Daredevil Training Camp

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 25
mauville city
6'0 height
6'0 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Jecht Moreau DOLLARS
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Jecht Moreau
Daredevil Training Camp
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2024 1:48:28 GMT
Jecht Moreau Avatar

Jecht stands outside Mauville City's Gym, gazing up at the building with a smirk. His eyes glitter with excitement at the thought of meeting Josh Devlin, the Gym Leader and bearer of Raikou. Word had it that Josh was a master of high-speed Pokémon riding techniques, a skill Jecht was determined to learn for a future stunt—something that would push his circus performance to the next level.

Adjusting his cloak, Jecht steps forward, his mind already racing with ideas. He could envision the stunt: riding a Pokémon at blinding speeds, weaving through obstacles with precision and grace, all while leaving the audience in awe. But first, he had to learn from the best.

As he enters the Gym, he scans the area for Josh, his heart pounding with anticipation. The idea of learning a new riding technique wasn't just about adding a new trick to his arsenal—it was about impressing the crowd, pushing limits, and proving that he was more than just a member of Team Rocket. He was an entertainer, a master of illusion and performance.

Approaching the front desk, Jecht speaks calmly, hiding the excitement bubbling beneath his composed exterior. "I'm here to see Josh Devlin," he says. "I've heard he's the best when it comes to riding techniques, and I want to see if he can teach me a thing or two."

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,861 posts
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Josh Devlin
Daredevil Training Camp
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 2:31:21 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The Gym lobby's interior décor reinforced the Gym Leader's love of Raikou. The ceilings were dark as storm clouds, the wall colors bright as lightning. It was as though the entire lobby was a giant love letter to the Johtonian god of speed, Raikou. Jecht would not be able to locate Josh right away; only his secretary on duty, KEVIN STROUSSER. The young man looked somewhat blue, for it was his last week before being furloughed. With the war going on, business simply was not what it used to be.

"Good morning, sir," Kevin greeted the entertainer. "What's the name on the appointment?" Were Jecht to look outside through the sliding glass doors and the windows behind the desk, he would be able to see a vast racing complex, full of courses designed to test Pokémon that traversed land, sea, and sky. A myriad of Pokémon, dressed to bear the weight of a trainer, frolicked about the grounds.

{PC: 1}

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present somewhere on the Racing Grounds.
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March 25
mauville city
6'0 height
6'0 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
12 posts
Jecht Moreau DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jecht
Jecht Moreau
Daredevil Training Camp
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 5:15:46 GMT
Jecht Moreau Avatar
Jecht took a moment to appreciate the Raikou-inspired décor, his eyes tracing the stormy patterns across the ceiling and walls. It was impressive, no doubt. Whoever ran this Gym had a deep respect for the legendary Pokémon, and the thunderous atmosphere felt almost alive. But right now, Jecht wasn’t here to admire interior design—he had a purpose.

When Kevin greeted him, Jecht flashed his signature grin, strolling up to the desk with the air of someone who was completely in his element, even if he didn’t have an appointment.

"Appointment?" he repeated, his tone light and casual as he glanced at Kevin. "Oh, I don’t have one of those, mate. But I was hoping to meet the big man himself—Josh Devlin." Jecht glanced out the window, spotting the impressive racing complex behind the building. His eyes briefly flicked over the Pokémon being trained and ridden in the distance, and a glimmer of interest sparked in them.

"See, I’ve got a little… stunt I’m working on," he continued, his grin widening. "And from what I hear, Josh is the guy to talk to when it comes to high-speed riding techniques. Thought maybe I could learn a thing or two."

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,861 posts
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Josh Devlin
Daredevil Training Camp
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 5:36:37 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
A neutral expression would accompany keyboard tapping. "That's okay; it seems like has an opening coming up in about fifteen minutes. While we're waiting, I can check you in," the receptionist offered. "Can I see your Trainer ID, please?" Whether it was a real one or a fake one, it would see the Harlequin through to a meeting with the Gym Leader. "Through these doors are Mauville Racing Grounds. Follow the signs to Sector 1, and you should see him."

Provided Jecht was able to do so, he would easily find Josh astride Blinky, a Jolteon that was nearly at the limit of how large genetics could make the Eeveelution. The saddled and bridled electric-type tilted her head toward the harlequin, the Gym Leader in her seat remaining silent until he came closer.

{PC: 2}

NOTE: All of the Pokémon in Josh's PC are present somewhere on the Racing Grounds.


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