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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jul 22, 2024 21:05:06 GMT
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Oricorio danced and sidestepped her way down the path far ahead of Clover. "Don't stray too far!" She cried out, but the Oricorio did as she pleased. Clover shared a look with Archen, smiling. Archen rested on her arm, which Clover placed in front of herself so she could help groom his feathers. "I don't know why you play in the dirt so much," she commented aloud. Archen squawked in indignation. [break][break]

They ran a finger through his feathers to clear out bits of dirt. The bird really seemed just as happy to roll on the ground with the grubs as it was to soar above. Their undivided attention on their Archen left them unaware of how far ahead Oricorio had gotten.


bond bridge | oricorio x litleo

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Master of Faster
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POSTED ON Jul 22, 2024 21:44:12 GMT
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Aslan, the king of Josh's pride, was dead. His body had been miraculously recovered, and his Poké Ball was to be on display in the Gym Leader's office once the coronation was over. There would be time for mourning later. Today was more important. It was today that new leaders of the pride would be selected for coronation. Nuka, a Litleo, remained close to Josh as her older pridemates were on the prowl in the prairie grasses of Route 111's savannahs. It was an ideal place for Pyroar to hunt, and many prides of wilds made the place their hunting ground. "Do your best out there!" Josh encouraged his nearby pride before they dispersed.

For whoever impressed Josh the most today would become the royalty of the pride.

Oricorio had gotten too far ahead, indeed; the fire-type would find himself jumped by a daunting-looking lioness charging toward him at speeds almost too fast to react to. A loud combat roar from another Pyroar in the same direction might grab 's attention. Were he to investigate, he would see something unusual about the normal-types:

Her, and the rest of the surrounding pride, all wore saddles with the Ranger logo on them.

{PC: 1}

All the Pyroar from Josh's PC are present.

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POSTED ON Jul 22, 2024 21:53:41 GMT
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Oricorio's dancing steps were interrupted with a blur. The bird cried out as the predator's heavy steps clipped its side. It's go-to defense, of course, was to continue its alluring dance. Distressed, it used its teetering dance, one that often confused those that looked upon it. [break][break]

Clover's spine straightened like a rod at the sound of her Oricorio in distress. He couldn't see his pokemon, which could mean it had danced into the tall grass. "Go," she said with all the gravity the situation demanded. Archen flew off her arm rapidly, though he was quite unhappy to see the lioness. He squawked loudly - giving Clover an idea of where to run to be reunited with her Oricorio - and generated a rock slide to chase the fast lioness, unaware of just how agile the pokemon actually was.


bond bridge | oricorio x litleo

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Master of Faster
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POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 2:37:32 GMT
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The Oricorio's TEETER DANCE left the pride delirious, several of them completely unaware that they were clawing at one another. It took a large spark from two lions' claws colliding for Josh to be aware of what was going on. Sitting astride his Manectric, he reined the electric dog toward where the battle broke out... only to find an Archen chasing the Oricorio away from the hunters. Josh gasped. Was this Oricorio trained and not wild?

He would see his question answered when he saw giving the order to pin the Pyroar down with a ROCK SLIDE. "Stop, all of you!" Josh cried. "That Oricorio belongs to someone!" With an apologetic look on his face, the Gym Leader slid down from his Manectric's back and procured a bottle of Hyper Potion for the fire-type bird. "I am so sorry -- I couldn't see that the Oricorio belonged to you," he profusely apologized, presenting Clover with the bottle of Hyper Potion to patch up its wounds.

The entire pride assembled before the Gym Leader and traveler. All in all, there were nine Pyroar, with a fairly even mix of males and females. They were all larger than the average Pyroar, but still varied quite a bit in height. One was even taller than Josh was!

{PC: 2}

All the Pyroar from Josh's PC are present.

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POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 16:03:20 GMT
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Clover's heart nearly stopped as all of Josh's pokemon came in close. Wow, he had quite a series of Pyroar. Still, they took the opportunity to gather up their birds in their arms, letting both perch on her shoulders. She accepted the hyper potion and set Oricorio up to be more comfortable. "Your pokemon are super fast," she finally commented, a little stunned at how badly things could've gone if neither of them had reacted fast enough as trainers. "I don't think I've ever seen so many Pyroar in one place. They're all yours?" Oricorio leered at the one that had nearly taken her life, then walked across Clover's shoulders to sit tucked in front of Archen. It wasn't very comfortable for them, but it was a comforting weight to have their pokemon this close.


bond bridge | oricorio x litleo

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Master of Faster
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POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 22:00:09 GMT
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The young, brown-haired individual gushed compliments all over Josh's pride, his smile beaming when they expressed how fast they were. "They are all mine," the Gym Leader answered as one of the lions crouched next to him, seemingly beckoning him to sit in the large saddle adorned with the Mauville Ranger logo. "Kovu, you know I can't yet," Josh turned toward the big cat, giving the fire-type predator a cuddle before turning back toward his guest. "But yes, they are all mine. I do loan them out to Mauville's Rangers, so in a way, they're Ranger Pokémon."

Nala, apologizing for any harm she inflicted upon the Oricorio, sat down next to him and his trainer. She gently purred, letting her red mane blow in the breeze. As scary as the species looked, all of them looked incredibly well-behaved. They had to be, given each and every one of them wore saddles! Pyroar were not easy species to break to the bridle, either, making it perhaps more impressive that Josh was able to do so with so many.

"Gym Leader Devlin or Champion Devlin, but please, call me Josh," the off-duty Ranger kindly introduced himself. "What brings you out here?"

{PC: 3}

All the Pyroar from Josh's PC are present.

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POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 22:47:04 GMT
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He was quite decorated. [break][break]

Oricorio tentatively left her and Archen to flutter to the Pyroar's feet. She was braver than Clover would've been after being inches from death. "Well," she started, "I've been looking for more pokemon. Things are getting a little, uh, shaky out here." Clover shared a look with his Archen.[break][break]

"Oh, uh, I'm Clover. Matamata." It was a common enough surname among the Hoyeon people, but no one in Fallarbor had really broken into the public eye lately. She was going to, but not in the way her parents had intended. The need for divine attention was something they couldn't meet while working for the League. [break][break]

"What brings you out here? Just walking them?"


bond bridge | oricorio x litleo

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Master of Faster
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POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 20:40:17 GMT
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The lioness' legs were warm to the touch, something Josh was certain the Oricorio would appreciate. She purred loudly in an effort to tickle the smaller bird -- a sign of not just how well-behaved they were, but how social, as well. "Great to meet you, Clover," Josh waved before extending his right hand. "This is a great spot to look for Pokémon! There are all kinds of fire-types out here, including Pyroar if you wanted one yourself."

Having his question turned on him made Josh frown. "I could tell you, but... I don't want to trauma dump. These Pyroar have... gone through some hard times, and I have a difficult decision to make." Not everyone took the finality of death the same way, and dumping those kinds of sob stories onto a stranger was not a way to make a good first impression. "If you want to hear, I don't mind telling their story, but... it can be a little heavy."

{PC: 4}

All the Pyroar from Josh's PC are present.

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POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 20:57:31 GMT
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His interest was piqued at the idea of having a Pyroar for himself, but he tried to avoid feline pokemon for the sake of his team's comfort; Oricorio enjoyed playfulness over everything, but Archen was distrusting of most things with claws sharper than its own. "I should work on finding more fire types. They'll remind me of home." A blessing and a curse, they supposed. Their family was all about ground and fire pokemon given their sect and their proximity to volcanoes in Fallarbor. [break][break]

They felt a pang of sympathy at what Josh said. Pain shared was pain divided, his family had always said. He stretched open his arms in invitation. "You don't have to talk about it. I can see that you've been working through it. Can I hug you?" Clover knew there was more individualism in Hoenn's predominant culture than they were used to as a Hoyeon, so they felt it prudent to offer comfort. "I can tell you take good care of your pokemon, by the way. My family, they bond for life with their partners and don't use capture capsules. Your pride would stand by you with the same loyalty." It was clear to see.


bond bridge | oricorio x litleo

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Master of Faster
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POSTED ON Jul 25, 2024 23:51:32 GMT
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They were certainly in the right place to find fire-type Pokémon. With Route 111 being a natural habitat for Pyroar, it was easy for Josh to expand his pride if one got too close to the Gym. That was how he had captured most of his lion friends. "As a Gym Leader whose focus is on very fast Pokémon, I'm inclined toward fire-types," he related his own interest in them. "Where are you from, if I may ask? I'm actually... originally not from Hoenn. I'm from Johto, but... circumstances forced me to move to Hoenn a couple years ago."

It seemed like Clover was willing to hear Josh out, at the very least. "I'll... try not to be too detailed, then." While he wasn't keen on physically embracing with the stranger, the Mauville Leader would at least show the kind gesture. "Air hug," he replied, setting his Manectric's reins down to make the embracing motion from a distance. "Wouldn't want Saber here shocking you."

Josh's pride shifted their eyes back and forth between the two. "The short version of the story is that Aslan, my pride's king, died in Sootopolis, when the war broke out. And they're competing with one another to see who will be the next king or queen." He had several good candidates, but he felt he had to narrow it down to one.

After all, the materials to make a Pokémon Shiny were not cheap!

{PC: 5}

All the Pyroar from Josh's PC are present.

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POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 15:11:19 GMT
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"Fallarbor," Clover offers with a smile. "I'm Hoyeon, indigenous to Hoenn. This was my home before it was called that." His brow furrowed as Josh said he was from Johto. "Circumstances brought you to Hoenn specifically?" He didn't realize it was rude to pry. But Johto was a cool region. The people were friendlier than those in Kalos, or so his dad had always told him. It was kind of awesome that Josh was a newcomer to Hoenn and still made it to gym leader and champion. [break][break]

The tale of his Pyroar was unfortunate, but they didn't quite understand the importance of the hierarchy. "Aren't you king of the Pride?" The Hoyeon had a Sachem that led their sect. She hummed thoughtfully. "How do they prove themselves?" Oricorio left the contact of the Pyroar and fluttered up to Clover's shoulder to rub against her.


bond bridge | oricorio x litleo

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Master of Faster
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POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 6:52:24 GMT
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"I don't treat them as my subjects," Josh clarified to Clover. "All my Pokémon are my partners. Friends. Equals." It may have been difficult for some trainers to understand, given that some understood Pokémon mounts to be subservient to their riders. That notion was as far from the truth as possible from what Josh was trying to teach at his Gym. Mount and rider had to be in sync with one another. They had to truly understand one another. Cooperate with one another.

When asked how they could prove themselves, Josh's Z-GLOVE on his left hand glowed a faint white. "What makes the monarch different is the ability to use an art only Aslan could. The Emperor's Royal Roar," he described the Z-Move. "A roar so feared, yet inspiring, that it can turn the tide of battle on its own. Even for lungs as strong as theirs, it is incredibly taxing. And only the strongest of the pride have a hope to reach its volume."

When asked about the circumstances keeping him at Hoenn, Josh frowned. "Remember 99904 Meteno? The asteroid that was predicted to collide with Hoenn a couple years ago?" the Gym Leader asked. "And the invisible barrier that made it impossible to enter or leave Hoenn that summer?"

{PC: 5}

All the Pyroar from Josh's PC are present.

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POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 21:50:24 GMT
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She wasn't sure how important the access to this ability was, but he seemed passionate about it. She was inclined to believe he had a good reason to find the right pride member. "What do you do if the Pyroars don't respect the new leader?" Clover wasn't familiar with the behavioral patterns of Pyroar and only vaguely understood their natural internal hierarchies. [break][break]

Her brow furrowed. "What's the meteor gotta do with your pride?" Did the roar relate to the barrier?


bond bridge | oricorio x litleo

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[newclass=.cloverbody h1]font-family:ubuntu;font-weight:bold;font-size:14pt;color:#a189c4;text-align:right;border-bottom:#a189c4 solid 1px;padding-bottom:5px;margin: 20px 0px 10px 0px;[/newclass]
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Master of Faster
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Goldenrod, Johto
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POSTED ON Jul 30, 2024 4:29:12 GMT
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Pyroar were often challenging to raise. The Pokémon were apex predators, more than capable of killing their trainers if they were to turn on them. The horse-sized ones prowling near Josh and Clover especially so. Those paws looked like they could tear down a wooden shed with ease. And yet, in the Gym Leader's hands, they were a noble family of lightning-fast, powerful steeds for Mauville's Rangers to use as needed. Steeds that could carry their riders faster than the average Rapidash.

Josh raised his hands at Clover's question. "I'm sorry, I might not have been clear. You asked what kept me in Hoenn, and that's what I was referring to. The barrier has nothing to do with my pride." He paused to sweep the area, seeing what his nine Pyroar were up to before continuing his story. "I had traveled to Hoenn to take a two-week vacation before returning to Goldenrod. That two weeks turned into months, what with the barrier preventing me from returning home. By the time the barrier was gone, I was already Mauville City's Gym Leader. I maintained dual citizenship for a while before officially emigrating to Hoenn, alongside my mom and dad, around Christmas of last year."

The white glow on his Z-GLOVE grew even brighter, a lion and lioness emitting similar light beneath the PYROARIUM-Z they carried. "Kovu... Nala..." he whispered under his breath.

Was it them?

{PC: 6}

All the Pyroar from Josh's PC are present.
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POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 17:25:28 GMT
clover matamata Avatar

"Ooooohhhh, I getcha." She nodded in understanding. "It's kind of crazy that you became a gym leader in a relatively short stint here in Hoenn." They couldn't imagine spending some time in a region, getting held hostage, and ending up as a leader before it was even possible to get home.[break][break]

They were pleased to hear he'd brought his parents over. "How'd you convince your parents to come? Mine are so stubborn." She laughed. She was grateful they were close enough to visit, but it was hard to get them to move from whatever position they'd taken in an argument. She held an arm up protectively in front of her face as his glove started to glow. "Uh, is your hand gonna blow up?" It was clear there was some odd energy charging up there.


bond bridge | oricorio x litleo

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