i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,210 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2024 6:50:38 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","eris109"]"Huh... guess you're right!" Of course, a kid who had risen to the very top and become a gym leader would not cower in the face of danger. There will be no easy way out of this as they shake the weariness from their bones. "No matter, we can probably snag some pretty easily!"[break][break]

A Dazzling Gleam illuminates the field, forcing the grunts to cover their eyes lest they get blinded. Their pokemon partners are also disorientated for the first few seconds, buying just that sliver of time for Zorro to get in close. But before the attack can hit its mark, a glossy blue body shoves its way into the Bewear's space and reflects it back with a crafty Mirror Coat.[break][break]


"Damn you- Ignoring me for that fucking bear!"[break][break]

"Dumbass, don't forget the Zoroark!"[break][break]

But it's too late. The burly woman snarls a command, her Arcanine rushing towards with Extreme Speed, whereas the grunt still blocked by their Dondozo's width seems to call something out. Something that is quickly drowned out by the explosive gushing of a Hydro Pump, aimed right towards and her pokemon.[break][break]

With those two already hopping on the initiative, the poor grunt and his Bewear sigh, left with no choice other than to deal with the one who so dearly wanted their attention. A loud roar unbefitting of this soft and friendly-looking bear rings out, and the Bewear runs right at Zorro, arms thrown wide open as if ready to meet him with a hug.[break][break]

In the midst of the ferocious exchange, one might even notice that the grunt with the crooked grin and their most talkative one seem to be missing.[break][break]


A few steps down the hallway is 's room.[break][break]

The door to his room completely shattered into fragments and his space turned into an unrecognisable mess. Gone is the comforting aura of his room, ripped away by claws and smashed with bats. The study books that she'd gotten him have been ripped to shreds, along with the many recipes his true interest lay within. The plant cuttings he'd so painstakingly collected and attempted to grow lay withered in a mixture of shattered clay and dirt. The many pictures of his left tattered and buried within all this mess.[break][break]


Cori quite nearly takes a fall, saved only by her body's unwillingness to simply let go as he's instead placed gently on the ground. All whilst she drops to the floor and begins digging through.[break][break]

She knows him. Though he's never been one to keep lingering on the past, it doesn't mean that he's shed the weight. His pride in his current team knows no bounds. His pride in those who had once accompanied him much earlier must have been equally so. It's not something that he speaks of often, but she can just tell by the way she's always seen those photos on his desk.[break][break]

The aftermath of Fallarbor's old Tolerance gym, where he bundles with his team for their picture in the Hall of Fame. Pandora stands at the very forefront. Proud and surrounded by her team of Miyuki, Omega and Buffaloman. All right next a grinning, blonde Isaac and their hardearned badge.[break][break]

The photo taken for the papers at the very last stretch of the Silph Cup. That final charge Buffaloman had led through the raging waters as he and Isaac hurtled right towards the finish line to claim first place.[break][break]

That movie-like photo taken from the Novice Cup, where he holds giggling Hearth right up. Light shining down on the both of them, halfway through a little spin, as if presenting the most precious Cyndaquil to the entire world.[break][break]

Another sliver of time, captured with her crafty little ways. Echo sits upon Isaac's shoulder, pointing towards a line in the mythology book she had lent him.[break][break]

She picks them all out, in tatters. Every little scrap that she can identify. And she scoops them all into her rucksack, before moving onto the final piece.[break][break]

Fragments of glass gleam at the thought of being able to pierce her skin. Yet a fragile touch pushes them all away, her nails clacking against the serrated edges as she picks out the dirt-covered pieces of seaweed. Before she can even look around, a familiar snout pushes over her shoulder, placing a chipped mason jar into her hand with an encouraging growl.[break][break]

"This doesn't mean I forgive you." She holds it securely, muttering under her breath as she drops cutting after cutting into the jar.[break][break]

Reiner snorts derisively, taking a step back and turning his head away.[break][break]

Then he stills. Tenses. Narrows his eyes as he gently tugs at her clothes.[break][break]

Time to go.[break][break]

He hauls her right onto his back as she grabs Cori and caps the jar off, slipping out of the room as quietly as possible. The intruders have just reentered through the front entrance. Though they're pretty close, he's much closer to the backdoor. Thankfully, Eris had gotten her wish of having her room be closest to the backdoor, a childish wish to be able to slip in and out and explore the forest as and when she pleased. Or maybe Isaac just knew that she would take a shortcut out of the window if she didn't get it.[break][break]

"Ah, there you are!"[break][break]

No time to charge a proper attack. No point stopping to fight. Reiner knows he can outpace the Roselia and crash right through that door, even if they've locked it.[break][break]

Or so he'd hope, until he actually charges into it. It's like hitting a solid brick wall despite the woody appearance, bouncing the Luxray right back with a sharp yowl. And it's not that the doors they've chosen are built to be this sturdy. In that brief moment he slammed right into it, Eris spots strange blue lights - In between the evenly spaced seams that almost immediately seal up.[break][break]

A -[break][break]

"Stakataka! Beautiful creature, isn't it? Could barely tell the difference when we left it there!"[break][break]

They've closed the distance. The two Rocket grunts looking straight at her like wolves cornering a fleeing deer.[break][break]


She closes her eyes and braces, right as the corridor is engulfed in an electrical storm.


MP: 500 + 10 (Post)

[newclass=.eris100]width:500px;height:30px;text-align:center;font:8px Helvetica;line-height:30px!important;color:#f5f5f5;background-color:#333333;letter-spacing:2px;position:relative;z-index:1;overflow:hidden;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris98:hover .eris101]margin-top:-30px;opacity:0;-webkit-transition-duration:.4s;transition-duration:.4s;-moz-transition-duration:.4s;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris98:hover .eris102]opacity:1;-webkit-transition-duration:.4s;transition-duration:.4s;-moz-transition-duration:.4s;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris103]width:100%;padding:10px 0px;background-color:#a0bad6;text-align:center;font:8px Helvetica;letter-spacing:2px;color:#333333;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris103 a]color:#333333!important;font:8px Helvetica;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris109 b]font:bold 10px Helvetica;color:#a0bad6;[/newclass]

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cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
517 posts
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TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2024 19:27:46 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
Cass takes Hideo's counter as a moment to both gather courage and determination, as well as work on getting the Woopers slightly further away. There's a memory surfacing as he calls for Hatterene, before she has to close her eyes with its Dazzling Gleam.

Effie lets out a screech as the battle erupts, not joining herself yet as she does the most careful of Tailwinds to boost the team's morale, allow them to hopefully act faster than their opponents in this battle. If they could just make it quick ... however, this means that she doesn't react in time as the Hydro Pump comes charging at them, aimed directly at Cass' vaguely retreating figure.

Her mind's racing, and she has no idea in the face of the gigantic water beam, as Hanna boldly moves in. The water pushes against her- but she doesn't falter as she uses Gravity to increase her weight, staying firmly rooted on the ground that is so very familiar-unfamiliar to her. "Hanna-!" Cass tries to shout, but her throat is dry with dread as the moment stretches in time.

Even as this immediate attack is over, her Sigilyph is unmoving.

"Hanna-" she croaks, but there's just no time. "Jon, Martin ..." She fumbles to get the Woopers safe while also trying to figure out her Sigilyph's pokéball. Jon boldly steps forward, throwing a Sludge Bomb at the Dondozo, trying to poison it, while Martin hesitates for a moment, before leaping at the Dondozo as well with Trailblaze.

None of them notice that something might be amiss.

MP +10 + K.O. (Hanna) > 960
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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,652 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2024 20:43:45 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The Dazzling Gleam did its job well, giving the kids a chance to get their Pokemon out and on the offensive. Hideo's Zoroark was able to get close enough, launching its attack at the Bewear, and Cass joined in with her own Pokemon.

But that's where the battle stopped going their way, as the Rockets were quick to retaliate. The Extrasensory reached the Bewear, but a Mirror Coat sent a reflection of the attack right back at the Zoroark. It put its arms up, but the reflection hit hard.

Not good. His Zoroark only had the kinds of attacks a Mirror Coat could reflect - at least, ones that could harm a Bewear. And going by what his Beheeyem told him, his Zoroark could not take another attack like that.

"Vibes!" Hideo shouted, "focus on the Bewear! Zorro, go for-"

His Beheeyem urged him to move, just as the Arcanine rushed straight for him. He took a step back, just in time to get hit by the edge of the attack. The Reflect his Beheeyem applied earlier helped soften the impact, but he was still knocked down.

Said Beheeyem, unfortunately, took a more direct hit. He was knocked down, rolling from the impact - but landing on his feet by the end of it. He was tough enough to take more than one strike.

But now Hideo was separated from him. Which was not good.

Both his Hatterene and Zoroark took notice, and both were ready to rush to his side. But that distraction was all that was needed for the Bewear to grab the Zoroark. And as powerful as the Hatterene was - even without a Mega Evolution - she was a slow Pokemon.

Hideo's Beheeyem Telepathically reiterated Hideo's order - the Hatterene grumbling as it aimed a Psychic attack for the Bewear. The Beheeyem, meanwhile, tore rocks out of the ground, a Rock Tomb tossed at the Arcanine - both to draw its attention away from Hideo, and to restrict its movements.

All the while, directing Hideo where to go to get out of the way. Get up, move to the side, and ████████████████████████.

And just like that - nothing. It was as if a sense had suddenly shut down, as if he'd suddenly gone deaf, or his whole body went numb. "Elga!?" Hideo asked aloud, unsure if something had happened to his Beheeyem. And it was clear to anyone with eyes that his Beheeyem was still awake - and just as confused by its Telepathy shutting off.

Unaware that its Telepathy had actually been taken by something waiting in the woods, out of sight of everyone.


MP Tracker:
+10 IC post
+50 have your character's Pokemon symbolize or represent in some way, the condition of your character (Hideo's confused/losing control of the situation)

Total: 520
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,210 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2024 10:12:15 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","eris109"]All it takes is one glance for the grunts to pick out who the weak link is in this group. The way she's burdened with watching after two injured Woopers, one of which is doing their very best to try and carry the burned one away. How easily her Siglyph's gone down -[break][break]

Hovering as one of the largest targets around, Jon's Sludge Bomb meets its mark without much issue, splatting all over the Dondozo's scales as it cries out in pain. That slim chance that arises is snagged by none other than Martin, jumping at the big catfish like a wild pokemon appearing from the wild grass.[break][break]

"Serve 'em one!"[break][break]

Armed with the pride of a large predator, the Dondozo meets the Comfey head on with an Order Up. And right at the moment of impact, its jaw unhinges and a spout of water gushes forth, attempting to Soak the fairy.[break][break]

"Not so tough, are ya?"[break][break]

Meanwhile, the burly Rocket grunt takes pride in how easily her Arcanine bowls the little gym leader over, especially when she hears that call of confusion ringing out. Right, she had been briefed about this. How his blindness meant that he was practically a sitting duck without his pokemon.[break][break]

"Rip them to shreds!" She shrieks, sending her partner right into action as it bashes its way through the rocks and lunges at Elga for a hearty Crunch.

On the other hand, the Bewear gets its hug, smiling as it begins to crush the Zoroark in its loving embrace. Only ever releasing its grip by the slightest as a Psychic attack strikes its head as it begins to spin. And with a Brutal Swing, it throws Zorro's body right at Vibes in an attempt to knock her over.[break][break]


They are moving. Even with the lightning blinding her, she can feel the way Reiner's shoulders tense and roll beneath her palms, the sudden impact that threatens to knock her right off had his tail not wrapped around her torso. Electricity whips and crackles at her skin, a continual sting that she quickly grows numb to as every inch of her skin prickles and burns.[break][break]

When she next looks up, she sees the light at the end of the road. One that is slowly fading as shadows curl around the door.[break][break]

"Where do you think you're going?"[break][break]

Darkness reaches at his legs, attempt to root him to his spot. And no matter how hard Reiner tries to claw and rip himself free of their grasp, he can't seem to escape.[break][break]


As the stars on her sash begin to glow, a Springtide Storm stirs and grows, razor sharp petals rippling out in a circle in a bid to sweep the shadows away. And as soon as he has disrupted enough to pull himself free, he dashes up the stairs .[break][break]

"C'mon Eris! We just wanna talk!"[break][break]


With Eris hopping his back to slam the door shut on the way in, Reiner busies himself with moving the closest piece of furniture to barricade the door. And he growls at her, taking her place in holding the door shut before nodding towards the broken window.[break][break]

"You're coming right after."[break][break]

Even as the door rattles and bends from the force of whatever must be trying to get in; Oh, that smirk on his face that challenges her to bet he wouldn't.[break][break]

Broken glass surrounds the wooden frame, but she wastes no time in grabbing hold of it. One foot on the ledge as bloodied hands pull herself up and over.[break][break]

"C'mon!" All she needs to do is recall him and then regroup with the others. But the chill that runs through her spine stabs at her, instincts forcing her away from the window right as a pair of Shadow Claws rake at thin air.[break][break]

She lands with the crunch of glass, stumbling as she turns to the sight of a poorly stitched smile. Before the Banette can grab her, lightning strikes that hand away, granting Eris that brief chance to back away.[break][break]


The doors are blocked. The window is guarded. Though the grunts have stopped attempting to bash their way through the door, she now knows that there's no way for them to escape without a fight.[break][break]

"Eris... Come now. You know you kinda screwed yourself over coming back here."[break][break]

"Fuck you!"[break][break]


Reiner rushes for the Banette, teeth sinking into its stuffed body with an unsatisfying Crunch. They can fell this ghost. They can get out. They have to, before the fire reaches this place. But the size of this room robs them of their full potential, and the puppet knows this well.[break][break]

With Reiner so up close and personal, the Banette fires a point blank Night Shade to his face. He stumbles, his jaw slacks, allowing the ghost to wriggle free and dive right into the floor. Only for its claws to erupt from Reiner's shadows and carve at his flank.


MP: 510 + 10 (Post)

[newclass=.eris100]width:500px;height:30px;text-align:center;font:8px Helvetica;line-height:30px!important;color:#f5f5f5;background-color:#333333;letter-spacing:2px;position:relative;z-index:1;overflow:hidden;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris98:hover .eris101]margin-top:-30px;opacity:0;-webkit-transition-duration:.4s;transition-duration:.4s;-moz-transition-duration:.4s;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris98:hover .eris102]opacity:1;-webkit-transition-duration:.4s;transition-duration:.4s;-moz-transition-duration:.4s;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris103]width:100%;padding:10px 0px;background-color:#a0bad6;text-align:center;font:8px Helvetica;letter-spacing:2px;color:#333333;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris103 a]color:#333333!important;font:8px Helvetica;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris109 b]font:bold 10px Helvetica;color:#a0bad6;[/newclass]

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cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
517 posts
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TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 7:05:18 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
Jon and Martin's tag team is successful, until the fairy takes the brunt of all the attacks. Martin's hit by the Order Up as well as Soaked. Dropping wet, his flowers make the saddest impression now that seems to only fuel his anger. With a roar surprising from this little creature, he- lends Jon a Helping Hand, and Jon immediately understands. He takes a deep breath, the interior of his trash bag self seems to rumble and he shoots a vicious Gunk Shot at the Dondozo.

Effie in the meanwhile remains by Cass' side as she finally recalled Sigilyph, just to also have a clearer view of the battle field. And it's ... not good. Her eyes immediately fix on Hideo, before wandering- but wait, Hideo. "Hideo?" she asks, unsure what just happened - but his expression seemed confused.

"Effie, be quick-!" she then tells her Fletchinder, telling her to get into the mix with a Quick Attack. She should be fine- she should be fine for a moment. Effie seems unsure about this, but relents, spreading her wings and charging onwards with immense speed, trying to prevent the Arcanine from crashing into Elga by tackling it aside.

MP +10 > 970
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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,652 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 12:00:12 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
It was the worst possible time for that information to get cut off. Most trainers would struggle to direct more than one Pokemon at a time, and Hideo had 3 out at once, all battling their own opponent. His Pokemons' Telepathy was the only way he could monitor the situation and direct them. Without that, he was…


He tried to focus on the sounds, but there were so many, too many: crackling trees as the fires raged around them, attacks thrown left and right, his Hatterene screaming in frustration, someone calling out to him, a commotion inside the house. Too many things at once, too much to focus on, too hard to tell what was more important.

And his Beheeyem knows it's been cut off - and that it had to rectify the situation as quickly as possible. It could get to him, use a Z-move to let Hideo see through its eyes - but the Arcanine stood in its way.

The incoming Crunch got in the way of things, the Arcanine biting down hard on Elga. The Reflect the Beheeyem laid down earlier helped weaken some of the impact, but it was still a painful bite, one the Beheeyem was stuck in.

It could do little but desperately try to force the Arcanine to let go with a Psychic attack to its mouth - and hope Cass's Fletchinder could help provide encouragement as well.

The Zoroark could do little but try to struggle its way out of the Bewear's hold - and fail miserably. It was fortunate the Bewear didn't finish the job, merely knocked out as it was tossed at the ornery Mega Hatterene, who neatly caught the Zoroark with one of her tentacles - then not-so-neatly dropped it to the ground, retaliating against the Bewear with another Psychic attack meant to toss it up in the air.

The Zoroark's Pokeball activated its emergency recall, calling back the Zoroark - the only way Hideo knew it had been knocked out.

As the situation grew worse, a singular thought entered his head: it was subtle, inserted so that it was impossible to tell apart from his own thoughts, even though it truly came from outside.

He needed to use his Type:Null.

But Hideo shook the thought off; he knew what might happen if he did. He didn't want to use it but if he didn't, his friends could die. Could he really bear to have his inaction be responsible for their deaths?


MP Tracker:
+10 IC post
+50 KO'd mon (Zoroark)

Total: 580
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played by


she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,210 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 13:59:53 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","eris109"]There's no dodging for this giant Dondozo, the catfish letting out a low groan as yet another dose of poison seeps into its bloodstream. But it will not falter, not when it has a mighty commander beside it - Or rather, inside it.[break][break]

With a Noble Roar, the Dondozo throws itself right at Jon, aiming to hit him with a Heavy Slam. And as it opens its maw, a Tatsugiri takes aim and fires a Dragon Pulse right at Martin.[break][break]

On the other end, the Arcanine is heartily chomping down Elga, teeth sunk deep into flesh as it begins to shake the him around like a ragdoll.[break][break]

"Get his ass!"[break][break]

As the Arcanine's mouth begins to heat up, so too do its fangs, burning as ferociously as the growing wildfire as it attempts to cook the Beeheeyem. Much like its trainer, this Arcanine is a tough cookie, taking Psychic attack after Psychic attack without so much as flinching from the task at hand. It's only when Effie crashes right into its side that it wheezes, releasing its hold on the alien with a sharp yelp.[break][break]

"Oh c'mon! Finish the job!"[break][break]

The Bewear doesn't know if its trainer is yelling at it or the other grunt but either way, that will be a concern for later as it is launched right into the air by the Mega Hatterene. Judging by just how much air time its getting, the landing will not be kind in the slightest. But perhaps, that can be turned into an opportunity.[break][break]

Twisting itself mid-air, the Bewear begins to curl up into a ball, almost as if diving towards the ground like a cannonball. And right at the moment of impact, it unleashes an Earthquake aimed at shaking up both Hideo and Cass' footing. All for the buff grunt and her Arcanine to run right at Hideo, with the sole intent of getting rid of him in this battle.[break][break]



Blood is all that she can see. Dripping from his cheek, from his flank. Though he winces, he dare not make a sound. As if letting out a cry of pain would completely shatter the fragile child he sees standing before him.[break][break]

"You sure you don't want to talk?"[break][break]

As the Banette disappears once more from sight, he draws closer to her, steadies her hands as she numbly grasps at her pokeball. And out tumbles a Comfey, whose attention immediately flits to the open wounds.[break][break]

"Healing him just prolongs the suffering, no?"[break][break]

That voice rings out from behind the door. That oh so obnoxious voice whose face she wishes to punch right there and then. Ignoring his words, Chloris gets right to work, showering Reiner in a gentle wave of Floral Healing. And though the gashes may not mend, she at least gets the bleeding to stop, chittering at the Luxray as if warning him not to overexert himself.[break][break]

Until a purple portal suddenly appears beside them and the Comfey is hit with a Phantom Force. By the time Reiner attempts to retaliate, the portal is gone, leaving only the echoes of disjointed laughter.[break][break]

"Giving me the silent treatment won't help you. I'm out here offering you a deal that could be pretty beneficial!"[break][break]

"What deal?"[break][break]

"If you surrender -"[break][break]

"Over my dead body."[break][break]

Next thing Eris knows, she's on the ground, her chest heaving from the sudden impact after having her feet pulled from right under her. And then comes a Sucker Punch to the back of Reiner's head when he so much as tries to help her back up.[break][break]

"I mean, that isn't ideal for either of us -"[break][break]

"SHUT UP!" She roars, and Reiner does too. A wellspring of electricity is let loose, indiscriminately striking at every floor, wall and surface there is to offer. But the Banette pays no mind, merely waiting for the storm to pass before lashing out at them. Claws, broken furniture, curses and more. Igniting the senses with a searing pain, drawing the very image of frustration upon their skin, carving a lesson into their very bones.[break][break]

"You still sure -"[break][break]

"Fuck off."[break][break]

"Now, now. It's your friends' lives we're talking about here."[break][break]



MP: 520 + 10 (Post) + 50 (Injury)

[newclass=.eris100]width:500px;height:30px;text-align:center;font:8px Helvetica;line-height:30px!important;color:#f5f5f5;background-color:#333333;letter-spacing:2px;position:relative;z-index:1;overflow:hidden;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris98:hover .eris101]margin-top:-30px;opacity:0;-webkit-transition-duration:.4s;transition-duration:.4s;-moz-transition-duration:.4s;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris98:hover .eris102]opacity:1;-webkit-transition-duration:.4s;transition-duration:.4s;-moz-transition-duration:.4s;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris103]width:100%;padding:10px 0px;background-color:#a0bad6;text-align:center;font:8px Helvetica;letter-spacing:2px;color:#333333;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris103 a]color:#333333!important;font:8px Helvetica;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris109 b]font:bold 10px Helvetica;color:#a0bad6;[/newclass]

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played by


cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
517 posts
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TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 15:07:23 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
Cass' fingers prickle.

This could be easier.

She stares as Martin, now without his fairy advantage, is taken aback by the Dragon Pulse, as well as Jon being hit by the attacks - he manages an Endure to stay up. He's determined as ever, even if he's probably one hit away from losing the battle. He won't give up until it happened - and even then, she imagines he might find a way to stand up again.

Martin similiarly notices the true enemy in their midst now - not sure if the Dondozo would give up once the Tatsugiri is defeated, but it's worth a try. The Comfey lays on the ground, using Grassy Terrain to revive parts of the scorched Earth, and then Trailblazes out of the grass he just made, leaping forward with a vengeance at the Tatsugiri. Jon needs some more time to ready himself, as the innards of his trash bag rumble and roar, before he Belches a wave of poison, larger than one would expect from his small body.

Effie's Quick Attack finally manages to dislodge the Beeheeyem, but she knows she can't let things just sit idly. It's been hard enough hitting the Arcanine hard enough to free the psychic type, and now- there's a familiar crackling that is so utterly lacking. They need to be faster, faster still- Her wings gather wind in another Tailwind to refreshen the spirits, but she also does gather flame - flame that she keeps directing towards herself as much as possible, her fiery plumage now partially literally on fire.

And through the crackle, a Bewear falls.

The world seems to slow down for the Fletchinder, her quick reflexes already making her dive towards Cass- but she's so little. She-

Cass looks terrified as the Earth starts shaking, and she's more uncertain than before. There's no way she could escape in time - the two "Woopers" are held tightly in her arms. The prickle of red persists, but the world is shaking.

-needs to become stronger. As she dives towards Cass, she's surrounded by a desperately bright blue light that lets her emerge taller - even faster, even stronger. Effie manages to swoop Cass up, letting her land safely on singed and partially still burning feathers, but it's a heat that's comfortable. Reassuring. "Effie!" she says, surprised, her voice coming out as a croak as the Talonflame rises into the air.

MP +10 > 980
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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,652 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 22:37:07 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The alien thought left Hideo even further disoriented, unable to act when his Pokemon needed him most.

Until he heard that noise. A noise he knew only his Beheeyem could make, when it so rarely made any noise, but that cry told him all he needed to know - that the Arcanine was trying to kill Elga.

"N-no! Stop! Stop hurting him!"

He could hear his Beheeyem hit the ground, landing near him. He reached out to Elga, pulling it close to him. He felt around for where it had been bitten - and knew he found it the moment he felt his hand burning.

He let go only when the pain was too much, his own hand burnt.

He could hear the low hum of a Recover from his Beheeyem, but it was quieter, unsteady. It was enough to seal the wound, to ensure Elga would at least survive - but the moment it ended, Elga was recalled into his Pokeball.

And Hideo knew he was next, the Arcanine and its trainer coming for him next.

He had to use it.

He had a Pokeball in his hand. It wasn't Uxie's Pokeball. It wasn't the Genesect's. It wasn't his Beheeyem's, or his Zoroark's. It was his Hatterene's or his Alakazam's.

He didn't want to use it but if he didn't, he'd die.

He knew what could happen and what they would do to him and the others if he hesitated.

He didn't want to kill anyone even if they lacked the same hesitation for him.

He remembered how Eris reacted at the future where he was taken by Rocket.

He didn't want Cass's family to lose their daughter.

He didn't want to leave his Pokemon to die.

He was scared.

He tapped the button on the ball, the Type:Null emerging.

There was no hesitation from the Type:Null: it saw the Arcanine and its trainer charging towards it, and its head was immediately aglow - a swiping Iron Head aimed to knock both of them back.

It followed through with a raised, bright-red claw, a Crush Claw aimed for what it deemed to be the weaker target, the easier prey to take down before it moved onto the actual challenge:

It aimed for the Rocket, going straight for the skull.

Before Hideo could process anything, he felt a hand on his shoulder - his Shadow Alakazam's hand. A moment later, he felt himself floating in the air, the Alakazam having Teleport up to get out of the Arcanine's range - as well as out of range of the incoming Earthquake.

His Hatterene was too caught-up in her current fight to help Hideo; the Earthquake unbalanced her, but didn't stop her from rushing over towards the Bewear, the tips of her tentacles glowing purple as she aimed many Psycho Cuts for the bear.

Hideo could do little but remain in hid Alakazam's grasp, processing what was about to happen.

He could feel deep down in his gut that he'd done

something awful | what he should've done earlier.

MP Tracker:
+10 IC post
+50 KO'd mon (Beheeyem)
+50 have your character be injured by another's pokemon directly or indirectly.
+50 have your character make a regrettable decision.
+50 have your character experience great fear, hatred, envy, or have a grudge worsen.

Total: 790
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,210 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 15:56:54 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","eris109"]It's just like a game of whack-a-mole. Just as Martin pounces right at the Tatsugiri, it yelps, diving right back into the open maws of the Dondozo. And though its already on its last legs with the poison muddling its mind, the Dondozo tanks the consecutives attacks and falls, loyal to its commander till the very end.[break][break]

Met with a Hatterene right up in its face, the Bewear braces itself and Endures, protecting its vital points with its arms. And in a brief lull between cuts, it dares to reach out, attempting to Split its Pain with the raging goddess.[break][break]

As for the Arcanine and its trainer, there is no return.[break][break]

There is nothing louder than the scream of the poor soul caught within that claw.[break][break]


Nothing quieter than the fate that befalls her. The squelch and crack of flesh and bone as finality settles upon the scene like Murkrows that have come to roost.[break][break]

"Shoot -"[break][break]

Drowning in the sight of a creature oh so brazenly standing over the corpse of the one it'd once called its trainer, the Arcanine charges right at the Type:Null in a blind Outrage.[break][break]

"SHOOT THEM!"[break][break]

Two Genesects take aim, locking onto the Talonflame and Alakazam. And the low hum of energy begins to rise, a spark gathering at the tip of their cannons as they fire a relentless barrage of Techno Beams.[break][break]


The scream is abruptly silenced. And yet, echoes and screeches in her ears like a broken recorder. Her eyes flick towards the window.[break][break]

"What did you do to them?"[break][break]

A brief moment goes unanswered.[break][break]

"Hey -"[break][break]

Leaves a crevice that grows.[break][break]

"Answer me!"[break][break]

A deep, bottomless chasm of the unknown.[break][break]

Voices rising and falling beyond these walls.[break][break]

"ANSWER ME!"[break][break]

The croon of lasers drowning out her screams.[break][break]

No way out. No way of telling what's going on outside. The details that refuse to fill in the gaps leave an insurmountable wave of nausea that promises to knock her off balance. Her hand reaches towards her belt. Reiner sees it and immediately grabs it with his tail, shaking his head as he snarls.[break][break]

"I surrender -"[break][break]

And yet, she refuses to let him dissuade her. Twisting and pulling her arm until she wrenches herself free. Her sygna suit deactivates. Her tera orb, her z-ring, Chloris' pokeball after she's been recalled; All of them clatter against the floor with dull 'thunk's.[break][break]

"Please, I surrender!"[break][break]

She can't even move to recall Reiner as the door is finally opened, the furniture smashed up by the Banette and tossed to the side. The Rockets waste no time in barging right in, the Roselia paralysing Reiner as one of the grunts shove her right to the ground.[break][break]

"Please -"[break][break]

There's no escaping this one. One hand is all he needs to grab her by the neck, lifting her up to eye level as her feet haplessly kick at air.[break][break]

"Call... them off..."[break][break]

Her nails dig into her own skin, attempting to dig under and pry those fingers away to no avail.[break][break]

"Don't... hurt... them..."



MP: 580 + 10 (Post)

[newclass=.eris100]width:500px;height:30px;text-align:center;font:8px Helvetica;line-height:30px!important;color:#f5f5f5;background-color:#333333;letter-spacing:2px;position:relative;z-index:1;overflow:hidden;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris98:hover .eris101]margin-top:-30px;opacity:0;-webkit-transition-duration:.4s;transition-duration:.4s;-moz-transition-duration:.4s;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris98:hover .eris102]opacity:1;-webkit-transition-duration:.4s;transition-duration:.4s;-moz-transition-duration:.4s;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris103]width:100%;padding:10px 0px;background-color:#a0bad6;text-align:center;font:8px Helvetica;letter-spacing:2px;color:#333333;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris103 a]color:#333333!important;font:8px Helvetica;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris109 b]font:bold 10px Helvetica;color:#a0bad6;[/newclass]

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cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
517 posts
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TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2024 18:22:11 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
There's not much room for enthusiasm that Effie has reached her final evolution. There's no room for the additional height, the alleged feeling of freedom above in the sky when everything on the ground is burning. Her hands holding Mesprit and Nessie are shaking as she looks over the battlefield, over the house, over the forest fire.

A scream.

It echoes in her mind, a mind that's been set ablaze by the raging inferno around her - but she can't let it go like this. She can't allow all the parts in her mind to fall to dark and white ash, she needs to- Her breaths are shaky as her eyes take in what has happened. A Type:Null. It's attacking the Rockets so-


Suddenly, everything becomes coated in ice flowers. She wishes time to slow down so it matches the pace of her mind, but she's only reactive now - this battle is beyond them, she thinks, but that's no excuse. That doesn't mean they can just opt out - war is here, and it'll claim them dead or alive. Hideo's next to her in the skies now, too, and she swallows dry spit as she sees him. "Hideo what is happening? Are you- are you- how are you?" she asks, but she isn't sure if her voice could even be heard over the crackling flames.

She feels an additional touch by her side as she hears the command. SHOOT THEM. Effie raises her wings to prepare to dart out of the way. But there would just be more. More blasts to knock them out of the sky, and no. She can't run forever.

Even if it means that they would know - they would see. This ability means nothing if she's dead.

Azelf, having taken on the form of a Ralts once more after its Rest, guides her movements subtlely as a red chain emerges from her shaking hands. But the chain is steady as it curves in flight. Effie takes off, but no lasers follow - the Genesect aiming for her group is motionless as red chains firmly bind it for this temporary moment.

And further on the ground, Jon and Martin don't rest - but goddamn if they don't want to. The Dondozo is down, but they know that there's a Tatsugiri lingering still. Unbeknownst to them, there's also another pair of eyes watching them - but this pair is not hostile. One could almost call it concerned with how it observes them, readying one gun arm ...

MP +10
make a sacrifice: her ignorance of her red chain ability and her consciousness to Just Stay Out Of Things, as well as her "anonymity" in front of the remaining rockets
TOTAL: 1040
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played by

Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,652 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2024 0:14:01 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
It's too difficult for him to understand what was happening. He was only certain of what he'd done - letting out his Type:Null - and that he was in his Alakazam's hold, floating above the ground. He hadn't moved far, but he still didn't know how high up he was floating.

But he could absolutely hear his Type:Null attacking, forcing back both.

And he could hear his Type:Null's claws as they glowed with power. Take down the Arcanine he wanted to shout, but words failed to leave his throat.

He heard it leap towards its target - not where the Arcanine was going.

He wanted to tap the Pokeball again, stop it from what he knew it was going to do and put everyone around him in danger.

He wanted to let this happen.

He didn't stop it.

That scream was something he'd never heard before. Sure, he'd heard tv actors screaming at their character's impending doom, but this just went so much further than that. He could feel it reverberate throughout his entire body.

Even as it was cut short, the wet squelching mixed with cracking bone kept the scream going through his head, his stomach, his heart.

He felt

disgusted | victorious

He'd done

something awful | what had to be done.


killed someone | stopped a threat.

If he'd recalled his Type: Null, he would've

stopped this from happening | gotten himself and the others killed.

This was

his fault | necessary.

A ringed buzzed through his ears, his focus waning as the thoughts in his head conflicted from what came from outside. He could hear a voice call out to him, maybe even speak his name, but he couldn't make out the words. Not while that scream lingered. Not after what he did.

He was a

murderer | hero

The Type:Null cared naught for what its trainer was going through: it saw the two threats, the Arcanine and the Genesect, and the Rocket whose head it crushed was no more than meat.

Its head glowed once more, an Iron Head at the ready. It would have merely chosen violence, had the Alakazam floating above not directed it; it once more made a wide swing, striking the incoming Techno Beam first. It made no discretion as to where it aimed the deflection - the beam flying straight towards the house.

With its remaining momentum, it aimed to intercept the Arcanine. Just another enemy.

Just another target.

Just more meat.

MP Tracker:
+10 IC post
+50 lowest point

Total: 850
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,210 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2024 14:01:55 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","eris109"]It's a cascade of events that no one could predict. The immobilisation of a war machine. The rampage of an uncontrollable amalgamation. The deflection of the Techno Beam. The yelp of the Arcanine as the Type:Null's blade pierces its side. The burning of Petalburg as the cottage too finally falls prey to the fires.[break][break]

"Fuck this!"[break][break]

As the Dondozo is recalled in a beam of light, the Tatsugiri that is ousted in the process fires the Hyper Beam it had been charging right at Cass. But a mystical pink barrier envelops her in a gentle warmth, a subtle hint of anxiety lingering in the air as a Wooper disappears from her arms. And when he sees that their final gambit has failed, the Rocket grunt begins to turn tail -[break][break]

"We need to go!"[break][break]

Still, the remaining Genesect continues on, the sole command to shoot them firmly ingrained in its mind. Even as it watches the Arcanine get carved up, it isn't deterred, charging yet another Techno Beam to take the threat out.[break][break]


It all happens within an instant.[break][break]

A bright light piercing through the room.[break][break]

Blood splattering through the air.[break][break]

A Luxray toppling over.[break][break]


A gaping hole right through his chest.[break][break]

This can't be right.[break][break]

Yet he stumbles, catches his balance. Refuses to fall before her very eyes, before he's kept his vow.[break][break]

This can't be happening -[break][break]

The room drowns in a sea of red, a Springtide Storm of petals that wilt and ignite with the growing heat. It scorches the man with a fiery vengeance, pries his fingers right off her throat and throws him back into the wall. And as Eris falls to the ground, freed from his grasp, so too does the Luxray, heaving for every last breath.[break][break]

"Reiner -" She crawls to his side, and in her own chest is a gaping hole just like his.[break][break]

"Get up..."[break][break]

Growing ever bigger as she helplessly shakes him.[break][break]

"Get up!"[break][break]

His eyes flutter open, gaze unfocused as they flit around the room. The fires that slowly chew the carcasses of rotting memories, the smoke that gradually obscures the security this place was meant to have, her broken pleas that surely drown out the laughter that once filled the halls. They soon settle on her: Wide-eyed fawn lost in a blazing forest, her teary eyes hardly enough to extinguish any of the flames around.[break][break]

He must get up, or everything will be lost.[break][break]

His body shakes with tremendous effort, one paw firmly placed against the ground before he pushes himself to place another and regain his footing. His blood stains the floor, smeared with every inch he drags himself across.[break][break]

"Reiner -"[break][break]

But still he stands, his tail curling around her arm as he breathlessly beckons for her to gather her equipment and stand.[break][break]

"You're -"[break][break]

He snarls, before an unsightly descent into hacking coughs. She wastes time that they simply don't have.[break][break]

Scrambling to her feet, she quite nearly falls over from the sudden wave of dizziness that washes over her. But he will not let her fall, holding tight and pulling her close as he begins to lead the way out.[break][break]

"DON'T LET HER GET AWAY!"[break][break]

Vines and shadows whip towards them, the Roselia and Banette fully intent on skewering Eris. Without the slightest hint of hesitation, Reiner tugs her backwards and jumps in front of her. But their attacks never meet their mark, blood red chains coiling tight around their necks and forcing them to their knees.[break][break]

"Don't touch him."[break][break]

She does not bleed like Reiner does. Wrath, venom drips from her tongue as she turns her attention to the stunned Rockets.[break][break]

"You've destroyed my home. You've hurt me, just like you wanted to."[break][break]

They are next, powerless against the chain that bind them to the spot. Like a finely-tied noose, the chain hangs around their neck, tightening as she slowly curls her fingers.[break][break]

"You've already taken so much from me."[break][break]

Her family. Her old home. Her region. Her life. Bit by bit, Rocket has stolen and hollowed her out, allowing that gap in her chest to grow and grow. Even now, they attempt to steal Reiner right before her very eyes.[break][break]

Her most precious treasure.[break][break]

Her one and only family left.[break][break]

Recalling Reiner into his pokeball, she keeps him close to her chest. The fires peer into the room from the corridors, inquisitive little flickers grazing her skin.[break][break]

"No more."[break][break]

Her fingers brush against her palm, slowly but surely clenching tighter into a fist.[break][break]

Long ago, Rocket had lit a spark, expecting nothing but a tiny flame that would soon flicker out. And yet, that tiny flame persisted, fuelled by the kindlers who wished to tame her spirit. They'd once succeeded, caging her in a beautiful lantern they called familial bonds. But now that everything had been shattered and she was exposed to the bitter winds, this tiny flame was growing and would only keep growing until it swallowed them all.[break][break]

Until it is all but extinguished, a calm settling over her as she takes a breath.[break][break]

"Are you going to take from me too?"[break][break]

Golden eyes gaze right at her, silent as the red chains begin to crack and crumble. Released from their shackles, the Rockets keel over, clutching at their throats and gasping for air. Their pokemon fall flat on the ground, but are soon recalled to the safety of their pokeballs.[break][break]

"Everything they've done and you won't even let me have this."[break][break]

Everything is burning. Just like it once had all those years back. Even as the searing heat flays her limbs and the smallest pieces of wood begin raining down around her, she is still.[break][break]


The ceiling cracks.[break][break]

And the cottage begins to collapse.


MP: 590 + 10 (Post) + 50 (reiner and eris reflecting each other) + 50 (meaningful moment) + 50 (Reiner KO) + 50 (great hatred) + 50 (rock bottom) + 50 (strength to keep fighting in extreme adversity) + 50 (sacrificing humanity) + 50 (motif: fire)

[newclass=.eris100]width:500px;height:30px;text-align:center;font:8px Helvetica;line-height:30px!important;color:#f5f5f5;background-color:#333333;letter-spacing:2px;position:relative;z-index:1;overflow:hidden;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris98:hover .eris101]margin-top:-30px;opacity:0;-webkit-transition-duration:.4s;transition-duration:.4s;-moz-transition-duration:.4s;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris98:hover .eris102]opacity:1;-webkit-transition-duration:.4s;transition-duration:.4s;-moz-transition-duration:.4s;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris103]width:100%;padding:10px 0px;background-color:#a0bad6;text-align:center;font:8px Helvetica;letter-spacing:2px;color:#333333;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris103 a]color:#333333!important;font:8px Helvetica;[/newclass]
[newclass=.eris109 b]font:bold 10px Helvetica;color:#a0bad6;[/newclass]

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cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
517 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2024 14:30:29 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[newclass=".emapkmn"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
Neither Cass nor Jon or Martin are prepared for the direction of the Hyper Beam - but she's protected from it, and it's belated that she notices the second Wooper missing. Definitely Mesprit, since she doesn't think a normal Wooper should be able to teleport away. The fight is almost over, but the Genesect still heed the calls from earlier.

However, a stray Techno Blast seems to hit the remaining one, a blast that seemingly came from the direction of the Woods. (A Genesect stands in the Woods, awkwardly, suddenly being able to follow its own directives.)

Too much is happening at once that she can barely process what just happened, and she can barely process anything of it. Azelf does seem to be fully recovered now, floating next to her on its own, so Cass focuses on the Wooper in her arms as she lands next to Martin and Jon. With the group retreating, the remaining Tatsugiri threat goes too, and Cass truly doesn't have it in her to pursue them.

"Hideo? Hideo, are you-" she calls from the ground, then her eyes flicker anxiously towards the Type:Null- it wouldn't hurt her- would it? "What is happening?"

And then the cottage collapses. Cass leaps one step towards the roaring flame, but Effie instantly holds her back, and in turn she holds Effie back from charging directly into the flames. It wouldn't be as fatal for her, but after seeing Saude and Hanna faint, she couldn't take another. She- for now, she needs to believe Mesprit got that covered.

MP +10
recurring theme + motif: will & willpower throughout most of cass' posts
TOTAL: 1100
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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,652 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2024 23:34:10 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar

There were sounds everywhere. All around him. But he couldn't tell them apart; they were all meshing together: crackling, breaking, collapsing, voices - they were all just noise to him.

His mind struggled to focus on anything outside.

He couldn't forget the battle
| He didn't want to fight.

He wanted to stop | He had to finish this.

He He didn't had want to to save kill Petaburg anyone.

Thought battle thought, a war he didn't know he was fighting raging in his head.

And just like the forest, the thoughts weren't the ones who suffered the most.

It hurt. His head hurt.

I̜t͓̠͖̠͜ h͕͈̩͟u̧̱̦̞͈̫͈̖r͕̖᷊̦̪͎̪̟᷿̘͕̱̟̻̫᷊̣t̢̢̨͈̬͔̗̗̹̞̹͓̲᷿᷿̺͚̗᷊̣̻᷿̫᷿̩̞̳̪̟̩̟̣̦͉͓᷿̬̭͢͟͢͢͢͟

Blood trickled out his nose, dripping down to the soil below.

His Shadow Alakazam may have had possession of his Beheeyem's Telepathy, but it was by no means skilled with it. His Beheeyem knew how to inform him, even subtly influence him, without notice or causing harm; the Alakazam lacked such knowledge and delicacy.

It had applied too much force.

"Nnnnnng," Hideo groaned, dizziness and disorientation setting in fast.

His Alakazam realized it'd messed up as Hideo's thoughts began to lighten, consciousness slowly fading. It knew well enough that Hideo needed medical care. Fast.

The Hatterene on the other side of the field took notice as well - both of Hideo's initial burst of emotion, then at the sudden dearth of it. One message from the Alakazam (cleverly hiding its own involvement) was enough to get her to toss the Bewear aside and rush over to him. Her Mega Evolution faded on the way over, but her skills as a Healer were still present - and necessary.

As the Hatterene tried her best to help Hideo, laid down to the ground by the Alakazam, the Type:Null continued striking at the Arcanine - but a warning from the Alakazam told it that it still had one more foe from afar. A set of three spheres emerged from the Type:Null, the Tri-Attack beams meant to strike at the Genesect that was still in the fight.

(Fortunately for Cass, she was not an immediate threat - she and her Pokemon were spared its attention for now).

MP Tracker:
+10 IC post
+50 meaningful moment between trainer and pokemon

Total: 910
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP