daybreak [gym]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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dog boy
october 24
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Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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daybreak [gym]
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 2:05:42 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
a path breaks off into a fork in the road.

one option is to continue the cliched narrative. appeal to emotion is one of the better directions to follow during this kind of interaction, and ironically what works best in the real world as well.

the other option is his way. to be pragmatic and present facts. it presents more problems than solutions, but it keeps the conversation short.

however, this is a fictional story. there is no room for realism unless someone aims to be an opposition to be defied, proving a main character that hard work and determination trumps everything else and paving the way to hope, attaining the good ending.

"it will come with a cost," he tells the being defiantly. "you wouldn't mind paying the toll, but would she?"

kyle forgoes both options. shoulders fall to his side as he slumps to his commander's chair by the ship, twiddling a pen he magically found.

"my task is to stop you at all costs. we share the same stakes, but i know i don't have the same standing as you to offer a compromise."

"that's why i offer instead is a suggestion: go to her instead of forcing her to come to you. what you are doing might accidentally be counterproductive with your goal."

he stops clears his throat before reciting the same fairy tale told to him.

"though our lives may end one day, it merely means that we reach a brand new beginning. in time, we will all be reunited. we may not know when that time will be… but one day, we will meet again as stars."

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Blue Star

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
daybreak [gym]
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2024 18:41:01 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar


[attr="class","puppycat"]How Calm
Radiant yet Exhausted
The Explorer had as many ways to handle this as they could imagine - but the most important path was the one they took.

And they took to a suggestion: that instead of actively searching through the many stars of the cosmos, it could join the stars, using the words of the construct it'd seemed attached to.

The Being's answer was delayed, but it soon came.

"Those were her final words to me. That we'd one day meet again. And I have tried so hard to find her since, for even a speck of her."

"My quest has gone for so long, and yet I keep searching. Iam tired."

The Being paused again, the brilliance of the stars it'd consumed shining around its body - as if that radiance threatened to escape at a moment's notice.

"...you're the first being I've spoken to about this. I can feel myself fraying at the seams simply stopping like this, and yetI do not fear it, if it would mean I have a chance of reuniting with Psyche."

For one day, they could meet again as stars.

Even if they couldn't recognize each other, even if they were something completely different.

"...tell me; when your time comes, will you be content merely rejoining the stars? Or would you desire to live a new fate, live a new life?"


Answer the question
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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,584 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
daybreak [gym]
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2024 18:26:14 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"normally, i'd say a new life would sound nice."

a clean slate for someone like him is desirable. he wasted so much of his time and potential if he was to maximize the most ideal self he can attain.

"but if were to meet someone who can convince me otherwise, i may change my mind."

he cannot afford it even if it was an option available to him, however. his network may be limited, but they all compound themselves in value. kyle had always been sentimental at the end of the day.

"relationships are troublesome, right?"

he feels sympathy with the being before him. it was evident that he doesn't want this ending, but he deluded himself into thinking of a better conclusion for the story when the answer was simple and already provided to him from the start.

but clarity hits him with his faithful encounter with the explorer. he shows the forgotten angle that had been hidden by greed. hope is the ending that had been brought to light.

"go for the option you won't regret. i'm hoping that that our priorities align with your choice."



it's a long life full of long nights

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