i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2023 7:58:21 GMT
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The OUTSKIRTS of SLATEPORT CITY were rampant with crime, organized or not. During his tenure as an ADMIN, Remiel knew TEAM ROCKET operated here often. And, thanks to his contacts, he'd become aware of one particular operation that dared to practice illegal X-ATTACK manufacturing right on the League's doorstep.

Recently, one of its dealers even tried selling this illegal product to several young trainers (perhaps including ) passing through the city. Using AETHELWYNE's keen sense for tracking auras, Remiel tracked this dealer to the manufacturing warehouse. Though it soon became clear that infiltrating this den of crime would be difficult:

A trio of WEEZING patrolled the warehouse inside and out. They continually expelled a thick SMOG that concealed most of it from view. The dealer that approached said warehouse stopped at a rusty old mailbox before retrieving a gas mask and entering it. Hiding in an alleyway nearby, Remiel and his HATTERENE waited for the opportune moment to advance and retrieve a gas mask of their own...


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absalom steel
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2023 1:51:07 GMT
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[attr="class","header"]LIVE LIFE FOR YOU NOT FOR OTHERS


Who did they think they were? Did they think he was born yesterday. Sure he might not be the best at noticing social cues but that didn’t mean he was naive. So when some strange person had come up to him selling X-Attacks he had declined. He had been as polite as possible. But perhaps he had been too polite, because he hadn’t been left alone about the matter.
He wasn’t officially league well not in the sense that he was anyone important by league standards. The teen was no officer. Nor was he a ranger. Or in any other position that held power. But he was nothing if not persistent at times. So when he had gotten wind of this operation he had gone to the higher ups to be allowed to go on this operation.
At first he had been denied as expected. But he had persisted and they had relented. Though only after asking why he was so desperate to go. The fact of the matter was was that they had taken his medicine when he had left it unattended to go to the bathroom. And he knew that it was some kind of retaliation for not buying what they were saying. Or maybe it was because he had implied they were stupid. To be fair he hadn’t meant to say any of that out loud.
Anyway the point was was that they had taken his medicine or herbal remedy whatever you wanted to call it. And he had pointed out that it would just be easier for him to go get it himself than someone trying to follow some description they had been given. After promising he wouldn’t leave the side of the other person on the operation he was allowed to go.
He moved quietly his Wrydeer out of his pokeball instead of Mirage, his H.Zoroark. The teen moved quietly going over the description he had been given. Seeing a guy who resembled the description he had been going he made his way over to him making sure to keep quiet in case the people they were trying to stop were patrolling.
His Wrydeer would approach first to insure the older male wouldn’t think he was one of the bad guys and accidentally attack him. Then after he was sure no attacks were going to fly his way he would approach himself. ”Hello, I was giving permission to join the operation to get back something that was taken from me. It’s kind of hard to explain what it was. They didn’t like me refusing their product so I guess they took it to try and force me into compliance,” he would say awkwardly, looking at the ground as if it had become the most interesting thing in the world to him.[break]

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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2023 3:29:48 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Just as Remiel steps forward to approach the mailbox stash, however, his HATTERENE seizes his shoulder with her large 'hand'. She'd sensed someone else approaching. But this person carried considerably less malevolence in their heart than those who currently occupied the warehouse. Turning around to set eyes upon them himself, the crown prince is surprised to find a young boy.

The former GALARIAN AMBASSADOR nearly urges the lad to vacate the area post-haste. Just before he can do so, however, said lad presents his reasons for being here. Doubtfully, Remiel asks: "The LEAGUE sent you here? You seem a little too young for this sort of operation..."

He knew HOENN gave much more liberty to its youth than some other regions. But he couldn't but feel like he might get in trouble regardless if something bad happened. Nevertheless, he continues with his whispered inquiry.

"How old are you, exactly?"


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absalom steel
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2023 20:13:21 GMT
absalom steel Avatar



He wasn’t sure if he should feel insulted or not. Despite his young age he was sure he has what it takes to do this kind of mission. His skills with Pokémon weren’t bad, so it wasn’t like he would be incompetent. Besides he was planning on sticking to the older male like glue.
Instead of getting worked up his expression remained neutral. ”Yes as long as don’t leave your side. That was the stipulation,” he said calmly. Hopefully that would be the end of that. Didn’t really want to waist time going on about how young he was to be on such a mission.
The question about his age was to be expected. But he still had to resist the urge to sigh. ”Thirteen,” he told him. Hopefully this wouldn’t start a new round of doubt. The window was closing on them being able to pull this off. But just in case he was working up some more doubt perhaps he should saying something.
”Look I get it I’m young still technically a kid. My own parents would throw a fit if they knew I was putting myself at risk like this. I was careless they only got ahold of my herbal remedy because I left my bag unattended. I’ve always been taught that one should make up for their mistakes. Besides having me along to get what the took is better than trying to follow some description you’re give.”
His voice was quiet as he told him all this, but loud enough that he wouldn’t have trouble hearing him. Hopefully this would help quell any further doubts he had. [break]

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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2023 5:51:43 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Oh. Of course.

Remiel supposed he shouldn't feel insulted either. The fact that they'd sent a thirteen year old to watch over him was still surprising nonetheless, however. But, at the very least, they had granted him the clemency to prove himself.

"I was riding dragons at thirteen," He remarks, mostly to himself than the boy. "Then again, that was KALOS..." Boys grew into men quickly in Kalos. Especially those of the TOUSIGNANT clan. "But that's beside the point. I see logic in your reasoning, so I'll go along with it. But the moment I say 'go', you go... understand?" The royal adds.

Before Absalom really has a chance to respond, however, Remiel spots his Hatterene out of the corner of his eye: hiding next to one of the exits as a man clad in a gas mask opens the door. When he realizes the Pokémon is there, he audibly gasps and reaches for his walkie-talkie to warn the others— then is immediately subdued when the Hatterene places her hat-hand over his face to DRAIN him.

The masked man collapses onto the ground in a heap, and Remiel looks both ways before swiftly (but quietly) regrouping with Aethelwyne. One hushed scolding later, the royal drags the body behind a nearby dumpster before removing the gas mask and offering it to Absalom.

"Here, take this." He says, shielding his own nostrils from the smog with one arm. "I'll find another one."


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absalom steel
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2023 0:10:15 GMT
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He assumed that most parents would have been more lenient than his own. Although his parents had definitely been stricter with him, he was certain that even they wouldn't have allowed his siblings to ride on dragon Pokémon. And that was saying something, considering he was born and raised in Alola, a region known for its ride Pokémon.
"I'm from Alola, although I never really got to do anything. My parents were always so worried about me," he said with a slight frown. He knew the older man had said it more to himself than to him, but he wanted to let him know that he came from a region known for its adventurous activities. After all, it was Alola that had come up with Mantine surfing, as opposed to regular surfing.
The older man spoke again, and he was relieved that he was able to make his point understood. Just as he was about to respond, a guy emerged from the door. Remiel's Hatterne quickly took care of him before he could raise an alarm. Hopefully, he wouldn't be too badly injured. He may be tough, but he didn't actually want people to die.
He followed the royal, moving quickly but silently. As they approached the unconscious figure, he observed the appearance of the other man, disregarding his clothing. He noticed that the man was still breathing.
As Remiel dragged the guy behind the dumpster, he frowned. While it wasn't a bad idea, there was a chance that if someone approached the dumpster from the wrong direction, they would discover the guy. Though the chances were slim, he didn't want to take any risks.
With one hand, he took the mask and released Mirage from his Pokéball with the other hand. "Create an illusion to make it appear as though there's nothing behind the dumpster," he instructed the Hisuian Zoroark before turning back to the older man.
"No chances, right?" he asked before putting on the mask.[break]

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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2023 0:27:14 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
"Well done," Remiel comments, nodding with approval at the illusion cast up. With the toxic smog slowly creeping in past the cover of his arms, however, he doesn't waste another moment before disappearing to find a mask of his own.

"Stay alert. Try not to go in without me." He says before parting. "Aethelwyne stay with him."

His Hatterene dutifully stays with Absalom as she was told. Aethelwyne doesn't need a mask thanks to her MAGIC BOUNCE ability. Every so often, the magical aura surrounding her becomes visible in parts. When the sound of a garage door being opened nearby echoes throughout the smog, however, her curiosity gets the better of her.

Whether or not Absalom follows, the Hatterene creeps closer to get an eye on things... and sees a man in a hazmat suit pushing a cart of sludge out toward a nearby sewage drain canal. And, almost silently, a trio of WEEZING emerge out from the smog to salivate at the viscous contents.


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absalom steel
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2023 6:13:04 GMT
absalom steel Avatar



He accepted the compliment and waited for his next orders, which came before the older male left to go find a mask of his own. As his footsteps retreated, he diverted his attention to their surroundings. Remaining watchful, he allowed his gaze to scan their surroundings, keeping an eye out for anything that could be a problem.
As he did this, the sound of a garage door opening sounded. Other than looking in the direction the sound had come from, he didn't react. However, after the Hatterne took off in the direction of the sound, he had a decision to make: follow the Hatterne or stay put.
Following meant a greater risk of being discovered. After all, the color of his hair alone stood out. Then again, he didn't know the Hatterne well enough to know whether he would keep out of trouble. What if he did something to get them discovered?
This would all be easier if he had been ordered to stay put. Then he would be able to use that as a reason not to follow, since he was the type to always follow orders. Since that wasn't the case, though, he had to make the decision on his own.
After what felt like minutes but was actually only a few seconds, he decided what to do. Letting out a sigh, he returned Gemini to his Pokéball and followed after the Hatterne, making sure to be quiet. While it was true that the smog would conceal things, he still had to be careful not to make any unnecessary noise.
Reaching the Hatterne didn't take long, and he watched with the dual type as a guy in a hazmat suit came out, pushing a cart of sludge towards a nearby sewage drain. His gaze then flickered to the trio of Weezing that trailed after him.
He then took in the rest of the surroundings, his eyes briefly going to where the guy had exited from. Once he was sure he had properly assessed the situation, he would fall back, still keeping out of sight. Hopefully, Aethelwyne would fall back as well and not try to go in without his owner.[break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + ooc notes



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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2023 11:21:43 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
It is a SWANNA that Remiel summons that DEFOGS the entire area of the SMOG shielding it. Once that is done, however, the cover they had been using disappears completely. Just as the trio of Weezing take notice of Absalom, however, Aethelwyne blasts them backward with a MYSTICAL FIRE.

"Take cover!" Remiel shouts from afar, tearing off a gas mask from his face just in time to see the trio of Weezing EXPLODE in the sky above. It's all of the alarm the criminals in this enterprise need to scatter like roaches from the warehouse, leaving all of their illegally crafted wares behind.

Once Remiel is sure the coast is clear, he regroups with the lad. "That should be it, I think. I'll call reinforcements in to secure the area and take it from here. Are you alright?" He inquires.


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absalom steel
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2024 15:46:28 GMT
absalom steel Avatar



Suddenly, the smog that had shielded their presence dissipates, and all it takes is one look towards the older male to let him know that the Swanna had used Defog to blow away the smog. The only thing was that it left them in clear view of the rocket grunts and the Weezing. Of course, with him being closer, it means the Weezing will attempt to attack him.
The attack doesn't happen, though, since the Hatterne blasts the Weezing back with a Mystic Fire. His own gas mask gets taken off, and he barely has time to feel relief at being able to breathe freely when Remiel yells at him to take cover. Before he can react, Mirage slams into him and pins him to the ground, covering his body with his own. He hears the explosion in the sky, letting him know that the Weezing had exploded in the sky. But at the moment, he didn't care about that.
The pressure on him disappears, making him realize Mirage had gotten off him, so he stands up himself. "I appreciate the fact that you wanted to protect me, but I could've gotten onto the ground without you tackling me," he said drily, his gaze fixed on the spectral fox.
To show he really wasn't angry with his companion, he ran his hand through the Hisuian Zoroark's fur before turning towards Remiel when he approached. "Hmmm yeah, I might have a few bruises from when Mirage decided to tackle me to the ground, but other than that, I'm fine," he reassured the older male.
His phone chimed, and he looked down, letting out a sigh. Using one hand to type on his phone, he used his other hand to release Royal from his Pokéball. "Find my remedy, would you? You know what the container looks like," he told the Glameow, barely taking his eyes off his phone to address the cat Pokémon.
He put his phone back in his pocket as Royal took off to do as he had been told. "My sister wants me back home. It was nice working with you," he said as Royal returned with something in his mouth. Realizing it was his herbal remedy, he took it from the feline Pokémon and put it in his pocket before returning Royal to his Pokéball.
"Maybe we'll have a chance to work together again," he said as he swung himself onto Mirage's back. Then he would ride off, heading towards the main part of Slatesport.[break]

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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Feb 5, 2024 17:52:48 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Bruises would heal quickly over time. But, just to show kindness, Remiel's Hatterene summons a drop of LIFE DEW at the tip of her finger before 'booping' Absalom. The healing nectar magically spreads across his entire body, particularly focused on mending those aforementioned bruises. The witch scoffs at the sight of an inferior herbal remedy, however.

"It was nice working with you as well," Remiel nods, arms crossed as he addresses the lad. "If the opportunity presents itself, I wouldn't mind doing it again. You're very capable at this sort of thing despite your age." Though, admittedly, the prince might never get used to it anyway.

With a smile and a wave, however, he departs. "Be seeing you."



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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Feb 6, 2024 6:47:11 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!


