PFL Playoffs: Goldenrod @ Heahea [PUB][C/Alex]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
PFL Playoffs: Goldenrod @ Heahea [PUB][C/Alex]
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2023 6:06:01 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Can you blame them? The pressure’s getting to ‘em, so they’re going to slip up… sometimes I’m grateful the game’s quiet because nothing much is going on, if I’m being honest,” he added with a quiet chuckle.

The topic then went to the race he was a part of last year, and he hid his face in his hands.

“Ugh, don’t remind me, I was doing alright in the beginning but then somehow, I kind of fucked up and slipped all the way to the back… it’s a miracle I didn’t finish dead last you know?!” he groaned as the mental flashbacks floated to the forefront of his mind’s eye.

At the mention of looking for fast Legendary Pokémon to ride, well, that suddenly brought the spotlight to him back again.

“Well, you may not believe what happened, but…”

He then looked around and made sure nobody was listening in before uttering the next words.

“I have a Tornadus. But he’s unnaturally quiet. It’s not… it wasn’t the same one as the one I’ve been secretly meeting so…”

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
PFL Playoffs: Goldenrod @ Heahea [PUB][C/Alex]
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2023 6:33:02 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh had a way to cheer Alex up about racing, though. "So I've been in talks with the Pokémon Racing Federation of Hoenn. They want the opening race of the season this year to be an aerial race. And I can't think of a better place to hold it than your Gym. Would you be open to hosting a race at your Gym? I think it would be a better place than my own Gym."

Josh's jaw dropped when he heard the Birdfather had been blessed with a legendary Pokémon. "Tornadus, wow," he gasped. "Another super fast legendary Pokémon. We'll need to set up a date and time to go riding together." His mind wandered as Heahea's offense marched ever close to the end zone. "Could you imagine it? Raikou and Tornadus racing. Let's say by some miracle, there's another Raikou out there in Hoenn. How amazing would that be? I think they'd be competitive with one another."

Josh got so lost in the conversation that he didn't even notice Heahea's quarterback had connected in the end zone to take the lead, though there was a flag on the play after the receiver spiked the ball extremely hard into the end zone and causing it to bounce into the stands. The back judge and referee convened with one another before the latter delivered the announcement.

"The result of the play is a touchdown. After the play was over, Unsportsmanlike Conduct - Taunting, number 20, offense. The 15-yard penalty will be applied to the subsequent kickoff."

3rd QTR 3:48
HEA 10

{WC: 257}
{PC: 9}

NAME           SPECIES         STATUS
Saber          Manectric       Good
Ares           Charizard       Good
Snacker        Sharpedo        Good
Nitro          Gogoat          Good
Janus          Espeon          Good
Kokusho        Hydreigon       Good
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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
PFL Playoffs: Goldenrod @ Heahea [PUB][C/Alex]
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2023 7:09:14 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

At the mention of another race being hosted, and this time it was going to be an aerial race, he looked up.

“You better save me a spot, I’m entering and I’m not going to hold back—considering that the air is my forte, you know this,” he went on quietly, although there was a shit-eating grin on his face as he said those words.

“I gotta defend my home turf, so to speak,” he continued with another cackle.

The moment little Josh realized just what he’d gotten, he shook his head a little bit.

“See, it’s not the same as the other I was talking with, over the past year or so,” he went on, taking another handful of fries and shoveling it into his mouth to keep himself busy. Once he was done with the salty treat, he continued.

“I’ve been trying to get this one to talk to me, but for some reason he isn’t. It’s… strange. Like, you know he’s there, but at the same time you can’t tell what they’re thinking of? I… I really want to be able to talk to Tornadus—well, it’s not the one I was in contact with before, but a smaller piece of him? If that makes sense?”

He was still ever so confused.

The moment the referees issued the call, though, he could only sigh.

“Well, this has been one hell of a boring game. Except for that legendary penalty.”

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
PFL Playoffs: Goldenrod @ Heahea [PUB][C/Alex]
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2023 7:33:06 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh smiled at Alex's demand of a reservation. "Can't make any guarantees. If more people sign up than there are slots, you gotta qualify. They time you for two laps around the course solo, and the fastest times get to race." His smile grew as he had finished the first half of his steakburger right as the fourth quarter started, the score still 10 to 3 in Heahea's favor. "My challengers have made me a lot better at flying. You should drop by my Gym to see all the flying Pokémon I have now. Even you might find it impressive," he laughed.

"...You know, Alex, that matches a theory I've had about legendary Pokémon for a while, shared by many who studied mythology at Ecruteak," Josh quietly added. "Have you ever wondered what happens when someone catches a legendary Pokémon in a Poké Ball? And how there can be more than one of a legendary species? The Johtonian theory is that legendary Pokémon can split shards of their essence off, and that's that gets drawn into the Poké Ball. What you described matches your Tornadus almost exactly, especially if it can't talk."

As the football teams exchanged 3-and-out possessions yet again, Josh continued, the clock winding down with every Heahas possession. "This is gonna sound weird, but after hearing from , and seeing 's powers in action, I'm having second thoughts about whether I'd want to be Raikou's Avatar. Is it right for a single human to wield that kind of power? I'd almost rather have a Raikou that's closer to an ordinary Pokémon than the original Raikou." Goldenrod was running out of time. They needed to get a score on either this possession or the next, or they would be out of the playoffs.

4th QTR 8:03
HEA 10
1st DOWN & 10
BALL: Goldenrod 29

{WC: 300}
{PC: 10}

NAME           SPECIES         STATUS
Saber          Manectric       Good
Ares           Charizard       Good
Snacker        Sharpedo        Good
Nitro          Gogoat          Good
Janus          Espeon          Good
Kokusho        Hydreigon       Good
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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
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Alexei Ivanov
PFL Playoffs: Goldenrod @ Heahea [PUB][C/Alex]
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2023 12:47:50 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“I’ll see about that,” he hummed with a smirk as he took a sip from his long-forgotten drink that he realized was there, before picking off what remained of the fries in the basket he’d ordered.

He was still hungry, but then remembered that he had to pace himself since he was sure that wanted to hit the other pubs on the list and get shitfaced drunk so there was that. Speaking of which, here had his boyfriend run off to anyway?

He continued to tap the table quietly as the little Josh discussed his theory—now that the other mentioned it…

“It. I don’t know. You think that’s how it works? Well, I mean, it can technically be possible considering I’ve been talking to one and he just gives me a smaller piece of… hm.”

The moment the other had mentioned he was having second thoughts, he then hummed quietly.

“You know… I think my friend was right on mentioning one thing… it’s dangerous to be an avatar. Even if I want to be one, I think I know what’s stopping me from hitting that ‘potential’.”

He sighed quietly.

“And then, again, you have so much already under your belt! Surely you can do without attracting the ire of whatever else legendary Pokémon may be out there.”

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
PFL Playoffs: Goldenrod @ Heahea [PUB][C/Alex]
POSTED ON Jun 28, 2023 7:54:39 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh saw doubt indicated from Alex's body language. "It's hard to say, but it's a really good theory," he reiterated his stance. "It explains how there can be more than one of some of them. And your Tornadus is living proof of that. What happened to you, but with Raikou... that would be my dream. All of the perks of bonding with Raikou, and none of the world-bearing responsibilities that come with it."

Finishing his food, he listened to Alex's take on Avatarship. "And what's that? If it's something I can help you with, just ask." Regardless of the answer, he would nod in agreement. "Here's the thing, Alex. That's why I want to be Raikou's Avatar. There are unscrupulous folk out there who hunt Avatars for some nefarious reason. They need to be dealt with. I want to make being an Avatar less dangerous. When it comes down to it, legendary Pokémon are still Pokémon, right? What, fundamentally, makes bonding with one different than a normal Pokémon? They're just really rare is all!" What naivete. What bravado.

The sigh and undue compliments, at least undue from Josh's perspective, were mere flattery. Flattery Josh felt he didn't deserve. "Like what?" he asked. "Meteno? That was all . We have almost exclusively her to thank for why we're standing today. Need I remind you that Mauville Gym is still under probation for not having a challenger win rate within acceptable standards. I'm stiil 0-for-X against League bigwigs like the Elite Four. What exactly do I have under my belt again?"

Josh had gotten so lost in his conversation that a loud cheer from nearby tables snapped his attention back to the game. "Wait, Goldenrod scored a touchdown! We're back in this! Wonder if they'll go for two and try to end the game now." To his dismay, they didn't, instead opting to tie the game with a successful PAT. Mauville's Master of Faster yawned as their server returned with the check. "Alex, you planning on sticking around for the rest of the game?" he asked. "This would be a hell of a comeback if Goldenrod pulls ahead. They lost the toss, though, so Heahea will have the first possession in overtime."

OT 10:00
GOL 10
HEA 10
1st DOWN & 10
BALL: Heahea 20

{WC: 373}
{PC: 11}

NAME           SPECIES         STATUS
Saber          Manectric       Good
Ares           Charizard       Good
Snacker        Sharpedo        Good
Nitro          Gogoat          Good
Janus          Espeon          Good
Kokusho        Hydreigon       Good
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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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Alexei Ivanov
PFL Playoffs: Goldenrod @ Heahea [PUB][C/Alex]
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2023 19:43:14 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Look. You’ve organized one big race and there’s a second big one coming up. Getting a public event like that is huge, you know. I’m here on the quieter side with just taking tours of the Sanctuary grounds when I’m not busy with the challengers that keep showing up at the front door,” he chuckled.

He then poked at the empty basket of fries, running a finger along the salt that remained on the paper before sighing.

“Having a Gym isn’t about winning at all, it’s about teaching whoever comes through that door about what you want to impart. Although… my style got a bit cramped because of the ‘you know what’,” he hummed with a pointed eye roll.

(The eye roll wasn’t for him, though. He would know if it was.)

“If we win, then fancy that, a rare occurrence! Kind of like winning the lottery. But then again, that’s kind of why everyone comes knocking on my door because I’m admittedly one of the easiest to get a badge off of when traditional battles are considered.”

He then took one more sip of his drink.

“…of course I give everyone a run for their money when they come knocking for the non-trad challenges—I mean, you know it because you went through it yourself! So did ,” he cackled.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
PFL Playoffs: Goldenrod @ Heahea [PUB][C/Alex]
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2023 6:16:02 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Not long after Alex had finished his food, the server came back with their check. It wasn't cheap, but they got what they paid for: great quality food that didn't come from a restaurant chain. It's why Josh didn't like going to chains. Chefs at bars and family-owned restaurants had character and quality to it, unlike fast food places. "True, I guess being the Hoenn Racing League's ambassador is a thing, isn't it? I just... want to be able to contribute to the League on a scale that matters, like . And if there's one person in Hoenn that can handle Raikou's speed, it's me." The potential was there, but he wasn't there yet. To get there, he would need to spend more than once in a blue moon with the Beast of Thunder. Kyle was far too busy for that.

"Right, we need to do something about that," Josh smiled as he counted out paper money for his portion of the check, including the standard 15% gratuity. "You and I need to battle. Get you toughened up. You toughened me up in your Gym challenge. It's my turn to return the favor. Not now. There's too much nonsense going on after Operation Meteno. But next year. Next year, you and I are gonna brawl."

A beaming smile came over Josh's face at the mention of . While he was sworn to secrecy regarding the young man's identity, he had a lot of positive things to say about him. He just couldn't share too many of them, lest he risked leaking his identity. Isaac had a lot of dirt on Josh, too; they both had their skeletons in the closet. Ones that desperately needed hiding.

It was the final play of the overtime period, and Goldenrod was desperate to not give the ball back to Heahea. Their players were losing steam after seventy minutes of football. The visiting team launched a pass high into the air, fought for and apparently simultaneously caught by both teams, each one of them having their hands on the ball as they hit the ground. After a lengthy booth review, Josh and many others in the bar leaped out of their chairs, heads clear across the restaurant turning as the play was ruled a touchdown.

"We're going to the Ultra Bowl!" Josh tromped toward Alex in excitement, giving the Gym Leader a great big hug. "I can't believe it! Goldenrod's going to the Ultra Bowl!

GOL 16
HEA 10

{WC: 410}
{PC: 12}

NAME           SPECIES         STATUS
Saber          Manectric       Good
Ares           Charizard       Good
Snacker        Sharpedo        Good
Nitro          Gogoat          Good
Janus          Espeon          Good
Kokusho        Hydreigon       Good

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PFL Playoffs: Goldenrod @ Heahea [PUB][C/Alex]
POSTED ON Mar 4, 2024 4:30:10 GMT
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