i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Vampire Rora

Pink Princess
October 31
Lumiose City
Mistress of the Dark
Sick one with a smile
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TAG WITH @rora
Natsuki Ryuunosuke
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2019 2:45:37 GMT
Natsuki Ryuunosuke Avatar







with the bottle safely in Ayame’s hands (for now) Natsuki tasks her Umbreon and Zoroark to assist Ayame in escaping the train and helping to open the bottle. Recalls Zoura to team up with Sableye to attack the GREY LOOP , Zoura uses FOUL PLAY and sableye uses NIGHT SHADE






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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
150 height
150 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
396 posts
Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noelle
Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2019 4:05:10 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
the paralyzing sight of the towering beast before her was enough to make the pinkette briefly freeze, a chilling feeling crawling down her spine. could they win? could they beat this?

her breath hitched slightly in her throat, but, with a hard swallow, she brought herself back to reality. she couldn't let herself be scared off and 'die'. not here. not now.

a massive beam of energy is thrown at them from a monstrosity that she's never seen before. her eyes widened, but, she couldn't afford to lock up. 'breath.' 

"peach, alley switch yourself to safety. use-" she swallowed, feeling a bit bad, but, it'd help them out in the long run, "use him-!" she pointed to the hulking mass of zombie that was @altmight. with a flash of light, the chansey would attempt to switch places with the distracted turned man, placing her out of harms way (hopefully) and he into the direct path of the hyper beam. she felt bad - really bad about it. wouldn't hurt too much.

in that moments time, she hopped onto her hydreigon, who surged into the air with his six, dark wings, in an attempt to avoid the hyper beam. 

from the corner of her eye, she spotted - did he have no pokemon that could fly? "nero-" she almost began to plead the hydreigon to go and save her dear friend, but, she should've known the 'battle master' had a plan. "argos - help him!" was the only command she could manage to utter out. 'please, protect him, please - please!' 

the blastoise gave a gruff nod, the scarred, experienced turtle wasting little time in placing up a protect alongside chance's machamp as he hurriedly made his way over. hearing the desperation in his trainer's voice to ensure the man's safety fueled the pokemon, quickly ridding of any fear or doubt he may have felt.

 - has chansey use alley switch to swap places with arthur, putting him in place of the hyper beam and her out of harms way (?)
- noelle uses hydreigon to fly her out of harms way
- has blastoise stay behind to help @chancelor with wide guarding, it uses protect. 

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2019 23:58:53 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Their attempts to punch at Arthur's head would not amount to much. The hulking zombie would grab the heads of the two fighters. Thanks to Ripper's slick and hardened exoskeleton, slipping out of the zombie's grip wasn't too difficult for the armored insect. Brutus, on the other hand, couldn't manage to escape, as he roared in rage first, but then in desperation and horror.

"Brutus!!!!!", Thomas howled as the panda's head was crushed in the grip of the zombie. After that, Fernando's Pokemon would join in on the assault, too little, too late. All Thomas could do was kneel down in horror as he lost another Pokemon. It took him a moment to collect himself, before he'd fumble for something.

A cocoon of rainbow energy, starting out as a rock-like shell, would envelop the Scizor, expanding rapidly, before exploding to reveal that the Scizor's form had changed. The already tall insect had become taller, its pincers lengthened and becoming more menacing. The armor had also been reinforced along its body.

The sight of the gray ring spewing out a train caught the trainer's attention. As the contents came pouring out towards those going for the bottle, Thread would begin hopping towards the walls, hopping along and scurrying as fast as he could in order to avoid the runaway train. Meanwhile, Ripper would dash towards the ring, before delivering a Bullet Punch to it.

Thomas would see the Hyper Beam coming from the corner of his eye. Attempting to act fast, Thomas would hit the ground as fast as he could, in an attempt to get under it.


tags: @tag
notes: Screams out Brutus' name as his head is crushed
Activates Scizorite to bring out Mega Scizor
Mega Scizor attacks the Grey Ring with Bullet Punch (Technician enhanced)
Galvantula scrambles to dodge the train, hopping and scurrying along the walls
Thomas attempts to hit the deck, and dodge the Hyper Beam coming his way

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the stray
thirty three
xxx, orre
bar owner/keep
Senior ranger
Laurence Anderson
131 height
131 height
Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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evan fader DOLLARS
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evan fader
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2019 6:25:21 GMT
evan fader Avatar

Split second decisions, only moments to breath, seconds to move his feet.

He makes them with confidence because he and his team know their fate. They always have. Whether this is a dream or not doesn't change. There are 2 rules of travel and if he doesn't feel a pokemon is okay with them they don't even come with him.

1) if megra dies I'm going face first into my death, you either come with me or you don't and I don't blame you guys for not coming.

2) I'm going to die doing something stupid. It's just how it's going to be. You'll all be taken care of if I do. I'm not gonna leave you to fend for yourselves.

Be ready to die, because I've got nothing to lose and if nothing else, I'm going out swinging this time.

Evan moves for the edge of the platform, drops and slides for the edge because what the fuck else is he supposed to do? He's reckless and stupid sometimes but even he's not dumb enough to try and do anything but get out of the way. So you know what? Yolo baby. His feet leave the eddge, the rest of him isn't far behind and he grabs the edge of the platform in time to keep himself from falling. A saving grace that this isn't the first time he's had to hang off a cliff and pull himself up after something dangerous passed by (you know, like a wild bouffalant that he should not be making angry).

He waits and hopes the train is dealt with before the strength in his hands give out. Can they give out? It's a good question since he's certain it's a dream. If the body hasn't been transported then it's a matter of what the mind can handle. If that's the case he's not stressed enough anymore for this to feel draining.

Now it just feels like some kind of wild ride he didn't sign up for but at least it's getting kind of fun.

>>evan yolo'd it off the side of a platform
>>hanging off the edge of a platform and waiting for the train to go by/be dealt with
>>pretty sure dream world = will power and mental strength over physical so he's pretty sure he's not actually going to get tired and fall as long as he believes he won't get tired and fall

>>He's in your hands now shiv


[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2019 7:22:54 GMT
Deleted Avatar


“Take us up now!” As it became evident that they needed to get the hell outta dodge, Derek's two pokemon swiftly escorted him and Seraph up into the air by means of flight and levitation. While Derek and Togekiss continued to focus on their safety above all else, the Metagross' psychic intuition allowed it to understand the surface thoughts of the Haxorus committed to it's outrage.

Understanding that they still wanted to hit something, Rasputin hurled Seraph at the ring Derek appointed to them before heading towards it's own. Making sure to avoid the hazards present, they gave it everything they had and more...


tl;dr togekiss's extreme speed flies him over the attack.

- derek's metagross grabs haxorus and does the same.

- metagross launches haxorus at the purple ring.

- haxorus resumes it's outrage on the purple ring.

- metagross then uses meteor mash on the silver ring.


[newclass=.merkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkI b] color: #DEA02C; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2019 7:54:49 GMT
Deleted Avatar
[attr="class","unstabland3"]Morgan's mega Gengar did little to actually damage the main form of Hoopa, it seemed. He needed more strength, but most likely they needed to remove the rings, and do something with the bottle. But with the chaos of everything going on around them, he could only do so much. "Damn." Morgan cursed, taking out a second Pokeball.

"Come, Zeus!" He roared, summoning out his Ampharos. "Zeus, Dragon Pulse on the purple ring!" It's forehead gem powered up with an iridescent light, and fired a wild energy wave towards the purple ring. As Morgan came from the Jock elevator, he stood at a fair distance from Fernando, and therefore his Ampharo's Dragon Pulse should not be severely affected.

THere was no time to check however, as the Grey Loop's Guzzlord moved to attack everyone on the ground. A gigantic beam of energy released from its mouth, and Morgan knew too well what kind of attack that was, having seen it from his Tyranitar once or twice before. "Nyctores!" He yelled, and as if on command, his Gengar moved in front of him, shielding his master from the brunt of the explosive force from hyper beam. His Ampharos too ran behind him, using cotton guard to wrap around himself and his master, not that he expected it to help, but extra p[adding would protect against shrapnel and bits of rock.

+ Morgan's Ampharos uses Dragon Pulse on the purple ring, hoping misty terrain did not affect them based on his distance from Fernando.

+ As Guzzlord uses Hyper Beam, Morgan's Gengar moves to shield him, being ghost type, the attack should not impact him as he saves the brunt of the force from Morgan.

+ Morgan's Ampharos runs over to Morgan, coating itself and his master with Cotton Guard to try and defend them both.

dandy ♫

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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
On the road again
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399 height
OwO what's this
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2019 17:35:53 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar
Tl;dr because abroad: Balder is sad that his pokemons died during the elevator lift, but still convinced this is all a dream. As they reach the top, sees his leg floating beside hoope and says "That's my f***ing leg, you bastard!". Chaos ensues, people try to avoid attacks and such, followed by a gargantuan monster firing an hyper beam at them. Balder throws a pokeball at his foot, summoning Solgaleo under him. With the dolar lion, attempts to escape from the hyper beam

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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
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596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2019 17:38:12 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

"goodra, keep that barrier up!"

cait hollered the demand once the ultra beast charged their attack, urging her goodra to maintain the freshly deployed protect. the pokemon steeled herself against the oncoming blast, the desire to defend her mistress in the face of such power immense. the young woman remained at her side as the dragon sought to ensure the safety of both cait and , the erected barrier relatively small but sizable enough to award them an adequate amount of protection. 

that's it, girl," she said. 

the impact was intense and the young woman shielded her eyes, uttering a curse followed by a prayer as she hoped that the goodra would somehow manage against such power. 

- cait continues to urge her goodra to use protect against the guzzlord's hyper beam

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2019 17:39:29 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar
Thankfully, the Rock Slide coming from Ryujin helps in slowing down the incoming undead Manectric—he notices that two heads aside, the canid has a different look—a different feel, actually—about it.

Before he can so even make a single observation about it, everyone else who had aimed their attacks on the zombie canine witness the ‘death’ of the undead… wait, why was it not dead anymore…

He can only blink as he watches the canine go after its former master—in this case, Kyle—before the Togepi’s randomized Metronome lands and saves him from sheer death.

He doesn’t even flinch at the sight of the beheaded canine.

Thankfully, four of the six rings had been dealt with, but with the Misty Terrain—things get a little dire. Seeing that there was another Metagross who was attacking the steel-gray hoop alone, he grit his teeth—if he hadn’t used Ro earlier, he’d be able to help. But no. Grievous mistakes were made, and here he was, paying for it. The steel-gray ring—or hoop, whatever—vibrates before…

“What… the… fuck?!”

That’s all he has time to say as he sees a train hurtling out of it. Bearing down on one side of the field. His gaze is drawn toward the other side, toward the draconic-purple ring…

And recognizes the incoming attack. It’s a Hyper Beam. But it looks far too large, far too powerful…

…and far too deadly.

“Ah, shit,” he swears to himself. Now that he’s down several Pokémon, he swears once more, before quickly recalling Daena—there’s no way he’s risking Alpha at this point as the powerful attack begins to bear down on all of them.

“Ryujin. We’re running for it! Use your Protect when I tell you to!” he shouts, turning tail and making a run for it.

Down three Pokémon. Three important, useful Pokémon. He’s left with the supporting half of his team. He watches as the Swampert leaps after him, running as fast and as far away as they can from the incoming harbingers of death.

What was going to end him? The train?

Or the Hyper Beam?

He had to make tracks, and fast! Seeing a chance, he shouts at Ryujin, before attempting to tackle her to the ground, hoping that the Swampert’s Protect is powerful enough to save them…

However, it seems luck is not on Lars’s side.

• If he had Ro, the gray ring would be a snap. But no. He doesn't. Witnesses the carnage on the Mega Manectric. Doesn't even flinch when it gets beheaded. Yikes.
• Relieved that most of the rings have been dealt with but WTF IS THAT SHIT COMING OUT OF THE GRAY LOOP. A TRAIN? WHAT THE ACTUAL FLYING FUCK?!
• Thankfully he's not in THAT path. Cringes, however, when he sees the huge-ass mouth firing off a Hyper Beam. An AoE Hyper Beam.
• Recalls Ampharos
• Since Lars has no more Pokémon that can fly because they're all DEAD, turns to Ryujin. Swears under his breath
• Basically: Lars and Swampert try to hightail it as fast and as far away as they can, away from the train, away from the Hyper Beam
• Has Swampert break out Protect and tries to get the fuck out of the way with Ryujin by knocking her to the ground and holding onto her as tightly as he can as the shield snaps into place. Hopefully they don't DIE


fuck me. HE'S DEAD

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27 height
27 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Blaine Jones DOLLARS
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Blaine Jones
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 0:33:28 GMT
Blaine Jones Avatar




Seeing the rings go down brought a bit of disappointment to Blaine's mind, sure some of the rings were gone but not all of them. The only two remaining rings were also the two he didn't really have a type to attack them with. Sure Garchomp could attack the purple ring but that would require making the pokemon stop chasing after the bottle. He'd just have to let the other people in the area handle the rings now.[break][break]

With the grass and water rings were already gone the detective returned his Ludicolo back to its ball, not wanting to leave anything out without a purpose for too long in this nightmare realm. Replacing the dancing pokemon the man sent out his Noctowl, a strange idea forming in his head. If this was all a nightmare what would happen if he used dream eater on the Hoopa?[break][break]

However his idea would have to wait a few moments as the remaining rings began doing other stuff, a damn train going after the people in pursuit of the bottle. Out of the other ring a strange but scarily big pokemon emerged from it. Since it came out of Hoopa's rings he was already pretty sure it was't here to help them at all. Returning his Torterra Blaine yelled out a few quick things, "Grace grab us cmon, Strider go up and use Dream Eater."[break][break]

Turning his head to Illeana he threw in another quick suggestion for her. "You should hang onto ninetails or return it. Might wanna return eevee too." A few moments after he finished and the hyper beam began the man's Garchomp would swoop in and attempt to snatch the two trainers up to get them to safety. Noctowl on the other hand soared up into the air above the hyper beam before its eyes began to glow red, the same glow slightly connecting to Hoopa as well as Guzzlord. If this really was a dream they were gonna take the gamble and see if trying to force them awake could do anything.[break][break]

[tl;dr: Returned torterra and ludicolo, sent noctowl out instead. Suggests either return or hold onto her ninetails then had garchomp abandon the chase for the bottle and fly over to try to scoop up him, illeana and her ninetails out of the way of the hyperbeam. Cant hit any of the remaining rings so has Noctowl use Dream Eater on hoopa and guzzlord to see what happens. ][break][break]




342 WORDS FOR @raids


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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 1:41:05 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar

raid peeps
at bottom of post
"Yeah, that'd be nice," she murmurs to before they get to work. It'd be nice to actually meet him outside of this hellish nightmare and perhaps between that and the possibility of reuniting with her fallen Pokemon, it's the only thing keeping her going.

The fire hoop is taken care of, returning to the large arms of the beast. More hoops follow, each one falling back into the flesh of Hoopa. Two remain, however, and the pit in her stomach grows. Nightmares turn to reality and once again, the dreamscape is set for horror. Trains, loud and vicious, barrel toward those pursuing the bottle. She doesn't even have time to think, doesn't have the luxury. Not when Eevee is in danger...

Illeana grits her teeth, almost letting a snarl of frustration escape from her throat. Instead, she brandishes Eevee's Pokeball and calls for the little fox to return. "Eevee! Please come back, it's too dangerous!" The normal type bounces back, all floof and coos as she happily brushes against her trainer's legs upon reuniting. Illie merely smiles and taps the ball to her head, tucking it safely into her belt for protection. She refuses to lose anyone else, refuses to have to watch another one of her Pokemon die. With this in mind, she scoops Ninetales up from the ground, holding the fire type close. If anything wants to get to her Ninetales, they'll have to go through her first.

Blaine captures her attention, then, and she nods to him. It isn't long before help comes in the form of his Garchomp, swooping in to save the trio from the oncoming Hyper Beam. The air is safer... She hopes. God, just let them survive this.

"Ninetales," she murmurs to the fire type in her arms, continuing once she sees those familiar crimson eyes turn their full attention to her. "Use Inferno. Try to trap the beast in the flames, buy everyone enough time to gather themselves... No one else is dying today, not if we can help it." The large fox gets to work, quick to open her mouth and unleash the fury of her flames onto the battlefield. She is calculating in her path, aiming with the sole purpose of trapping Hoopa. The flames lick at the ground, spreading and spreading until the fox is satisfied. They swirl around Hoopa's form, furious and unruly as only flames know how to be. An inferno should restrict the beat's movements, if only for a few minutes. Mere minutes should be enough time for the group to collect themselves, figure out a solution... She murmurs again, soft and quiet among the chaos, "I hope this works." Otherwise, she's at an utter loss.


notes |
- why tf is there a train?
- terrified of losing her pokemon again
- recalls eevee and holds ninetales in her arms as blaine and his garchomp scoop them up
- ninetales uses INFERNO on hoopa in an attempt to limit it's movements. burn hoopa burn!!! pls work :c

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
1,571 posts
Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 2:33:20 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


The green, red, blue rings all redirect back to their owner, followed by or lead by the pink hoop, Emma doesn't pay enough attention.[break][break]

Because all of a sudden the grey hoop, or maybe it's the purple one, opens up in front of her and several other defenders. There's a wide-mouthed horror that breaks through the portal and an incredibly terrifying hyper beam that blasts out of the opening.[break][break]

Hades puts up a protective barrier between himself and the blast, hopefully acting as a wall to protect Emma.[break][break]

She winces behind her Lycanroc.[break][break]

Noivern, should she have escaped the blast and whatever else might have come her way, would circle back around to aim for the purple hoop. This time, she attacks fervently with her draco meteor, hoping her attack might drive back the hoop.[break][break]

Araquanid will attempt a wide guard to protect himself and Emma adjacent to him. His spindly legs will quake but he'll hold fast, worried that should he show any weakness, he might perish.[break][break]

Hopefully this nightmare ends, because trains flying out of a portal is totally crazy, right?[break][break]

> lycanroc stands in front of emma and uses protect against the hyper beam[break]
> noivern uses draco meteor on the purple ring[break]
> araquanid uses wide guard to protect himself and lycanroc/emma[break][break]




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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 2:45:51 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Bryony is not so much quick as her charizard is aware of the impending danger. He turns his back to his trainer, tail lashing out to make her move, and Bryony tumbles forward onto his back, one arm looping about his neck. She fumbles for a pokeball to recall the snorlax as both her and the charizard take to the air after .

From the air, Bryony orders another Ancient Power to attack Arthur.

- charizard attempts to fly himself and bryony to safety
- bryony recalls snorlax as she is swept up
- charizard uses ancient power on arthur

[newclass=.b-dead]filter:grayscale(100%); opacity: .6;[/newclass]

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she / her
november 23
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TAG WITH @perse
persephone amavi
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 2:47:59 GMT
persephone amavi Avatar
she hears the train but it barely registers - just a silver-plated bullet in the periphery of her vision - because something much more horrible opened its maw in front of her.

she's seen this brilliant white light before, seen the destruction it leaves in its wake, the way it melts flesh as though it were nothing but candle wax.

her body is rapidly thrown into the air - none too gently - and persephone feels the prod of her gardevoir in her side, as thepokemon uses her psychic strength to attempt to bypass the guzzlord's hyper beam.

in that moment, the gardevoir manages to communicate something like a thought:
"replicates reality to dreams"

suspended in the air, persephone furrows her brow but doesn't let herself entertain the notion any further. how this creature knows about the ultra beast or what looks like a slateport train is a mystery to be unraveled when they have the luxury of time.

at persephone's command, the gardevoir levels a moonblast at the hoopa's body itself.

behind them, decidueye hurtles into the air like a bullet to avoid the hyper beam. as its brave bird reaches a zenith, the pokemon halts its ascent and aims itself down at the zombie. if anything remains of it, the decidueye will swoop down with its entire bulk in another brave bird.

» gardevoir throws itself and persephone into the air with psychic to avoid the hyper beam
» gardevoir tries to communicate what hoopa's ability is to persephone
» gardevoir uses moonblast on hoopa itself
» decidueye uses brave bird first into the air to dodge the hyper beam
» decidueye then redirects brave bird to hit zombie arthur

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august 12th
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 4:46:22 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Guzzlord is a sight for sore eyes. Having finally encountered an Ultra Beast of his own, Fernando feels a stark nervousness nip at his anxiety. Outside of those who faced the beast in Mossdeep and lived to tell the tale, there are a few that understand the depravity that these monsters create. Dream or not, Fernando doesn't dare underestimate his greatest nightmare. No one has to tell him that one PROTECT won't do. His only hope is to layer as many protective barriers as he can or evade the attack entirely.

Quick thinking spots 's Goodra and 's Blastoise already deploying their PROTECTS. "Hurry," he commands, lining himself up to have the other Pokemon serve as a buffer between him and the attack. "Smeargle," he commands, having the Pokemon stand behind both and bring up its own PROTECT. It's not much, considering the Pokemon's relatively small size, but it's enough to add another lay as long as he ducks for it. Tapu Fini follows suit, behind the Smeargle and the last line of defense for Fernando as he dives to escape the blast.

Unable to command his other Pokemon, they're left to their own devices. Luckily, it doesn't takes a trainer to teach a Pokemon to evade the huge HYPER BEAM coming their way. Aegislash uses its KING SHIELD to try to block the attack while the Golurk fades from existence with PHANTOM FORCE.

— aegislash uses KING'S SHIELD.
— golurk uses PHANTOM FORCE to evade.
— fernando, smeargle, and tapu fini move to evade the blast and hide behind cait's goodra and noelle's blastoise which are using PROTECT.
— fernando and tapu fini hide behind smeargle and uses CALM MIND and PROTECT.
— fernando is behind goodra / blastoise using PROTECT > smeargle PROTECT > tapu fini PROTECT.

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