i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 6:40:29 GMT
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A spark of light illuminated the scenery, giving Blake and the rest of the silhouettes a moment of clarity, but it was already too late. Like artillery fire, tentacles discharged outward from the gloomy soil and latched onto anything and anybody it could. Blake and his sableye were one of the unlucky few.


Upside down and cloaked by tentacles on all limbs, Blake was certainly out of his element. "What the hell?" Using his view from his newfound position, the trainer pulled his neck forward to sneak a glimpse of his starter pokemon in the very same position. There was no command to give because there was no easy way to break out of this. Instead, the rocket went for another approach.


"Just a little more." Blake tried as hard as he could to retrieve the rest of his team. With his right wrist bound by a red rope, there was no way he could get his hand to his pocket. He yanked and pulled by all forms of strength, but there was no luck. This was it. Blake was going to be buried like the rest of them, and there was nothing he could do.


Giving into the monster, the regular loafer let his body go limp and let his mind run free. As the tentacles had their way with his body and pokemon, Blake didn't fight back. Only inches away from being devoured by the soil, the trainer executed his plan. Twisting and turning meant more attention, but if he gave in, the tentacles would weaken their grip; and the plan worked. Blake was able to shove past the tentacle around his wrist. From there, he was inside his pocket and grabbed one of the many balls he had equipped in the location. Tossing the sphere out from its container summoned the champion's ghastly weapon; aegislash.


Unfortunately, the tentacles immediately restrained the sword-type pokemon as soon as it was called upon, but it still had more room to move than it's predecessors. "Break us free." Blake ordered. With that, the possessed weapon unleashed a sacred sword swing into the group of tentacles restricting the trio. With his pokemon mid-swing, the trainer toyed with the idea of his success. Was it because he outplayed the monster or was it because he wished to outplay the monster? He'd have to survive to find out.








tentacles took blake and sableye. blake tried to reach for his pocket but couldn't and gave up. giving up was all a ruse and blake broke through one tentacle to get to his pokeballs. he summons aegislash who is also taken by tentacles. aegislash tries to attack anyway and break the trio free.


[newclass=.blakepost]padding:20px;background-color:#333;border:1px solid #444;width:250px;text-align:justify;font-size:10px;font-family:Muli;color:#888;text-transform:lowercase;letter-spacing:.5px;[/newclass]
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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 6:51:20 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

After having Thread light his makeshift torch, he finds himself quickly being ensnared by tentacles. Despite his struggles, Thomas is unable to break free of their hold. Looking around, he sees several other strangers either sinking into the ground, their screams of terror being muffled as they're effectively buried alive. Or worse, they're torn apart by the tentacles, the familiar scent of blood permeating the air in their wake.

Thread, despite his own struggles, is unable to escape the grasp of the tentacles. Looking on at their attacker, a large cyclops, Thomas gazes into its eye. Thinking quickly, and looking around to the others being dragged down by the tentacles with what little illumination was provided by the makeshift torch, Thomas looked down to thread.

"The eye! Go for the eye!", Thomas called out to the Galvantula amidst his struggles against the tentacles.

Thread, focusing himself, aimed for the eye of the Cyclops, before firing a bolt of Thunder at the creature, hoping to strike it. Thanks to his Compound Eyes, accuracy was less of a worry with such an attack. But given the situation, hitting it would be easier said than done.

Should the attempt at stunning the creature be successful, Thomas and Thread would waste no time in getting out of there. He would pull out Kalameet the Hydreigon, mounting the creature to get off the ground, with Thread attempting to leap and cling onto its underside. Once successful, Thomas and Kalameet would attempt to grab any trainer nearby onto them, before looking for some sort of elevated ground, like the branch Evan had managed to reach.


tags: @tag
notes: Thread used Thunder, targeting the eye of the Cyclops. Compound Eyes enhances accuracy.
Thomas attempts to get off the ground with Kalameet the Hydreigon. Thread would attempt to cling onto Kalameet's underbelly.
Thomas and Kalameet would attempt to aid others in getting off the ground.

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dawn grandier
rocket boss
219 height
219 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @cadis
cadis von klaussner
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 7:02:23 GMT
cadis von klaussner Avatar


❝an unexpected to respond...❞

enthralled by the sudden manifestation of an unknown entity. cadis would come to be taken by surprise, along with others. he was held by his joints, trapped; though unable to escape, cadis kept a solemn countenance.

in an attempt to grab hold of a pokeball within his coat pocket, he struggled for a bit. successfully, he was able to take hold of one. calling out GALLADE. he'd give a humdrum directive, "use LEAF BLADE." and thus gallade would attempt to do so.


- astonished by the creature, is captured.
- calls forth gallade to use leaf blade to attempt to cut him down.



[newclass=.merrkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkI b] color: #a695ca; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrktagI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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Enma, Homura
may 27
Ecruteak City
we can fall
to hell together
92 height
92 height
Tell me what exactly are you thinking, right now - Do you still love me? Or is it that you hate me?
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TAG WITH @ayame
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 7:04:46 GMT
She offers a comforting smile; indeed, this girl before her was also terrified of what was to come. she had some sympathy for her, and she's relieved that she could respond. 

just as ayame was about to offer some reassurance, a louder squeal leaves her lips as she's suddenly pulled by this.. disgusting display. the tentacles were wrapped around her legs, slipping up her body and threatening to latch against her arms. Her first reaction was to squirm and flail, only to find her pokemon, too, were being dragged into this muddy terrain with her. 

before her stood the blonde, desperately trying to pry her free from the tentacles' grasp. she tries, and she's unsure to what degree it's effective (nevertheless, she will remember this, and she is grateful). 

her attempts to squirm are weakened, slightly, in favour of reaching her hand over in an attempt to grab the other trainer's hand. Perhaps she could be pulled up? possibly, even though the grip on her was strong. "grab my hand!" she shouts out. think, ayame. think-- you're smart, you have to think of something-- 

after all, she wasn't the only one in danger. 

"Raiton, thunder wave! Maybe that'll stop the tentacles!" would it? she didn't know. she was too preoccupied with trying to squirm and struggle free to consider the possibility of the tentacles not being attached to anything. 

if it were attached to the other people being grabbed, she prayed that it would help them, as well. she wasn't about to find out what will happen if she can't make it out. 

- this isn't family friendly
- ayame, vivillon and rotom are both caught by the tentacles
- rotom uses thunder wave to try and paralyze the tentacles
- tries to grab 's hand to be pulled out


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 7:14:08 GMT
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So this was it? The end of the line. His sleep walking had brought him to a bad side of town and now his body was being overcome by thick, veiny tentacles from beneath the bog. He couldn’t be confident in this situation, his flame had died out and for the first time in his life he was powerless and he knew there was nothing he could do.

As muscly and large as he was he was no match for the veiny tentacles. He’d give up and let nature take its course. He wouldn’t beg for his life, there was no honor in that. Instead he solemnly looked forward into the darkness, a good look at all he would see when the one eyed monster was done with him.

His only regret was that he should have smashed more people while he had time. Goodbye cruel world. 
+accepts fate

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the stray
thirty three
xxx, orre
bar owner/keep
Senior ranger
Laurence Anderson
131 height
131 height
Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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evan fader DOLLARS
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evan fader
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 7:19:05 GMT
evan fader Avatar

Evan closes his eyes.

Light fills as much of the forest as it can, the darkness does not permit it to reach far and when he opens his eyes again they adjust to the new illuminations.

They focus on what squirms and reaches and pulls, his breathing quickens as his mind plays tricks on him. The tentacles feel like stories old sailors tell about creatures in depths you cannot reach and breath at the same time. About how they reach from that darkness. About how they wrap and tug and pull and drag you down into it. About how they do it slowly, so they can listen to your breath leave you.


Words on pages, on tongues, in ears. He's makes him self half blind to the rest of them to focus. He has a vantage point and his pokemon are on his wrist like they always are in his sleep. One hand holds tight to the branches while the other finds the one he's looking for.

"Meg, my love, Stay close. When this is done I need you to clear a path. Use the shadows." She hops to his shoulder, a favored perch. The tap of another ball brings his Musharna out to play. "Future sight at it's eye, hit on rhythm, give it time. Use psychic on the tentacles to pull them back. Be ready to give us a walk way when the timing is good."

Energy builds slow as the musharna splits it focus in two parts. The swirling power that builds and prepares to strike their foe hen the timing it right, cascading down on it in time with another attack to strengthen the blow. As the energies build he reaches out across the grouping, seeking tentacles that can be pulled free and away from their targets before too much damage can be done.

He's watching the eye, waiting for the moment when he and his pokemon can make their break from the tree. The musharna ready to switch to using its psychic to create a series of platforms to keep him off the ground and his Mimikyu ready to strikes straggling tentacles out of their way.

>>has a bit of a moment because tentacles
>>collects his shit and releases his musharna
>>musharna readies a future sight attack to attack at the same time as another attack
>>musharna uses psychic to try and pull back the tentacles and make it easier for the others to get free
>>Musharna & mimikyu are ready to get him to the worn path when they have an opening via psychic platforms and shadow sneak to get him there


[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]
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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 7:29:24 GMT
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she stiffens in reaction to his call, his tone of voice coarse and demanding in nature. cait doesn't hesitate to respond to his summons, her green-eyed gaze darting about almost frantically as she sought out her superior. 


the young woman locates him after a brief window of time had come and gone, her steps hurried and her expression doing little to conceal her worry. she forces herself to ignore the writhing earth beneath as she approaches, her large venusaur lumbering at her heel as she closed the distance. cait appeared greatly relieved in that moment, visibly satisfied that fernando appeared unharmed. 

you're safe," she breathed. 

a small smile tugged at the corners of her painted lips until it vanished completely - the look of delight replaced by one of worry. 

but what are you doing here? what am i doing here - ?"

her series of questions were cut dramatically short, screams and discord having filled the air. the sight of her fellows entangled in what appeared to be tentacles were illuminated by the various sources of light, a few already having been mercilessly forced into the earth. cait stood still for only a moment, her eyes rounded with a combination of fear and alarm. 

oh gods. venusaur - you have to help them. we have to - we have to cut those - whatever those things are."

the girl stepped closer to the silph, her gaze shifting downwards as though she sought to examine their feet. there was an actual risk they'd be taken up as well, after all. her venusaur accepted her command and interpreted her will with relative ease, a petal dance conjured and rushing toward the tentacle's bases with every intent of whittling them down. 

- cait joins

- cait expresses her relief that he's alright.

- she witnesses all the chaos and urges her venusaur to use petal dance on the tentacles.

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he & they
twenty seven
january 12th
johto, ogi isle
why don't
you give up?
41 height
41 height
the restless is the mind, hollow human.
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jayde cross DOLLARS
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jayde cross
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 9:08:50 GMT
jayde cross Avatar


through quick glances in—between the barely visible features, he finds and then he finds . his next breath resounds as a strained swallow. beginning to believe this was all just a strange dream. tanned fingers grip a single capsule just a bit harder and he steps into someone.

"sorry." jayde mutters immediately, his lackluster golden eyes turning towards . thankfully the woman didn't strike him as familiar and he turned back. peering into the distant shadows for some form of escape. unfortunately the earth shudders to his already present discomfort. confusion paints his usual empty display before disgust as the tentacles rise forth. ensnaring unsuspecting trainers and pokemon.

the texture of the creature makes him feel sick and he struggles against its hold. able to reach a pokeball after pull and tug. though not a friend of his choice. foxglove emerges. the poison—type bewildered by its surroundings though quick to note the situation. one large and clawed hand took its descent on various writhing tentacles. hoping to free jayde from the otherworldly hold. something at which felt all very real.

noticing familiar faces
bumped into noelle
brought out nidoking who used thrash on the tentacles



[newclass=.merkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkI b] color: #716075; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 12:35:45 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
while kyle still hasn't adjusted to the setting, part of him is excited. a fantasy eldritch world with a survival theme makes him feel like this is 'the promised neverland'.

his manectric turns behind him after recognizing a familiar scent, kyle following suit. eyes widen as he recognize the face, though he cannot process whether he should be happy to see him or be worried that he's also stuck in this place with him. "morgan!" he calls.

their reunion has to be cut short, however. a disaster was happening, leaving them little to no time to do things outside of the necessary actions.

"try to help who you can. i'm clearing the path." he tells as he hops on his manectric's back. without waiting for a response, he and his manectric bounds off to the direction of the obstacle. the sparks of the electric terrain follow the manectric, bringing it along with him and leaving a trail to follow.

it rushes through the hellscape, nimbly dodging any tentacle it sees, and skidding to a stop just before they reach the cyclops. kyle commands the manectric, hands on the side of his head as he turns it towards the favored target. "charge beam. eye." the canine's aim was clear, and the concentrated, electric terrain-powered ray of electricity is fired off.

  • talks to
  • rides his manectric to the front lines
  • manectric uses charge beam at the cyclops


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 13:45:27 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Bryony feels nausea build, arms tightening around her charizard's neck. She squeezes her eyes shut and lets out a low whimper, fighting herself to stay calm. A voice - a voice she knows - pauses the building panic. Her lashes flick open and she looks at Noelle.

"F-fancy seeing you here," she echoes. The ground illuminates. Bryony's eyes widen and then she thinks, she thinks maybe this time she is going to be sick. Felix shifts in place, wings opening wide. He takes to the air just as tentacles ensnare Noelle. A choked noise escapes Bryony. She freezes, mind blank, before a trembling hand snatches for a pokeball at her waist.

"U-use moonblast! And um, use - use ancient power!"

The charizard snarls, flames spilling from his mouth. The ground trembles, bits of earth tearing free to pummel into the tentacles ensaring Noelle. Her altaria follows it up, blasting them along the base in an effort to destroy their hold.

- bryony is hovering in the air on her charizard
- charizard used ancient power to destroy the tentacles on
- altaria used moonblast to destroy the tentacles on

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 14:20:59 GMT
Deleted Avatar
[newclass=.moonlight]width:290px;background:rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);padding-bottom:30px;border:1px solid #e4e4e4[/newclass]

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Let's face it,

Your replacement is

All the hopes and the dreams

You took right out of me

I've outgrown your

All of your silly little things

Outgrown those silly little games

The uncomfortable darkness is immediately culled into a full blown nightmare as the electric light from the terrain reveals the horrific nature of the ground. Morgan barely has any time to reac as his limbs are firmly grasped by each tentacle. Having seen the horro that awaited him should he fail to escapee, Morgan resists the urge to panick, and instead, utters out the first command. "Night Slash!" He roars, as his Greninja springs into play, its hands creating an ethereal blade of the night. Using a circular arc, the Greninja spins towards Morgan like a missile, launching just above Morgan's head, as it's Night Slash connects with all of the Tentacle's appendages in an attempt to cleanly slice through the tentacle appendages.


+ Morgan is caught by the tentacles.[break]
+ Greninja uses Night Slash in an attempt to cut Morgan free.





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Vampire Rora

Pink Princess
October 31
Lumiose City
Mistress of the Dark
Sick one with a smile
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Natsuki Ryuunosuke
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 14:34:21 GMT
Natsuki Ryuunosuke Avatar








From what she could tell from the dim light that surrounded them there were things moving around in the ground below them, though still unable to fully make out what was going on Natsuki used the small bit of light she had been given to at least stand up. Making out more bodies now though none of there faces were clear enough from her position to make out clear distinctions between anyone, the call of a few voices let her know there were at least both male and female alike along with there Pokemon. The small bit of peace that had surrounded her once a bit of light had come forth had now been replaced with pure terror as a few people began to shriek, it seemed that the moving bit of earth were actually...tentacles surrounding them. She could only stand and watch helplessly as the last bits of human flesh were dragged under the wet earth. It had only gotten worse as the poor Pokemon who had been caught were subsequently pulled apart like some dark old world movie. The air was thick with a red mist, had she been closer to those people or had her Pokemon been roaming around, her body gave an involuntary shutter at the mere thought of it.


Her body frozen the only thing she could possibly think of was that if they were to at least make it to the clearing they would be out of harms way? It mattered not as another creature found its way to the surface, tentacles started from the earth and encased her. If she had been able to process no doubt she would have screamed, however it seemed none of her limbs wanted to listen to her command. With a sheer bit of luck however she had finally managed to force her hand to grab at one the balls at her side. Quickly she released Roran her Zoroark “NIGHT SLASH” she had finally been able to call out.


for @

+calls for zoroark
+attempts to use night slash to free herself



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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
1,571 posts
Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @wolfe
Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 20:01:58 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar

The ground continues to writhe beneath her feet, making it difficult to find and maintain her balance. Her head whips around, however, as several voices break the eerie silence that, until now, had only been broken by the horrible noise of something damp and disgusting underground.[break][break]

Lycanroc stiffens, unsure what to do in the situation. He could see nothing other than the vague shapes of others and the pale light they held. More and more people seemed to have woken up and used their Pokemon or tools to light up the area around them. Some had even reached out to each other and reunited, relief staining the air with an overpowering smell.[break][break]

Emma could feel her heartbeak quicken, however, as the horrible shriek of people being pulled under broke the hushed murmurs of her company. Someone had electrified the ground beneath them, and as the electricity sparked across the ground, it became abundantly apparent that they were in grave danger. Several people had already been absorbed into the ground - and all she and Hades could smell was blood.[break][break]

Suddenly, a foreign and horrible creature appears, it's single eye unblinking and terrible. The tentacles spring from the earth and latch onto her legs and left arm. She raises her free hand above her, gasping in horror. Hades appears to have been caught in the tentacles as well, and howls in a rage, his teeth snapping at whatever is closest, his eyes savage and his intent was to kill, to rip, to free himself.[break][break]

Panic begins to set in, a feeling that is foreign and strange to a woman so always poised and collected. Emma Wolfe was always in control, but damn it if she wasn't about to die in this hellhole.[break][break]

Her free hand slaps at her side, reaching for a pokeball. It fumbles in her hurry and she clicks it open, revealing her Noivern. The Pokemon extends its wings and seems to know better than to touch the ground. It makes a quiet mumbling noise before extending it's claws, one grabs hold of Emma's hand and the other grabs Lycanroc by the scruff. With a heave, it attempts to pull them out of their entrapment.[break][break]

Following this, the Pokemon begins to scream, forcing a boomburst at the ground beneath them in the hopes it'll drive back whatever horrible monster is so hungry.[break][break]

tldr: notices people nearby, her and lycanroc get caught by the tentacles. she reaches for and releases noivern who attempts to pull them out of the tentacles. it uses boomburst to hopefully help accomplish this task.[break][break]




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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2019 21:26:30 GMT
Deleted Avatar


A pained, broken-hearted expression was all Derek could manage as the tentacles painted a picture of red for all to see. There was no time to spare; no time to see who it was that found themselves torn asunder in a cruel display of violence. And who would want to see? To know? The only answer Derek had were his instincts. Fight or flight. Combat the menace, or run. It was a hard choice to make. One that put everything he cared about into perspective.

He wanted to see his friends and family again.

But...could he face them the same way knowing he could've helped others return home as well? To know that he allowed them to succumb to this fate without contest?

No, he couldn't. And he wouldn't.

This abomination, hollow of spirit and meaning, had little to live for beyond their torment. And there was nothing that would miss such a creature when it was gone. The trainers and their pokemon on the other hand? They had so much to live for. To fight for. After a brief hesitation, Derek finally found his will to act...

“Get in there!” The trainer yelled as a trio of pokeballs were hurled into the air, releasing those chosen so that they may appropriately greet the Hell that they all found themselves in.

“Seraph! Alice! Start cutting the tentacles!”

While Haxorus and Togekiss utilized guillotine and air slash respectively to sever the appendages, Derek pointed to those still ensnared. “Rorschach, get them out!” Of course, should the tentacles that grasped them be severed, the individuals may be able to struggle free by themselves. Feraligatr was just there to speed up the process...


tl;dr derek releases haxorus, togekiss & feraligatr

- haxorus uses guillotine on the tentacles

- togekiss uses air slash on the tentacles

- feraligatr uses superpower to wrestle the tentacles off anyone whose still trapped


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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
396 posts
Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noelle
Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Oct 10, 2019 3:17:31 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
the sickening sight of the bloody mess before them all made the pinkette's stomach churn; this couldn't be real. automatically, she turns to bryony, relief settling into her that she was out of harms way as felix lifted into the air.

the sensation of someone bumping into her, , did cause her to yelp slightly, mostly out of fear that her corpse would be joining the tangled mess of limbs and broken bodies in the ground. thankfully, it wasn't a disgusting tentacle, but, instead, a fellow trainer. "be careful!" she breathed out with an embarrassed sigh towards the man - but, there was mutual concern in her voice as well. even if she didn't know half of these people it wasn' she wanted them to die or anything.

more tentacles came wriggling forth, ensnaring her august, who snarled in rage, whilst others slithered towards her. there was a powerful combination of attacks from her airborne friend, and she sent @bryony an almost teary smiled. "thanks!" trying not to let fear paralyze her, she released her blastoise from his pokeball, knowing that she could count of the loyal turtle. "august, inferno on the tentacles, keep them away!"

through the chaos, she saw a beam of bright electricity, streaking through the dim light and heading towards the gross, one-eyed creature. wait...was that kyle? no way, that couldn't be kyle. either way, that didn't mean she couldn't help. water and electricity made a good, deadly mix, right? "argos, hydro pump!" a powerful torrent of water exploded from the canons on the blastoise's back. similarly to the charge canon, it headed straight for the cyclops.

- noelle nearly has a heart attacks thanks to , she warns him to be careful
- thanks @bryony for helping her
- has typhlosion use inferno on the tentacles to free itself & keep the others away from him/noelle
- has blastoise use hydro pump in tandem w/ charge beam to attack the cylcops

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