[M][C/Lutgarde] Legendary Rodeo

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
[M][C/Lutgarde] Legendary Rodeo
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 18:43:46 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
[attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
Xerneas truly seems to combine speed and grace in this moment - a sight that inspires Sylph right now, even if she would never admit it. As she could barely hope to catch up, her eyes are fixed on their surroundings and on the legendary itself, navigating the speed with a rough start and a smoother middle as she gets used to it. While Lutgarde has a feeling Xerneas would not let them simply crash into the wall, they smile at Sylph's efforts to keep up in this way, too, maybe learning some while doing so, too.

"I really think you don't," Lutgarde laughs loudly over the wind caused by their speed, a glittering sparkle that reminds them of Oreo's Fairy Wind that she can kick up and use to go faster and faster. "I wonder where we'll land exactly," they add, and a thought comes to mind.

The opposite of Xerneas - a necessary balance, as gruesome as it is. Lutgarde harbours a deep respect for the Legendary known as Yveltal, even if its destructive tendencies are nothing they want to align with - even in its familiarity. "Did the landscape change?" they then ask, slightly startled as their thought seemingly brought onto them a more desolate landscape.

The signs of slow decay start to be visible on the crystals, a sign of corruption or hallucination.

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
[M][C/Lutgarde] Legendary Rodeo
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2024 17:27:28 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
The Terastal caves around them seemed to turn... monochrome. Monochrome other than the crystals, which only glittered sinister blacks and reds. Anxiety began to creep into Shalin's joyful heart as Xerneas galloped deeper into the cave with their two passengers aboard. This was becoming less of a thrill ride and more of a nightmare by the moment.

Where there were once an abundance of Gabite, Glimmora, and paradox Pokémon, there were no such life forms beyond the point where the cave turned black. "It did, and I don't like it..." Shalin shuddered, her hair standing on end. Unfamiliar with the Kalosian legend, she was not ready for the horror she was about to witness.

{PC: 9}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Queen Zing    Beedrill**     Good
Lathiel       Type: Null     Good

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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
400 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
[M][C/Lutgarde] Legendary Rodeo
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2024 21:51:19 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
[attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
Lutgarde, having grown up with the whispers of those legends, shivers as their ride might even seem to slow in this eerie landscape. "To brilliant, vibrant life ... there's also the opposite." It's the only warning they can give Shalin before they already come face-to-face with the eternal rival, opponent of Xerneas.

It's hard to tell if it's actually animosity that drives these forces, or at least this is what Lutgarde believes and the crystals might make manifest. It's hard for them to truly imagine that life and death are not only on opposing ends, but actually trying to one-up one another. Still, in this scenario, Yveltal's influence has spread too much. Below the stone-like surfaces, one could almost see the motion that should accompany the landscape here, but is utterly lacking.

The red-black bird matches Lutgarde's aesthetics far more, as the group comes to a halt facing it. It regards them with a seemingly calculating look, clouded over by something that also glitters - perhaps a sign of the tera crystals at work here.

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
[M][C/Lutgarde] Legendary Rodeo
POSTED ON Sept 4, 2024 17:42:57 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
The enormous, black and red bird was truly a terror to behold, the cave's surface beneath them turning greyscale as the claws on its tail scratched the ground. "So, an incarnation of death itself..." Shalin shuddered as the once happy legendary jaunt turned tense.

And yet, the behemoth of a Dark-type didn't seem completely hostile. Was the glittering, terastal Yveltal sizing and Sylph up? Their FAIRY AURA and DARK AURA neutralized one another, Shalin suddenly feeling much more comfortable than she did before. Was the fairy-type Terastal energy really so oppressive?

{PC: 10}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Queen Zing    Beedrill**     Good
Lathiel       Type: Null     Good

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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
400 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
[M][C/Lutgarde] Legendary Rodeo
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2024 18:48:35 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
[attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
Lutgarde nods with an uncharacteristically severe, but also revering expression. There's no life without death - and no death without life. They're mutually exclusive states that can't exist without another. "Huh," the ranger remarks as they regard the Yveltal and are regarded in turn ... and how their auras seem to cancel one another out, allowing more room to breathe.

The cycle that exists so everything else can persist.

Still, tension lingers in the air as this area seems to be something both Yveltal and Xerneas of the Tera Crystal seem to be fighting about. There's flickering in the air as if the crystals themselves with all their brilliance couldn't decide whether they'd be dark or fairy - but it could all well just be Lutgarde's imagination.

"I wonder if," they cautiously start, before Sylph already starts flying over to the Yveltal that seems to acknowledge their presence. Their Sylveon Sylv also hops from Xerneas back to Sylph and Lutgarde, loafing atop the Togekiss' head. "Reminds me of that RKS simulation, you know?" Just now, it's not Miraidon against another Miraidon. "What do you think?" The terastal energy brings these legends to life, and they ... aren't entirely sure what might happen in a fight, but a fight seems to happen one way or another unless they book it real fast, hoping the illusions to fade. But, given Xerneas' speed just now, that truly seems impossible.

"I just don't really have dark type moves ..."

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
[M][C/Lutgarde] Legendary Rodeo
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 4:21:38 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
The rapidly-flickering space between light and dark, Terastal crystals halfway between Xerneas and Yveltal, almost looked like a millennia-old ritual. Two diametrically opposed forces, each at a standstill, seemingly waited for Shalin or Lutgarde to break the stalemate. She saw Lutgarde dismount from Xerneas, leaving her alone astride the legendary fairy-type of rainbow colors.

It did remind Shalin of the RKS Rimulation, but of Koraidon, not Miraidon. She wanted to come back here; what other legendary Pokémon could she meet down here, even if they were only facsimiles of the real thing? That didn't matter to the wild child; whether real or Terastal, they rode the same. Fast and nimble.

Lutgarde's last request confused Shalin. "Dark-type...?" she said softly, just loudly enough for her friend to hear, and hopefully not loudly enough for Xerneas to hear over the noise the clashing Auras made. "Don't you mean Fairy-type?" Sensing a possible betrayal, Xerneas craned toward Shalin and side-eyed her with stern, starry eyes.

Did Lutgarde want to befriend the Yveltal instead?

{PC: 11}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Queen Zing    Beedrill**     Good
Lathiel       Type: Null     Good

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played by


sporty pathfinder
december 27th
near santalune, kalos
biro grey-ace
6'1'' height
6'1'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
400 posts
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TAG WITH @lutgarde
Lutgarde Dijkstra
[M][C/Lutgarde] Legendary Rodeo
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2024 12:04:22 GMT
Lutgarde Dijkstra Avatar
[attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][attr="class","emapkmn"][newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
Lutgarde shakes their head slightly at Shalin's whispered words, only now noticing that there might be heavier feelings lingering even with conjured images. Still, they have a strong sense of keeping things balanced for the sake of good sportsmanship, and so they nod once decisively. "Think it's like a sparring battle? Just ... way more intense," they say, then slightly bow in front of Xerneas as they and Sylph make to fly towards its eternal opponent.

"Please do not mind me being devil's advocate here ... it should be a fair fight to decide."

It's something they'd never imagined either, even if multiple friends told them that their attire is more befitting of a dark type trainer than a fairy one - still, Sylph, Sylv and them fly next to Yveltal's side. The Destruction pokémon regards them with an unfathomable look, possibly curious. It lowers itself slightly ... inviting Lutgarde to hop on, it seems. They hesitate, but given that Shalin's on Xerneas, it only seems good to mirror. They change their mount with Sylv hopping onto, and immediately after, Yveltal roars.

Massive wings flap, opening the fight immediately with Dark Pulse.

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played by


March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,865 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
[M][C/Lutgarde] Legendary Rodeo
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2024 0:37:36 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
As the conversation continued, Xerneas craned their head around one more time, giving Shalin another fierce stare. "I would hope so; we all know how destructive legendary Pokémon can--"

Without any further warning, the fairy-type faced forward and began to buck and pitch, in an effort to gore Yveltal with their multicolored MEGAHORN. Though she loved being atop a Pokémon trying to hurl her off, she stood little chance trying to gain control through Xerneas' immense strength. "Yeow!!" the girl yelped as the fairy-type shifted their weight sharply to one side.

By the time she regained her senses, she saw Sylv and Lutgarde perched between Yveltal's wings. "No way..." she gasped, the two on opposite sides of one of the most destructive sparring matches she had ever seen...!

{PC: 12}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Queen Zing    Beedrill**     Good
Lathiel       Type: Null     Good



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