super⋆ancient [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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❁ des ❁

❁ ora ❁
❁ she/her ❁
❁ thirty three ❁
❁ november 3 ❁
❁ akala, alola ❁
❁ bisexual ❁
❁ sea witch ❁
❁ senior ranger ❁
i dream of it. [single]
❁ 6'4" height
❁ 6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
85 posts
part of
TAG WITH @oracelies
super⋆ancient [m]
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2023 7:23:11 GMT

The leviathan of the sea basin took to the seas, an ethereal beast unlike any other. It was said to be just as beautiful as it was powerful within its lore-rich histories and myths; and much like Oracelies believed to be the fullest extent of her deity, the sea itself, it was said to have powers of great blessings and tremendous vigor. Being a newfound ranger of the seas, despite her familiarity with the tides and the depths beneath them, the sea witch exhibited neither hesitation nor a lack of confidence once she heard of its appearance quite close to the town she considered her home. If one of the greatest gifts of the sea was on the loose, she wished above all else to protect it, even if it appeared enraged in alleged primal fury.[break][break]

She had no qualms in ridding the leeches that she assumed would be trying to conquer the beast, either. If they exhibited that much force upon the resurfaced island of ancient mud and clay, there was no telling what extent they would go to secure such a powerful asset. All the more sacrifices to be made in the name of the boundless sea, in the name of protecting the natural order. Riding on the back of one of her oceanic dragons, Acropora, she and her tamed gifts of the sea took to the waters with speed, eyes peeled in the endless expanse of azure and jagged rock.[break][break]

And then she saw it, Kyogre in the flesh, drifting away in the distance. Squeezing the protruding scales of the Gyarados, they skidded across the water in an attempt to get closer, infatuated by the magnificence and resplendence.[break][break]







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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,666 posts
part of
TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
super⋆ancient [m]
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 20:19:23 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

The ocean churned from Kyogre's travels.[break][break]

Oblivious to and her future meddling, Tempest kept his rebreather on his face as he watched the leviathan from a distance. Rain pattered the surface of the water. It slid down his Sygna Suit, active and thrumming with his heartbeat, the modified wet suit keeping out most of the wet and chill.[break][break]

He glanced over at from his spot atop Marina's back, the Sharpedo chuffing and gnashing her teeth, eager to move.[break][break]

"I wasn't able to get close enough last time time. It's not as agitated, but it's not distracted, either. Think you're good to back me up, bro?" His voice echoed oddly through the comms, his rebreather warping the sound.[break][break]

He hadn't gotten to see Jayden much since... the cat (weasel? ferret?) had chosen him. But Jayden was still his friend, right?




🔗 notes


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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,171 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
super⋆ancient [m]
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2023 20:58:51 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

it felt like a long time since he'd been out like this.

[break][break] jayden breathed in the cool, misty air as water slid down his sygna suit too. unlike 's, however, his was a precaution. it was the only thing that kept his nastier emotions at bay these days, the thing that kept him from turning into a monster like he did in the cave of origin.

[break][break] his ceruledge was kept safely in it's pokeball, hot against his thigh, to avoid being drowned by the upcoming storm.

[break][break] compared to who lay in the water on his mount, jayden was afloat in the sky atop his trusted corvilknight.

[break][break] a nod sharply in the beast's direction.

[break][break] "yeah," he breathed. "let's go."

[break][break] and then he was off, racing through the sky in attempt to get close to that glimpse of a wild beast, as his corvilknight cut a magnificent figure through the rainy sky.



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played by

❁ des ❁

❁ ora ❁
❁ she/her ❁
❁ thirty three ❁
❁ november 3 ❁
❁ akala, alola ❁
❁ bisexual ❁
❁ sea witch ❁
❁ senior ranger ❁
i dream of it. [single]
❁ 6'4" height
❁ 6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
85 posts
part of
TAG WITH @oracelies
super⋆ancient [m]
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2023 10:08:30 GMT

The beads of rain hit against her skin like sharp needles, a distraction she would not indulge in as she neared closer to the legendary beast upon the back of the sea dragon. Oracelies was infatuated with the existence brought to light by whatever had caused its emergence; her starry eyes led her to drift beside its colossal form, waves kicking up against her body as she held on with all of her might. Had it not been enraged by forces even she had yet to understand, she would have tried to tame it, one way or another.[break][break]

But the ORIGIN PULSE that it cast out to rebuke her selfish efforts of protection put her plans to shame as if they were seashells to sink to the sands below, causing the two Gyarados to seethe and crash about in pain. "What the fuck?!" She exclaimed in a fit of anger as it wandered through the tides, punching the side of her oceanic spirit to keep up. Though in the corner of her eye, she could see another approaching from the skies, alone, appearing on the back of a blackbird. It brought her to grimace, visions switching rapidly between the one she thought would be a stranger and Kyogre. Selfish, wanting to be the only one to answer the whale's calls in the name of her deity.[break][break]

"Do not fly any closer," she screamed toward the man and his filthy bird, entirely unaware of the existence of another, ".. you have no right being here!"[break][break]

Roaring, the duo of serpents bore their teeth in resonance with their master. The sea witch would hiss at the man and his bird with the flick of her tongue, a wish to further exemplify her want for him to fuck right on off, cold as ice. If only she knew it was him, the same one that she had tried ever so desperately to sink.



- tldr



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played by


may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,666 posts
part of
TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
super⋆ancient [m]
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2023 21:08:24 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

From under the choppy waters, Tempest watched as the dazzling power of the Origin Pulse shot out. It was blinding light; it made him worry for . Until he realized that wasn't aimed for where Jayden had been, but off at something else.[break][break]

"Fucking damnit." Would come choppy through the shared comms. Annoyance was bitter on his tongue. The last time he was out here there had been interference, too.[break][break]

"Do you need backup?" Was asked, finally. Tempest glanced at the Kyogre and from where it had aimed. If he squinted, he could image droves of Rangers and League there to piss on his and Jayden's mission.[break][break]

Tempest would not underestimate whoever it was out there. Yet, he would also not underestimate Jayden.




🔗 notes


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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
super⋆ancient [m]
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2024 5:59:29 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION INCOMPLETE...


