The Sky's The Limit [M][Sinnoh][C/Andrea]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
The Sky's The Limit [M][Sinnoh][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Jan 12, 2024 8:12:09 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"Good afternoon, everyone, this is your captain speaking," the dulcet voice of the Air Sinnoh pilot's voice echoed over intercom. "We will be arriving at Veilstone International Airport shortly. Please fasten your seat belts and stow your tray tables. Winds are calm with sunny skies, with temperatures just above freezing. Should be able to get you on the ground in about twenty minutes."

Josh buckled back up, sighing as he tilted his head out the window and toward the aerial view of the mountainous and cold Sinnoh region. It was unlike Hoennian weather; both of them would need to be bundled up. The Gym Leader could have picked a better location, but with enough layers on, they would be fine! Coronet was the highest mountain he could think of, and would make the perfect elevation to ride faster than he'd ever gone on any dragon. All except one was certainly familiar with, given that dragon was her Patron.

"This is the first time I've ever been to Sinnoh, Andrea," Josh said, having to speak up due to the thinner air in the cabin making his voice not carry so far. "What about you?" he asked. "It took me a long time to decide which six dragons I wanted to bring with me. One of the downsides of keeping all your Pokémon out and about at the Gym is not being able to access them through the Pokémon Storage System. Besides, adding inter-regional service is expensive. Thankfully, Hoenn's is completely government subsidized."

As the two felt their guts drop from the plane shedding altitude, Josh asked Andrea, "Was there anything special you wanted to do besides go dragon riding on one of the tallest mountains in the world?"

{WC: 290}
{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
Tiamat        Dragonite      Good
Alphamax      Garchomp       Good
Kokusho       Hydreigon      Good
Valoo         Drampa         Good
Sidewinder    Dragapult      Good
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
The Sky's The Limit [M][Sinnoh][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Jan 13, 2024 15:28:16 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
After a six hour-long flight, the two Hoennians had officially entered Sinnoh's airspace. As their plane approached Veilstone International Airport, Andrea fastened her seatbelt, bracing herself for a hopefully smooth landing.

The young woman was dressed normally for once, wearing a tight-fitting sweater and a pair of jeans. Security hadn't allowed her to board the plane in her iconic onesie, because they thought she might be hiding drugs or explosives in there. She didn't intend to stay in human clothes for the entire vacation, of course. Her Pokémon costumes were safely stored inside her luggage, along with her toothbrush and a change of underwear. All the essentials, in other words.

While the plane slowly shed attitude, Josh engaged his fellow Gym Leader in some small talk, asking her if she'd ever been to Sinnoh. "Me? This is the first time I've ever been outside Hoenn!" The girl replied with a giggle. "It took me a long time to decide which dragons to bring too, but I knew from the start I was gonna bring Chomper. I'd never make this trip without him."

His second question gave her pause. "Hmmm, something special..." Andrea hummed in deep thought. "I guess, while we're there, we could visit Spear Pillar. And after that... I dunno. Maybe go sightseeing? Try some of the local dishes? Just hang out in the hotel? I'm fine with anything as long as we do it together!" She said with a warm smile.

This was supposed to be a vacation, after all. No more fretting about Team Rocket, or the war, or the future of their region. For the duration of their stay here, they could simply focus on having a good time.
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
The Sky's The Limit [M][Sinnoh][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2024 22:15:06 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"That's a good idea," Josh nodded in agreement. "I've heard that place has some crazy weather around it. Like it's... unnaturally warmer than Mount Coronet in general. It's covered in snow year round, but that place... there's never snow up there." The Gym Leader listened to Andrea's suggestions. "Obviously we have to check out the local cuisine. I like the idea of having one game night in the hotel room, or in a big arcade if we can find one. Brings me back to my gaming convention days, playing racing games with the boys until sunrise..." he trailed off as Veilstone's skyline came into view. They were going to land soon.

"Oh, have you ever done a Pokémon Contest before? I hear Hearthome City runs Super Contests. They're very different from the Contests that Hoenn runs. That could be something we do. But more than anything, I'm looking forward to just dragon riding above Coronet. With how high up that mountain is, think how fast you could go!"

Before long, the plane touched down without incident, one of the smoothest landing passengers could expect. "Riding a Garchomp really is like flying a plane, isn't it," he mused, the feeling he got when landing Alphamax similar to what he just experienced.

{WC: 201}
{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
Tiamat        Dragonite      Good
Alphamax      Garchomp       Good
Kokusho       Hydreigon      Good
Valoo         Drampa         Good
Sidewinder    Dragapult      Good
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
The Sky's The Limit [M][Sinnoh][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2024 14:53:35 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Andrea's amethyst eyes lit up when her friend brought up Spear Pillar's unnatural weather conditions. "Oooh, I know that one! It's because the ruins are above the clouds. You can't have snow without clouds! Now that I think about it, it might be kinda hard to breathe up there, but I'm sure we'll be fine." She mused rather casually. Mount Coronet was tall, but definitely not tall enough to have insufficient oxygen, otherwise humans would not have been able to build a temple at its top.

While the duo tried to think of other fun activities they could do, the Mauville Gym Leader listed a few suggestions of his own, including gaming. The eccentric girl clapped her hands excitedly. "Oooh, game night, game night! I'm not one of the boys, but I like video games! I've also done my fair share of Contests! I even won one too!" She took her Rotom Phone out, and showed Josh a selfie of herself posing alongside a shiny Munchlax that held a Cleverness Ribbon in its tiny paws.

As the plane touched down, Andrea was shaken lightly, feeling like she had just gotten off a rollercoaster ride. "Yeah, that sure was something. Nothing compares to riding a real, ferocious Dragon-type, though!" She remarked, unfastening her seatbelt as soon as the corresponding sign flashed. "Ready to go?"

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
The Sky's The Limit [M][Sinnoh][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2024 2:35:55 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"Right, if it's above the weather..." Josh trailed off. That was the reason airplanes flew above the clouds: to avoid weather. If anything, they had Pokémon that could help them, or they could rent appropriate gear for the climb. "We should save the arcade for some evening, when it's too dark to go riding or do anything else outdoors."

As Josh retrieved his luggage, he slipped on his winter coat from Johto. Sinnoh was extremely far north, parts of it above the Arctic Circle, even. Snowpoint City was covered in the fluffy white stuff year-round. It was almost the antithesis of Hoenn, a region cool to warm even in winter. "If you've never left Hoenn, you might never have seen one of these before!" The heavy looking coat was solid black, its inside soft to the touch. It had so many pockets that one could fit multiple hats and gloves inside.

Thankfully, signage at the airport was ample, Josh easily able to lead the way to the Pokémon runways on Veilstone's skyway level. Though many Pokémon did not need much room to take off, there were strips long enough for even Garchomp to take off. Looking for a relaxing ride to their destination, Josh clicked open his Drampa's Poké Ball. "Andrea, this is Valoo," he introduced the placid, long-necked Pokémon before scampering aboard. "You won't believe this, but this is his second life. He tragically died, then came back to life in a dream come true. I can tell you the whole story when we get to the hotel, if you want."

{WC: 266}
{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
Tiamat        Dragonite      Good
Alphamax      Garchomp       Good
Kokusho       Hydreigon      Good
Valoo         Drampa         Good
Sidewinder    Dragapult      Good
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,072 posts
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Andrea Vaneau
The Sky's The Limit [M][Sinnoh][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2024 12:05:24 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
"Wow, you've really come prepared!" Andrea had brought her own winter coat, of course, but it paled in comparison to the one Josh was wearing. The inside looked so fuzzy, she could picture herself snuggling inside on a particularly cold night. And those pockets looked great for storing Potions and Pokéballs.

Eventually, the two Hoennians found themselves in a runway made specifically for flying Pokémon. In the horizon, their destination--the snow capped Mount Coronet--loomed, its peak concealed by a ring of clouds. Josh released his death-defying Drampa, Valoo, explaining how that was a story for another time.

"I can't wait to hear it! Let's see..." The dragon fanatic shuffled through her own Pokéballs. Decisions, decisions... She settled for her Dragonite that had served her so well in the fight against Kyurem. "Come out, Huggles!" True to his name, Huggles gave his trainer a big, affectionate hug.

"You remember Huggles from our Gym battle, don't you, Josh? Now watch this!" Andrea meaningfully nodded at her Dragonite, who understood the order. The orange dragon spread its small wings and took off, zipping around the airport in bursts of Extreme Speed faster than the naked eye could see.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
The Sky's The Limit [M][Sinnoh][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2024 18:55:46 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh's eyes, on the contrary, were well-trained. Though Huggles was invisible during his fastest spurts, the speed demon of a Gym Leader could still follow him some. It strained his eyesight to do so, but he could. The low hum of the Dragonite's wings meant that Andrea's partner had mastered the Sacred Arte of Extreme Speed.

"That's awesome!" Josh chirped back. "You fly on him like that often?" he asked. "I was going to take a more leisurely flight to the hotel so we can unwind, but if you're really in a hurry to get there, I can bring out Tiamat. She's my own Dragonite!" And they could get there in a real hurry, too. While breaking the sound barrier above town was likely illegal, they could fly just below sonic speed and still make it to the venue in very little time.

Regardless of how they got there, the two would arrive at the venue without incident, check-in a little busy not not too bad. Was there some kind of event going on at the hotel's lower levels? There were an awful lot of decorations in the lobby. Once they had their keys in hand, getting to their rooms wouldn't be difficult at all.

With the rooms designed to be occupied by four, both Josh and Andrea would each have their own bed. The room was spacious; they had quite the annual travel stipend available to them by virtue of being Gym Leaders. "Phew!" the Master of Faster exhaled, taking his winter coat off and turning it inside out, letting it dry over the register. "This is gonna be a great couple of weeks away from Hoenn. Obviously we need to hit up a supermarket tomorrow morning, but we should see about planning our schedule out. Of course leaving room for flexibility. Obviously we'll want to take several trips to Coronet, but there's plenty to do otherwise!"

{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
Tiamat        Dragonite      Good
Alphamax      Garchomp       Good
Kokusho       Hydreigon      Good
Valoo         Drampa         Good
Sidewinder    Dragapult      Good
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,072 posts
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Andrea Vaneau
The Sky's The Limit [M][Sinnoh][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2024 12:14:28 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
"Haven't tried flying on him like that yet. Today's gonna be the first time!" The eccentric trainer casually stated, while her speedster of a Dragonite returned to her side, creating a shockwave of wind upon landing. Mounting the orange dragon's back, the girl pointed upwards. "Let's do this!"

While short, the flight to the hotel was unlike anything she had ever experienced. The sheer adrenaline rush was like the straight edge alternative to recreational drugs. Andrea needed some time to unwind afterwards, entrusting Josh with the menial task of checking them in and receiving their room keys from the concierge.

As soon as they had made it to their fancy, League-funded suite, the cosplay aficionado pulled one of her neatly folded costumes out of a briefcase, and ran straight into the bathroom to get changed. "Human clothing, begone!" She gleefully shouted as her mundane garments flew out of the doorframe one by one.

Being the gentleman that he was, it was unlikely that Josh would even think of peeking on the young woman while she undressed, but just to be on the safe side, Huggles stood in-between, blocking his view of her with his chubby, Multiscaled frame.

"Supermarket? Aren't we supposed to have our breakfasts and dinners at the hotel?" Andrea spoke up from inside the bathroom, accompanied by the distinct noise of stretchy fabric rubbing against skin. "Schedules sound too limiting! We came here to be free from adult obligations! We should just do what feels right!"

Soon, she emerged from the bathroom clad in her stylized Hydreigon Sygna Suit, which she had worn during the Vital City Tournament and utilized to great effect there. "We should get started with our first trip to Coronet right now! There's something really cool I wanna show you!" The dragon-costumed girl said.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
The Sky's The Limit [M][Sinnoh][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2024 20:45:06 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh was impressed with the kind of speed Andrea was able to withstand. Had she, too, been on the back of the Skylord at one point? The blinding rush and mild vibration from their dragons' small wings didn't seem to bother either of them one bit. The way she moved afterward reminded Josh of his first Extreme Speed run on Resheph; it left him woozy and winded. If he had his way, though, Josh would fix Andrea's speed tolerance real quick in these two weeks of paradise away from Hoenn.

Huggles would have nothing to worry about; Josh was a decent man, giving Andrea her privacy, though he couldn't help but take a look at just how many costumes she had brought with her. Were all of these Sygna Suits? That was wild to think about. If they were anything like Josh's suit, it would make adapting to the speed little trouble.

Josh shrugged at the cosplayer's remark about grocery shopping. "I mean, if you've got the budget for it, sure. We do have complimentary breakfast, and there's no shortage of restaurants on the street level." At inflated prices, sure, but they were on vacation. Plus, Josh had won a lot of prize money from Vital City. A little too tight with the purse strings! This was a special occasion!

Nodding, it would be freeing to not schedule things. "I just wanted to make sure we could do everything we wanted to and not lose track of time was all." Ever the organized Gym Leader, Josh was. Coronet was still the primary attraction, the Gym Leader excited to go faster than he'd ever gone on any of his own dragons before. If he could push one of them fast enough to replicate the out-of-body experience he got riding Rayquaza, all the better!

"Let's see it once we get there, then!" Josh chirped once the two were outside after finishing unpacking as needed. "Once we're past city limits, I hope you're ready to go supersonic - Tiamat's more than capable of it!" At the praise, the aggressive-looking, normally serious Dragonite broke a smile. Provided Huggles could keep up, the two would be orange comets above the sky.

{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
Tiamat        Dragonite      Good
Alphamax      Garchomp       Good
Kokusho       Hydreigon      Good
Valoo         Drampa         Good
Sidewinder    Dragapult      Good
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,072 posts
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Andrea Vaneau
The Sky's The Limit [M][Sinnoh][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2024 16:38:09 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Budget? Finances? She would let Josh handle those. She was no good with numbers or organization... or tidiness, if the way she'd just left her clothes lying on the floor was any indication. The Mauville Gym Leader might have unwittingly chosen the most chaotic person possible as his roommate.

Off they went, a friendly challenge issued to see if anyone could match Tiamat's Extreme Speed. With the city's skyline behind them, Huggles used his own Extreme Speed to keep up with his fellow Dragonite. "YIPPEEEEEEEE!!" Andrea wailed in utter glee, clinging tightly to her speedster of a mount.

The imposing Mount Coronet drew ever closer, the first few snowflakes beginning to fall onto their heads. "We're almost there! Let's slow down a notch!" The dragon rider said, before sending out her trusty Hydreigon to soar the skies alongside them. "Come out, Chomper! It's time for your Sinnoh debut!"

Chomper's presence caused Andrea's Sync Stone to brim with power. "Now feast your eyes on this!" She proclaimed with a smirk, before letting go of her Dragonite, causing her to start falling into the void. Wait what?

Before Josh could fret that his friend had gone suicidal, her Sygna Suit activated, allowing the girl to Fly like a real dragon. Although the six wings on her back did not flap, they gave her enough aerodynamicity to make such an inhuman feat possible. Infinity Energy was doing most of the heavy-lifting, of course

"So, what do you think?" The draconic cosplayer asked, while hovering beside Josh and Tiamat with her arms stretched forward like a superhero. "I've actually brought seven dragons for this trip! The seventh dragon is me! RAWR~!" She playfully mimicked the cry of a Hydreigon.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
The Sky's The Limit [M][Sinnoh][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2024 21:10:33 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
With visibility dropping, Josh, too, reined his Pokémon back. He heard the dragon trainer's scream well after it happened, the waves of her voice catching up to him. "Amazing, isn't it?" Josh answered with a smile, taking one hand at a time off the reins to shake it and get blood flowing to his fingers again. Tiamat's wing vibration was so powerful that if she engaged her Extreme Speed for too long, it could mess with her rider's insides. She was by no means flying slowly after the impromptu race, but nothing compared to what the two had done before.

Before Josh could even worry and react to the girl's reckless maneuver, she was flying on her own. While it took him by surprise some, he was familiar with what Infinity Energy could do. "You really have turned into a Pokémon now, haven't you?" he half-teased. In her suit, she really did look like the spitting image of Chomper.

"In a way, perfecting the bond with Saber has made me realize my dream, too. You know how my dream has always been to befriend and ride Raikou?" he asked as the ruins of Spear Pillar loomed ahead. "Well, it's always been about riding the fastest land Pokémon in the world. And my suit lets me do just that. Long as I'm in my suit, Saber can run just as fast as a Raikou can."

{PC: 6}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
Tiamat        Dragonite      Good
Alphamax      Garchomp       Good
Kokusho       Hydreigon      Good
Valoo         Drampa         Good
Sidewinder    Dragapult      Good
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,072 posts
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Andrea Vaneau
The Sky's The Limit [M][Sinnoh][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2024 14:18:56 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
The Hydreigon-cosplaying girl let out a chuckle at her friend's half-teasing remark. "Heh. Not yet. I won't be satisfied until the day I shed my human skin and turn into a Pokémon for real! You shouldn't settle for anything less than your actual dream either!" She exclaimed. Perhaps one day Josh would get a chance to ride a mount that was even faster than Raikou and Saber.

"By doing this, I'm putting less strain on Chomper too. This is his first flight after the battle against Kyurem." The airborne girl explained, while gesturing towards her partner; the dragon's wings still showed faint signs of the decay inflicted by 's Ruination on that day. While not debilitating, it slowed down his flight just enough to be noticeable.

With an aerial flip, Andrea landed on the back of Tiamat's saddle, hugging Josh from behind. "It's a pity you're taller and heavier than me, otherwise you could've tried giving me a ride too!" The Sygna Suited trainer quipped, genuinely oblivious to how that sentence could be misunderstood or taken out of context.
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
The Sky's The Limit [M][Sinnoh][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2024 20:39:04 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"Oof!" Josh cried as Andrwa unexpectedly grabbed onto him after she took a seat on Tiamat's back. He shook his head as he listened to Andrea's remark. "Sometimes, I think you and I really are of one mind. We both have an impossible dream that we remain fervent about, have gotten tantalizingly close to becoming reality, yet are both so, so far away from it." In a way, Josh had been able to realize that dream from within the RKS Simulation. Whether named Kora or Diesel, Koraidon was a Pokémon he longed to have for real. His feelings toward it were at least as strong as those toward Raikou. Each had their pros and cons: while Koraidon could reach ludicrous, borderline uncontrollable speeds even for him, Raikou had that gallop he loved to feel: the powerful, moving muscles that propelled him.

"I'm still learning how my Sygna Suit works, too," Josh added as Andrea indirectly brought up the use of her own, guffawing at the remark of him saddling her up. It was amusing to envision, but unless her Sygna Suit also gave her the toughness of a dragon, he was just too big of a guy. "Every suit is different. I've seen some really out of left field, too. Have you seen Shalin's? It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen."

Before long, the ruins of Spear Pillar would become clearly visible as Tiamat breached the clouds. With how much altitude the two had, the Gym Leader really had to speak up to be heard at all. Even Tiamat was struggling to keep up the pace, slowing as the atmosphere thinned. Once the ruins were below, she swooped in for a landing, huffing and puffing from the long flight. Thankfully, Josh had five other dragons with him. He slid off, waiting for Andrea to do likewise before swapping out for Resheph, a Dragonair that was very near and dear to him.

"This place is huge..." Josh gasped, projecting his voice the best he could so Andrea could hear him, but he wasn't sure if his voice could even carry far in such thin air. "Wonder what this was built for? It had to be important if it was built on the top of one of the highest mountains in the world. Almost like a god built it."

{PC: 7}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
Tiamat        Dragonite      Exhaust
Alphamax      Garchomp       Good
Kokusho       Hydreigon      Good
Valoo         Drampa         Good
Sidewinder    Dragapult      Good
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,072 posts
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Andrea Vaneau
The Sky's The Limit [M][Sinnoh][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2024 17:15:16 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
One could argue that Andrea's dream was even more impossible. At least with Josh's dream, people had been deemed worthy by legendaries in the past, so they knew it could be done, but was mostly up to each deity's whims. Outside of folktales of questionable validity, no human in history had ever transformed into a Pokémon. Not that it stopped her from dreaming, of course.

"Yeah, I've seen Shalin's Sygna Suit." The dragon-costumed girl nodded. "She's not using it to feel more like a Pokémon, though. She's using it to be able to survive her own Pokémon's abilities." Anyone who thought Flygon's wings made for a comfortable seat deserved to be commited into a mental institution, but that was for you; always the thrill seeker and adrenaline junkie.

Eventually, the two trainers and their scaly caravan reached the peak of Mount Coronet. Above the clouds, bathed by a golden, blazing sun, stood one of the last surviving monuments left behind by the Celestica people--the Spear Pillar.

Upon touchdown, Andrea backflipped off Josh's Dragonite, taking a moment to fully take in their surroundings. "Whoa... This place looks beyond ancient! I can see where it got its name from." She observed, noting the sharp, pointy spires that reached towards the heavens. "It was probably built for the same reason every temple exists: To worship a god. Dialga or Palkia, if I had to guess--maybe both!"

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
The Sky's The Limit [M][Sinnoh][C/Andrea]
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2024 20:38:41 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"That girl is something else," Josh replied with a shake of his head. What purpose did being wildly shaken around on a bug's wing even serve? It was a bit of a stretch, sure, but travel by Venusaur vine was efficient. Just hard to control.

"Makes you wonder how majestic it was in its full glory, and what could have possibly happened to it," the Mauville Leader mused. While it was obvious there were parts of the arena were covered in ancient text, none of it had survived the passage of time. "I am passingly familiar with the Timelord and the Spacelord, yes. Now those are Pokémon I would not be comfortable receiving a blessing from. Could you imagine the power to manipulate time, even on a local level?"

The musings in the cold, weatherless sky continued. "Even something as innocent as making a waterfall travel backwards in time, causing it to flow against gravity. Or even something simpler, like reversing time for a glass of milk you spilled. I don't think that kind of power should be in the hands of a human."

{PC: 8}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
Tiamat        Dragonite      Exhaust
Alphamax      Garchomp       Good
Kokusho       Hydreigon      Good
Valoo         Drampa         Good
Sidewinder    Dragapult      Good
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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