i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Luke / Boomer
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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Lucas Lane
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2019 1:33:09 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

character iconLucas cries out when the ring cuts him clean in half. Blood gushes forth from the wound like a waterfall as he cries out in pain. Pain blinds his vision and thoughts, with only glimpses of his surroundings being taken in. dying, narrowing avoiding death, and his two pokemon by his side.

"Go!" He shouts towards the two pokemon. "Go to . Listen to her!" Tyrantrum and unown made their way to the women they'd seen countless times before. Slipping thinks about how he failed to keep his promise to Victini.

-Sees Fernando die as he bleeds out
-Tells unown and tyrantrum to go with after saves her
-Dies thinking he's a failure :pepehands:


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
232 posts
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TAG WITH @rocketnpc1
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2019 3:17:23 GMT
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[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP RED"]


[attr="class","raidName"]HOOPA UNBOUND







[attr="class","status POISONED"]
[attr="class","th th-skull"]



genderless - steadfast[break]
hyper beam / hyperspace hole / ?? / ?? / ?? / ??[break]

the ensuing sequence plays with dramatic cohesion. in the wake of supposed death, the remaining pokemon and trainers seek vengeance for the losses they have incurred.[break][break][break]

shafts of powerful energy, emboldened by proper preparation, fire from @valyx's porygon-z and mega gengar. they beat into hoopa's slumbering wall of muscle, alongside 's noivern's devastating meteor.[break][break][break]


's eevee is able to land a flurry of stars. each stellate shuriken bursts against the hoopa's fur; however, her ninetales' inferno fails to meet its destination. the eruption of flames is caught by a floating ring. the pillar of fire surges into it— and reappears through another. 's infernape's flare blitz meets the flames of 's ninetales instead. in a spectacular torch, both attacks are nullified.[break][break][break]

draconian claw marks tear into the hoopa's hide thanks to 's garchomp. however, it's minervan friend finds its dream eater sucked into another ring. the red eyes of noctowl reappear in a hoop right before . the bartender finds his body shifting, the pain in his disfigured hands intensified by the assault. however, 's pokemon rescues from friendly-fire death. in particular, 's ampharos' light screen manifests itself and blocks the psychic haunt.[break][break]

simultaneously, 's pokemon perform a beautifully choreographed offensive. his lilgant's magical leaves carry the toxic spikes, embedding them into the unbound hoopa like burrs. hoopa's veins glow purple underneath its bluish fur before being caked in mud bombs.[break][break][break]

's pokemon join in tandem. as they navigate the obstacle course of rings, several of her pokemon are able to breach the hoopa's defenses. her blastoise smashes into the hoopa's groin with its skull while her seemingly invincible togekiss strikes alongside her decidueye and tsareena. however, her kommo-o's powerful charge leads it into a ring accidentally at the apex of its strike; the dragon launches itself from an entirely new ring. a ring right before . a bone-breaking sky uppercut buries itself into 's body and snaps his spine in two. kapow.[break][break][break]

while smeargle is able to sketch the dark void successfully, not every one of his pokemon's attacks hit their target. although his togepi's extrasensory is able to reach the hoopa thanks to its psychic capabilities, his aerodactyl's hyper beam disappears into a ring... as grieves, her typhlosion, slowbro and hydreigon instigate their barrage. their mounting siege reveals the discipline of a dragon clan member as their fierce attacks batter the hoopa's weakening figure.[break][break][break]


's aerodactyl's hyper beam reappears from a floating ring. the raucous scream of an incoming hyper beam deafens 's ears. with his fading breath, issues his orders to his unown and tyrantrum to protect her— and manage to just in time. although his unown immediately disintegrates, his tyrantrum is able to take the full brunt of the hyper beam. it's as if the rings amplify the attack's potency, and the tyrantrum, after a resigned roar, falls into a limp heap.[break][break][break]

@n0ble's tactics pay off. with his togekiss' ability to improve his metagross' accuracy, the hyper beam is able to narrowly avoid a hovering ring. if his metagross had not received the proper assistance from its peer, the hyper beam would have cored , herself. 's own pokemon are able to strike the hoopa, flashes of pink and ghostly shadows adding to the color of battle.[break][break][break][break]

the battlefield is perfumed with scales and pollen. 's companions strike true, except for one. as 's ditto-solgaleo and gallade weave in between the rings to reach their objective, ' lungs fill with the silver dust of 's beautifly. the silver wind comes from a ring above the two, and as attempts to breathe...[break][break][break]

however, 's tapu fini is the wild card. waters surge from its presence, and a towering tsunami wave surges forth. it smashes into everyone. the immense force of a berserk alolan deity can be felt in the strength of the flood. is swept off his feet alongside . the two disappear under the surface. 's addled lungs struggle before allowing cold alolan water to rush in. he drowns with a fire in his lungs.[break][break][break]


everyone else and their pokemon are swept too. the waves carry them into rings, forcing them to teleport into various locations within the surge of water. in a disorienting loop that forces them in and out and in and out of portal-rings, many begin to drown. others are swept right off the edge and plummet to their seeming deaths.[break][break][break]

is able to open the bottle in time, and as she thanks her fallen comrade and the darkrai presiding over their battle, she's swept away too. however, she keeps her hand above water. the same hand that possesses the bottle. after the final attacks hit their mark alongside the darkrai's own, the hoopa, weakened and shattered awake, begins to disappear into the jar with a horrid cry.[break][break][break]


as the hoopa begins to disappear, the nightmare begins to fade. many wake up with a jarring jerk, as if they had fallen and hit their head after they had been sweeped off the stage. others wake with a gasp, drenched in sweat and imagined brine. as the realm of nightmare frees darkrai from the prison it had been lured in to, it makes its presence known to those who had assisted in its liberation.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","reward"]"YOU" ARE WORTHY
[attr="class","reward2"]darkrai allies itself with rocket.

the darkrai disappears too as the hoopa wakens from its slumber. somewhere in hoenn, the djinn vows vengeance while the shadowy spectre seeks allegiance with a champion of rocket.[break][break][break]

the end.


  • many outcomes were determined by a combination of rolls and actions taken. well done!
  • if you would like, you may respond to this mod post, but it is not required.
  • rewards will come this weekend at the latest. thank you for your patience!
  • if you still have tl;dr posts that need to be completed, please complete them asap. i am not giving you a deadline. when the rewards are given, the rewards are given.
  • incomplete tl;dr posts will factor into what kind of rewards you receive.
  • those who have survived until the very end will receive an extra reward (incentive for salac berry purchases!!).
  • thank you so much for your participation everyone!!

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the stray
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xxx, orre
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Laurence Anderson
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131 height
Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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evan fader DOLLARS
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evan fader
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2019 8:56:01 GMT
evan fader Avatar

Red eyes. That's the last clear thing he sees in the chaos. The world begins to swim around him and the floor feels like it is a tipping boat on a raging sea and he can't quite tell why. Panic rises with the pain in his hands as his body tries to right itself against his wishes to focus on the battle, stumbling and awkward steps almost send him overboard before the Ampharos puts itself between him and the attack. thank you. he thinks it but his body doesn't listen to him in the after affects he will later realize the source of.

His mind is hazy, lost in itself while he seeks something to focus on, something to reground him through the pain. The wall in front of him offers him nothing to mentally stitch himself to as it crashes into his body and he realizes too late that the sea continues to rage beneath him, around him, over him. He reaches for the pokemon that had been around him but fumbles and fails to find purchase on fur or leaf.

The cold makes him alert too late, and suddenly everything feels too much and he can't move enough for it to matter. He tries to call his pokemon back- to save them from the same fate and will never know if manages to or not. His head sinks and tries to surface but you can't find purchase in water- you can't fight a raging sea you can only hope to wait it out.

At some point he closes his eyes. At some point the water sweeps him somewhere he hopes to never see again. At some point it fills his lunges and his mind stops searching for something- anything and can only think one thing.

not again

He can't move.

His eyes are open. He's gasping for air. But he can't move. Dead? Can't be. Could be? Better not be.

Movement catches his attention, his eyes move from the ceiling above him to the skittering on his heaving chest. Breathing too fast, too shallow, he's light headed already and the taste of it lingers in his mind. Water in his lungs, cold in his body, burning in his hands, sweat on his blanket makes his body think it's more tricks and shallow waters lap at his skin again and he has to close his eyes.

The weight on his chest steadies him, she pulls at his shirt in silence because he didn't wake up and she's trying with all her might not to start screaming and he knows it. He counts backwards from ten. Slowly. His breathing evens out and he pushes the thoughts of that wretched and unholy experience from his mind. His hand lifts and finds the mimikyu's rag disguise.

Evan closes his eyes, smiles, and tries his damndest not to cry.

>>it felt wrong not to wrap this up

[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]
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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2019 0:32:53 GMT
shiv Avatar



"death enabled" raid


[attr="class","ihead"]FULL REWARDS

these full rewards are given to the characters of players who have posted for the majority of the raid. in other words, they have consistently posted for most rounds. furthermore, they have filled out every tl;dr post should they have had one. for this reason, they will receive the following rewards immediately, while some are redeemable in the site shop.[break][break][break]


, , , , , , , @valyx, , , , , , @n0ble, , , @bryony, [break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]PARTIAL REWARDS

these partial rewards are given to the characters of players who have posted for some of the rounds. if they have a tl;dr post in the event at any point, they will receive less rewards. for this reason, they will receive the following rewards immediately, while some are redeemable in the site shop.[break][break][break]


, , , , [break][break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]SURVIVOR BONUS

this is a special survivor bonus given to the characters who have survived the entire length of the raid! rolls and actions throughout this raid have determined whether your character has survived the nightmare or not. players must have completed every single tl;dr post in order to be eligible for this prize as well.[break][break]

please redeem the following reward in the site shop with your choice. congratulations![break][break][break]


, , , , , , , @n0ble

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