Take Me For A Ride (m)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


June 30th
Rustboro City
Ranger / GrubbinHub
Let's be better
Than before
5' 7" (170 cm) height
5' 7" (170 cm) height
Society's collapsing, hanging by a thread. The kids are running wild and chivalry is dead.
16 posts
part of
TAG WITH @arabella
Arabella Trovato
Take Me For A Ride (m)
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2024 17:29:34 GMT
Arabella Trovato Avatar
[attr="class","mix-cerbwrap Arabella"]









Thank god it's sunny today.[break][break]

The very thought of it suddenly start raining while her poor motorcycle is left on the side WITHOUT any covers is more than enough to bring a tear to her eye. She slaved away at that baby and if something were to happen to it, surely she wouldn't know how to deal with herself.. Then again she'd probably try to pick up jobs like she is now.[break][break]

The noble cause of being a ranger didn't really appeal to her, as such it wouldn't be surprising for to make assumptions himself. Especially when the first scene he had with her was leaning against a wall, papers nonchalantly in her hands and her green armband half tucked into her pocket. Then again the lack of respect towards the very things given to her by the rangers may have come second to the fake Alolan Rattatta ear accessories and a metal tipped whip on her waistband to act like a tail.[break][break]

"Yo'-- Oh. You're way hotter than I thought you'd look like." Those were her first words, before kicking off the wall with another quick follow up, "I don't know why, but I thought you'd be like.. super old."[break][break]

Her movement was super fluid, as if she was using the slight momentum from pushing away from the wall to make her way over towards him, her thumbs loosely hooked on the loops attached to her jacket. She was obviously checking him out, even swooping her upper body down like an animal checking out its next meal.[break][break]

"You can't be older than like.. what? 22? 23? How long have you been a ranger?"


Mission: Commitment Act I











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played by


Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,863 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
Take Me For A Ride (m)
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 3:04:21 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Flying to Rustboro and Dewford was no longer an option for Josh. With Rocket's eyes in the skies all around Petalburg, the Gym Leader was too juicy of a target. That meant his only way to get to Rustboro, when he had business with Captain , was to take Rusturf Tunnel there. He had picked up a Ranger ticket, too; a young trainer with a Poliwag had become lost on the first underground level of the tunnel and could not get out on his own. With his exact coordinates known, someone had to simply recover the trainer and his Pokémon and get them both back to Rustboro City.

It was a perfect job for and the Master of Faster.

"Thanks," Josh replied with slightly lowered eyebrows, his Shiny Illumina Pyroar steed lightly growling. "but I'm single and not looking." Bringing the lioness to a stop, he formally introduced himself. "Elite Ranger Devlin or Champion Devlin, but please, call me Josh. Arabella, if I remember your name from the ticket? It's great to meet you." Behind Nala were several other feline Pokémon, their saddles perhaps beckoning Arabella aboard. Though there was another Pyroar and a Shiny Luxray that seemed more capable, a Purugly the size of a small horse may have caught her interest, too!

{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Simba         Pyroar         Good
Nala          Pyroar**       Good
Blitz         Luxray**       Good
Pura          Purugly        Good
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played by


June 30th
Rustboro City
Ranger / GrubbinHub
Let's be better
Than before
5' 7" (170 cm) height
5' 7" (170 cm) height
Society's collapsing, hanging by a thread. The kids are running wild and chivalry is dead.
16 posts
part of
TAG WITH @arabella
Arabella Trovato
Take Me For A Ride (m)
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 0:53:42 GMT
Arabella Trovato Avatar
[attr="class","mix-cerbwrap Arabella"]









"but I'm single and not looking."[break][break]

Damn, what a harsh shut down. However Arabella wasn't like most people, if anything they were sort of similar in a sense.[break][break]

"Oh really? Same with me~" Her voice slipped in between the time it took him to finish speaking and brought his Pyroar to a halt. Her eyes never left his face whilst he introduced himself with all his bells and whistles, a ranger and a champion? damn, that's a lot of work.[break][break]

"Ya, You can call me Bella if you want too ♡" Her last name mattered not, it was a thrown away name the orphanage gave her anyways and as far as she was concerned, she didn't have a last name and probably will never get one. "Charmed to meet you, now.." This time she trailed off, her eyes dropping down to the Pyroar he was riding and the entourage behind him. "Are we going to address the elephant in the room?"[break][break]

More like cat.[break][break]

There were so many cats, a hand swung over to point his clutter behind him. It was truly ironic to have a rodent trainer get paired up with what she can only assume now was a feline one. Her eyes studied them long and hard, trying to get a gauge of their reaction of her before eventually she'd look over at him. Did.. he want her to ride them? It almost feels a bit rude.. maybe a bit immoral to do so. Then again it isn't uncommon for people to ride Pokémon, she just never had the need too.[break][break]

"Do you just like.. hop on? Call it a day?" She'd cross her arms uncomfortably opting to approach the Luxray out of the clowder, but even with just taking a step closer she could feel one of the Pokeballs on her hip start to rattle, as if trying to warn her of the eminate danger. "Like.. he won't bite, right?"


Mission: Commitment Act I











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played by


Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,863 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
Take Me For A Ride (m)
POSTED ON Sept 9, 2024 5:50:36 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"I'll call you Bella, then!" Josh replied with a smile, Nala's lustrous head tilting toward her. "I've got a younger cousin named Bella. She's still in Johto. Couldn't make the move to Hoenn." He remained silent as she approached Blitz, the Shiny Luxray crouching if necessary to let the fellow Ranger aboard. "My pride are all well-trained! They won't buck or bite," he assured her. What they would do is purr.

Were Bella to hop on, the electric lion would run his motor, perhaps making it feel like she was on a living motorcycle. "Have you ever been on a Pokémon before?" the Elite asked her. "The reins in front of you are how you steer, and your legs are how you control speed." It was the very basics, but he would be more than willing to go over them with her if need be. He did that at his Gym on a routine basis -- it was part of what he taught prospective challengers not quite ready to throw down!

{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Simba         Pyroar         Good
Nala          Pyroar**       Good
Blitz         Luxray**       Good
Pura          Purugly        Good


it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP