Meaning of Strength [Josh]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Meaning of Strength [Josh]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 17:49:51 GMT
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Friends can have disagreements, yes, but they also understand the nature of their disagreements. The Tyranitar completely disobeying orders without so much as an argument was why Josh chided him so. "What I see is a lack of trust," Josh answered while the challenger made their decision, the play clock winding down.

The quickness of the Incineroar's DOUBLE KICK turned the Gym Leader's opinion around, the fighting-type's concentration able to identify the real Hydreigon with some difficulty. The swift motion to the dragon's gut stunned Kokusho just long enough to freeze his wings and sink into the grass-covered dirt with a thud.

The final duel was on as Pinky, the Gym Leader's Shiny Sylveon, leaped from the trainer's box to the grassy field below. Confident in the fairy-type's defenses against the Incineroar's melee attacks, the Gym Leader ordered her to cast a LIGHT SCREEN with her feelers in an effort to keep ranged attacks at bay.

{PC: 8}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Braver          Arcanine          KO  
Pinky           Sylveon**         Good  
Kokusho         Hydreigon         KO  
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January 23
Cake Decorator
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Biscotti Kingsley
Meaning of Strength [Josh]
POSTED ON Jan 1, 2024 23:57:20 GMT
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The brunette’s cheeks turned red. The Tyranitar had never respected him. Not since his big bro—worried about his lack of firepower—sent it to him. In fake Galar, they’d made some headway. But the second he turned back into an awkward teen, all that hard work went out the window. “I mean—I guess,” Biscotti admitted quietly. What could he do to earn a beast like that’s trust? “But it’s not like we can do each other’s nails.”

That embarrassment lessened when Jangle’s attack hit home. “Yeah!” The teen shouted. “You go, J!” Smoke billowed from the Incineroar’s nostrils as she allowed herself a moment to gloat. Fingers stretched as the cat popped her knuckles. Sharp claws flashed as the feline stared down the pink fox-thing in front of her. The two shared a glance. That wall’s going to be a pain in the arse. That look seemed to say.

This thing was a fairy type. Or, well, magic type in his head. So uh, what attack should I use? If he knew anything about Josh, this thing would be fast. He wouldn’t get much time to debate. “Uh, Lick it!” His cat’s incredulous look makes Biscotti turn pink. “Not like that, weirdo!” Fortunately, the cat obeys—she thinks a bit of paralysis would do this battle a world of good.

And, honestly, she doesn’t have much for a fairy-type in her repertoire.


[newclass=.bisc b] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.bisc i] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Meaning of Strength [Josh]
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2024 7:01:18 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The focus on keeping her LIGHT SCREEN running and as effective as possible left the Sylveon open to an unexpected attack: an otherworldly LICK from the side. Pinky's muscles began to tense up, the blue Sylveon's speed advantage gone.

Pinky had more tactics than speed up her alley; they were tactics the Elite Four had taught Josh the first time he had squared off against them. While speed was a great weapon, it could not be Josh's only weapon. Had she not suffered from volunteering for the vile stem cell extraction needed to produce Aleph, this battle would have been hopeless for Biscotti, the ringing of a close-range PIXILATED HYPER VOICE threatening to ravage the Incineroar's ears. Were the challenger's Pokémon not able to shield its ears in time, it would find the shriek nowhere as loud as it should have been.


Pinky's Normal-type moves are RESISTED as though they are Fairy-type moves.

{WC: 143}
{PC: 8}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Braver          Arcanine          KO  
Pinky           Sylveon**         Stun
Kokusho         Hydreigon         KO  
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January 23
Cake Decorator
I might not feel pain, but I can still bleed.
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Biscotti Kingsley
Meaning of Strength [Josh]
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2024 17:52:45 GMT
Biscotti Kingsley Avatar

[attr="class","bisc"]Jangle turned to glare at her trainer as she stepped back from the attack. Sure, it didn’t mean actually putting your tongue on strangers, but you still tasted them. Just in your soul. Which, honestly, was worse. Still, the attack seemed to have the intended effect. The next attack came without warning.

Though the cat lifted her hands to her ears, they didn’t exactly cover them. There were plenty of gaps for that noise to get through. Disoriented by the attack, the fire attack staggered back from the fox Pokemon. She shook her head to try and erase the ringing, an ultimately unsuccessful act. “You okay, JJ?” Her dummy of a trainer called out. “I think your ear’s bleeding.” Repeating the earlier gesture—in refusal this time—she launched herself back toward the Sylveon.

But, this time, her steps weren’t perfect. The disturbance made her feel like she was on the deck of a heaving ship. “ROOOOAR!” As she reached forward, fire bloomed from her belt until it was whipped into a raging inferno. This grew until it wrapped around her like a hamster ball—Flare Blitz. Hoping to land it, the dark type threw herself the last few yards toward the ribbon-wearing fairy type.


[newclass=.bisc b] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.bisc i] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Meaning of Strength [Josh]
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2024 2:08:27 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"Brace, Pinky! BRAAAAAAACE!!" Josh shouted, knowing that the Sylveon in her weakened state would not be able to sidestep the feline's swift attack. He knew the reckless, flame-laced charge well; he had even ridden on his Pokémon while it was using the move before. As reckless as it was, it also bestowed upon the user a great deal of speed.

The FLARE BLITZ left Pinky bleeding in places far worse than the ear. With both Pokémon appearing to be on borrowed time after such a savage, life-risking charge, Josh didn't feel he needed much to wrap this one up. "QUICK ATTACK, Pinky!" the Leader commanded, leaping toward the fire-type's face in an effort to slash across its bleeding ears with nails coming toward it perhaps faster than Biscotti could track.

{WC: 132}
{PC: 9}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Braver          Arcanine          KO  
Pinky           Sylveon**         Stun
Kokusho         Hydreigon         KO  
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January 23
Cake Decorator
I might not feel pain, but I can still bleed.
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Biscotti Kingsley
Meaning of Strength [Josh]
POSTED ON Jan 10, 2024 18:28:55 GMT
Biscotti Kingsley Avatar

[attr="class","bisc"]Wow! All that heat washes over Biscotti like a tidal wave. A hand lifted to protect the teen from the extreme temperatures. By the time he forces his eyes open, his cat still glows like a miniature sun. It’d be cool as hell if it wasn’t hurting her.

The cat crashes into the Sylveon like a meteorite. The flames bite at the feline’s frame as she tries to force the battle. Though not tired by any means, Jangle doesn’t want this stuff to go on. Every second the battle went on, there’d be more and more temptation to use Flare Blitz. That means more pain as her own body’s defenses waver in the heat. Eventually, she’d just carve her own tombstone.

But—even as she forces the heat up—Jangle can feel it won’t be enough. The Sylveon’s heart beats strong, and its bright eyes are full of vigor. Eventually, the pain grew to be too much. With a noise between a hiss and a groan, the dark-type stumbles away from the Sylveon. Her chest heaves with exertion. The lines of fire carried further and further up her arms.

“JJ!” Biscotti shouts at her from the sidelines. He can see she’s hurting—even if he didn’t quite know what that felt like. As the Sylveon dives toward her, the Incineroar lifts her hands into a fighting position. Flames swirl from her wrists, the sputtering leftovers of that

The feline is wavering on her feet. “It’s okay!” What’s okay? Is that loser telling her to just give up? Fat chance. With a shivering step, the fire-type tries to force herself forward. As the Sylveon charges, she lifts her arm for an attack. The fox connects just as the cat lets out her Drain Punch. But, after a brief moment, the cat collapses to her knees.

Biscotti waves his arms like a Vullaby trying to take flight. The cat moves to climb back to her feet. Her tail lashes angrily behind her. “We forfeit!” The glare Jangle gives could curdle milk. But winning wasn’t worth this. This Pokemon was way more important to him than some stupid badge.

Even if she’d be mad at him for weeks.


[newclass=.bisc b] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.bisc i] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Meaning of Strength [Josh]
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2024 6:51:39 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The pain of the repeated FLARE BLITZES was clearly too much for both the Incineroar -- and Biscotti himself -- to endure. Josh withdrew his Pokémon when the challenger pulled out of the match, the side judge making the result official. After the the platforms receded into the ground and Josh met Biscotti, he extended a hand toward the challenger. "You showed so much promise early on, but your Pokémon didn't obey orders. Especially your Incineroar. That's the first thing you need to work on. It's more than knowing your Pokémon and understanding what they can do. You need to truly understand your Pokémon. Build rapport with them so they trust you. How long have you had those Pokémon?" It was a lot of rapid-fire questions, yes, but all of them were relevant to Biscotti's performance. They would also be available on the challenger's post-battle report, viewable if he were to log in to his League account.

Whistling for two of his Pyroar, Josh offered Biscotti a ride back to the Gym's office building. It would be a long walk, after all. Regardless of whether he chose to hoof it or accept the Gym Leader's offer, he had more advice for the baker. "Biscotti, in addition to that, you can't just expect to walk into one of Hoenn's gyms with any old team and expect to win. Now that you know what kinds of Pokémon you see me use, bring ones that will perform well against them. All the speed in the world won't be any good against Pokémon that are tough as nails. Pokémon like Aggron. Your Tyranitar would be a great choice if it trusted you. You can also combat the speed itself. Trick Room, Sticky Web, and the like are wonderful ways to slow the action down to a point where you can follow what's going on."

{WC: 316}
{PC: 10}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Braver          Arcanine          KO  
Pinky           Sylveon**         Stun
Kokusho         Hydreigon         KO  
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January 23
Cake Decorator
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Biscotti Kingsley
Meaning of Strength [Josh]
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2024 3:58:30 GMT
Biscotti Kingsley Avatar

[attr="class","bisc"]It was hard not to look crestfallen. Like super-duper hard. It really sucked that he hadn’t been able to prove his point to Shalin—that you didn’t need to create an abomination to make a difference.

But he didn’t want to seem like a sore loser. So, he returned the handshake, Then, he just let Josh’s words wash over him like a tsunami. His lips were frozen into a half-hearted, timid smile. Trying to keep up with the gym leader’s words left his head spinning. “I’ve had Jangle pretty much my whole life.” Not that it’d been an intentional acquisition. Just a toddler spotting a scared cat in the rain and refusing to let go.

His next words were sullen with a hint of debate. Even as he said them, Scotti couldn’t help but feel they were childish. “And I don’t think that’s right. I mean it’s silly to assume I’m right, isn’t it?” A hand rose to shove an errant strand behind his ear. “Who knows them better than themselves?” Though, even as he said it, the brunette had to wonder how accurate his statement was. His mom knew waaaay more about how he worked than he did.

The Pyroar ride did a lot to perk him up. As they rode, Biscott listened to his advice. He felt his cheeks redden at the initial assertion. He’d actually put a lot of thought into his team. What he thought would work and what wouldn’t. Heck, Chugga’s whole move set changed in preparation for this battle. It just turned out strategy wasn’t his thing. Once he dismounted, he turned to face the gym leader. “You, uh, gave me a lot to think about, Mister D.” A nod and an awkward wave served as his farewell. “Thanks.”

A lot of people would have gotten motivated by coming that close. Biscotti? Well, he’d be leaving the gym stuff to the real trainers for a while.


[newclass=.bisc b] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.bisc i] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Meaning of Strength [Josh]
POSTED ON Mar 1, 2024 5:54:57 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
On the inside, Josh felt bad that Biscotti seemed to be taking the loss so hard, but he had to keep his teacher-like expression up. There were times when empathy was appropriate, and this was not one of them. Josh's job was not to defeat every challenger before him. His job was to make sure every challenger he awarded a Badge to had an understanding of the Gym's precepts. Biscotti had not met them. "If your relationship with your Incineroar is so strong, then I'd spend some extra time with your other Pokémon. Figure out their personalities. Pamper them, but not overly so. Make them feel valued. In time, they will listen to you without question. Once you have done that, I'm sure you'll be able to walk out of here with a Badge the next time we meet."

Once Josh's two lions had carried Leader and challenger back to the rear entrance, he slid off, helping Biscotti dismount if he needed it. "I look forward to your next challenge. Once you have rapport and trust built with all your Pokémon, we'll have a match neither one of us will forget. I'm sure of it!" He held the back door open for Biscotti to return to the lobby and back to the streets of Mauville.

NOTE: may not re-challenge Mauville Gym until April 15, 2024.

{PC: 11}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Braver          Arcanine          KO  
Pinky           Sylveon**         Stun
Kokusho         Hydreigon         KO  
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Meaning of Strength [Josh]
POSTED ON Mar 2, 2024 22:37:38 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]GYM CHALLENGE COMPLETE!



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