First Date!

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 19th
Castelia City
Keenan Toral
5’9” height
5’9” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
165 posts
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TAG WITH @shinobu
shinobu fujimori
First Date!
POSTED ON Oct 5, 2023 5:16:47 GMT
shinobu fujimori Avatar

[attr="class","header"]REMEMBER ME FOR CENTURIES


Hearing his comment, he nodded in agreement. He had never intended for things to be like this, for him to become a workaholic. But he had been raised to strive for what he wanted, to give everything he had to make his dreams come true. And he did. It didn’t really help that his parents had also fallen into the workaholic category. Well, at least they had until it had been discovered that his sister had cancer. After that, they had put work on hold, although he had never understood why they had done so since they both had careers that they could do from home.
As much as he liked to think he wasn’t like his parents, he was actually more like them than he cared to admit. Which was why he was a workaholic and could be a bit stubborn about it as well. However, unlike his parents, he wasn’t going to wait for some kind of tragedy to change that aspect about himself. Unlike his parents, he would allow those around him to advise and would listen to them.
So when he said he would look into getting more free time, he meant it. And as he brought up not having fully unpacked even after a year, he realized just how much his work had been interfering with things. He really did need to take some time to get things sorted. And it seemed that he and Keenan were on the same page, which was amusing since he hadn’t really said anything. If he didn’t know any better, he would think the other teen had read his mind.
“Really, that would be great. Usually, whenever plans are made to get to it, something comes up,” he admitted, seeming amused by the whole thing, then annoyed.
After that, it didn’t take long for them to finish their meal. His question got him thinking, and he considered all the places they could visit. “I’ll be honest, I don’t know much about Dewford. Is there any place you would recommend checking out?”[break]

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played by


July 27
Olivine City
Shinobu Fujimori
5'8" height
5'8" height
Don't give up. There's no shame in falling down. True shame is never standing back up.
328 posts
Keenan Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun
Keenan Toral
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POSTED ON Oct 7, 2023 0:57:53 GMT
Keenan Toral Avatar
"Ha ha, that's usually how things go!" Kee laughed a little. The best laid plans and all. How many times had Kee make plans, only for something to end up, or more like he got distracted. Shin seemed pretty receptive to the idea of him helping out. That would be a great next date, maybe. Any place to check out...there was a small museum, but they would have to hurry to make it and have a short tour. Then there was the shrine. Dewford...didn't have a lot of places. Just a lot of good nature. And beaches and docks. "There isn't a lot, unfortunately. There is a museum and a shrine, but that's it. There isn't a lot of actual touristy places. Dewford is still a small town. I can see if their theatre is showing anything..."

As he saddled up with the bill, he started to look up what the theatre had to offer. There was a live performance, some kind of theater kid stuff. Could be entertaining. There was an actual theatre that showed movies. Including one about an oversized Tyranitar tearing into Johto, and being challenged by an oversized Ambipom, some kind of horror comedy, and a mystery movie. He'd let Shin know about them.

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December 19th
Castelia City
Keenan Toral
5’9” height
5’9” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
165 posts
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TAG WITH @shinobu
shinobu fujimori
First Date!
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2023 14:28:42 GMT
shinobu fujimori Avatar

[attr="class","header"]REMEMBER ME FOR CENTURIES


Listening to what he had to say, he nodded in agreement. The main obstacles that usually prevented people from accomplishing things were unexpected events or lack of time. There never seemed to be enough hours in the day, and after a long day of work, no one wanted to clean. That's why he tried to schedule cleaning days when both he and another family member had the day off. However, whenever the scheduled day arrived, something would always come up, forcing them to go to work.
After admitting that he didn't know much about Dewford, Kee started suggesting a few places they could visit. According to Kee, Dewford didn't have much to offer, which was expected considering its small size.
The idea of watching a play intrigued him, even if he wouldn't be able to see what was happening. He could still listen and enjoy it. It had been a while since he had been to a play, probably when he was thirteen or fourteen. Although he didn't mind plays, he was more into the sports entertainment that Nimbasa in Unova had to offer.
"A play wouldn't be too bad. My sister was really into them. She would often try to act them out weeks after we had seen one," he chuckled. "Nimbasa, back in Unova, is known for its plays and sports. Some people prefer plays, while others prefer sports. I leaned more towards sports myself, but I didn't mind plays. Although, it was probably more that couldn't say no to my sister."[break]

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played by


July 27
Olivine City
Shinobu Fujimori
5'8" height
5'8" height
Don't give up. There's no shame in falling down. True shame is never standing back up.
328 posts
Keenan Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun
Keenan Toral
First Date!
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 1:54:35 GMT
Keenan Toral Avatar
Shin actually surprised Kee by his choice of activity. Granted, plays usually weren't quiet by any means. Though it was more because of his sister, making the blonde give the red head and soft smile, even if he couldn't see it. Shin said he preferred the sports part of Nimbasa's stadiums, but maybe he didn't see them as often was due to not being able to say no to his sister. "That's adorable. I try to dote on Ace...but he can be a bit...prickly...probably due to mom and dad not having enough confidence in him as a trainer." He looked up where the theater was, and attempted to lead them to it. Key word was attempted.

For some reason, Kee got confused as to which direction his phone was trying to take him, and they ended up getting to the theater about two minutes late to when the show started. Still, they allowed them through when Keenan paid for the two tickets. But at least it was still early in the play. They were about four rows up, and to the right towards the center of the section. There were ten rows per side, it was a small theater. Funnily enough, it was about the three Swords of Justice in Unova. Although...something in the back of his mind nagged him that they were missing one. Though later in the play, they did address that, as luck would have it. Kee stayed silent, but attentive. So much so that if Shin got his attention, he would jump a little. Though he would thankfully be able to keep himself from squeeking a but too loudly.

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played by


December 19th
Castelia City
Keenan Toral
5’9” height
5’9” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
165 posts
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TAG WITH @shinobu
shinobu fujimori
First Date!
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2023 6:39:30 GMT
shinobu fujimori Avatar

[attr="class","header"]REMEMBER ME FOR CENTURIES


He knew it was strange that a blind person would want to attend a play, but he was feeling a bit nostalgic. If this conversation had taken place a few years ago, he definitely wouldn't have chosen to go to a play. Anything that reminded him of his sister had been painful, so he had avoided it. However, he was now at a stage where thinking of his sister didn't make it feel hard to breathe.
As he spoke about his brother, he couldn't help but feel sorry for the other male. Yes, he had gotten the impression that his brother was a bit reserved, though not as reserved as that one guy he had met. What was his name again? Emery? No, that wasn't right. Evan? Nope, though he felt he was getting closer. Ever? Yeah, that was it.
"Sorry to hear that. It sounds like the opposite of my own parents. They were pretty confident that I could be a good trainer and complete the gym challenge. Maybe a little too confident," he admitted with a small shrug. Don't get him wrong, he loved his parents, but they had been a bit overbearing in telling him he would go far in life. If he was being honest with himself, there had always been a lot of pressure on him to make something of himself. That was probably why he was such a workaholic today.
As they left the restaurant and made their way to the play's location, silence fell between them. It was a comfortable silence, though. Getting to their destination took longer than he had expected, but considering they were confirmed to be late, he figured they had gotten a bit turned around.
Luckily, they were allowed entry despite the play already starting. He allowed Kee to lead them to their seats. As they sat down, he could actually focus on what the play was about, and funny enough, it was about the Three Swords of Justice in Unova.
Since he couldn't see, all he could do was listen. And he took the opportunity to see how accurate they were. Despite the fact that they were missing one, they were actually pretty accurate. Though he was sure his sister would have called them out from the start. The thought made him let out a low chuckle.
Realizing that the chuckle was somewhat unexpected, he whispered an explanation to the other teenager. "If they had done this in a play my sister attended, she would have called them out from the start. She would have called them out before they even had time to explain themselves."[break]

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played by


July 27
Olivine City
Shinobu Fujimori
5'8" height
5'8" height
Don't give up. There's no shame in falling down. True shame is never standing back up.
328 posts
Keenan Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun
Keenan Toral
First Date!
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2023 4:13:00 GMT
Keenan Toral Avatar
"Yeah, it was wierd, he's stronger than me. By a lot. And was considered one of the strongest youths around. No idea why they were so nervious. But the only way they'd let him go was with me, but we separated pretty quickly once we left." Well, he had a pretty good idea as to why, but it wasn't his place to say nor did he have any real confirmation of the suspicion. Keenan was decent enough, but Aaron was a on a whole other level.

Shin's chuckle did make Keenan jump a bit, but also attracted his attention to listen to the Unovan native. The red head mentioned that his sister would have called them out over missing Keldeo. That would be funny to see how the actors would have reacted. "If they were good actors, they'd have improvised and worked with it. I've seen better, but I've seen a lot worse too." Ah the high school shows. Budding talent and absolute crapshows. Even for those amateur shows people underestimate the amount of work that went into them. And high schoolers had such short attention spans. Or at least his class did. Kee was no exception. Anyways, the performance was lovely all the same. Heroics and all...

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played by


December 19th
Castelia City
Keenan Toral
5’9” height
5’9” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
165 posts
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TAG WITH @shinobu
shinobu fujimori
First Date!
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2024 21:21:04 GMT
shinobu fujimori Avatar

[attr="class","header"]REMEMBER ME FOR CENTURIES


He contemplated what he said. There had to be more to it than that. Most parents weren't like that. Most seemed to believe their child could do anything they put their mind to. That they could do no wrong. From what he had observed when being around other people's parents, that's the way most of them were.
So why were Kee's and Aaron's so different? While he was a bit curious, he knew it wasn't his place to ask. Oh well, time to think of another subject. Since he wanted to try and get him away from a topic that might bring him down, he picked the subject that first came to mind.
"Your brother seems like a capable battler from what I've heard. Perhaps I could battle him one day. Hopefully it'll go better than when I asked that one guy..." he said the last part musingly. Yeah, he had tried to ask Ever for a battle but had been rejected by the older male. First time he'd ever been called daft.
Deciding just to focus for a bit on the play, he listened to the play go on. Though the fact they had forgotten one of the legendaries of Unova and how his sister might react was amusing. As amused as he was, he couldn't help but release a chuckle. From the sound beside him, he figured he had startled the other ten, which hadn't been his intention, so he shot him an apologetic look.
"True, but my sister would've still had something to say about it. She was really into plays, and folklore, and all that kind of stuff. Is it weird that plays have grown on me more since I lost my sight? While I've never been fashionable by any means, the outfits were part of the reason I wasn't entirely sold on plays to begin with," he admitted, making sure to keep his voice low so that only Kee would hear him.[break]

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played by


July 27
Olivine City
Shinobu Fujimori
5'8" height
5'8" height
Don't give up. There's no shame in falling down. True shame is never standing back up.
328 posts
Keenan Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun
Keenan Toral
First Date!
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2024 6:47:47 GMT
Keenan Toral Avatar
Kee nodded. Aaron was certainly that. "He wouldn't say no. He's fully aware that not all good trainers take on the gym challenge. He's always up to testing his own abilities and the abilities of his Pokemon." Aaron wasn't always battle hungry, but he observed the sport to a...full on competitor's degree. His ace Trevenant was obnoxiously difficult to take down. "A chance encounter with allowed Ace to get a gym badge almost right away...I've yet to challenge Noah again. And Ace managed to beat without losing a single Pokemon. My fight was a win only because of a technicality. He'll give you a very good fight." The elder blonde admired his brother.

Keenan found the shift interesting. But he didn't think it wierd at all. "Not at all. The outfits aren't the entire point anyways, it's the acting and the story. Maybe the outfits distracted you, even though their purpose is to sell the setting. Maybe some of the characters." Depending on the story being told. Like Shin, Kee tried to keep his voice low. Shin's sister was an expert in folklore, huh. Sad that he couldn't meet her. Kee just paid more attention to the play, keeping a closer ear to Shin's reactions so the red head wouldn't startle him again.

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played by


December 19th
Castelia City
Keenan Toral
5’9” height
5’9” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
165 posts
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TAG WITH @shinobu
shinobu fujimori
First Date!
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2024 6:45:08 GMT
shinobu fujimori Avatar

[attr="class","header"]REMEMBER ME FOR CENTURIES


"Then perhaps I'll ask him the next time we run into each other, assuming it's not a work day," he said, pausing momentarily before continuing. "Don't get me wrong, I love a good battle, but trying to do one after I've worked is asking too much. I'm worn out by work as it is, so any battle would have to be on a day off."
As he spoke about his brother's exploits in the gym circuit, he couldn't help but be curious. "Sounds interesting, especially considering how tough I've heard can be. I must admit I don't know as much about , though, aside from the fact that he's the gym leader of Verdanturf," he sounded impressed, though somewhat sheepish when he admitted the last part.
To his relief, he didn't seem to think his comment on wardrobe choice was weird. Though at the mention of being distracted by the outfit choice, he couldn't help but wince. "Yeah, a few times in the past, the outfit choices were quite..." he trailed off, clearly trying to think of a way to put it nicely. "Flashy," he said at last.
As the talk of wardrobe came to a close, he realized the people around them were starting to get up. "I guess we're finished," he said before turning towards the other teen. "It's been fun hanging out with you. Ummm well... I would like to do so again if you're up for it," he said, shifting uncomfortably and ignoring his buzzing phone in his pocket, probably his aunt calling wanting to know when he will be home.[break]

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played by


July 27
Olivine City
Shinobu Fujimori
5'8" height
5'8" height
Don't give up. There's no shame in falling down. True shame is never standing back up.
328 posts
Keenan Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun
Keenan Toral
First Date!
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2024 4:21:40 GMT
Keenan Toral Avatar
"Don't worry, Ace would take you on at your best." Aaron wanted to face down strong opponents. If they weren't at their best, Aaron would consider the victory mute. What would be the point if both of them weren't at the top of their game? Shin mentioned what he's heard. "I've looked at Noah's gym a few times. Cage match, and a specialty in fighting type Pokemon. I have a Granbul that I think would be fantastic, and a Mimikyu that'd be good there too. I've just yet to make the challenge." He mosty just wanted to teach his Mimikyu a different move than Wood Hammer. But he just hadn't gotten to it.

Shin then mentioned the odd clothing choices. Kee had his own memories of such...outfits. Though for a different reason. "Trying to wear them and move in them is worse. More often than not, anyways." The blonde left how he knew that hanging. Perhaps a conversation for another time. They'd been talking for a while. And the play was over. With nothing else to really do, perhaps it was time to call it a day. And Shin was the first to initiate that. "Same here! Maybe in Lilycove or Littleroot. Can you find your way back?" Probably a bit ironic, considering his own luck and lack of ability to navigate around. With Shin able to get back alright, Kee also exited, excited that he got asked for a second date. Maybe this will go very well indeed...

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POSTED ON Feb 4, 2024 8:39:09 GMT
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