i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 4:48:08 GMT
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"That's a big boy..." Chancelor says aloud, watching as the mysterious Pokémon retaliated—doing 'peculiar' actions the likes he has never seen before: one of these actions including the summoning of an equally large 'Pokémon' from one of the floating rings. Ivysaur, like the tomboy she was happened to be ready to face off against this large black monster; her body low to the ground with her backside skyward like that of a dog ready to strike. The Youngest McQueen quickly recalls the Seed Pokémon upon noticing the extremely large beam being gathered and constructed in that bottomless maw of the beast within the ring. "Shit!" He hisses, disdain coating his otherwise silver coated tongue, a PokéBall upon the hip being grabbed and chucked far away from the group—virtually on the other side of the makeshift circular arena they all stood upon.

From the PokéBall erupted the Superpower Pokémon, flexing two sets of arms with bulging muscles and a grin that oozed confidence. Machamp knew what needed to be done, he had been aware of this little circumstance since the very beginning, simply awaiting for Chancelor to summon him so he could assist his human in any laborious task he needed completely. "You're up, Champ. You got this?" He asks the Fighting-type, Machamp nodding, knuckles cracking before outstretching all four arms in a flawless, powerful, and steadfast stance. The goal? To protect everyone from this soon-to-be devastating Hyper Beam that'll clearly eradicated anyone or anything unlucky enough to be in its wake. Directly beside Machamp stood 's Blastoise to back up the Fighting-type—a Protect and Wide Guard combination, in theory, should be enough to protect both of them, and draw the beam away from the other Pokémon and Trainer's scrambling to get out of the wide and nearly undodgable sights of such an attack.

Chancelor had no other option but to bank on this, for he didn't have no other way to evade or protect himself from such a large attack. If push came to shove, he'd attempt to leap to another platform if his tactic appeared to be failing, but even then, to make such a jump even for someone such as himself? Slim to none. At this point, he accepted his fate, and honestly, was a little curious on how all this would play out. His eyes panned to the others, watching them all use Flying-types and other means to escape such a cruel fate. Ha. Lucky bitches.

✝ tag(s) - @event
✝ notes -

- - -

- recalls iyvsaur
- summons machamp
- machamp uses wide guard in an attempt to attract/protect the group from the hyper beam that is targeting everyone
- blastoise is with machamp to use protect and help fend off the hyper beam with a protect on the off-chance the wide guard isn't enough to withstand the beasts attack


- - -

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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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Lucas Lane
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 6:42:22 GMT
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"Unknown dig a hole. Drampa throw up a protect." He roars the commands at his pokemon as the mega beast opens its maw. In front of Lucas the ground began to break apart. Sections of it raised by an ancient power from the psychic pokemon. Without hesitation he jumps inside in an attempt to survive the oncoming blast.

Drampa used protect!
Unknown carves out the ground below with ancient power
Lucas requires help from the Victory Star!



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @rocketnpc1
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 7:59:55 GMT
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[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP RED"]


[attr="class","raidName"]HOOPA UNBOUND







[attr="class","status BURN"]
[attr="class","th th-fire"]



genderless - STEADFAST[break]
hyper beam / ?? / ?? / ?? / ?? / ??[break]

desperation stirs action. 's scizor dashes for the gray loop after its dramatic mega evolution; its wings beat rapidly, delivering the metal pokemon's BULLET PUNCHES.[break][break]

after tossing @n0ble's haxorus, a metagross joins in the assault. 's zorua and sableye assist, clinging on to the loop's perimeter as they strike at its vibrating rim. after 's aerodactyl and its IRON HEAD, their combined efforts are enough. the loop reverts to a smaller size, slicing the spilling train and preventing the rest of its cars from falling.[break][break][break]


scrambling on to the purple loop's side, haxorus latches on with its talons. the guzzlord's HYPER BEAM fires from the ring with a deafening scream. unfaltering in its assault, the haxorus hacks at the loop's brim alongside @valyx's mega ampharos and 's noivern. they are able to deliver it back to the hoopa despite the MISTY TERRAIN. unfortunately, the two dragons can not stop the beam in time.[break][break][break][break]

@altmight consciousness demands his body to feast. his stretching maw clamps on to his cut arm and begins to chew; it's an odd experience. tasting your own flesh. like foot tacos.[break][break][break]

as his brain and palate is transfixed on the hors d'oeuvre of his appendage, he does not realize his sudden transference of position. thanks to 's chansey, the zombie-hulk can not escape the sheer obliteration of the hoopa's attack. @bryony's charizard and 's decidueye strike from afar and condemn him to death.[break][break][break]


the head ranger, , with his pokemon, attempt to shield themselves from the attack. despite swampert's valiant efforts, the beam surges through everyone in his party. next, hits the floor. hard. his mega scizor peers back and watches in horror as the beam passes through his trainer with numbing nonchalance. the radiant, , summons solgaleo; however, it's too late. in the process, the beam catches up to him and tears through his brawny body. his solgaleo emerges from the blast, charred- but barely clinging on.[break][break][break]


@valyx watches as his gengar attempts to protect him and his mega ampharos. the beam comes forth, phases through the gengar--- but the beam does not stop. it rushes through the mega ampharos' COTTON GUARD, and renders the man asunder. next, , her araquanid, and her lycanroc brace themselves for the imminent beam. tragedy falls upon them too as her noivern peers back to see its friends become consumed by the attack.[break][break][break]

thanks to the decidueye's overwatch, the owl is able to barely scoop up and his gallade with its BRAVE BIRD; however, its wing is caught in the blast... gallade is able to SKILL SWAP as 's gardevoir launches a potent MOONBLAST. the gallade will understand immediately, however, that it can not use the ability it has inherited... the ditto attempts to transform, but it simply becomes one hoopa hand and forearm (or one one of the disembodied limbs should you desire it).[break][break][break]

in the mean time, is able to snuggle himself with his unown in the trench made by ANCIENT POWER. perhaps, it was the placebo effect, but the VICTORY STAR might've been good luck...[break][break][break]


as @bryony, and @n0ble soar overhead with and her recalled pokemon, , , , and attempt to cast their PROTECTIVE ABILITIES with their menagerie of pokemon. as the barriers raise against the incoming beam, the trainers behind them will be able to witness calamity. the beam violates several barriers and their respective pokemon, consuming them in blinding light and energy.[break][break][break]

as the train careens toward her, attempts to lucid dream... sadly, it's not her dream. quickly, she realizes this and before the first car crushes her skull, pushes himself and the girl out of the way. in its attempts to help, the noibat sacrifices itself. for a brief moment, tears well up in its eyes before it surrenders to its fate, splattering into a puddle of blood against the train like a letter's wax seal.[break][break][break]


the two fall and land on the stage, the bottle still unopened. is able to assist safely, her umbreon and zoroark quickly dashing towards them on the stage, for the beam has passed.[break][break][break]

launches himself off the floating stones. he hangs on the edge of the platform, but the train slams into the rocks. the cars detach. one car runs over his hands, and disfigures them hideously, breaking fingers into horrid stumps. the pain causes him to let go- and he begins to fall toward the neverending abyss; how can he save himself?![break][break][break]

heroically, is able to rescue from certain death. after he scoops her from the train's path, the two realize that would have faced the same fate as 's pulped noibat. 's noctowl hoots, attacking the hoopa with DREAM EATER as the ninetales successfully BURNS their nightmarish predator. [break][break][break]

@altmight, , , , , and @valyx do not die immediately. the pain exists. their veins burn. their brain fights the throbbing pulse of incoming death, causing the limbs to tingle feverishly. as @valyx's gengar watches forlornly, his mega ampharos, severely weakened, but alive, cradles their trainer in its arms as he watches the man fade away into dust.[break][break][break]


's ampharos pops out of its ball to witness the death of its trainer too. likewise, 's solgaleo stands watch, allowing its avatar to pass... also succumbs to her fate before her noivern. the galvantula scuttles toward its trainer, , and witnesses his solemn demise.[break][break][break][break]

after the beam passes, 's drampa, 's blastoise, 's machamp, 's smeargle, and 's goodra face similar deaths. their bodies begin to disintegrate as they slump into funeral winds of dust. as ' decidueye soars, its struck wing begins to disintegrate into dust, sending the undercover rocket boss into a dramatic plummet toward the ground with his team.[break][break][break]

's smeargle sketches a HYPER BEAM, but this next attack seems even more dangerous. with an agitated roar, the flames of 's ninetales burning his body, he summons multiple loops with a stretch of his hands. they disappear in mid-air and suddenly reappear closer to all the surviving trainers and begin to chase them.[break][break][break]


one loop demonstrates its intent by moving over a floating stone and closing, bisecting the stone into two. the loops pursue you all, occasionally disappearing and reappearing in overwhelming angles to attempt to cut your bodies in half.[break][break][break]












the loops do not possess any special color. instead, they are a normal gold.

what will you do?


  • the next mod post will be on 11/6 PST.
  • those who have died can roleplay their trainers' last words; however, they can also control their surviving pokemon in the next rounds!
  • with every post, please include a tl;dr of your character's actions and roll using the dice command.
  • attempt to beat the roll against your character; your actions to flee or deter the loops will determine whether it is easier or harder to beat the roll placed against your character.
  • you can also attempt to help others being chased, attack the hoopa, open the bottle, save evan, etc.; however, be aware, your choices may make it more difficult to save yourself!
  • this is a "death-enabled" event where characters and pokemon may "die"; however, in this event, the character or pokemon simply wake up when "killed".

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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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Lucas Lane
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 8:06:03 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

character iconSurviving the hyper beam was nothing short of a miracle.

With the help of Unown's ancient power Lucas emerges from the snug hole he'd dug for himself. The battle continues to rage around him. Hoopa rings's now flew through the air to at a number of people, himself included. In a rush he releases a tyrantrum. "Stop the ring!" All elegance was gone from his voice. All care he might've had for his pokemon's well being had vanished in the face of adversity. All he cared about was living, no matter the means.

Tyrantrum crunches down on the oncoming ring, it's strong jaw clamped tightly down. Behind it meanwhile its trainer ran alongside Unown to join and the Guardian of Alola that emerges.

Tyrantrum used crunch empowered by strong jaw!
Ran like a little bitch to


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the volatile
August 15th
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tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 8:15:33 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar











her chest burned.[break][break]

bailey cooper felt that same sense of eerie calm as she beheld a horror that had failed to kill her on multiple occasions; not once, not twice, but for a fourth time she beheld a glory that was all consuming.[break][break]

after so many encounters, she knew to cast her gaze to the enemy as togekiss drifted in for a landing. The pokemon cast the elite four member, and Bailey hit the ground running; her boots squeaking across the platform's floor. she knew if she looked back, she would only behold what had been wiped clean.[break][break]

people and pokemon wiped away like a hand against a water condensed windshield.[break][break]

from her peripheral, she can catch the sight of gold as one of the loops honed in. "Fuck--!" the elite four member was not an impressive sprinter. thankfully, her pokemon could compensate for her poor fitness.[break][break]

At the last possible second, right before the loop could make contact, togekiss would sideswipe the approaching weapon with a controlled blast; an aura sphere that would swoop under the loop and then up to collide against the edge, positioned like a hand that was attempting to flip over a table.[break][break]

And while that happened, she snatched the pokeballs from her belt to redeploy the team, letting them scatter to both sides of her. it was time for the counter attack. it was time to strike before the enemy could have a chance to deploy another hyper beam.[break][break]

"HEY ASSHOLE!" She'd shout, feeling her breath constrict from running across the platform. "HOPE YOU DON'T HAVE TINNITUS!"[break][break]

And if the legendary so much as glanced in her direction, it would catch a faceful of dazzling gleam as her togekiss released an explosive light from her body; energy screeching as if the pokemon were a flash bang.[break][break]

Blastoise would use flash cannon. just for good measure.[break][break]


tldr: togekiss uses aura sphere on the loop to change its directory before it can catch bailey. togekiss then uses dazzling gleam like a flash bang in conjuncture with blastoise's flash canon.



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Enma, Homura
may 27
Ecruteak City
we can fall
to hell together
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Tell me what exactly are you thinking, right now - Do you still love me? Or is it that you hate me?
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TAG WITH @ayame
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 8:17:13 GMT
"You're insane!" 

she's grateful that he pushed her to the side but, at the same time, he just threw away his last pokemon to face the train. what was that about focusing on himself? there he was, without an arm, or any pokemon. she groans softly. her lips curl into a slight frown from the ground, but thankfully she still keeps a solid hold on the bottle. 

she uses her other hand to pull a pokeball out. out came a scolipede. the pokemon lets out a hiss, but they'reat loss at what was happening. nevertheless, the three bug pokemon come back to ayame's side. the three bug pokemon flutter and buzz, trying to make sense of everything.

however, it still wasn't done yet. 

arms and hoops began to flash around, cleaving and attempting to add more to the carnage. she glances to blake, and throws his remaining arm over her shoulders in an attempt to help him up. "we need to go." she heeds 's orders, and tries to heave the man onto the back of her magenta centipede. the bug pokemon huffs at being touched by another trainer, but he can't do anything as ayame hops on as well. "Hold on tightly~" she chimes, softly, as the pokemon began to dash around. its speed boost assists in attempts to dodge the attacks. 

ayame turns back to blake, for a moment, only to take her thin overcoat off. she raises it up, meaning to tie it around his ears. "you'll need this, mmn?" she wouldn't want him to get hurt by bug buzz. she glances to the butterflies and calls out to them. "bug buzz! attack the hand the moment it comes out!" 

the two butterfly pokemon use quiver dance at even intervals in order to keep up with the two trainers. they begin to ready up both bug buzzes around the two. 

"hani, pollen puff on hoopa!" she commands, and the bug pokemon, after using another quiver dance to dash in closer to the large pokemon, began to charge up and send a bug move towards the beast that was too pre-occupied with the trainers. 

and while her pokemon was trying to do that, ayame glares at the bottle and takes a deep breath. "darkrai, as you can see, our number have thinned" she starts, now putting in as much strength as she could to open the bottle "so if you want to take this dream back, you help me get this cap off and heed the man who called for your help before!" 

- she holding with her NO rocket left behind
- vivillon and beautifly are using bug buzz around ayame and blake to attack the arms that come through
- sends out scolipede
- hops onto scolipede's back with blake to run w/ speedboost
- tries to open up darkrai bottle again
- ribombee uses quiver dance and shoots a pollen puff at hoopa 

tl;dr for the tl;dr:
- running w scolipede
- attacking arms w bug buzz
- attacks hoopa w pollen puff
- tries to open bottle


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she / her
november 23
good q
lorekeeper / elite four
elite four
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my own blood pains me, the salt as much as the vein
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persephone amavi
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 8:24:05 GMT
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persephone's vision takes a moment to return after the flash of the hyper beam overwhelmed the platform.

persephone tries to not think about the silhouettes of those caught in the beast's attack.

even though she feels the solid floor underneath her feet as the gardevoir lowers her, she knows the psychic energy hadn't fully dissipated. long strands of her hair float at her shoulders - her pokemon reluctant to drop its use of psychic.

their caution seems justified when the golden loops hurtle toward them, and the gardevoir is quick to expel the psychic backwards, hoping to toss them away from where the duo stand.

decidueye joins them after a moment, sharp eyes watching for the hoops if they are to return. the pokemon brandishes a leaf blade, prepared to cut down any hoops that return, aided by an uncanny foresight.

» gardevoir uses psychic to catch any ring/s nearing itself or its trainer, attempting to freeze them in place and toss them aside
» decidueye uses foresight to be able to track the hoops better, and if necessary, will be slashing at any encroaching ones with leaf blade

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dawn grandier
rocket boss
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cadis von klaussner
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 8:25:56 GMT
cadis von klaussner Avatar


❝so many casualties, but that isn't my priority--the bottle...❞


he had no time to react toward 's unique powers. fascination sat on his mind. sadly he could not respond nor give it attention at this time.

ditto's transformation failed and turned into an arm. cadis, looking toward the solgaleo which belonged to , decided to shift target. he'd quickly give it a new order, "turn into that." pointing toward the charred solgaleo. the arm-shaped ditto would, then, TRANSFORM once again. shifting into a pseudo-solgaleo, gifted with its blessed form and moveset, a holy beast was born. "it's a shame such radiant power resides in the hands of such a useless trainer." he'd look at pseudo-solgaleo for a moment, its next orders given, "you are to accompany and serve under 's commands." although, as a note, if the attempt to turn into solgaleo also failed, it would simply be ordered to transform into decidueye; where orders would, too, remain the same.

looking toward the direction of and , he'd shout, "now go!" and so pseudo-solgaleo was off to pick up and aid the grunts of rocket.

with that being said, cadis and gallade ready to make their way toward HOOPA. they'd take off within a sprint toward the pokemon. without an order gallade would use SKILL SWAP on the half-winged decidueye. taking its ability LONG REACH and replacing it with whatever was given to him by hoopa. without looking behind, cadis ordered the broken decidueye, shouting, "you're of no used to me anymore. if you're able to, prepare to use LEAF STORM at any ring that hurdles my way. at least die protecting the one you serve!" decidueye, had he not been severed by a random ring, would do his best to muster all the strength he had left to deflect any oncoming projectiles toward cadis and gallade with LEAF STORM.

cadis would come to a halt. making sure to watch his surroundings and move in case of an incoming ring. he'd order gallade to ready himself for a fight with hoopa, "assist the pokemon combating against this creature with LEAF BLADE!" without moving from his position, and had no rings cam hurdling their way, with the aid of LONG REACH, gallade would release two green-colored sickles made of raw energy toward the HOOPA.


- cadis ordered ditto to use transform and turn into solgaleo instead. if it were unable to, then it'd choose to turn into decidueye and would still be given the same orders.

- cadis ordered pseudo-solgaleo to go off and help and . it was also ordered to listen to and do everything he says, so basically he's taking cadis's last useful pokemon.

- cadis tells the useless decidueye that, if it wants to remain useful in his eyes, use what little strength it had left to use leaf storm to deflect or break any ring coming cadis and gallade's way from behind or the sides.

- gallade used skill swap with decidueye, now has long reach ability. with his long reach ability he'd use leaf blade toward hoopa--only if there were no rings hurdling toward them that is.



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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 8:27:36 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]The carnage does not go unnoticed. He just doesn't have the time to sit back and wait any longer. Once the HYPER BEAM comes to an end it's time to retaliate. In the face of danger, the Tapu Fini finds an impossible tranquility, CALM MINDED and ready to unleash the power it has stored until now.

The MISTY TERRAIN from earlier may have dampened the efforts of the others around him but it brings the Tapu strength. A glaring light shines from the palm of his hand and he tightens it into a fist, grasping at it until he can slam it onto the floor with an open palm. Alolan energy surges from the spot, flaring up as it engulfs the Tapu Fini. may no longer be among them but Fernando will take his place to show them the might of Alola.

A mass of Alolan energy, borrowed by the vested MISTY SURGE, coagulate into a hulking figure. The GUARDIAN OF ALOLA stands before them, mirroring the Hoopa in bravado and poise. The faceless creature rears back one hand and all the fairy energy turns into swirls of hazy wind. With a mighty clap, the currents of fairy energy bear down like the currents of the most vicious Alolan waves, possessing a power worthy of being classified as a Z-MOVE.

GUARDIAN OF ALOLA: the power of nature manifests into the guardian of alola and strikes the enemy with a monsoon of the island's energy.
What comes next is surprise as a hoop opens up in front of him. With his focus on the attack, there's little Fernando can do to evade the attack. Even then, his resources are sparse and divided on the field. Without a direct command, the Golurk and Aegislash cannot deviate from their original intent: attacking Hoopa. The hoops are overwhelming and turning back and protecting him seems impossible. So they march on.

PHANTOM FORCE fades the Golurk back into existence, closer and right underneath the Hoopa's gigantic frame. In a burst of HIGH HORSEPOWER, the golem launches itself upward to land a clean DYNAMIC PUNCH with its IRON FIST in an uppercut to the Hoopa's chin. Hopefully a solid blow will leave the Pokemon staggered and CONFUSED.

The Aegislash does not have as flashy a maneuver and launches itself from its spot, STANCE CHANGING into attack form as it looks to evade any incoming attacks with AERIAL ACE so it can land an IRON HEAD toward the Hoopa's abdomen.

— fernando uses his Z-MOVE!
— tapu fini uses CALM MIND and MISTY SURGE to power up GUARDIAN OF ALOLA!
— fernando tries to evade but is caught off guard by the loops. he runs and ducks to the best of his ability.
— golurk materializes from PHANTOM FORCE and uses a HIGH HORSEPOWER DYNAMIC PUNCH to uppercut hoopa.
— aegislash evades attacks with AERIAL ACE in an attempt to stab hoopa's abdomen with IRON HEAD.


[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 8:32:33 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
there's a paralyzing feeling in her chest. it makes it hard to breath, enough to where she felt herself gasping for air. the sight of the pokemon she'd known since she were a mere toddler perishing before her eyes. a protector, a mentor, and a best friend - he was gone. he was really gone. 

noelle couldn't stifle the choked cry that began to leave her lips, her eyes beginning to brim with tears. she clung onto her hydreigon with enough force that her knuckles turned white. 

she was sad. grieving. 

but, above all that, she was angry. 

'this isn't the time for tears, this isn't the time for tears-'
she had to remind herself, biting her lip and breathing heavily inward to stop the oncoming wail. an arm moved to quickly wipe away the tears that had began to fall. 'keep...keep on fighting!' 

the only solace she had was that, through the help of argos' sacrifice, her precious friend, , was safe. his death wasn't without reward, and she used it to help lift her spirits, and give her the energy needed to finish this grueling battle.

"peach, psychic on the hoops, nero, keep them away-!" on the ground, chansey used psychic to help halt the rings in place and stop them from disappearing and reappearing with a strong, mental force. using his three heads to the utmost advantage of having 2 more sets of eyes, hydreigon then used a set of tri-attacks to aid in fending off the ringed terrors. a beam of ice froze them, making their metal brittle, while a combination of sizzling electricity and fire scorched, melting and breaking them into pieces. 

with a quick gesture, she released both drapion, sheldon, and august from his pokeball. "inferno - on him!" a finger pointed towards the towering form of hoopa. her eyes briefly flickered over to the massive quell of energy that was 's z-move. there was no time to be in awe though - maybe..she could help? "sheldon, throw drapion at him, drapion, follow up with an iron tail...right in the face!" she was being a bit overzealous, she realized this. but, the desire for revenge for her fallen friend and bry's own ran strong.

a light pink outline came over drapion, as he was lifted and effectively thrown. sheldon attempted to use psychic as a means to manuver the scorpion through the barrage of attacks being thrown.

rotating his body with the momentum, drapion's iron-coated tail attempted to inflict a skull-cracking hit right between the pokemon's eyes as a follow-up after a supposed staggering hit to the jaw by nature's madness was thrown. all the while, the typhlosion's intense flames aimed for hoopa's midriff. 

- she's pretty sad that she lost her blastoise, but, realizes right now really isn't the time for it
- has her chansey use psychic to halt the rings in their place & her hydreigon use tri attack on them via freezing & then breaking them w/ the fire & electricity
- releases her typhlosion to have it use inferno on hoopa (midriff area-ish?)
- release her slowbro. it uses psychic on drapion to basically throw him at hoopa to get in close range & avoid getting hit by other's attacks, and to use iron tail on its forehead to follow-up w/ fernando's tapu's uppercut, mostly in hopes to topple the behemoth

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 8:38:44 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
from the height his aerodactyl soared, kyle has a vantage point over the entire boss stage. it was only then that he sees the glorious chaos that every raid experiences. messy, disorganized and very unlike guild raids he does on games, but it gets his blood boiling.

he directs his aerodactyl to one life he could potentially save. swooping in, the flying-type grabs by his shoulders with his talons as he loses his grip on the stage's edge. "let's keep this up!" he tells him, as if to encourage him to keep playing the game. kyle guides his aerodactyl for it to drop off the barkeep back to the stage before gaining altitude once more.

and then the attacks came.

from the back of the fossil, he points towards the behemoth had somehow summoned. "sketch that," he commands his smeargle. "and then attack on that thing." that 'thing' pertaining to hoopa. he shifts his position and finally sits on his aerodactyl's shoulders. leaning forward, he whispers a single command. "go fast."

  • aerodactyl picks up as he falls and drops him on the stage
  • gets his smeargle to sketch nature's madness
  • smeargle uses hyper beam at hoopa
  • aerodactyl tries to maneuver against the loops



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 11:02:55 GMT
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[attr="class","unstabland3"]When the beam hit, he knew that he was going to die.

First, came the searing fire of the Hyper Beam, the pain was but an instant as whatever nerves he had were wiped from the blast. Then, the numbing sensation and the loss of strength, he tried breathing, but it was hard. His body had turned in an instant to what seemed to be a dessicated corpse, his eyes failed him, but he could feel his Ampharos fading. "Sorry buddy," He voice out, his larynx seemed to work, but an odd sensation of warm fluid trickled in his lungs, he knew he had little time left.

With what little locomotion he had left, he pointed to his belt. To his Gengar, he knew what his master was indicating, release the team. And it did as commanded, taking out the rest of them. His Zeus however, faded first, crumbling into ash, and he knew he would not last much longer either. "Listen up..." He spoke, he tried speaking loudly, but he imagined it was a whisper, he couldn't hear very well. As he told his Pokemon of his final plan, to prepare themselves for what came next.

Having finished what he had needed to say, Morgan's body fell limp, and he felt himself struggle to breathe. But there was no pain left, just an overwhelming urge to sleep. He did not know if this was a dream, and if he would actually die, there were a lot of things he had wanted to do beforehand. But overall, he couldn't say this dream was a bad one.

"What a nice nap," Morgan remarked, his voice failing him. He closed his eyes and consigned himself to the dark. "I dreamed I was a good person."

dandy ♫

[newclass=.unstabland1]background-image:url(;width:400px;height:200px;[/newclass][newclass=.unstabland2]margin-top:-15px;margin-bottom:0px;border-radius:5px;background-color:#111;padding:5px;display:inline-block;font:10px Lato;color:#111;[/newclass][newclass=.unstabland3]margin-bottom:10px;height:300px;overflow:auto;padding-right:8px;text-align:justify;font:11px Calibri;color:#f1f1f1;[/newclass][newclass=.unstabland4]float:left;margin-top:15px;margin-left:-50px;border-left:200px solid transparent;border-bottom:35px solid #111;border-right:200px solid transparent;[/newclass][newclass=.unstabland3::-webkit-scrollbar]width:3px;background:#111;[/newclass][newclass=.unstabland3::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]background:#312e5f;[/newclass]
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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 13:25:14 GMT
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the dragon offers the woman a final look as she disintegrates, appearing both pleased and saddened that she'd be made to depart so soon. with a final smile meant to comfort, they collapse; their hefty body disintegrating before they come into contact with the floor.

i'm so sorry."

yet another failure - yet another companion that had been lost to her. with eyes that rapidly filled with tears as she realized what had been lost, she raised her bleary gaze to stare helplessly at the ring meant to cleave her neatly in two. but her sceptile returns to her side in moments, his expression severe as he forces his mistress into his arms; unwilling for the young woman to meet a similar fate. 

i'm sorry. venusaur - gardevoir - goodra," she babbled, momentarily overwhelmed by a wave of grief. "celebi."

the grass-type takes charge as cait becomes increasingly despondent, relying heavily upon his agile body to maneuver past the hoops that sought to fell them both.  

- goodra passes away and cait has a fit. 

- sceptile scoops her up and flees from the rings to the best of his ability.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 14:20:48 GMT
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Charizard weaves through the air in a desperate attempt to escape the enclosing ring; Bryony clings to him, arms tight around his neck. With no orders given from his trainer, the pokemon resorts to his own tactics.

The fire on charizard's tail flares, burning larger and brighter, as he uses Fire Pledge on the Hoopa.

- charizard continues to weave in the air and attempt to avoid being hit by the hoops
- charizard uses fire pledge on hoopa
- snorlax is still fucking useless

[newclass=.b-dead]filter:grayscale(100%); opacity: .6;[/newclass]

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Nov 4, 2019 14:47:14 GMT
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He had nothing left.

The way he’d made a break for it, he was sure to stumble. He did, actually. Crashing painfully on the hard stone floor, he barely picks himself up in time to hold the Swampert close. With his best Pokémon dead, and basically the useful half of his team gone, there was nothing to it.

“Ryujin, I’m sorry we can’t fight back,” he muttered, holding the Swampert tightly as he heard the snapping noise of the barrier come in place. But they hadn’t run far enough. They hadn’t run fast enough.

The heat… it was terrible.

Much more terrible than being burned alive, like one of those villains he read in one of the books he would consume when he wasn’t busy delivering what needed to be sent.

He hadn’t even been Head Ranger a week.

He missed the sensation of one of his Pokéballs clattering out of his pocket, but had mere moments to pull out the battered Moon Ball and toss it forward and away from the blast of superheated light. He watched as the red flash of light materialized into his Lucario, Alpha—standing close to where his Ampharos, Daena, had forced herself out and away from the incoming horizontal pillar of energy.

The Lucario had mere moments to blink, before the powerful Hyper Beam slammed into the Swampert’s Protect, the barrier shattering into a million pieces on impact. The Ampharos couldn’t bear to watch and turned away, but Alpha looked on, a grim determination burning in his eyes.

“Survive,” he began in Alpha’s direction, hoping the Lucario would hear him. “Watch over them.”

Everything felt like death, exploding all at once. His last thoughts went to Ro, to Nami, to how he’d let Gareth down, how he’d failed Suijin a second time, and then, nothingness. There was nothing to take back, not a single scrap of what used to be the Head Ranger remained to be buried.

The Ampharos finally broke down a few moments later, before the Lucario smacked her with one of his paws. Giving her a withering look, he points at the rest of the mania going on around them—eventually sighting a heavily-tattooed individual being dropped back on where they stood. He remembered seeing this human hanging around Lars, over in that tiny little place where he would drink after a long day of work…

‘He told us to survive, right? No time to damned cry over this. I—stop radiating your sadness, Daena! Pull it together!’ the Lucario barked fiercely at the Electric-type’s direction. She was such a softie sometimes. ‘I’m going over to that human. Make up your mind if you’re following me. Get ready to defend yourself, if ever.’

Giving her a few moments to get herself together, the Lucario nods grimly before starting toward the direction of where Evan stood. This human, he knew at least by sight. He didn’t know what kind of hell scape he’d been tossed into, but if it meant surviving, he was going to.

Just as… just as Lars had told him to.

Eventually, the Lucario made his way over to where Evan is located, followed by a distraught Ampharos.

• Lars actually tripped while making a break for it. Whoops.
• Just before the Hyper Beam hits, he has the sense to throw out his Lucario's Moon Ball, to spare him from death
• Ampharos appears, watching. Is surprised to see Lucario emerge as well
He's gone
• Daena mourns, but Alpha is determined. Smacks the Ampharos a good one, lets her cry a bit but not before he gives her a piece of his mind
• The two Pokémon then make their way over to where is.
• Lucario and Ampharos are in PokéSpeak mode, so obviously nobody but them can understand what they're saying.


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