[M][C/Andrea][Johto] An Ashen Memory

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
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Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
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Andrea Vaneau
[M][C/Andrea][Johto] An Ashen Memory
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 16:00:07 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Could Josh even choose whether he wanted to become an avatar, or was it preordained by fate? With the way the people of Ecruteak revered his legendary mount--unaware that this Raikou was merely a construct of ash--it was as if he already was one.

The streets were quickly overcrowded, as news of Raikou’s return spread by word of mouth. Andrea was forced to withdraw her Gyarados and walk on foot. “Stay close to me, Pon.” The young woman said, taking hold of Ogerpon’s long sleeve.

“Mommy, Mommy, look! It’s Raikou!” A little boy pointed excitedly. “I wanna pet it!”

So much attention could be overwhelming for anyone. Andrea turned to the beast rider with a worried look. “You think these people are gonna let us get to the tower?” She whispered to him.
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Master of Faster
December 12
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
[M][C/Andrea][Johto] An Ashen Memory
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 21:46:37 GMT
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Even Josh didn't fully understand the nature of his Beast... and the only person that could help hadn't been seen for months. He was on his own to piece the story together. Living or construct, Josh adored Swift. His adoration made Ecruteak's people adore him. As much as he enjoyed feeling like he was valued, being this much of the center of attention was just a bit overwhelming.

Overhearing the young lad's request, Josh guided the monochrome tiger toward the child pointing at him. The Beast sat down on his hind legs to allow the boy to pet and even cuddle with the god of speed before they moved on. Their travel became faster once Ecruteak Law Enforcement had been called to help clear the streets for Josh and Andrea.

For all the burdens there were to being a Champion, it sure had its benefits!

Even after the streets were cleared, cameras flashed, and the attention wasn't all on Josh, either; the presence of the Ogerpon tilted heads toward Andrea. "See, it'll all be fine!" he reassured the cosplayer. "My only regret is I'm still too hurt to go faster than a trot with him. Ecruteak's people deserve to see the kind of speed Swift is capable of."

After wandering for a bit, the duo came to the crossroads of the Burned and Tin Towers, Josh's eyes shifting toward the ruined structure. "This was where the whole thing started," he answered. "Where I started to despair when I found Raikou had perished in the war. What led me to the whole Eris incident. Since then, I have conquered it all. It just feels... strange to be back here so soon," he began to recount his story of redemption within the League.

{PC: 9}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Swift         Raikou         Good
Raikou        Raging Bolt    Good
Tyrfing       Iron Boulder   Good
Saber         Manectric      Good

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
[M][C/Andrea][Johto] An Ashen Memory
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 15:00:45 GMT
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When the gathered townsfolk perceived Ogerpon, the mask-less ogre flinched, quickly cowering behind its caretaker.

“Who’s that Pokémon?”
“I’ve never seen anything like it!”
“It looks cute!”


The Oni was taken aback. These people did not hate her. They did not throw rocks at her or try to chase her out of town. Times sure had changed.

“See? I told you there are humans out there who love you!” Andrea smiled warmly, reaching down to pat the top of Ogerpon’s head.

The quartet eventually stopped just outside the Burned Tower, whereupon Josh indulged in some solemn introspection.

“This is also where Raikou was born, isn’t it?” Reborn technically, but semantics were irrelevant. “What do you think, Swift?” Andrea asked the ashen beast. “Does this place feel familiar to you? Do the vibes here make you wanna awaken any latent, godlike abilities?”
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
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6'1" height
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
[M][C/Andrea][Johto] An Ashen Memory
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 23:50:38 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Swift did not immediately respond to . He was an ashen construct that reflected Josh's subconscious. He felt a real Raikou would have a true connection to this place, and truly would be able to awaken any latent abilities. Instead, the Beast roared, clouds beginning to cover the sky, as though he was summoning a storm. Just as quickly as the dark clouds rolled in, they dispersed, every drop of rain that dripped from them absorbed into the dry air. Andrea might have recognized the motions as a RAIN DANCE. A weak, unsuccessful one, but still a RAIN DANCE. "...Swift?" Josh slowly asked, uncertain what was happening.

Snapping out of his trance, Josh turned back toward the dragon lover. "Yes, this is where Raikou was born. I do not know of Swift's origins. The longer I raised him, the more questions I had." Inside the tower's remnants, there were tributes to Entei and Suicune, too. "Wonder where they're at? I haven't heard from either of them since we saw those toxic chained Pokémon."

After Swift took in the scenery of the Raikou's birth place, the two turned toward Tin Tower. "Andrea, there's something I feel I need to do. I never thought I would go back there after seeing Shawn's soul pass on. With Kyle's body not showing up anywhere, I have to confirm it. I have to go back to The Border and look for him."

{PC: 10}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Swift         Raikou         Good
Raikou        Raging Bolt    Good
Tyrfing       Iron Boulder   Good
Saber         Manectric      Good

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
[M][C/Andrea][Johto] An Ashen Memory
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2024 16:13:08 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
The girl’s amethyst eyes widened in anticipation, but in the end, there was no spatter of rain to accompany the overcast skies. A god that could not control the weather might as well have not been a god at all.

“It’s okay, Swift. You tried your best, that’s what’s important.” Andrea reached out to pet the Raikou’s face plate, if allowed. The fact it was even able to do that much meant the power was there, it just hadn’t been fully realized yet.

From a tower covered in ash to one covered in gold, their trip down memory lane continued. “The Border, huh? Is it true that you can see the souls of the dead there?” Andrea recalled hearing it from once. “If so, we might even be able to meet Ho-oh, and they could answer all of your questions about Swift.”
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
[M][C/Andrea][Johto] An Ashen Memory
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 6:04:18 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Indeed, Swift was no god. Josh's precious Beast was a memory of the Johtonian god that paid the ultimate price to keep Johto from falling in the same way Kanto did. A true martyr, much like .

When Andrea reached out to pat Swift's faceplate, were she able to withstand the initial shock much like one would get touching a doorknob in winter, she would be able to feel his entire body rattling from a feline purr. It was loud for a cat, and may have sounded intimidating to those who had never heard it. If she was familiar with the Raikou by now, she would have been able to deduce the purr was a sign of affection that mirrored Josh's own for the electric Pokémon. He truly loved the Raikou more than any of his other Pokémon, and it was showing with how little action Raikiri had seen.

Once he had gotten through enough rehab to train with the Zeraora again, that would change.

"Yes," Josh answered with a nod, a patrol to the Tin Tower yielding to the Beast's rider without question. "After the Eris incident, attacked Mauville Gym last year and took the lives of four of my employees, three prospective employees, and seven civilians. I went to the Border several times to put their souls to rest." He briefly closed his eyes as Swift walked the long road to the tower of the Great One. "So Kyle's Marshadow... the one he used in the Champion Assessment against me... was originally mine."

{PC: 11}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Swift         Raikou         Good
Raikou        Raging Bolt    Good
Tyrfing       Iron Boulder   Good
Saber         Manectric      Good

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
[M][C/Andrea][Johto] An Ashen Memory
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 20:13:45 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
After getting goosebumps from Swift’s purr, the young cosplayer followed her friend past the Tin Tower’s outer gates, Ogerpon gaping in awe at the majestic structure.


“Wow, it’s almost as tall as the Sky Pillar!” The dragon enthusiast mused, before turning her attention back to Josh. “One man killed FOURTEEN people?! That’s terrible!”

Little did she know, Dorian’s record had already been topped by a certain archeologist and his ice golem.

“How come Kyle ended up with your Marshadow?” Andrea continued. “Did you two trade?” She asked curiously.
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
[M][C/Andrea][Johto] An Ashen Memory
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2024 4:58:21 GMT
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Even Ogerpon seemed in awe at the ancient structure, built long before Josh had even been thought of. It was one of the oldest buildings in Johto, carefully guarded and maintained. For Ecruteak's denizens, and Johto's as a whole, largely believed that one day, the Great One would return and bathe the region in a blessed rainbow.

"It is a long ways up, and you can't just fly to the top of it either. If the legend is to be believed, its upper floors are surrounded by a Crystal Wall from the outside," Josh recalled. "Thinking about it, I hope 's alright. It's been so long since I've heard from him..." he trailed off before Andrea's remark snapped Josh out of his trance.

Josh internally shook a metaphorical fist at Dorian. There was no getting those lives back. At the very least, all their souls passed on and could rest in peace for all eternity. And they had Josh to thank for that. "Fourteen that day. Dorian's pretty high up on the League's most wanted list. He's a psychotic serial killer. If you ever cross paths with him. run. As far as you can. You've got really fast Pokémon -- use them to get away." Of course, he couldn't do that. He couldn't let Princess be captured or killed. He couldn't let that madman take any more lives that day. And he did not. The death toll remained at fourteen.

As the dirt road turned to bricks that were laid in rainbow-colored patterns, Andrea asked about the origins of the ghost and fighting Pokémon. "We did trade. You see, Raikiri was originally Kyle's Pokémon. They didn't tick too well, and I didn't tick too well with that Marshadow. So we traded. So I owe Kyle not only for the Raikou, but a Pokémon I once thought was Raikou. I've got so many rare Pokémon now that it's hard to give them all the attention they deserve."

{PC: 12}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Swift         Raikou         Good
Raikou        Raging Bolt    Good
Tyrfing       Iron Boulder   Good
Saber         Manectric      Good

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
[M][C/Andrea][Johto] An Ashen Memory
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2024 16:54:16 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Should Andrea ever cross paths with , she would not be running. Andrea’s Pokémon were brawlers, not runners. One way or another, she would right that injustice, just like she was going to right the injustice of Cyllora and Pecharunt being allowed to live. Josh did not need to know of her plans, though. He had enough things to worry about already.

“It’s hard to imagine Raikiri belonging to anyone but you. It’s like you two were made for each other!” The eccentric cosplayer mused, while trying to step on all the differently-colored tiles that made up this rainbow road, perfectly positioning her feet within each square. “I didn’t tick too well with my Nihilego either, so I traded with Baki, who gave me her Iron Thorns.”

She hoped and Jello were doing okay. Like Josh with Isaac, she also had not heard from her in a hot minute. Not since the prison break, at least.

“I have a bunch of Paradox Pokémon now, actually.” Andrea continued. “Not just Mecha-Sandy, but also Mecha-Chomper, Terratron, Enteisaurus, Savage, Mothman, and Longlegs. Many people find them scary, but I think they’re neat!”
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Master of Faster
December 12
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6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
[M][C/Andrea][Johto] An Ashen Memory
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2024 22:44:25 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Raikiri and Josh were made for each other. He had so many electric feline Pokémon that his Gym may as well have been a cat preserve. How many cat Pokémon roamed the grounds now? Close to twenty? It showed just how much the crazy Gym Leader loved Pokémon that could go fast... and using that talent to keep Hoenn's citizens safe. "That reminds me, has a Zeraora that runs on all fours, just like Raikiri. We were going to race each other in the Spring, then... the whole abduction happened, and my arm got messed up." Once it was feeling better, he would have to make good on that meeting they had planned. The one where they would race each other. Maybe Swift could get in on the race, too.

Josh, likewise, had many. Out of the paradox Pokémon resembling Johtonian and Unovan legendary Pokémon, he owned five. Seeing Shalin's Iron Leaves prance about, he wasn't sure how well he would handle something that agile. The twirling leaps the Virizion look-alike made seemed dizzying. He had ridden Virizion before with , too. The last good memory he had of the Elite Four before he had become corrupted by the Red Shard. Virizion was just so agile -- too much so for him to handle. "One of these days, we should set up a Paradox Pokémon playdate," Josh suggested, if anything just to get Raikou, Entei, and Suicune together in a setting that wasn't his Gym or a battlefield. Though they weren't the real Johto Beasts, he treated them as such: among the most respected Pokémon on his team.

At the end of the meandering, rainbow path was the Tin Tower. Josh slid off Swift's back and creaked open the double doors, his legs trembling. "Admittedly, this is... the first time I've been inside the tower," he admitted, the monochrome Raikou's long fangs rumbling like thunder.

{PC: 13}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Swift         Raikou         Good
Raikou        Raging Bolt    Good
Tyrfing       Iron Boulder   Good
Saber         Manectric      Good

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
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Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
[M][C/Andrea][Johto] An Ashen Memory
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2024 10:02:23 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
“A Paradox Pokémon playdate, huh?” The girl’s lips curved into a wide grin. “Sure, I’d love that! It’s a date!” She beamed, exuberant at the prospect of bringing all those anomalies into the same room. Surely nothing could possibly go wrong.

Andrea and Pon followed the Raikou and its rider inside the sacred tower where Ho-Oh allegedly came to roost. “I guess it’s the first time for both of us.” The dragon-hooded girl mused, in awe of their surroundings. “Where do we even begin? This place looks almost like a maze!”

“Pon! Pon!” Ogerpon pointed at a flight of stairs.

Well, that would probably be a decent place to start off, if their objective was to make it to the top of the ancient skyscraper.
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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6'1" height
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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[M][C/Andrea][Johto] An Ashen Memory
POSTED ON Aug 10, 2024 6:49:48 GMT
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With how narrow the staircase was, Josh could not remain mounted on Swift. Instead, he and the ashen Beast wandered the first floor, seeing statues of his mount and the Raikou's two siblings. "I never did get to hop on Entei's back before Kyle perished," he said as he admired the details of the masonry. It was clear that the Pokémon he revered were sacred to the people of Ecruteak, and the region as a whole.

"But that was his decision to make, not mine. I wonder if Pon would enjoy the speed of a Beast at all. Something to look forward to when I'm feeling better, maybe. I'll keep you posted on my rehab... because I don't want to do it until I've got full motion and strength in my arm again." It would be a glorious day, one he longed for. "The best day of my life was when Kyle dropped by my Gym on my birthday and let me hop on Swift for the first time. The first and only time I've been able to command him to floor it. It's something I want to be able to relive."

Sliding down from the Raikou's back, Josh followed Pon upstairs. "It is a maze, but I've been up here once or twice with the Gym Leader before. I don't know if I told you this, but I have five Gym Badges. If being a Gym Leader myself didn't keep me so busy, I'd come back here and finish my Gym Challenge here, too. Even though I've heard Olivine and Blackthorn Gyms are pretty rough." Of course, now that he was a Champion, he expected he would have little trouble defeating the remaining three Gyms... even without his rare and powerful Pokémon.

{PC: 14}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Swift         Raikou         Good
Raikou        Raging Bolt    Good
Tyrfing       Iron Boulder   Good
Saber         Manectric      Good

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
[M][C/Andrea][Johto] An Ashen Memory
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 16:26:18 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
Andrea contemplated her friend’s offer, but ultimately it was Ogerpon’s decision. The tall woman leaned down to the ogre’s eye level. “What do you think, Pon? Would you like to give Swift a ride when Josh’s arm gets better?”

“Po poni~!” The Oni cried cheerfully.

“That sounds like a ‘yes’ to me!” The woman beamed. Making her way upstairs after Hoenn’s newest Champion, she listened to him boasting about his Johtohian accolades. “Five badges from a whole nother region? That’s thirteen badges total! That’s a lot of badges!”
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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[M][C/Andrea][Johto] An Ashen Memory
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 23:13:07 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"It is," Josh replied, beaming as the ogress' trainer showered him with praise he was not used to. He gave a thought to how else he could cement his accomplishments in the aftermath of his sparring match with Chi-Yu. "I've debated taking Johto's Champion Assessment, too. I've heard from up the grapevine that we may have some doubters in my title. Once racing season's over and Mauville Gym slows down, I might take a few weeks off to come here and be a Johtonian Champion, too. With Raikou, Entei, and Suicune at my side, no one can stop me," he boldly declared, referring to the three paradox Pokémon.

Pon's enthusiasm warmed Josh's heart. "Who knows? Maybe Pon will even get the chance to drive," he tried to further excite the Ogerpon. "And of course, that offer extends to you if you change your mind, but I know you've expressed concerns about it. Dragons are fast, but there really is a big difference between land speed and air speed, isn't there?" he mused, knowing that all too well from teaching students at his Gym.

Before long, the two would reach the open-air top floor of the tower, beholding the golden statues of Ho-oh adorning it. "According to the Johtonian legends, this is where the Great One, Ho-oh, used to roost."

{PC: 15}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Swift         Raikou         Good
Raikou        Raging Bolt    Good
Tyrfing       Iron Boulder   Good
Saber         Manectric      Good

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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Andrea Vaneau
[M][C/Andrea][Johto] An Ashen Memory
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2024 16:51:32 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
A soft laugh escaped the girl’s lips when the young Champion mentioned conquering the Johto League with his exotic variants of Raikou, Entei, and Suicune. “Using those three would almost feel like cheating, wouldn’t it?”

Come to think of it, Hoennians had an unfair advantage compared to trainers from other regions, what with Hoenn’s overabundance of legendaries, mythicals, Ultra Beasts, paradoxes, and other aberrations.

Upon finally making it to the top of the ancient tower, Andrea took in the breathtaking view. “Wow! It really IS just like the Sky Pillar! If I was a legendary bird, I would roost here too!” She remarked in awe.
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