project tower #5 circe & jayden

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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november 2
model, actress
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
55 posts
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TAG WITH @circe
circe crowley
project tower #5 circe & jayden
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 20:14:08 GMT
circe crowley Avatar
[attr="class","ptower-top"]project tower scenario 05

[attr="class","ptower-mid"]beast: combat training day


With war on the horizon, it's no surprise that your training sessions have intensified dramatically. You can thank Admin for your packed schedule. [break][break]

Soon, you find yourself in Sootopolis Bay with many other grunts, where both God General and Beast are selecting recruits for the day. [break][break]

General Harcourt is definitely the more serious of the two, and you'd likely gain valuable combat experience by his side. However, his bond with Necrozma is terrifying and otherworldly—how much assistance can he provide when the threat of death looms so large? [break][break]

Beast Neon remains as cheerful as ever, but his recent acquisition of Galarian Articuno has made him slightly more unstable. Is he as reliable as you believe? [break][break]

Who do you choose?



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played by


november 2
model, actress
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
55 posts
part of
TAG WITH @circe
circe crowley
project tower #5 circe & jayden
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 20:41:03 GMT
circe crowley Avatar



Oh, she hated this. She already despised training and breaking a sweat outside of the bedroom, and these days, it was only getting more grueling. She supposed she had the wonderful admins of Team Rocket to thank for increasing her stamina and combatant abilities. But she loathed it nonetheless.[break][break]

And of course, who better to attend a training session with than himself. What was he doing here among the rest of the grunts like herself?[break][break]

Seeing him made her internally sigh. To her, his presence meant one thing and one thing only: she was going to actually have to work her ass off in order to impress him. She truly hated working.[break][break]

It made her choice clear. With a firm posture and her hands held behind her back, she announced, "I would be honored to train with God General Harcourt."[break][break]

She had to prove useful and willing.

notes n/a.

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