i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Apr 12, 2023 5:07:26 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]THE WILDS: ULTRA DESERT




Haina Desert - Pokemon Sun & Moon

A VAST DESERT LANDSCAPE dotted with rocky structures and monoliths. Curiously, they almost seem humanmade, though there are no signs of people here. Shrubbery and turquoise crystals are encrusted throughout the bright and sweltering dryland. Occasionally, you may stumble upon rocky terrain that is difficult to traverse.[break][break]

Mysterious obelisks with missing seals are situated throughout the desert. No one knows why they exist, or who made them.



  • 25 encounter sentient mounds of sand that attempt to replicate the shapes of loved ones to lure you in (e.g. this can be a palossand or supernatural force).
  • 27 encounter a sun dial that when operated or adjusted, can change the day and night cycle instantaneously.
  • 29 go back in time within the realm using the sun dial or a magical hourglass to avoid or resolve a situation.
  • 33 encounter glyphic instructions that pertain to a ritual (method up to your discretion) that reverses a curse/summons the violent spirit of an incarnate forme landorus that has been displaced here.
  • 🗺️ the KING'S LEAF can be used to slow the curse or clarify the senses; it is also a highly sought after food source by Pokemon in the Ultra Desert.
  • 🗺️ the SAFETY GOGGLES can be used to help you access deeper parts of the Ultra Desert or deeper rooms of the a temple, ruin, etc. After passing through heavy sands, you may encounter a stretch of Ultra Desert that contains a myriad of dilapidated buildings, vehicles, and rusted machinations. It seems like there once was an outpost here, perhaps Megalopolan, due to the material and defunct technology present.
  • 🗺️ SPECIAL HUNT: in the process of your adventure, may encounter clans of pheromosa and buzzwole clashing with each other in an attempt to determine which species will rule over this domain. during these battles for dominion, the ultra beasts may be weakened, defect or betray, or switch the targets of their aggression to your party.[break][break]

    however, must determine which species (pheromosa or buzzwole) will "win" or have "gained the upperhand" and note it during archival.[break][break]

    by the end, may capture one PHEROMOSA or BUZZWOLE (one or the other, not both).


AT THE END OF EACH EXPEDITION THREAD, all characters must ROLL for their final post. The HIGHEST FOUR ROLLS will be counted for what TREASURES are retrieved from the location. These treasures will be returned to each faction for future use...


[attr="class","boxName"]YOUR HAUL


[attr="class","slot material"]

[attr="class","slot material"]

[attr="class","slot material"]

[attr="class","slot material"]

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PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES. A more comprehensive list of rules will be published in each event thread. These rules are also subject to change.[break][break][break]

  • Your character can only be in ONE EXPEDITION THREAD at a time.
  • You may participate with all of your characters; however, be aware of your ability to post.
  • If a thread partner has not posted in awhile, please skip them in this event. Momentum is important for engagement.
  • Since these threads may feature combat, please be reasonable with your battling. Discuss with your group if you'd like one move per post, how many Pokemon are allowed to be brought, etc.
  • Try to keep posts short for clarity and speed.
  • Please be trusting and open to communicating with all of your thread partners.
  • Please INCLUDE WHICH PROMPTS you are using in your expedition thread.
  • Please have at least FIVE POSTS PER CHARACTER in your expedition thread.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 13, 2023 1:47:11 GMT
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It seemed this time, they'd force themselves to face the elements rather than enter some elaborate maze. Not that Gwylim seemed to mind. Once more, he came prepared and offered water to the two other adventurers that chose to partake on the expedition they were presented with. At least he came a bit more prepared this time around, that much obvious with the Tirtouga he carried in one arm. A water type would prove useful in this expanse of desert. The tortoise-like pokemon seemed more than pleased to be included on the adventure. It even spritzed its owner slightly with a quick splash of water. Gwylim wiped his face and turned to the others.

"Be aware of yourselves. We won't be in the shelter, we're forced to face this heat on our own. I'll monitor you both for signs of heat exhaustion, but know that anything we may see as we travel may be nothing more than a mirage."

This was an ominous note from the Doctor, but he wanted to approach it as bluntly as possible. They needed to watch out for themselves above all else. With the sun at its highest peak in the desert, he could only assume the best direction was away from the sun to head due north. Without so much as another word or warning offered, Gwylim opted to take the lead this time around. Perhaps the safety goggles within their haul could be used in the midst of a sandstorm. They could decide who could make the best use of them later.

- [gwylim voice] "don't succumb to heat exhaustion, forehead"
- takes the lead north

⚰︎ divider made by milky!
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March 18
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2023 23:03:44 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
The green-scaled SYGNA SUIT matching Sandy the Flygon's scales made Shalin feel like she was in an air-conditioned building compared to what she felt before leading the duo of @gwylim and through the arid wastes of Ultra Desert. While it didn't have false wings like other dragon-type suits of its kind, Shalin's was extremely aerodynamic, making her feel lighter. The cost? Shalin was vulberable to ice. Luckily for her, she wouldn't be running into any hostile ice Pokémon in such a warm and arid environment.

Standing next to her was her Flygon, Sandy. The dragon synced to her suit let out a greeting chirp. "We've practiced this at the Romping Grounds," she said to lift her dragon's spirits. "How about we get warmed in up in case we need to do this in the field?" With a nod, the green dragon crouched and spread its wings wide. The suited green-ette, her eyes covered with lightly-tinted red lenses serving as shields from debris, waddled above the dragon's right wing. Her Flygon slowly stood up, lifting her off the ground. The bizarre sight of her Flygon's wing alone supporting the suited trainer could have been as alien as the desert itself to the two. The green SYNC STONE inside her suit began to glow in tandem with Shalin's BOLDNESS about to be on display. "Now not too hard--"

Shalin's vision turned to a sea of tan, white, and blue as her mount's wings began humming, taking her with them on a thrill that only her SYGNA SUIT made possible. The rest of what she said was a distorted, unintelligible cacophony, aside from a single joyous, still-distorted whoop. Her adventuring companions may have seen her as a green blur on the Flygon's right side. After mere seconds, the buzzing ceased. Sandy gently lowered her trainer to the ground, Shalin a bit woozy but having the largest grin on her face either of them had seen. "Whew!" she let out a sigh from how disorienting the feat was. Without the INFINITY ENERGY powering her suit, that kind of motion would have shredded her. With her suit, though, it was fair game! She even had an unusual practical application that she hoped to impress the duo with.


- Shalin arrives in her Sygna Suit and gives its unusual powers to withstand extreme motion a test run in the field.

{WC: 374}
{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Corona        Charizard      Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill**     Good
Letheia       A!Ninetales    Good
Starr         Espeon**       Good
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TAG WITH @msdumot
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2023 4:37:34 GMT
again, the unbearable heat called to lorelei. this time, however, there was a wind to her back that kept pushing her forward - promising great riches for her trouble. the blue ditto on her shoulder sighed, obviously tired of this place already. its trainer couldn't blame it, seeing as the land was riddled with all the indiana jones traits ... the bad ones.[break]
"hm." that was a never good start when it came from lorelei, her gaze narrowing as she peered at the outline of something in the whirling sands that forewarned them of a possible storm. "what exactly is that? am i seeing that correctly?" different sand people were huddled over a large dial in the middle of the desert - seemingly trying to turn it this or that way, but each failing to overpower the others of the group so it was at a standstill. it seemed to be an important relic of sorts, by the way these strange creatures were fighting over it. anyone with two brain cells to rub together could tell that much.[break]
"what say you, team? should we approach?"

⚰︎ divider made by milky!


25 encounter sentient mounds of sand that attempt to replicate the shapes of loved ones to lure you in (e.g. this can be a palossand or supernatural force).
27 encounter a sun dial that when operated or adjusted, can change the day and night cycle instantaneously.[break]

- LORELEI follows GWYLIM'S lead with a nod to SHALIN
- As they go forward, encounters a TIMEDIAL in the middle of the sand with various SAND PEOPLE fighting over control of it
- Asks if they'd like to approach
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 15, 2023 19:47:43 GMT
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Out of instinct with the sight of the apparitions before them around the sand dial, Gwylim reached a hand out and grabbed hold of Lorelei's shoulder as if warning her beforehand not to step any closer. They didn't know if those creatures are hostile or not. All he could do was shake his head no at the businesswoman. Surely she knew better than to approach what lingered upon the horizon. It had been mentioned before that some caravans lingered, what if those were it? (He noted that the sands had begun to shift -- they took form of his family, but logically he knew they were all gone. This was a trap, and he knew it. This desert was not kind to them.)

"Before we make any rash decisions, we should ward off the figures surrounding the sun dial."

With his sense of awareness, he knew that those figures weren't his family, so what were they? He took a deep breath in and steadied himself. It was hard to focus with the sounds of some of the beasts among the desert as they clashed and fought recklessly. But Gwylim did his best to tune the sounds out. His breath hitched as he remembered just how reckless Shalin had been their last go through. Would that suit of hers protect her from the apparitions? Or would she see someone or something she cared about as well? Brows furrowed as he turned his attention to the boldest member of their group.

"Shalin? What do you see?"

- warns Lorelei not to go towards the figures
- sees the figures of his family but opts not to approach
- asks Shalin if she sees anything of note among the group

⚰︎ divider made by milky!

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2023 6:28:31 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
The moment Shalin's feet touched the ground after her Flygon lowered her to the ground, she felt her entire leg start to buckle from feeling like jelly. Even with the suit on, the fierce motion still completely deprived her of meaningful sense of touch in her legs and arms. "Whoa!" she stumbled as she held the edges of her dragon's wing again. "Hold your wing still for a bit if you can, Sandy! Just... wow. Even with the suit on, that's so fast!" That was beyond fast.

It was incomprehensible.

Shalin weakly waved to @gwylim and , awkwardly sitting on her grounded Pokémon's wing gently flapping more like a gliding bird's than an insect's, as it was before. "Hi there! I guess I underestimated what she could do," she sheepishly greeted the two, the dragon equally awkwardly waddling in the direction of the sundial and paranormal anomalies. "Because just... wow. That was probably the fastest I've ever gone in my life."

Squinting, Shalin could have sworn she saw a Dragalge floating near the sundial as though it were swimming underwater. "I saw my Dragalge, Pharika," she answered Gwylim's question. "Desert mirages are a very real thing. I saw her die. I really don't want to talk about her any more than that." That Dragalge was one of Shalin's favorite rides in the water, and had played a pivotal role in 's offshore operation near Ever Grande City. It was the last good memory she had before the extraction of her stem cells had taken her life.


- Shalin tries to dismount from her Flygon's wing but cannot stand on her own due to losing feeling in her limbs.
- Shalin sees her Dragalge's spirit in the mirage.

{WC: 257}
{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Corona        Charizard      Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill**     Good
Letheia       A!Ninetales    Good
Starr         Espeon**       Good
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POSTED ON Apr 21, 2023 2:32:42 GMT
loved ones were mixed into the fight - or rather, ones she should have loved. perhaps the desert understood that she had important figured in her life, but it didn't comprehend that people she once sought validation from are not the same as those she had come to have deep and positive feelings for. her father was one of the taller figures in the shapes meant for her, his jaw dislocating by the very sandy sinew that snapped off the head of her grainy mother. the mother figure flailed as if in actual pain, arms splayed out and looking for her head - grasping at nothing. fitting.[break]
"they seem ignorant." lorelei said flatly, not convinced they were of any danger despite gwylim's warning. "things meant to stir up negative emotions or memories are only strong if we allow them to be. physically, they should amount to nothing." with this, her vaporeon was pulled out of its pokeball and lorelei held her arm out for shalin and gwylim to not approach. she didn't need any harm to come to them, should anything happen. [break]
"i'll take responsibility. for now, hydro pump."[break]
the vaporeon had to ground itself before obeying, its feet digging into the sand beneath to give it leverage as it unleashed arguably one of the strongest water moves known to the land. the sand gave way to the powerful attack, multiple figures getting washed away by the powerful stream from the water eeveelution. there were still a few figures left, but they didn't seem to quite care. if anything, they seemed pleased.[break]
with a sharp 'click', the sundial turned. it seems their side had come to win, with the elimination of the others struggling against them.[break]
before them, landorus incarnate glared down at the trio of trainers. or so it seemed for a moment.[break]
as if unimportant, the legendary figure simply leaned its large head over them - narrowing its eyes at what seemed to be a glyphic summary of a ritualistic means to summon said legendary. a small group of about eight hooded figures quivered and dropped to their knees in a circle for the large paw that came down to smash the glyph to pieces, signaling the end of the ritual and the end of any subsequent attempts to summon it.[break]
it seemed the three adventurers were stuck in a scene of the past that may have been pivotal in shaping the desert. it seemed the ultra desert wasn't so 'ultra' at this point, its edges being able to be seen off in the horizon whereas just moments ago it would go for multiple miles more. pinching the bridge of her nose, lorelei understood that this may not have been the best play.[break]
"perhaps we should run before we're next," she remarks flatly, gesturing to the group of hooded figures who seemed to be the target of landorus's rage for the time being.

⚰︎ divider made by milky!


29 go back in time within the realm using the sun dial or a magical hourglass to avoid or resolve a situation.
33 encounter glyphic instructions that pertain to a ritual (method up to your discretion) that reverses a curse/summons the violent spirit of an incarnate forme landorus that has been displaced here.[break]

- LORELEI says 'fuck it' essentially and her vaporeon blasts through like 4 of the figures
- Now the two sides fighting over the sun dial are uneven, turning the sun dial
- Sun dial does its ting and now they're in the past in the middle of a scene. Said scene seems to be the summoning of LANDORUS by some unknown figures. LANDORUS looks pissed it was summoned and smashes the glyph used to summon it into pieces
- LORELEI says 'well.jpg' and suggests to get out of the way inb4 they all die

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 22, 2023 20:47:42 GMT
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"It isn't enough to get out of the way, we need to take this creature down, as well."

It would do more harm than good for them to allow the Landorus to remain active. Gwylim opted to bring out his Altaria and Tirtouga out for the time being. While he wasn't too familiar with the weather trio, he knew the Tirtouga he'd caught would be able to withstand plenty, and his Altaria was his trusted partner. For now, he'd serve as a sort of distraction. If anything, the other two could do the more technical work. Perhaps the KING'S LEAF that was brought could be used as a way to settle the Landorus.

"I'll take the brunt of this. The both of you, figure out how to use that King's Leaf to take this creature down for good."

With that said, Gwylim allowed his pokemon to rush in and begin their attack. The Tirtouga's assault seemed a little more effective, giving opportunity to stun the Landorus. Aqua Jet followed by a Water Pulse, then accompanied by Altaria's Dragon Pulse. Though the rage induced from the attacks Gwylim dealt with the legendary were enough to make it quake. Soon enough, the sands around them began to tremble as they whipped up into a twister to inflict a Sandstorm.

Gwylim shielded his eyes with his arm and soon glanced back at the duo behind him. Perhaps it was better if he came up with a plan and fast. Otherwise the three of them would be whipped up into the sandstorm itself.

"Both of you break that King's Leaf up into a bottle of water, then throw it directly at the Landorus. Then someone aim for the bottle in an attack. I'm going to try and lull it to sleep so the King's Leaf can affect it. Cover your ears once you're done."

Gwylim gave the pair a moment to prepare their attack and then covered his own ears. With that, he ordered his Altaria to use Sing on the Landorus. Once the attack hit, the creature was lulled to sleep, but it seemed the effect wouldn't last long.

- brings out his altaria & tirtouga to begin a distraction maneuver
- suggests that Lorelei and Shalin use the king's leaf to subdue the Landorus completely
- has altaria use sing to lull the landorus to sleep

⚰︎ divider made by milky!

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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5'4" height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2023 4:26:45 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
By the time enough feeling had returned to Shalin's limbs for her to slide off her Flygon's wing and stand on her own two feet again, had already turned the sundial, bringing the trio back in time to the scene of an angry, orange Djinni that had possibly shaped the desert into what was before them today. Thankfully, the Landorus was preoccupied with the cloaked figured utilizing a ritual to try to control it. The legendary Pokémon, given a second chance in the strange timespace of the sundial, shattered the stone tablet containing the glyph, destroying it in both the past timeline and their current one.

"Do we have enough of the King's Leaf to make a third sample?" Shalin asked @gwylim , needing part of it to reverse the curse of the pyramid she had explored the last time she was at the desert. At the young man's command, she withdrew all her Pokémon and covered her ears in anticipation of the Altaria's hypnotizing song.

Once the Landorus had been put to sleep, Shalin let the bottled, now-herbal water dissolve the portion of the King's Leaf she was given. If she could secure a second bottle to do what she wanted, great! If not, she would need to find another way to reverse the curse. After all, that curse had already taken Ellie the Donphan's life. Regardless of whether she was able to get one for herself, she would carefully pour the herbal water into the Djinni's open mouth.


> 🗺️ the KING'S LEAF can be used to slow the curse or clarify the senses; it is also a highly sought after food source by Pokemon in the Ultra Desert.

- Shalin gets off her Flygon's wing in time to see the Landorus from within the space the sundial is affecting.
- Shalin asks for a sample of the King's Leaf water for herself, to reverse the curse laid upon her from her last journey.
- Shalin feeds the sleeping Landorus the King's Leaf herbal water.

{WC: 252}
{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Corona        Charizard      Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill**     Good
Letheia       A!Ninetales    Good
Starr         Espeon**       Good
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POSTED ON Apr 25, 2023 6:08:37 GMT
lorelei watched as gwylim made work of the djinn pokemon and gave his command. a plan was a plan and this one wasn't too far from worthwhile to listen to. nodding at the idea, she worked with shalin to mix the leaf into some water. while it wasn't necessarily a narcotic or means of subduing a legendary, it had been rumored to uplift curses. was this legendary truly a curse, though? if anything, it would be a blessing to be able to take it back to reality with them as one of their entourage. of course, that would be impossible. these lands were unforgiving and didn't care about those within it - much like a god looking down at them and spitting in their face at any attempt to further their gains.[break]
kneeling down to shalin as she poured her portion of the king's leaf down the large pokemon's gullet, she offered her the fraction of the leaf she had been assigned. "for you, ms. nariya." this was said with professional respect. lorelei wasn't smiling or frowning - jaded as she offered the mythical item. "i have no real use for it and it is unfair for you to have your portion for something you didn't incur upon us." it was only fair to give up her portion of the leaf, given she had put them in this situation without truly meaning to. nodding a 'please, take it' in a silent manner, she helped shalin to her feet if she'd allow it and looked towards the hooded figures with a bit of a squint.[break]
the figures were turning translucent, as if the gimmick had worked. perhaps they were returning to present time, given how their images were fading away while the trio remained fully opaque. [break]

⚰︎ divider made by milky!


- LORELEI offers SHALIN her piece of the KING'S LEAF
- it seems the leaf trick worked, the 'curse' of landorus's return is being lifted, they're going back to present time
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 25, 2023 15:22:10 GMT
Deleted Avatar
With the curse broken, everything faded back to the present. That meant the sand whirled around them, leaving Gwylim's Altaria to shield both him, itself, and his Tirtouga from the onslaught of the timejump induced sandstorm. Once the world around them settled, the Altaria unraveled its wings from its team and allowed Gwylim to look around. Though the sand still raged on, it didn't pelt at their bodies much like it already had. At most, it seemed he suffered some brush burn at most, the sand not quite enough to do a heavy amount of damage to them.

Since Lorelei had sacrificed her portion of the king's leaf, he tossed her the safety goggles. At least Gwylim had his Altaria to shield him, and Shalin had the use of her sygna suit matched with her Flygon's support. By the looks of it, she didn't have much but her ditto. Besides, it seemed that she had the most seniority in this grouping, given her travels through the desert prior.

"Use them, and let us know what you see. I imagine we'll see those bug beasts clashing ahead, but I want you to let us know which one seems to be overtaking this land so we know what to look out for."

He wasn't sure what prompted him to take the title of de facto leader in this situation, but Gwylim had no qualms of offering orders to the group. He had a steady mind and didn't seem to be too affected by the twists and turns of this desert. His attention turned to Shalin as he gave a firm nod.

"And Shalin, don't be afraid to show us just what that sygna suit can do. We'll be protecting Lorelei from any oncoming dangers because she'll be the one to guide us further in, understood?"

It was an attempt to get morale boosted, as Shalin seemed hyped up over the fact she had something worthwhile to bring into the desert. Now it was time to show off the efforts that went in to making her sygna suit possible.

- pelted by the oncoming sandstorm but doesn't suffer much injury
- offers the safety goggles to lorelei so she can guide them through
- suggests he and Shalin offer support by fending off any attackers as they guide their way through the desert further

⚰︎ divider made by milky!

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2023 4:49:48 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Shalin breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Lorelei," she gratefully replied, dropping her part of the large herb into her thick, insulated water bottle. While the herb would have taken a long time to dissolve into a form that could be consumed by humans, she had a unique way to accelerate the process.

Assuming Lorelei took the goggles @gwylim had offered, she would be able to see through a sandstorm blowing into a valley covered in buildings, overturned vehicles, and the like. The similar eye protection her Flygon-like windshields offered Shalin the same view. The only problem was there was no safe way down there, as the sandstorm was so intense that it would likely grind her partners' skin to dust. Without Sygna Suits for all of them, Shalin would have to find a new way. After some investigation, the girl was able to find a winding tunnel blocked by a cracked boulder stuck in the sand. It was clear from the beginning that there was no moving this thing. She did have one way, though:

Crack it open with a sonic explosion.

"Cover your ears, everyone!" Shalin cried, putting in her own earplugs. "Now, get as close to it as you can and try to shatter it!" With a nod, the Flygon's wings quickly disappeared, a loud, surprisingly pleasant hum coming from the invisible, translucent, red-and-green appendages the dragon used to "sing" with. Even as their hum turned into a screech, the rock wasn't going anywhere. What was this thing made of?

Raising her voice, she addressed @gwylim again. "...You wanted to see what my suit can do? Well, you're about to. You might want to step away, too. It's going to look odd, but... try not to think about it too much. Infinity Energy kind of... defies all preconceptions of how the world works." This was going to be intense, even by her standards. She needed the added power to bust through this rock, though. "Alright, Sandy, can you lift me onto your wing one more time?" With reluctance, the Flygon did as asked, feeling her trainer's hold on her right wing. She had already made herself dizzy once today from doing this. While Shalin had confidence her suit would keep her safe, the Flygon had every right to worry. "This will be a first, I know. Sandy, BUG BUZZ me. The suit will keep me safe." With a firm hold on the wing with all four of her limbs, Shalin couldn't be any more ready for the utter chaos that was to come.

Again harnessing her trainer's BOLDNESS and glowing, green SYNC STONE, the dragon-type's wings hummed with Shalin on one of them. The suit's INFINITY ENERGY made the foreign scene possible by not only making the rider feel far lighter than normal to the Flygon, but eliminating the whiplash that would have seriously hurt her from being flung up and down dozens of times per second. The reckless girl's eyes were forced shut, her mouth wide open in pure ecstasy as the flutter became even faster. The added weight of Shalin on the Flygon's wing greatly enhanced the power of her shrill BUG BUZZ, even the girl herself now completely invisible. The earplugs seemed to do little to protect against the deafening noise, though the Sygna Suit-enhanced sonic attack certainly would have ruptured the eardrums of those who were unprotected.

The shockwave pulverized the large boulder blocking the way, the howling wind in the wings' wake sending its pieces hurtling away from them and all the way to the bottom of the tunnel. The girl's skin underneath the transparent parts of her suit were quite red; it seemed even her suit, despite her current mastery of it, still had limits. Sandy gradually slowed her wings, a bewildered and swaying Shalin slowly becoming visible as they came closer to a stop. "...Holy shit, that's fast. What a ride," were the only words out of her mouth. Those who knew Shalin knew how rarely she cursed. If she cursed, it was to put special, warranted emphasis on something. Going that fast warranted it.

The intense shaking had one extra benefit: the KING'S LEAF had completely dissolved into her water during the alien-looking ride. Bracing the water bottle against her mount, she took as big of a drink out of it as she could, it did not take long before the dizziness, and the curse of the hidden temple, had left her.


Shalin no longer has to roll with disadvantage during her Type: Null quest.


> 🗺️ the KING'S LEAF can be used to slow the curse or clarify the senses; it is also a highly sought after food source by Pokemon in the Ultra Desert.

- Shalin's Flygon isn't strong enough to shatter the boulder blocking the way to the lower level.
- Using her SYGNA SUIT, Shalin sits on her Flygon's wing to enhance the power of her BUG BUZZ, knocking herself silly in the process due to not respecting her own limits.
- Shalin drinks the water her portion of the King's Leaf is dissolved into. Within seconds, it not only curse her curse, but her dizziness, too.

{WC: 744}
{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Corona        Charizard      Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill**     Good
Letheia       A!Ninetales    Good
Starr         Espeon**       Good
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TAG WITH @msdumot
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2023 4:21:09 GMT
by means of oppressive force, a means of traversing the sandy land was made possible. perhaps the goggles weren't necessary after all, though lorelei figured she'd hold onto them for now. if someone needed them, they'd be handed over.[break]
"what is that?" she asked out loud, curiosity making her voice rise in a questioning tone as the group made their way out of the tunnel. a calmer scene awaited them - two large bugs sitting cross-legged as if meditating. it seemed to be the eye before the storm as the two ultra beasts rose to their feet and slowly approached one another. despite their hatred for the other, they seemed to have some kind of understanding. the gladiator pokemon nodded at one another before exchanging fists and kicks of legs. pheromosa fought like a kickboxer while buzzwole threw heavy rocks and punched with its various arms.[break]
"it seems the bigger one is winning," lorelei observed out loud, donning the goggles momentarily to be able to see this amidst the shifting landscape. buzzwole was indeed besting the pheromosa it fought and was getting ready to land a final blow, not caring about those who watched the battle as if it had been waiting a long time for this.[break]

⚰︎ divider made by milky!


- goes through the tunnel
- sees BUZZWOLE winning over PHEROMOSA
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 14:39:21 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Well, he certainly wasn't expecting Shalin to simply blast through the rock. But it worked, so he couldn't be too critical about it. The doctor gave a low whistle to show that the move was impressive and soon turned his attention to Lorelei as she spoke. So it seemed the insect with a much larger physique managed to be overpowering the lithe and quick creature. Good to note. He gave a firm nod and turned his attention back to where they were headed. They likely treaded into dangerous territory, so it was best to be prepared. For now, Gwylim withdrew his Tirtouga and soon replaced it with a newer companion to his party -- the Fuecoco he'd caught.

"These beasts appear to have the physical characteristics of bug type pokemon, I surmise we prepare ourselves with some fire types in case we're caught in the--"

And with that said, a boulder that the Buzzwole had thrown came flying in their general direction. With no time to waste, Gwylim flashed his mega keystone and his Altaria mega evolved so that it could take on the oncoming threat. With a dragon pulse, the mega Altaria blasted the boulder into mere pebbles. He continued to shield his face in case some of the pebbles decided to fly back and hit. With a breath exhaled he hadn't been aware he was holding, Gwylim turned back and continued where he'd been cut off.

"--crossfires of this all."

With the battle at its climax, some of the ultra beasts caught onto their presence. Some blocked the entrance further in while others encircled them to also block the way out. For now, they'd have to find a way through. Without so much as another word, the small Fuecoco stomped forward, brows knit in a way that showed obvious annoyance. With a breath in, it wasn't long until the fire croc shot an Incinerate at one of the opposing ultra beasts.

It seemed their fight was now, and he'd do what he could to clear a path for them all. While his Fuecoco took on one flank, his mega Altaria focused on another.


- impressed by Shalin and Flygon's work together
- withdraws his Tirtouga in favor of Fuecoco
- mega evolves Altaria to protect the group from oncoming rubble
- surrounded by Buzzwole + Pheromosa and begins to attack so they can make their escape

⚰︎ divider made by milky!

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,917 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON May 1, 2023 1:22:55 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
The sight of the warring Pheromosa and Buzzwole brought Shalin back to her previous trip to the desert. Once she had recovered feeling in her limbs after withstanding the onslaught of vibration, Shalin slid down from her Flygon's back and followed and @gwylim to the large cavity the tunnel led down to. She got a much closer look at them. Pulling out Olivia's egg, there was not a sound coming out of it.

"I've seen these two before," she told her partners, setting the alien-looking, slimy egg on the sand and letting the thick cloth surrounding it fall. "They are indeed susceptible to fire... if you can hit the thin ones with it. They're... fast. Really fast." She watched her Buzzwole egg for a bit. Not even a reaction to the Ultra Beasts nearly. "This egg came from one of those," Shalin said, pointing to one of the many Buzzwole. "I've been taking care of this egg for three months, and it's shown no sign of hatching. Have you ever heard of a Pokémon egg that takes months to hatch?" she asked both of them, but particularly .

Seeing the Buzzwole had the advantage, Shalin send out Corona, her Charizard, to reinforce them. While the fire dragon's INFERNO scorched many of them and thinned their ranks, one of them leaped out of the way and landed at the base of the Charizard's neck. "Corona!!" Shalin screamed as the clever Pheromosa rest its thick wings against the top of the fire-type's head, then began buzzing them. While the noise wasn't as loud and grating as Shalin's bug-types, their sheer strength rattled the poor victim, causing him to flail around madly in a vain effort to dislodge the Ultra Beast. The impact point began to bleed as the Pheromosa's wings smacked Shalin's Pokémon countless times per second. It took a swift DRAGON CLAW from Sandy to smack the pesky bug away from the dizzy, knocked-out fire Pokémon. It was all up to now...



{WC: 336}
{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Treble        Kommo-o        Good
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Corona        Charizard      KO
Queen Zing    Beedrill**     Good
Letheia       A!Ninetales    Good
Starr         Espeon**       Good
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