locked and loaded pt. ii [postdormitum]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Gogo, Tahuna
May 31
Veilstone City, Sinnoh
Casino Dealer
good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bite...
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Inigo del Rosario
locked and loaded pt. ii [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2023 2:58:20 GMT
Inigo del Rosario Avatar

Word of people attempting to seize supplies on the way to Granite Cave had been something he’d heard, so what was he supposed to do? Wait around? Let others do the work?[break][break]

If he was fine with that, then why the Hell had be bothered showing up?[break][break]

No, no, no…he was there for a reason— a very varied reason that shifted as the situation called for it, but he was prepared to back Rocket up. Swift as they were, the location had been briefed as quickly and concisely as it could be, and so in a jetting rush had he embarked towards the thief’s location. WIth a quick turn upon Sharpedo back, he and his companion careened around a few boulders before he caught wind and sight of the aforementioned person he’d gone to confront.[break][break]

With a quick sweep off of his Pokemon, he landed onto the dirt beneath him without breaking stride, immediately recalling his shark and hovering his hand upon one of the other Pokeballs upon his person.[break][break]

”Heeeey, Cuz, I’m real sorry,” he called out, grinning beneath his mask, ”but I can’t let ya do that. Put the shit down. Now.”[break][break]

MP TRACKER (60 MP)[break]
  • Postdormitum Mission Participation (cargo, 2/2) (+50 MP)
  • IC Character Post (+10 MP)

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Lydia Magnusson
locked and loaded pt. ii [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2023 15:36:33 GMT
Lydia Magnusson Avatar

[attr="class","bisc"]While against theft and underhandedness in general, Lydia could not allow terrorists to retain control of dangerous objects. Before subduing them, she allowed them a chance to surrender. They did not. Now, they lay on the ground. All but one operative were still breathing. That one had attempted to choke her out and received a knife between the ribs for her troubles. The rest marked for the prisoner squad. "I wish you luck."

When Inigo turned the corner, he’d be greeted by a young woman. A gun clenched familiarly in her hands with two canid Pokemon at her side. Currently hefting up the box was a spikeball of a Druddigon. Its soldiers hunched protectively around its cargo, a spiny cage around what intel said were canisters of poison gas. A growl from this beast made Lydia turn toward the interloper.

Immediately, the hounds at her side took a step forward. An aura sphere crackled in the paws of the newly evolved Lucario. The Lycanroc, meanwhile, drew obsidian nails against the ground. Sparks flew from her hands. Lydia, meanwhile, wrinkled her nose. “I’m not your cuz.” The porcelain doll stated calmly. The blood on her hand at odds with both her stature and face. “And your sarcasm is pointless.” They may be guilty about what was to happen, but neither were sorry.

“The box remains where it is.” The gun jerked to the right.Move, Rocket.” Battle was easier when you reduced enemies to stereotypes. The nasty, immoral terrorist. The mad dogs of Silace and harbingers of war. Not fathers. Not sisters. Fairytale monsters. The masks made it easier. Now.”


  • +50 MP for thread start
  • +10 MP for post


[newclass=.bisc b] color: #FFF; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.bisc i] color: #FFF; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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Gogo, Tahuna
May 31
Veilstone City, Sinnoh
Casino Dealer
good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bite...
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TAG WITH @inigo
Inigo del Rosario
locked and loaded pt. ii [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2023 1:50:45 GMT
Inigo del Rosario Avatar

A pretty little thing with looks to deceive, then.[break]
He smirked beneath his mask, sparing an eye towards his quarry and her companions.[break][break]

”Don’t say I didn’t give ya a chance, then~,” he chuckled, an audible smile met in tandem with a sweep across the capsules mounted upon his person. Within mere moments, a series of flashes had borne creatures within their midsts; a simple means of leveling the playing field as those selfsame beasts lunged forth with a furor.[break][break]

Within an utmost, churning blaze did a bone emerge, soaring true towards the aura Pokemon in the form of a Bonemerang while the Marowak it belonged to followed after it. Following his trail had been another duo—a Tyranitar and Aggron—as they, too, cast themselves from their capsules. A faint quake took the earth as they landed, prompting dust to flick and fly from beneath them— though in the case of the green-scaled beast, they seemed to almost polarize and attract toward her form, coalescing within a rapid vortex around her prior to bursting forth across the field before them all, scattering sand across the vision of any and all present.[break][break]

Immediately afterward, she started towards the Lycanroc baring its fangs, roaring as the ground beneath her quaked once more with a Stomping Tantrum, all while the remaining Aggron simply remained further back and by his trainer, procuring a Protect before the two of them at the sight of the firearm within the woman’s hand.[break][break]

With a click of the tongue, however, the Rocket had shifted a hand towards one of the two holsters upon his hip, swiftly brandishing a gun of his own as his Pokemon had begun to situate themselves and act as they did. He spun it within his grasp swiftly prior to catching it within a firm and familiar grasp, narrowing his eyes and grinning wider as he aimed not towards the League member so confident in her act of steadfast defiance, but rather, the drake that held the goods.[break][break]

He fired just before the barrier manifested itself.[break][break]

MP TRACKER (70 MP)[break]
  • Postdormitum Mission Participation (cargo, 2/2) (+50 MP)
  • IC Character Post (+10 MP)

  • IC Post (+10 MP)

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Lydia Magnusson
locked and loaded pt. ii [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2023 9:25:32 GMT
Lydia Magnusson Avatar

Her smile was as friendly as the wolf beside her. Obviously, Inigo—nor his tendency to cut out consonants—had not impressed. “How kind.” Lydia sniffed. The gun rotated in her hand as she briefly checked her rounds. “Remember I did the same.” She took a deep breath as she squared herself.

Then, with two bursts of light, the battle began. A brief glance and nod were shared between the two as the Lucario turned to its opponent. “Heimdall.” A bone appeared in his arms. This he threw at the lizard’s bone, sending it careening harmlessly off the path. As soon as he threw it, the canine’s fists lit up with twin circles of aura. With a howl, he rushed the Marowak, aiming to slam into it with an aura sphere.

While this was going on, the wolf tossed out a stealth rock. The area around the Druddigon was filled with sharp stones—another layer of spiky protection. Her trainer noticed the gun raising and scowled. A flickering blue barrier began to grow. Two could play at that game. “Minerva.” A yellow-green barrier began to flicker up between them, though Quick Guard wasn’t very quick to erect. With a snarl, the hound rocketed forward in a flurry of stone and blurring motion. This allowed her to avoid the Stomping Tantrum. She moved to zigzag between the Aggron and Tyranitar in an Accelerock before either could get off another move. A nice bit of chip damage to start things off.

BANG! The Druddigon hunched over his box like the stereotypical hoarding dragon. The bullet hit its mark, sending a spike from its shoulder spinning to the ground. The beast snarled as its eyes narrowed to pinpricks. It roared. “GRRRRAWR!” From the earth behind it, three ancient balls of stone were called forth. These—since they couldn’t hurt the shooter—were brought in around the sides of the barrier, aiming to take out their anger on one of the two bruisers opposite.

Lydia took a single step back. The gun in her arm remained locked and loaded.

  • + 10 MP for post


[newclass=.samjer] font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; [/newclass][newclass=.samjermain] margin: 0 auto; width:350px;background-color:#272727;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:10px;line-height:14px;letter-spacing:.5px;[/newclass][newclass=.samjertag] text-align:right;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom: -15px; padding-top: 15px;[/newclass][newclass=.samjermain b] color: #ACDEF7; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjermain i] color: #E0F3FC; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjer u] text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: #E0F3FC; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; font-weight: bold; [/newclass][newclass=.samjer a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 10px Poppins!important; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjerpoke] width:440px;height:60px;background-image:url(https://image.ibb.co/dMFuMc/flower.png);background-repeat:no-repeat; border-top: 6px solid #ACDEF7;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:15px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px; background-color: #272727;[/newclass][newclass=.samjertop] width:440px;height:50px;background-color: #ACDEF7;background-image:url(https://image.ibb.co/dMFuMc/flower.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:5px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px;[/newclass]
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Gogo, Tahuna
May 31
Veilstone City, Sinnoh
Casino Dealer
good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bite...
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TAG WITH @inigo
Inigo del Rosario
locked and loaded pt. ii [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2023 22:27:03 GMT
Inigo del Rosario Avatar
v quick ooc apology, completely forgot to update my tracker and i barely just double checked my threads today rip[break]
i should be available for the most part to rapidfire and make up for lost time for the next few days


The rock-typed hound seemed to be the more annoying of the bunch— or, at the very least, enough of one to prompt a soft groan to hiss from the Rocket’s lips upon seeing it shift to and fro across the battlefield. As it initially bounded through the clearing—finding purchase against the Tyranitar with its Accelerock in passing, though simply deflecting off the Protect of the Aggron standing by him—he merely kept a close eye upon it.[break][break]

So many movements and skills used in a single window, it seemed, though it had been far from the only foe in battle.[break][break]

For the Marowak afar, he simply manifested his bone after it had been flung away once more, standing ready and watching the Aura Sphere form within his opponent’s paws with little to no concern nor stress upon his expression. With a somewhat open, yet readied stance, he merely stood his ground and allowed the bipedal hound to close the distance, almost flashing it a coy, taunting glare as the orbs, themselves, found no purchase. As they simply phased through him, another bone manifested within his remaining hand, with another conjuring above head prior to crushing all three towards the Lucario in a quickened Bone Rush.[break][break]

All the while, the Ancient Power curved swiftly around the Aggron and his barrier, crushing into him with a barrage of dust and particles that caused him and his trainer to stagger briefly. A roar emitted from the steel beast as his eyes found themselves upon the aforementioned wolf shortly after, and without wasting the chance to close the already shortened distance, he took a single, hefty step forward and rammed his head towards its flank with an Iron Head.[break][break]

The remaining Tyranitar, taking a short amount of time to shake off the prior blow, glanced around her surroundings long enough to accommodate them before giving a roar of her own. The stones around them—inclusive of the remaining Ancient Power and Stealth Rock—swiftly began to lift and surge within a brief torrent, tossing themselves up a short distance before falling down towards the League trainer in the form of a Rock Slide. In the same amount of time, the Rocket member leaned over to attain another look towards the Druddigon afar once more, firing several more bullets off towards it, though with more attention upon the canisters within the box it held.[break][break]

Battle TL;DR[break]
  • Rangatira (Tyranitar) is hit by Accelerock.
  • Kaitiaki (Aggron) deflects Accelerock with Protect. Unaffected.
  • Kaitiaki (Aggron) is hit by Ancient Power.
  • Toa (A!Marowak) is unaffected by Aura Sphere due to Ghost-type immunity.
  • Toa (A!Marowak) uses Bone Rush on Heimdall (Lucario).
    [li]Kaitiaki (Aggron) uses Iron Head on Minerva (Lycanroc).
  • Rangatira (Tyranitar) uses Rock Slide on Lydia with the stones and remaining debris from Stealth Rock and Ancient Power.
  • Inigo shoots at Kerberos (Druddigon) and his box, aiming to break the canisters inside.

MP TRACKER (80 MP)[break]
  • Postdormitum Mission Participation (cargo, 2/2) (+50 MP)
  • IC Character Post (+10 MP)

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Goldenrod City
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Lydia Magnusson
locked and loaded pt. ii [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2023 1:39:29 GMT
Lydia Magnusson Avatar
Minerva and her trainer shared many traits. A blitz approach to battle was not one of them. But against this many opponents, to be caught was dangerous. Especially with the size of the dragons she faced. In comparison to her, they were gargantuan. So, the Lycanroc opted to use her speed to hopefully maintain an advantage. In being the fly on the figurative fruit bowl, she hoped to keep attention off her partner’s newly acquired Druddigon. Keep your eyes on me, you oafs! Come along now!

Too busy in her own fight to immediately notice her puppy’s attacks, Lydia did not notice as the Aura Spheres phased through the Marowak. His newly lengthened muzzle wrinkled in confusion as he watched them slam into the rock behind the ghost type. “Rio?” The sound of confusion drew bright blue eyes up as her finger tightened on her gun’s trigger. “That is a—ugh—ghost The woman shivered. Yuck. She hated ghouls and specters. Aberrations in Arceus’s grand plan. “Those will not work, Heimdall!” She shouted above the fray. “Try something else!”

Confusion slowed his reaction as the bones rushed toward him. Remembering he was taller now, he took one to the face. This sent him back onto his bottom for a moment. His eyes widened. BANG! His trainer fired a bullet at the Marowak’s skull, aiming to buy Lucario time to get back on his feet. With a nod of thanks, he did so. Obviously, he was still gangly in this body. What did he do with all this extra stuff? Blood dripped from his right eye. What else can I do, mistress? Almost all of his moves were fighting type, with few exceptions. “CARIO!” Lifting a paw to the sky, his eyes glowed pink as he called down the heavens themselves on the Marowak—Meteor Mash.

The Lycanroc, meanwhile, chose the worst moment to take a breath. Just as her shields fell, the Aggron rammed its head forward. With a yelp, the dog was sent flopping down the path. Lydia let out a gasp of concern, one the dog banished with a howl. Raising to her feet, the dog aimed to meet fire with figurative fire. She shook her head and braced herself. The air in front of it solidified as she aimed to ram the beast with a Stone Edge.

Another bullet sparked off the dragon’s arm. Lydia swore under her breath. “Shit.” With a heavy thunk, the Druddigon dropped the box. Though canisters were pinged, the arms didn’t punch through them, yet. A bullet had grazed its face and Kerboros was over this shit. He was a dragon, not some yellow-belied coward in need of a girl’s protection. With a snarl, he charged into the fray, stampeding toward Inigo’s crew with an Outrage.

“Kerboros!” Lydia’s heart stopped as her world became dappled in shadow. She closed her eyes as she moved to dive out of the way. Rocks fell around her like rain but she did not get crushed. When she opened her eyes, a giant Golurk stood above her, a strangely affectionate smile on his face. “Where…where did you come from…?”

With a grunt, it stood. Dust fell off of its armored shoulders in waves. The box, meanwhile, remained buried.

  • + 10 MP for post


[newclass=.samjer] font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; [/newclass][newclass=.samjermain] margin: 0 auto; width:350px;background-color:#272727;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:10px;line-height:14px;letter-spacing:.5px;[/newclass][newclass=.samjertag] text-align:right;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom: -15px; padding-top: 15px;[/newclass][newclass=.samjermain b] color: #ACDEF7; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjermain i] color: #E0F3FC; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjer u] text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: #E0F3FC; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; font-weight: bold; [/newclass][newclass=.samjer a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 10px Poppins!important; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjerpoke] width:440px;height:60px;background-image:url(https://image.ibb.co/dMFuMc/flower.png);background-repeat:no-repeat; border-top: 6px solid #ACDEF7;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:15px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px; background-color: #272727;[/newclass][newclass=.samjertop] width:440px;height:50px;background-color: #ACDEF7;background-image:url(https://image.ibb.co/dMFuMc/flower.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:5px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px;[/newclass]
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Gogo, Tahuna
May 31
Veilstone City, Sinnoh
Casino Dealer
good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bite...
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TAG WITH @inigo
Inigo del Rosario
locked and loaded pt. ii [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2023 3:28:00 GMT
Inigo del Rosario Avatar

More rounds fired, yet none landed the mark he intended above all.[break]
He growled lowly, gritting his teeth.[break][break]

”Outta all the days to have shit fuckin’ aim…” he hissed to himself, furrowing his brows while numerous clicks sounded from the firearm within his grasp. Loosening the clip within the chamber, he swiftly glared across the battlefield while replacing it with a new one, immediately calling out in a foreign language—undoubtedly a dialect of Alolan—to catch the attentions of those accompanying him.[break][break]

”Kia tere…!” he yelled amidst the winds, his voice distorted and overbearing by the filter within his gear. He glanced towards the golem that entered the field from amidst the chaos, clicking his tongue once more prior to swiftly swiping his hand across another capsule upon his belt. ”Wrap it up! Inaianei![break][break]

An immediate cacophony of differing cries and howls met his own as a Sharpedo manifested by him, jetting across the clearing only a mere moment after he’d found enough of a grasp upon its fin to be able to accompany it without falling off. They jetted through the clearing at a frightening speed—past Pokemon and trainer, alike—before whipping around to a stop near where the crate had been buried.[break][break]

As the Sharpedo lashed towards the Druddigon with a swift Ice Fang in passing, the Rocket glared swiftly around for the canisters, breathing another growl of impatience as his companions took their blows. A booming, ”Aroha!” had earned the immediate attention of the Tyranitar some ways away, and upon noting how her trainer gestured towards the rubble, had immediately nodded and roared once more. She lifted it and the debris with it with a combination of another Rock Slide and her Sand Stream to reveal the box, swinging her body, as well as the rocks with the motion, towards the incoming Druddigon as he rushed forward. Despite the barrage of rocks, some of his Outrage still found purchase upon her.[break][break]

The Marowak, meanwhile, merely continued to stand his ground with an oddly excited and devious spark within his eye, awaiting the incoming Meteor Mash and taking the brunt of it, causing him to briefly stagger, stumble, and ultimately be sent rolling into the sandstorm at the sheer force. Though the strike found its mark, the remaining bone within his grasp ignited ever brighter upon contact, sending forth a wave of fire before more bones appeared, yet again, where he had once stood. Like before, they cracked down towards the Lucario in quick succession—another Bone Rush—before he began to use the flame, attack, and sand cover as means to begin backing away, though one of the bones had been wasted in an effort to block the bullet coming his way.[break][break]

Within the outskirts of the carnage had been the Rocket’s Aggron, once more taking the damage head on— though still seemingly at a manageable amount as some of the stones had scraped and clinked against its bodily armor. Nevertheless, however, he staggered back with a subtly angered growl, glaring towards the hound standing before him before noting how his other companions had begun to back away in their own ways as the poison began to leak out.[break][break]

A low chuff left his maw as his eyes shifted towards the Lycanroc once more. Though he made no attack, he simply smashed his fists together, seemingly prompting several pieces of his armored body to fall in the form of an Autotomize. He began to circle around, watchful of the others, while still keeping his attention upon the hound before him.[break][break]

Battle TL;DR[break]
  • Kaitiaki (Aggron) is hit by Stone Edge.
  • Toa (A!Marowak) is hit by Meteor Mash.
  • Rangatira (Tyranitar) is hit by Outrage.
  • Riri (Sharpedo) is sent out.
  • Riri (Sharpedo) uses Ice Fang on Kerberos (Druddigon).
  • Toa (A!Marowak) uses Bone Rush on Heimdall (Lucario), but spends one bone deflecting Lydia's gunshot.
    [li]Kaitiaki (Aggron) uses Autotomize. Down 200 lbs. Speed up x2.
  • Rangatira (Tyranitar) uses Rock Slide and Sand Stream to uncover the box, hurling the rocks at Kerberos (Druddigon).
  • Inigo, with the distance closed and rubble moved, shoots the poison cannisters.

MP TRACKER (90 MP)[break]
  • Postdormitum Mission Participation (cargo, 2/2) (+50 MP)
  • IC Character Post (+10 MP)

  • IC Post (+10 MP)

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Goldenrod City
Victory Runs in My Veins
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TAG WITH @lydiamagnusson
Lydia Magnusson
locked and loaded pt. ii [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2023 15:10:29 GMT
Lydia Magnusson Avatar
[attr="class","samjermain"]A giant arm shadowed her as the woman struggled to her feet. Her eyes were nervous—the gun pointing at the ghost. Unsure if this ghastly savior was friend or foe. He offered an awkward wave to her. A shout from across the field drew Lydia’s attention. A Sharpedo had now joined the fray. Its scarred hide is indicative of a warrior. Blue eyes narrowed beneath her visor. “Shit.” Normally prim and proper, Lydia disliked how many contributions she had made to today’s swear jar.

Again, the Lucario summoned his own bones to combat the flurry of attacks. Two of them he managed to knock away, but the third took him in the chest just below the ribs. A brief howl followed as he was sent crashing to the ground beyond. His head snapped forward as stars swam in his vision. After a moment of trying to struggle to his feet, he crumpled to the ground with a whimper. His last bone was sent rocketing toward the Marowak. Though Lydia noticed the fall, she did not have the luxury of rushing to her pup’s side. ”Minerva! Cover him!” Arceus, protect Heimdall.

The Lycanroc’s blue eyes briefly flickered to her fallen companion. Her eyes softened for a moment as she remembered the little abandoned puppy she’d helped raise. How he burrowed into her fur at night when lightning and thunder crashed. All that softness vanished as she turned to the Marowak. The bulk of the Druddigon settled beside her as he stared down the Aggron with rage-filled eyes. Her trainer’s order drew a curt nod. Gladly, mistress. A howl erupted from her muzzle as she turned from the Aggron and rushed toward the fire type with a powered-up Accelrock.

With a snarl, the Druddigon moved to hit the grandstanding Aggron with a Dragon Tail across its face.

Knowing all of her Pokemon were now otherwise occupied—including the hotheaded dragon—the blonde lifted her gun. As the trainer and shark passed overhead, she shot three rounds at its underbelly and its trainer’s side. Arceus, please. With that done, she rushed toward the crate herself, the silent specter of the ghoul followed. Her gun lifted to point at Inigo, no longer aimed at his body. Then, the sound of a hiss caught her attention. The canisters! Her eyes lifted to the Golurk at her side.

The havoc Team Rocket could wreak with poison was untold. Making sure he lost was more important than winning herself. She remembered twisted bodies from her time in Kanto. Let’s give the man what he wants. A gas mask was pressed against her face. “Can you—” A powerful arm wrapped around her middle as the ghost jumped up. Her nearest Pokemon were returned as the ghost’s other fist detached and shot toward the crate in a fiery Dynamic Punch.

  • + 10 MP for post
  • + 50 MP Pokemon Knockout


[newclass=.samjer] font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; [/newclass][newclass=.samjermain] margin: 0 auto; width:350px;background-color:#272727;padding:45px;text-align:justify;font-size:10px;line-height:14px;letter-spacing:.5px;[/newclass][newclass=.samjertag] text-align:right;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom: -15px; padding-top: 15px;[/newclass][newclass=.samjermain b] color: #ACDEF7; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjermain i] color: #E0F3FC; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjer u] text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: #E0F3FC; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; font-weight: bold; [/newclass][newclass=.samjer a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 10px Poppins!important; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samjerpoke] width:440px;height:60px;background-image:url(https://image.ibb.co/dMFuMc/flower.png);background-repeat:no-repeat; border-top: 6px solid #ACDEF7;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:15px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px; background-color: #272727;[/newclass][newclass=.samjertop] width:440px;height:50px;background-color: #ACDEF7;background-image:url(https://image.ibb.co/dMFuMc/flower.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center right;text-align:center;padding-bottom:5px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top:-10px;[/newclass]
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Gogo, Tahuna
May 31
Veilstone City, Sinnoh
Casino Dealer
good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bite...
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TAG WITH @inigo
Inigo del Rosario
locked and loaded pt. ii [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2023 3:15:07 GMT
Inigo del Rosario Avatar

To have aid in accelerating what he’d wanted to do— and by a League member, nonetheless.[break]
Who was he to argue against it, in the long run?[break][break]

In the long run, however, he had been skeptical about whether or not the gunshots would have ignited and exploded the canisters, only speeding away upon his Sharpedo as a means of remaining safer above all, lest the metaphorical dice dictated the worst. In light of ensuring his escape had a thorough means of proceeding as smoothly as possible, he’d ran his hand along the capsules upon his belt within a swift manner, recalling two of his three companions to save them the trouble of running along.[break][break]

Speed hadn’t entirely been their strongest suit, after all; the life of resilient goliaths and strikers far more befitting of them.[break][break]

However, in the midst of retreat, the recall hadn’t been as swift as it could’ve been in the case of the fire bearer. Though he’d managed to scramble back upon his feet in the beginnings of an attempted escape, the fact of the matter was that he was still wounded after taking a number of strikes so rashly— and even more so as the Lucario he’d began distancing himself from landed another bone strike, tried and true, upon his back.[break][break]

The Accelerock had been the nail in the coffin for him, both in speed and vitality.[break][break]

Struck by the hound in passing, he tumbled across the dirt with a low, disgruntled cross between a growl and a groan. His vision blurred and darkened on impact, and though he began to scramble once more in an attempt to lift himself, he found his strength failing him entirely before the familiar flash of recall enveloped him, bringing him back to his trainer.[break][break]

Meanwhile, the Rocket himself watched the recollections occur for just a moment before noting the gun pointed at him, instantaneously tensing and leaning upon the shark ferrying him in a sudden attempt to skew their path, though as the beast staggered suddenly amidst a bellow of pain, he found himself hunkering down and holding on a tad tighter as one of the bullets found purchase. A frustrated groan, alongside a foreign tongued curse, escaped his lips as the Sharpedo situated itself.[break][break]

The man glanced down for just a moment’s examination before lifting his gaze—a hardened, burning glare staved only by the material of his mask—directed itself towards the woman’s lycan companions before firing the rest of his clip towards them as swiftly as possible while they still stood within the physical world.[break][break]

And then, seeing the specter shoot his fist towards the selfsame canisters he’d wanted to destroy, veered his aquatic steed around in favor of speeding away. The Aggron accompanying him took the battery of a Dragon Tail while waiting for his trainer to pass, ready to prop another barrier up if needed, though instead took his exit as a proper prompt to start his own.[break][break]

So he staggered, once more winded, briefly, by the impact, before immediately shedding more of the armor that clung to his form. Another Autotomize lessened his weight immensely, and without so much as a moment of hesitation, he opted to follow as closely behind his companions in their leave as the canisters received impact.[break][break]

Hopefully the gas and carnage would serve as an environmental barricade to League travels, at the very least.[break][break]

Battle TL;DR[break]
  • Toa (A!Marowak) is hit by Bone Rush.
  • Toa (A!Marowak) is hit by Accelerock.
  • Toa (A!Marowak) is knocked out and recalled.
  • Rangatira (Tyranitar) is recalled.
  • Kaitiaki (Aggron) is hit by Dragon Tail.
  • Kaitiaki (Aggron) uses Autotomize. Down 400 lbs. Speed up x4.
  • Kaitiaki (Aggron) runs away alongside Inigo and a wounded Riri (Sharpedo), watching and ready to protect if needed.
  • Inigo attempts to fire gunshots at Minerva (Lycanroc) before recall and escape.

MP TRACKER (500 MP)[break]
  • Postdormitum Mission Participation (cargo, 2/2) (+50 MP)
  • IC Character Post (+10 MP)

  • IC Post (+10 MP)

  • IC Post (+10 MP)

  • IC Post (+10 MP)

  • IC Post (+10 MP)
  • Pokemon KO'd (+50 MP)
  • Mission Completion (Cargo) (+100 MP)
  • Draw (+250 MP)

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May 12
Goldenrod City
Victory Runs in My Veins
310 posts
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TAG WITH @lydiamagnusson
Lydia Magnusson
locked and loaded pt. ii [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2023 3:55:18 GMT
Lydia Magnusson Avatar
[attr="class","samjermain"]As the Marowak fell, the Lycanroc stood over him. Her elegant muzzle twisted with rage, a deep growl rippling her chest as she resisted the urge to spit at the beast. How dare he hurt her pup. As he collapsed, the hound couldn’t resist stepping on his skull, aiming to drive his face into the dirt.

A shout from her trainer drew bright blue eyes upward. “Minerva!” Only now—cleared of battle—did she notice the titan flying above. “Get out of there!” As she moved to race away from the Dynamic Punch, one of Inigo’s bullets found its mark. It punched through her ruff and through her shoulder, coming out the other side. A pained yelp followed as the trusty lupine’s front collapsed into the dirt.

Panicked blue eyes—her trainer’s—turned toward the flaming projectile that’d been the Golurk’s arm. She didn’t have much time. While she would normally wait for permission to withdraw her Pokemon, Lydia grabbed the ball and returned her. The Druddigon, meanwhile, was rushing headlong after the foreigner and his Pokemon—his pockmarked hide radiating rage and anger. Since he was out of what she estimated to be a blast radius, she took her hand away from his ball.

Vengeance was his to seek if he so chose. If not, she had no doubt he would wander back. It was trainers that took side in this war, after all. Pokemon were just another tool. No different to most soldiers than guns or grenades.

Seconds later, the Dynamic Punch smashed into the crates and canisters. A large serpentine hiss came seconds before the place lit up like a firework—the smoke around it purple instead of white.

The heat singed her eyebrows, the smell of wrong stinging her nose and eyes. As the toxin crawled across the ground, Lydia was more certain in her decision than before. Where it touched plants, their leaves seemed to wax and shrivel. Neither side needed a weapon like that.

The woman coughed. “Coordinates—” She spouted out a random string of numbers. “--have suffered toxicological contamination. Please divert any refugees.” Satisfied all of her companions were alive—if injured—Lydia breathed a sigh of relief.

“Let’s let mitigation do its job.” She pointed toward the distant camp. As they flew back toward camp, she couldn’t help but spare a glance to the ghost holding her. This situation would have to be dealt with. Later.

Right now, she needed to rest.

  • + 10 MP for post
  • + 50 MP Pokemon Knockout

Total (500 MP)
+ 50 MP for posts
+ 50 MP Pokemon Knockout
+ 50 MP thread participation
+ 250 Draw
+ 100 Completion


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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,632 posts
part of
TAG WITH @shiv
locked and loaded pt. ii [postdormitum]
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2023 2:51:03 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MP THREAD COMPLETE!



The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP