sacred sword

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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MAY 18th
i don't like change
but i'm not afraid
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
when everything is in disarray, i think we'll be okay!
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
sacred sword
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2024 14:00:19 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar

Eddie suddenly looked up and around when he caught the scent of ash on the wind. Trees burned in the distance, their flame-licked bodies stretched towards the unfeeling heights of the Border's skies. It reminded the soldier of Petalburg – it reminded Terrakion of something more ancient, of some more distant but no less haunting battleground. That much was clear to Eddie as the bull's eyes suddenly grew wide, and they huffed, nostrils flaring with agitation, [break][break]

“Hey, easy, big guy.” [break][break]

Eddie frowned with worry for the Sword, and frowned still at Kyle when he returned his attention to the other man, [break][break]

“Shit, buddy, I guess you ain't wrong but – but don't that seem unfair?” [break][break]

Terrakion seemed to grow more agitated at Kyle's words; the bull lowed angrily and shook his head, and Eddie felt a little useless for a moment. [break][break]

“Maybe us trainers have gotta do a little more for 'em.” [break][break]

That feeling of uselessness gave way to something decidedly more self-righteous in the next moment, but did Eddie really have the right to get defensive on the Sword's behalf? [break][break]

“And besides, that 'potential fight against the Rocket boss'? That was a whole goddamn shit show.” Kyle wasn't there to see how bad things were, after all. He had been long gone by then, [break][break]

“Terrakion's the only reason yer husband made it outta there in one piece. That's gotta count fer somethin', don't it?”



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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
sacred sword
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2024 6:25:39 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"if that's how you deal with things, then this should be fine too, right?"

he leans forward, taking a long piece of stick from the forest grounds, and crosses it with keldeo. like a child playing with swords, he taps it against keldeo's horn.

a glow on the colt is accompanied with change-- one that it has resolved itself to take after everything that has happened on hoenn.

"i'll bring the two of you back to the other side, you have my word on that. i'll even make sure you'll make it in one piece."

kyle slides his foot across the ground, creating a stream of water flowing from underneath him towards terrakion.

keldeo slides through it, brandishing the sword on its horn as it manages to shine amid the smoke. it swipes across terrakion and eddie, who the sword of justice shoves away.

"i think trainers will only get to do a little more if they actually allow you to," kyle proclaims, pointing his stick at terrakion despite speaking to eddie. "but it looks like terrakion already has plans on his own that you'll only end up disrupting."

terrakion aims to protect. its goal doesn't entirely contradict with what has been said.



it's a long life full of long nights

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