the shambles of her team. [break][break] and those shambles come to her side, both worse for wear. her volcarona had used quiver dance to skirt the springtide storm, but the other attacks had left her with visible damage. her altaria hops beside her with a determined cry, wounded by the springtide storm. [break][break] annalise knows cotton candy would die for her, here and now, but she needs her to focus her energy elsewhere. drawing this battle out any longer will kill all three of them, so it's time to call a retreat back to illeana reyes to recover. or find Greyson Connors , she thinks, wishful, before casting the idea aside. she doesn't want him to see her like this. [break][break] "cotton candy," annalise whispers, trembling from cold rain and blood loss. "to illeana."[break][break] and to her volcarona: "distract. please."[break][break] another hurricane is whipped up in Cillian Quinn and lugia's path, but it's a diversion so annalise can slip herself over her altaria's back. with a rough, hobbling takeoff, the dragon-type gets them off the ground and starts flying away. volcarona starts to flit off after them. [break][break] [attr="class","annalooc"] + tldr [break] + volcarona uses quiver dance to dodge![break] + annalise is hit by springtide storm![break] + altaria is hit by springtide storm![break] + annalise decides she doesnt want to get destroyed by angry lugia[break] + volcarona uses hurricane to distract lugia and Cillian Quinn so they can make their escape pog[break] + +10 (ic post) = 100 mp [attr="class","annalaccent"] [attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]
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