i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 17:01:04 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Saving the girl was everything Blake had left. Everything he had left was lost. He wasn't even entirely whole. Losing the Noibat took a bigger emotional toll than the rest, but that was if Blake had any feelings left in the first place. He was far too active as it was for missing an arm, but now he was spent in every direction possible.


Fortunately, had other motives for him. She tossed him onto the back of her horse-like bug-type and sent him away from the action at hand. While he rode the back of safety, his savior would be tasked with protecting them both. Normally, something like this would disgust Blake from the very core, but he had nothing left. Even his superior offered assistance through the help of a Ditto, but Blake lacked the power to move forward. That is until he saw what Ayame retrieved from the ground.


With his head against the Scoliopede's scales, Blake watched the young girl mouth the words of the summoning. From this, he found his own bit of encouragement and physically picked himself up to prepare for it. Motioning the bug-type to turn around with his single arm, the rocket finished Ayame's chant with his own. "Lend me your strength!" He shouted.


"One last time!"


Once 's pokemon was in view, Blake issued his next command. "Clear the hands!" The order sent the transformed pokemon hurdling towards the wicked loops. It would strike them down or give itself away by trying.








blake had given up and got on ayame's scoliopede and rode it away from danger. he then saw ayame with the bottle and felt encouraged again. he stopped the scoliopede at a place away from danger and added to ayame's chant. he ordered cadis's ditto to attack the arms coming at ayame.



[newclass=.blakepost]padding:20px;background-color:#333;border:1px solid #444;width:250px;text-align:justify;font-size:10px;font-family:Muli;color:#888;text-transform:lowercase;letter-spacing:.5px;[/newclass]
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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 21:59:29 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Ripper, along with the rest of the Pokemon that joined in on the attack on the rings, would manage to close the ring, preventing more train cars from rocketing towards those above. Once it was safe, Thread would peer down. Both insects, as Ripper would turn back, would look on in horror as the Hyper Beam passed through their master. The Galvantula, using its String Shot, would quickly zip down back to ground level, in order to get to his master as fast as he could. Ripper would run over.

The two would find their master, slumped over, and hissing through his teeth. He would look up at the two of them, a pitiful look on his face.

"Looks like I failed you.", Thomas commented. "If you make it through this, please, take care of Jasmine.", Thomas implored them, before finally crumbling to dust. Both Pokemon looked on in horror as their master met his ultimate fate. After a moment, the two of them would glower at the Hoopa-U, the source of their woes. As the monster was occupied with the humans, the two of them nodded towards each other.

The Galvantula would shriek and screech at the Hoopa-U angrily, communicated in the form of Bug Buzzes directed at the abomination. Meanwhile, Ripper would dash over to the Hoopa, pincers opening up before attempting to clamp down on it with a vicious Bug Bite. If they were to die, then so be it, they would join their master in death. It was better to go out fighting more than anything, they figured.


tags: @tag
notes: Thomas didn't duck in time
Thread managed to dodge the train, sees Thomas being struck by the Hyper Beam, rushes to his aid
Thomas sees Ripper and Thread go over to his side
Tells them he loves them, and to take care of Jasmine, if they make it out
Thread and Ripper are furious
Thread uses Bug Buzz on Hoopa-U
Ripper uses Bug Bite on Hoopa-U

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the stray
thirty three
xxx, orre
bar owner/keep
Senior ranger
Laurence Anderson
131 height
131 height
Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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evan fader DOLLARS
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evan fader
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2019 4:17:14 GMT
evan fader Avatar

Cut it short, choke the scream. His jaw snaps shut too hard and the entire thing reverberates in his skull. The sound of the crashing train, the sensation and then lack thereof in his hands, the part of his brain that desperately wants to shut it off - to scream until it goes away. Ignore it. Ignore it ignore it ignore it. His mind begins to drift again to the space at the bottom of his ribs, the depiction etched into his body. Why did it bring him into this?

He snaps together just as the talons touch his skin- unexpected and lost in the drowning, the overflow of sensations. But he is used to it. Will be used to it. Will get used to it. He has to. The only other option is screaming until it's gone and that won't do a damn bit of good right now.

He touches down on the platform and has to take a moment to steady himself. "Fuck." Breath deep breath heavy fill the lungs and empty them, grit your teeth against the feeling and drown it. Drown it deep in determination. This is no different than harming himself in the wilderness where proper medical attention could be a world away and he has to get himself there by whatever is left of him. He's done it before.

Evan looks up, eyes focused on the young man that saved him. A nod of acknowledgement is all he'll get as Evan grits his teeth harder to deal with this. He doesn't have long, the hoops are following them, looming in and seeking to kill and sever as fast as everything else tonight has. He fumbles and curses but his lilligant is set free. "Strike it Suzy Q, beat it back." the flurry of leaves dance in the air for a moment, rearranging and aligning to strike hard against the body of the beast that is taunting them. Hands elevated Evan thinks on other things. He has no real options to try and avoid the attacks, getting to the bottle has become limited. Even the stray pokemon looking for something to latch onto in the stead of their lost trainer aren't the type that can give an easy solution-

But they give him something else to focus on for the moment. "Lars? Damn." he hisses through his teeth, be it the pain or the situation or both is up to those paying attention. "I should have been paying more attention. Damn. Stay close okay? Don't go overboard." He tries not to think about how much he's shaking but he can see it when he looks at himself. Trying not to think about it. Trying not to think at all while he watches his pokemon attack the beast, while he's trying to determine what their next move should be.

He faces the beast, and he waits for fate to make it's choices. Head on. Face first. They are nothing more than actors on this stage and he will heed fate's decision to wrench him from the god he has tried to aid despite his past saying he should do anything but. Despite what it spurs his mind to question and revisit. Things long left behind.

the bottle still sits in the back of his mind.
His thoughts trace the lines of his skin.
It is a hole he has dug once before and does not know that he's even ready to face.

>>ouch shiv why would you do this to me
>>this hurts
>>saved by kyle thank the gods
>>Lilligant using leaf storm to attack hoopa because even he understands pursuing the bottle is now not an option for him
>>Tells the pokemon left by lars to stay close and not do anything dramatic
>>still thinking about the bottle situation and darkrai in it


[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]
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A Blue Person

he, him, they
June 12
The Last Dragon Rider
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30 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Morgan Drake DOLLARS
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Morgan Drake
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2019 22:53:34 GMT
Morgan Drake Avatar
Post soon!

tdlr;take advantage of hoopa not chasing morgan with a ring
gets fraxure to attack hoopa with empowered dragon claw thanks to sword stance.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2019 12:48:32 GMT
Deleted Avatar
[attr="class","unstabland3"]With Morgan gone, the disjointed remnants of his Pokemon Team only had their master's last words to guide them. While it was not exactly the most detailed plan, they had all been a part of Morgan's battles, and they all knew the general gist of how to perform and execute the actions requested of them. Wear down Hoopa so that there can be a decisive strike.

+ Umbreon uses Screech to lower Hoopa's Defense.
+ Porygon-Z uses his ability Download on Fraxure, then uses Nasty Plot to increase Special Attack. Sp Atk increased by 3 stages.
+ Mega Gengar uses Dazzling Gleam on Hoopa.
+ Tyranitar uses Stone Edge on Hoopa.

dandy ♫

[newclass=.unstabland1]background-image:url(;width:400px;height:200px;[/newclass][newclass=.unstabland2]margin-top:-15px;margin-bottom:0px;border-radius:5px;background-color:#111;padding:5px;display:inline-block;font:10px Lato;color:#111;[/newclass][newclass=.unstabland3]margin-bottom:10px;height:300px;overflow:auto;padding-right:8px;text-align:justify;font:11px Calibri;color:#f1f1f1;[/newclass][newclass=.unstabland4]float:left;margin-top:15px;margin-left:-50px;border-left:200px solid transparent;border-bottom:35px solid #111;border-right:200px solid transparent;[/newclass][newclass=.unstabland3::-webkit-scrollbar]width:3px;background:#111;[/newclass][newclass=.unstabland3::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]background:#312e5f;[/newclass]

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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
1,571 posts
Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2019 14:43:53 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


Hades protect fails. Of course it would, why would they have expected anything less? This was a nightmare, and Emma's was about to end.[break][break]

The hyper beam sears through the shield, it splinters and shrieks under the pressure before giving way. Her body, along with Hades and Clothos' is engulfed in white hot flames, the attack peeling away their skin into dust. They're disintegrating, and it's excrutiating. [break][break]

The Lycanroc howls, his voice mournful and angry, the reverberating noise a trembling, horrible noise. He's angry because he wasn't strong enough to protect Emma. He reaches for her just as her hands fall to pieces, her mouth agape as she very slowly, painfully devolved into nothing and is swept away in the breeze.[break][break]

Clothos melts mostly into a puddle of dust, the water of his body turning it into mud.[break][break]

Meanwhile, Noivern witnesses the death of her trainer and her companions, anguish coursing through her veins. Had she not been so distracted with taking down the Hoopa's purple ring, perhaps she could have saved the girl who had saved her one before. She had owed the woman her life, and yet who was the one who had been left alive? She.[break][break]

Rage engulfs the flying dragon as she turns on the Hoopa who has since sent several rings to slice into and tear apart the remaining trainers. Several more trainerless Pokemon take action, pushing themselves despite their lack of orders. [break][break]

Noivern only attacks the Hoopa because there's nothing else she knows to do. She will avenge Emma's death with her own, she was meant to die to save Emma, so she will die to avenge her.[break][break]

And so, Noivern dives for the Hoopa repeatedly, utilizing her u-turn attack to hopefully protect her from her fate.[break][break]

> hades, emma and araquanid die[break]
> noivern witnesses her own failure and inability to protect her master[break]
> so she begins attacking hoopa in an enraged state, using u-turn to hopefully protect herself[break][break]




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27 height
27 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Blaine Jones DOLLARS
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Blaine Jones
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2019 15:35:39 GMT
Blaine Jones Avatar




While the Garchomp's flight was able to protect the two of them from the hyper beam and the runaway train it did bring a slight problem when it came to Hoopa's retaliation against everyone. Sure the beam and the train were gone now but the legendary had sent out hoops to chase down the remaining trainers, and well with Blaine and Illeana together that meant there were gonna be two hoops chasing after them.[break][break]

Once the realization set in that they were getting chased by not just one but two hoops Blaine swore under his breath slightly trying to form the best plan he could.[break][break]

Reaching a hand down to his belt while still on the flying dragon's back Blaine tapped a pokeballs button, releasing Ludicolo behind him and down on the solid ground of the stage. "Just energy ball the rings!" He called out quickly, giving the grass and water type a simple order to just start blasting. As the Ludicolo began its attacks Blaine added onto the commands, instructing his Noctowl to use Extrasensory to attack the hoops, and having Garchomp prep its fangs for a fire fang attack if the rings came too close to its flight path.[break][break]

With the other commands given the Noctowl became surrounded in spiraling rings of golden energy as it flew along side its trainer, a bit away so it wasn't in danger of getting shredded by a hoop. The Extrasensory attacks going off whenever one of the hoops approached the two trainers, a quick flash of white energy exploding on the hoops the moment they appeared.[break][break]

As they dodged the hoops another idea flashed through Blaine's mind, not thinking too much about the repercussions he threw Torterra's pokeball as high into the air as he could, the giant turtle being released above Hoopa. "Woodhammer!" He called out while flying back, not getting to actually see the pokemon come down on top of the Hoopa with the tree on its back radiating bright green energy. [break][break]

[tl;dr: Told to hang on cause since they're together two hoops are coming for them,Sent out ludicolo then ludicolo used energy ball to hit hoops chasing the two of them, Noctowl flies alongside them and uses extrasensory to attack the hoops chasing them as they show up, Garchomp ready to use fire fang if hoop appears in front of it, Yeets torterras pokeball into the air as he flies by, sends it out above hoopa to fall down on it and use woodhammer. I did the iou eyyy ][break][break]




333 WORDS FOR @raids


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Vampire Rora

Pink Princess
October 31
Lumiose City
Mistress of the Dark
Sick one with a smile
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Natsuki Ryuunosuke
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2019 20:15:24 GMT
Natsuki Ryuunosuke Avatar







Despite all the effort she was giving to support those around her, It seemed that Natsuki’s efforts were all in vain. Roran and Sayoran had their little furry hands full attempting to keep safe from each brutal attack that is thrust at her and the bottle. Roran her Zoroark attempts to help open the bottle as he is the only Pokemon she has sent with any sort of finger like appendages. In the mean time with the help of Jupiter and Jiro Natsuki does her best to find off the rings which have sprung forth to individually attack the group. “JUPITER FOUL PLAY” she yelled, moving herself in what she hoped was a safe direction before ushering out Jiro as well “ JIRO SHADOW CLAW” the best she could do with the siutation was move out of the way, pray and hope that some how the duo with the bottle could somehow get the damn thing open!

-- Zoroark and Umbreon attmept to help fend off attacking moves
--Zoroark attempts to help Ayame open the bottle
--Zorua uses Foul play
--Sableye uses Shadow claw






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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2019 3:16:24 GMT
Deleted Avatar

"Oh it's like that, huh? Alright..." Chancelor says when the aftermath settles and the dust fades—the final thing he remembers seeing is a confident thumbs up from Machamp... Then... Nothing. He knew what happened, he accepted what happened, he was strong in his resolve, but the death of not only Machamp but Blastoise pecked away at his 'defenses' like a smaller more agile fighter chipping away at the brawny core of a competitor twice their size. "We can't go out like this. Gotta' take this dickhead down!" He announces with thunderous and righteous bravado—three Pokémon summoning themselves off their own volition; heeding the battle cry of their Trainer. "Empoleon. On me. You two handle that." He gestures towards the towering Pokémon while the armored penguin stands next to Chancelor with laser focus.

"I need you to intercept that hoop." Chancelor speaks, eyes fixed on the attack quickly heading in his general direction. The Emperor Pokémon nods, watching the blade closely with a steady stare—an aura of icy cold water appearing around him. Before the blade could reach Chancelor, Empoleon launches itself forward with speed equal to that of a fighter jet in an attempt to intercept the attack with two armored fins that'll act like shields for the human. Still, he wasn't foolish enough to believe this attack as straight-forward as it appears. Chancelor stood, ready to use his years of combat and physical ability to evade the attack if need be; he remained light and nimble on his feet, body rocking from side to side on the off-chance he'd need to react faster than the average human was capable of.

Meanwhile, Hawlucha stood on the shoulder of Conkeldurr, both eyeing the massive Pokémon with bravado obtained directly from their Trainer. Conkeldurr cracks his knuckles while the High-Flying Bird-type takes flight; flying at an extreme fast speed—practically riding the wave of Alola Subjugation conjured by . Hawlucha uses not only the wave of immense power, but also the other bombardment of Pokémon attacks to fly over the head of the gargantuan Pokémon unnoticed. He hangs high over the head of the Pokémon—he'd be touching the sun if this dream had one. Suddenly, wings close, and arms are crossed over the body, the High-Flying Pokémon dives towards the over sized head of the Pokémon like a falling missile. Right before contact is made, Hawlucha open's up it's body with wings outstretched, only to drop an explosive elbow on the cranium of this Pokémon who tormented them all(FLYING PRESS).

Meanwhile, Conkeldurr is merely punching large boulders at the gigantic Pokémon—effortlessly digging his fingers into this dreamscape, pulling out large pillars of stone, tossing them into the air, and throwing an powerful fist through them which causes them to explode outwards into decently sized boulders to bombard and overcome the Pokémon that took Machamp (ROCK SLIDE)

✝ tag(s) - @event
✝ notes -

- - -

- has a moment but swallows it
- hawlucha, empoleon, and conkeldurr summon themselves
- empoleon helps chance defend against hoopa's attack
- hawlucha jeff hardy's hoopa
- conkledurr punches boulders at hoopa


- - -

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2019 4:58:59 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar

raid peeps
at bottom of post
i'll write this in like an hour ;u;


notes |
- she scared bc almost roadkill
- thnx you rock <3
- sticks with blaine and tries to either flee or defend against the hoops
- ninetales uses FLAMETHROWER on both hoops in an attempt to melt them (can she even reach a hot enough degree? the world may never know)
- wonders if they should try to trap hoopa??? can they rly defeat that many hoops n arms? he ugly
- nervous they gon die

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2019 0:07:20 GMT
Deleted Avatar


“Alice, give me to Rasputin.” Feeling as though he might be a bit heavy for the Togekiss to carry while actively avoiding the rings, Derek figured that his Metagross would have no problem performing such a feat. It was a psychic type with a brain capacity that rivaled several supercomputers. It could have already simulated a thousand thousand scenarios of this exact predicament in an instance, determining the best way to combat it while the others did what they could...

“Focus your attacks on the big guy. Aim for any soft spots.” Concerning himself with the other two pokemon of his still around, Derek hoped that, with any luck, they would be able to leave their mark on this terror of terrors.


tl;dr derek's togekiss drops him off with metagross

- metagross resumes flight to avoid the ring(s) intended for derek, using the extreme processing power of it's brain to simulate and devise the best flight pattern to avoid getting them bisected

- derek's togekiss uses dazzling gleam on hoopa unbound (eyes)

- haxorus continues it's outrage by attacking hoopa unbound (feet)

- maybe blinding/etc it will interfere with the attacking rings

- togekiss is mindful of the rings but haxorus is not

- metagross' meteor mash will swat away rings that get to close


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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
On the road again
399 height
399 height
OwO what's this
727 posts
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2019 2:14:51 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar











Failure. Riding Solgaleo to escape the beam didn't end up to be a good idea. At this rate, both of them would die. While this could be a dream, the chances of being a reality were still there. As Leo leaped in the air, Balder slidded off the lion's back, surprising the godly creature. With a soft smile, the man looked at his ally. "If I stayed there, I'd only slow you down. Live on, fight on. And win." Upon finishing his words, the Hyper Beam struck, starting to erase Balder from existence. The pain was intense, but the man held strong. Emitting any sound would hinder the divine creature from performing its duty.[break][break]

The beam continued it's run, striking Leo. The lion roared, not only of pain but also of emotional distress from losing his companion. Yet... Maybe it was sheer luck, but the creature emerged from the beam, still alive. As soon as it emerged, Solgaleo began to use Morning Sun, letting the fading light of the sun heal his wounds as best as possible. As anger started to well in the creature's heart, the beast heard what said about the man he had chosen had his avatar. He glared at the man who dared to defile the Alolan Avenger's memory... Even though he might not be actually dead.[break][break]

Yet he didn't act on it. It would be a waste of time to place his anger on the puny human that used a Ditto to adopt his radiance. No, the true enemy was that Hoopa. And the hoops that were going around to try and slice people in half. In response, it seems like decided to bring out the power of Alola through Tapu Fini, unleashing a massive guardian that aimed to strike the foe. Leo took this as a signal, meant to say that it was time to go all out. The creature's mane and fur started to change hue, shining a bright gold. The lion roared, its biggest roar yet, releasing its full power. Suddenly, fissures appeared in the sky around hoopa, in front of some pokemons that were doing ranged attack against the monster as well as near and @natsuki . Portals, meant to allow attacks and people to go through to allow escape from the hoops and directing their attacks directly at Hoopa.[break][break]

A power he hadn't used to save his Avatar. The lion couldn't help but curse itself for keeping this power hidden until now. But now, it served a purpose. The creature lunged forward, entering a portal and exiting through another one, gaining more speed, he hardened the fur on his body and made it shine with the radiance of the sun. Opening a final portal over the Hoopa's body, Solgaleo emerged from it, hoping to deliver a point-blank Sunsteel Strike[break]



FOR @raid






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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
232 posts
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TAG WITH @rocketnpc1
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2019 5:53:23 GMT
NPC Avatar



[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP RED"]


[attr="class","raidName"]HOOPA UNBOUND







[attr="class","status SLEEP"]
[attr="class","th th-moon"]



genderless - STEADFAST[break]
hyper beam / hyperspace hole / hyperspace fury / ?? / ?? / ??[break]

in the wake of 's passing, his loyal partners launch an assault on hoopa. their flurry of bug-type attacks pierce into the musclebound flesh of their haunting hunter. leaves surge forth like fall winds. 's lilligant summons a leaf storm to attack the hoopa, careful not to burn in the flames forged by @bryony's charizard and its fire pledge. @valyx's mega gengar smiles widely, delivering a dazzling gleam alongside its kaiju-friend's stone edge. in the mean time, ' ampharos and lucario move to in order to comfort his agony.[break][break]


several others join the fight. alongside a torterra, 's ludicolo unleashes an energy ball alongside its partners as 's fraxure digs its empowered talons into the hoopa's flesh. at the same time, 's togekiss and blastoise attempt to blind the burning hoopa as the behemoth groans in tortured cries. with it's LUCID DREAMER ability ripped from its form, the hoopa buckles and falters as his feet are targeted too. 's ribombee furthers the onslaught with clouds of pollen.[break][break]


as 's solgaleo delivers warp portals, the sun lion travels through some of its own. in a taunting mimicry of the hoopa, the lion reappears above, delivering a devastating sunsteel strike against the hoopa's head. the resulting attack blooms in a dramatic flare of light; at the same time, several things happen.[break][break]

' ditto transforms into solgaleo flawlessly, roaring with its signature vacant smile. with its long reach, the gallade slices into the hoopa with leaf blade as a hyper beam from 's smeargle strikes the star-shaped rim of the creature's stomach hole. it causes the metal to whistle with a high-pitched scream.[break][break]


as orders his fighters to batter the dreaming denizen. as his conkeldurr and hawlucha deliver severe blows to the beast, a hyper beam from 's smeargle strikes the star-shaped rim of the creature's stomach hole, causing the metal to whistle with a high-pitched scream. 's empowered tapu fini manifests into a gargantuan titan. channeling an immense power, the tapu fini collides with the hoopa as it retaliates. a massive shockwave blows high-speed winds back as the combined attacks of 's solgaleo and 's tapu fini connect. they lock up. like wrestlers, they stay at a standstill.[break][break]

in a dramatic follow up, orders his fighters to batter the dreaming denizen. as his conkeldurr and hawlucha deliver severe blows to the beast, a hyper beam from 's smeargle strikes the star-shaped rim of the creature's stomach hole, causing the metal to whistle with a high-pitched scream. 's slowbro launches drapion toward the hoopa, the iron tail striking squarely on the hoopa's face above her typhlosion's inferno charring the creature's gut.[break][break][break]

it's the tipping point. the hoopa stumbles back with heavy, clumsy stomps.[break][break][break][break]

at the same time, the rings continue to chase their prey. 's attempt to outrun the rings nearly gets her killed as her pursuer appears and reappears; however, she's able to barely evade them. unfortunately, @bryony's charizard suffers from the glare of the dazzling gleams and flash cannon. as bryony and her charizard barrel around, a loop manages to catch up with them and close around both of their bodies.they fall in their respective two pieces. abandoned on the ground, @bryony's snorlax is sliced into ribbons by the loops continually closing in and out of the chubby creature.[break][break]

@n0ble is able to barely escape thanks to a potent meteor mash; furthermore, is rescued from both plummeting to his death and the rings thanks to 's meteoric aerodactyl.[break][break][break]


even with 's solgaleo's portal nearby, suffers the same fate. as she delivers her zoroark toward in order for her to open the bottle, the ground opens up underneath her. she slips downward, and the loop closes at her waist, slicing her in half. rushes toward . as his tyrantrum struggles with the loop, it is eventually overpowered despite almost snapping its perimeter in half. before he is able to reach him, feels his upper body slip from his waist and hit the cold floor.[break][break]

weighted by loss, commands ' ditto to strike at the rings coming toward him. the transformed ditto is able to defend against rings to some extent, but the ditto's lack of experience with its new legendary form is apparent. as it grasps the ring with its maw, it realizes its teeth disappear into the ring's hole. it lets go- and as helps open the bottle, he finds himself cut in two.[break][break]

as blood flavors the air of their battle, the council member realizes his fate is sealed. with his dramatic last resort successfully manifesting itself, the loop catches up with him and slices him diagonally, so that his upper torso slides off the fleshy ramp of his lower parts. seeing vulnerable from the other loops as her chansey defends her, orders his empoleon to strike at their pursuer with its aura of ice. despite its training, the ring is able to swallow the empoleon and slice the penguin in half.[break][break]


is prepared. his years of training, conditioned body, honed reflexes... they culminate in an auto-pilot of sheer martial art prowess. despite being in the nightmare realm, his fighting is unmatched. in a stunning display of combat, the fighter is able to deftly strike at the ring's rims, casting its stubborn trajectory back over and over and over. he would have continued to deflect it; however, the ring that slices through pursues and in an act of sacrifice, will be able to protect her at the cost of his own life.[break][break][break]

the rest are able to successfully fend off their respective rings.[break][break][break][break]

the hoopa recalls its rings. two are a melting red, thanks to 's ninetales and its flamethrower. with a thundering howl, the hoopa berates its dream's intruders. from its central hole, a ghastly beam strikes through the tapu fini's guardian form. afterward, it enacts a HYPERSPACE FURY, the rings vanishing and emerging from thin air. its fists and borrowed limbs strike at the pokemon closest to it, squashing their bodies to the floor in bloodied pulps or heaps of broken bones.[break][break][break]


's noivern is able to escape thanks to its u-turn; however, the following pokemon are not so lucky: 's drapion, 's golurk and aegislash, 's conkeldurr and hawlucha, 's ripper (not his galvantula!), @valyx's tyranitar, 's fraxure, 's torterra, and @bryony's snorlax. the pokemon who were close to the hoopa, such as mega gengar, tapu fini and solgaleo are able to survive thanks to their general hardiness; yet, they are close to falling too.[break][break][break][break]

as 's vision blurs, he captures a glimpse of 's bottle opening. as the spiky cork is pulled, its sharp horns slicing deep into her soft skin, a mass of shadow erupts from the sinister jar. darkrai casts itself out, expanding into a fully-fledged figure of shadow. its eye burns bright. with a vengeful snarl, the darkrai raises its hands, summoning a massive purple orb of energy in its hands.[break][break]


the hoopa takes note. visibly panicked, the hoopa sends its rings outward. several more flow from the central ring in its torso and flood the battlefield. as the rings begin to reverberate with the warnings of something to come, the darkrai launches its DARK VOID toward the creature, flying through the rings and causing them to spin in place. the hoopa is struck and as the purple energy consumes its brawny build, snoring... begins to echo throughout the plane.[break][break][break][break]

after casting a thankful glance toward and , the darkrai repositions itself, drawing its lanky limbs back as if summoning an ancient umbral power. that familiar, broken voice, the darkrai howls a decree: "WAKE HIM UP."[break][break]


as the shadowy spectre charges its own attack, the opportunity to defeat the hoopa awaits the survivors; however, the battlefield is littered with countless rings. should you strike at the hoopa for one last assault, make sure you aim well.[break][break][break][break]

what will you do?


  • the next mod post will be on 11/10 PST.
  • those who have died can roleplay their trainers' last words; however, they can also control their surviving pokemon in the next rounds! if your character has died, your posts are not REQUIRED for the following rounds.
  • this should be the final round, with a concluding mod post that you can respond to afterward should you desire.
  • with every post, please include a tl;dr of your character's actions and roll using the dice command.
  • oocly, surviving trainers must roll against another trainer of their choice (indicate this in a tag). should their roll beat the other trainer... something will happen. you can only select one trainer and you can not select someone who already has been challenged/is challenging another.
  • surviving trainers are: , , , , , , , , , , @n0ble, (12 trainers, 6 pairs).
  • this is a "death-enabled" event where characters and pokemon may "die"; however, in this event, the character or pokemon simply wake up when "killed".

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2019 6:24:29 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Despite their best efforts, and the efforts of the other Pokemon with them, it wasn't quite enough to bring down the beast. Still, their assault managed to do quite a bit of damage to the monster before them. Despite their efforts, several more trainers were killed in the process. In the ensuing Hyperspace Fury, Ripper would find himself being smashed down by the monster. All the Scizor could do was close his eyes, and accept his fate. All he could hope was that he'd see Thomas, and the others, in another life.

Thread, who was spared the wave of death, looked on in horror. For a moment, the Galvantula had to wonder if there was no hope of getting out alive. And even in the chance that he did, what was he going to do? Even though he wanted to respect Thomas' last wish, to look after Jasmine, and the others, in his stead, he had to wonder if he was up for the task.

Upon the Dark-type Pokemon being freed from his prison, Thread would witness it manage to force the Hoopa into a state of sleep. Its command to "wake it up" galvanized the arachnid to make one last ditch attack on the beast. Taking a moment to attempt to aim, the Galvantula would attempt to unleash one last Bug Buzz, intent on hitting the Hoopa in the head. The emitted sound would be backed with all of his sorrow and fury at the losses he witnessed today, in memory of the master who spared him from death earlier in the horrifying night.


tags: @tag
notes: Ripper accepts his fate
Thread looks on in horror as his compatriot dies, leaving him all alone
As Darkrai is freed, and Hoopa-U is put to sleep, Thread begins to take aim, attempting to get in a clear shot between all the rings
Looses one last, ferocious Bug Buzz, aimed towards the head of the beast

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Enma, Homura
may 27
Ecruteak City
we can fall
to hell together
92 height
92 height
Tell me what exactly are you thinking, right now - Do you still love me? Or is it that you hate me?
215 posts
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TAG WITH @ayame
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2019 6:34:32 GMT
once darkrai arose from the bottle, she felt her entire body collapse and lean against her scolipede. gods, she was tired. this was tiring. by this point, the stinging of the horns from the bottle was the least of her worries; she was exhausted. 

but nevertheless, it was a final push and stretch. she watched as 's body had grown limp, after helping her with releasing the nightmare pokemon from its prison. what she wondered was where the real bottle was, assuming that she couldn't use this bottle, of all things, to imprison the unbound pokemon as it was. she couldn't, right? 

eh, there was nothing to lose at this point. darkrai was out, she'd probably look like a fool. 

regardless, she keeps the bottle opened. if it were meant for hoopa, it should suck it back into it, right? mmn.. she figured, at least. who knows. 

she gets off her pokemon's back, now to command her three, flying bug pokemon. "Hanabi, bug buzz. suiren, silver wind. hani, pollen puff." she abruptly commands. the bugs could tell their trainer was famished, and so began to send a flurry of bug attacks at the weakened genie pokemon. 

she turns her attention back to the corpse of blake, lowering her guard with thanks to darkrai's intervention. "... thank you for your help." she says, then placing her robe over the man's upper chest and head. she turns back to darkrai and returns a grateful nod. 

she holds the bottle up, gently as to not further pierce her hands. "now get back into the god damned bottle, you oversized circus hula-hoop!" 

- she’s very tired
- has the three remaining bugs use bug buzz, silver wind, and pollen puff respectively
- thanks blake and darkrai for helping
- trying to get the blood off her hand so she’s gently holding the bottle
- get back into the damn bottle
- I challenge to a roll and I accept my loss

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing