Daze at the Races (M)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Twenty Nine
April 1
Castelia City, Unova
Investigative Journalist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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August Colgan
Daze at the Races (M)
POSTED ON May 1, 2024 15:48:06 GMT
August Colgan Avatar
'There are a lot of clouds in the sky today. Was it going to rain? No these were white clouds, rain comes from dark clouds. Well now let's not be prejudice, white clouds could probably provide rain just as well as dark clouds can. Right? Was it raining right now? Shit we did not bring an umbrella.'

The sound of a loud horn caused August to flinch harshly. He looked around for the sign of some sort of attack, but found nothing except revelry and joy. What his mind had thought to be rain was the roaring of the crowds around him, cheering in chorus as the Silph Cup got underway. As August came back to his senses, he slowly pulled out a cigarette and carefully lit it. He was not a crowd person, which had caused a spike in his already tumultuous anxiety.

It did not help that he was not feeling well, then again that is what happens when you eat three corndogs and drink four lattes on your way to your seat. Shit what was he thinking? At least the Quad Squad was having a good time: August's four squirtles cheered along with the crowd as they chomped down on a pantry's worth of snacks. It was nice of HNN to pay for their seats, last time August covered a sporting event he had to stack them in one seat and that ended up being a mess.

August looked out over the water, waiting patiently for the race to begin. His thoughts were psyching him up as he watched the waves, 'Alright now Auggie you have got to focus. What are your readers going to think if you don't know anything about what happened at the race? Which race? This race? Was this the right race? Of course it was don't be ridiculous. Wait no I'm supposed to be in Fortree! Ah, that was last year. I think. Gosh the water is so blue today. Did they dye it? Can you dye the ocean? How much dye would it take to dye the entire ocean? Can I hypothetically get eighty gallons of food coloring and make the ocean red? Nah, might hurt the environment. Gotta wait another ten years, then the ocean will be too polluted to save and we can have our way with it. Red is a dumb color to dye the ocean too, what do I want it to look bloody? Am I crazy? Now purple, that's a respectable color for the ocean. I've always thought the ocean would look great in purple.'

Another horn sound jolted August, and as he regained his bearings he would slowly come to a startling realization. The race was over, he had missed the entire thing. Damn, this is why he didn't cover sports. Too much down time. The racers were coming back to shore, and August would leap to his feet. "Alright squad." He said as he threw his cigarette butt upon the pile of empty snack packages. "Time to roll out. Look lively, we're on the clock." His lethargic squirtles groaned, they were far too full of sweets to do anything productive. Nevertheless, they would jump to their feet and waddle behind their boss as he made his way to the ground level.

Other reporters were waiting for the racers, but they had made the mistake of being polite. August was not going to wait for the racers to come to him, instead he kept walking across the dock and toward the water. His squad ran ahead of him, diving into the water to form a small raft for him to stand on. A seamlessly fell upon the raft, standing with debonair flare as his squirtles began swimming out to the racers. August scanned the possible marks before laying his eyes on the man himself: Josh Devlin. Who better to interview than the organizer of the race? August tapped his foot toward Josh, and the squirtles would start swimming in that direction.

As they grew close, August would provide a greeting. "Mister Devlin! I'm August Colgan of HNN, would you be available for a post-race interview?"

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Daze at the Races (M)
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 21:23:24 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh and Snacker were tired after such intense competition, particularly after that awful traffic jam on the second lap. He and his Sharpedo felt like they had gotten off the bumper cars at a carnival rather than a high speed contest; there was an awful lot of contact. Noneo of it was illegal; in Pokémon speedsports, particularly in capacity, thirty-entrant races, even severe, race-ending contact was inevitable for the unlucky or inattentive in the field.

The Gym Leader was still resting after pushing his body harder than he wanted to in the final stretch. The uneducated might believe that riding was stressful only on the Pokémon bearing the rider's weight. That couldn't be farther from the truth.

Soon, he found the dock his resting Sharpedo was moored at surrounded by Squirtle, a HNN interviewer greeting him as he bobbed up and down on Pacifidlog's seas. "Still a little winded after that one, but sure thing!" he answered August, the dark-type lazily remaining afloat.

{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Snacker       Sharpedo       Good
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Twenty Nine
April 1
Castelia City, Unova
Investigative Journalist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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August Colgan
Daze at the Races (M)
POSTED ON May 13, 2024 15:57:58 GMT
August Colgan Avatar
Ah he agreed. Of course he agreed, who could resist having their brain picked by the media. August smiled coyly, reaching into his coat to pull out a notepad that had a pencil resting within the binding. Now, he had very little knowledge of how the race had actually gone due to zoning out. It was imperative that he did not let Josh catch on to this, yet he would need to use this interview to gather enough details about the race to write a full article.

Easy as pie.

He pulled the pencil out of the binding and flipped to the middle of the notepad, bobbing quietly upon his excited squirtles. He tapped the pad twice for good lucky before finally starting the interview. "This is the second Silph Cup, correct? How do you think this one pan out in comparison to the last one?"

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,939 posts
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Josh Devlin
Daze at the Races (M)
POSTED ON May 14, 2024 3:09:00 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"Actually, this is the third Silph Cup," Josh corrected August. "We had an abbreviated season in 2022 due to the Meteno crisis keeping those outside Hoenn from entering the region." It was one of Hoenn's most perilous days; Josh had fought a battle on the meteor itself before it had been destroyed. It was, to Josh's knowledge, the origin of the Terastal phenomenon in Hoenn.

"The Silph Cup is also more than one race. It's an entire circuit. This is just the season opener; it's one of the biggest races of the year. And considering it was an aquatic race, the type that's the least popular among the three, I would say it was a bigger success than I thought it would be."

There was one circuit race every week during the season, running through the warmer months. Josh would have loved to grind the circuit like he did in Johto, though his Gym Leader duties kept him too busy to do so. It was nice having a steady paycheck, his income not being directly linked to his performance.

{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Snacker       Sharpedo       Good
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Twenty Nine
April 1
Castelia City, Unova
Investigative Journalist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
6 posts
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August Colgan
Daze at the Races (M)
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 16:35:44 GMT
August Colgan Avatar
August raised his eyebrows, calmly jotting down highlights of Mister Devlin's answers. He had not heard about the first Silph Cup at all, likely due to the very event he had described. That had overshadowed most news across the world, it was not surprising that something as athletically festive as a race might have been lost among the chaos.

What did surprise him was his comment about the aquatic races being unpopular. That detail would help develop his next question. "Color me elated, I'll have to catch the other circuit races for sure to get the full story." He probably would not, more likely he would attach cameras to his squirtles and watch the highlights of their recordings later. Would they be allowed into stadiums without supervision? A question for another time.

August leaned forward, "Tell me Josh, can I call you Josh? Why do you think the aquatic races are normally unpopular, and what has caused this one to break that trend?"

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Daze at the Races (M)
POSTED ON May 21, 2024 18:06:03 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Sports coverage was monopolized by professional media through contract with the venue, though if August worked through any reasonable media company, securing such a contract, or rights under it, would be little trouble. Such was how money flowed in the business. "I would assume you're subscribed to the PSPN News All-Access Pass? If you are, you should be able to access archived footage of the past events. I don't agree with them paywalling it so long afterward, but they do have to pay for hosting."

A wave rose Josh and Snacker high enough for August to touch the shark if he so desired while the rider answered his question. "I think it's because aquatic races are limited by geography. Only those who spend a lot of time near water, or have a facility like my own Mauville Racing Grounds, can raise water Pokémon. There aren't too many Pokémon out there that are fast on both water and land. Greninja are the best example, but you have to be pretty brave to hop on one." Their gait was markedly different from other amphibious water-types, such as Swampert and Vaporeon. Plus, they were almost uncontrollably fast. Even Josh had a hard time controlling his from time to time, especially at speed.

{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Snacker       Sharpedo       Good
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Twenty Nine
April 1
Castelia City, Unova
Investigative Journalist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
6 posts
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August Colgan
Daze at the Races (M)
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2024 16:25:35 GMT
August Colgan Avatar
August wrote everything down feverishly; even if he did not intend to follow up with any of these sports events he at least thought it would be a good idea to get all of this information down. "No one tells me about these things." He mumbled as he scribbled in the finer details. Meanwhile his squirtles were enchanted by Josh's shark, and with the front two raising their hands to feel its bristling skin. One would withdraw after feeling how rough the skin was, while the other seemed pleased with the texture.

When August was finished jotting, he would shoot Josh a vague look. Something between concern and scrutiny. "Now how are you, Mister Devlin? This was an intense race, what are your thoughts coming out of it?" This was both a genuine attempt to see how the fatigued Josh was feeling while also acting as a ploy to possibly gauge who actually won the race. Hopefully it pays off.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,939 posts
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Josh Devlin
Daze at the Races (M)
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2024 1:29:53 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh's eyes shifted toward the August's two Squirtle playing with Snacker. He could feel the dark-type shifting; whether it was due to being happy or unhappy with the smaller water-type running its hand across his rough skin, Josh had no way to know. He knew how rough their skin was; riding a Sharpedo without a saddle was asking for trouble. Not just to avoid being thrown off from their sudden acceleration, but to avoid losing a big hunk of flesh in the process.

"Very happy," Josh answered, "This is my second podium finish in a major event in three years." The Bronze Plaque, his name and a Sharpedo face etched into its plate, were on the dock; he hadn't had time to put it away yet, as the ceremony had concluded minutes ago. "Definitely the most intense aquatic course I've ever been on; beats everything Mauville Racing Grounds has to offer."

{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Snacker       Sharpedo       Good
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