i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2019 18:16:27 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Despite their attempts at freeing themselves from the grasp of the tentacles, Thomas would only be able to gain access to his Hydreigon, who Levitated above the tentacles, while attempting to pull both the human and the insect out of the spot of trouble they were in. Tentacles grabbed at Thread's legs, preventing him from going anywhere, while a tentacle managed to latch around Thomas' arm, keeping him from mounting Kalameet.

Now Thomas was at a fork in the road: save Thread, and lose a limb to the tentacles, or save himself, and lose another Galvantula. Thomas was quick to make his choice.

"Kala-meet! Blast- Thread free!!!!!", Thomas called out to the Hydreigon, who looked surprised. "Do it! I'm not losing another one!!!!", Thomas called out desperately, after Hydreigon let out a hesitant cry in response to his initial command.

Despite his reservations about putting his master in such danger, Kalameet complied, firing Dragon Pulses around the Galvantula, forcing the tentacles around him to loosen their hold on his limbs, allowing the insect to free himself, and quickly hop and latch onto the Hydreigon. Thomas, in his own struggles against the tentacle, found his arm being torn off of his arm, a brutal and agonized scream resounding through the air as his left arm was violently torn off.

Kalameet immediately took off, latching onto Thomas with its left head. As they flew away from the area, Thread quickly acted, firing off String Shot at the stump where his left arm used to be, tightly tying a makeshift tourniquet of String Shot around it, in order to stop the bleeding. Thomas' breathed quickly and heavily through his clenched teeth.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!!!", Thomas called out in pain.

Kalameet didn't need orders to keep going. As he saw the castle in the distance, he would fly towards it, away from whatever was advancing towards them.

tags: @tag
-Thomas, without hesitation, prioritizes Thread's rescue over his own
-Thomas has his left arm ripped off by the tentacle in the process of his own extraction
-As Kalameet flies them away, Thread ties a tourniquet around his ripped off arm as they look for a safe place to land
-Kalameet heads towards the creepy castle

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2019 19:42:42 GMT
Deleted Avatar

As assumed, the party was unsuccessful. Like the two before him, the possessed sword was losing any chance of escape as he managed to keep only the tentacles after him at bay. Short attempts at squirming free is all they could muster while the floating weapon hacked away at respawning tentacles with little success. Fortunately the human was able to release a single arm and stuff it into his coat, but that did very little towards an escape.


From their upside down view in the collection of red vines, Blake noticed others accomplishing their escapes while other were swallowed alive. It was unfortunate that this was a dog eat dog world, or in this case, a tentacle monster eating everything else world. Although Blake embraced this mentality, he wasn't one to give into its end.


Playing dead wasn't going to work this time. He had to figure something else out before the soil swallowed them all whole. With his arm being the last remaining foundation the tentacles had a hold of, something triggered within his intellect. If this arm was out of the picture, he could have a chance at freedom and recover both of his pokemon in the process.


"Remove it."


Blake ordered the steel-type to remove his limb. Without hesitation, the pokemon obliged and with that, he maimed the trainers left arm and the tentacles attached to it in one swoop. From there, gravity had its way with the trainer's lifeless body as it collapsed onto the ground. Using his right palm and knees to lift his weight, Blake displayed the gore of his left side to the rest of the audience. He slipped his fingers into his opposite pocket and returned both pokemon their respective containers in a single flicker of crimson lightning. After that, the rocket made his escape, stumbling away through the wet dirt below with his right arm covering what was left of his left.








blake got an arm free, but wasn't enough. ordered Aegislash to cut off his arm to get free from the tentacles. loses an arm but is able to recall both pokemon to their pokeballs and save them. now he's stumbling away.


[newclass=.blakepost]padding:20px;background-color:#333;border:1px solid #444;width:250px;text-align:justify;font-size:10px;font-family:Muli;color:#888;text-transform:lowercase;letter-spacing:.5px;[/newclass]
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Enma, Homura
may 27
Ecruteak City
we can fall
to hell together
92 height
92 height
Tell me what exactly are you thinking, right now - Do you still love me? Or is it that you hate me?
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TAG WITH @ayame
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2019 19:50:18 GMT
go figure, right? 

shortly after her rotom uses thunder wave, she feels the tentacles around her growing limp. Around her pokemon, as well, with her vivillon able to brush them off with his wings and her rotom blitzing away from the hell spawns. after getting herself situated, she takes notice of her surroundings; though the light offered by other trainers only went so far, and his pokemon did well to create a beacon for the other trainers. Still, she kept her rotom out with their blue plasma to faintly light up around her. 

... unfortunately, it was difficult for her to concentrate. between the putrid smell of burning flesh (from the tentacles, she's hoping) and the faint haze from the smoke. she uses one hand to slowly cover her mouth, then pinching the bridge of her nose gently. her other hand waves to the vivillon. "hanabi, a gentle gust, please." she asks. as requested, the pokemon flutters their wings a bit to send the smoke away from their trainer. after clearing it up, she follows up with "aromatherapy. I can barely smell anything.."

with that out of the way, they turn to.. who was probably now their blonde companion. For the time being, that is. 

a soft smile stretches across her lips as she holds her hand out, open palm in greeting. "thank you for trying to help me, earlier." she says, regardless of the outcome. 

- freedom from the tentacles
- vivillon used gust to blow away the smoke
- vivillon uses aromatherapy to clean the air + calm down people/pokemon
- thanks 

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dawn grandier
rocket boss
219 height
219 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @cadis
cadis von klaussner
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2019 23:36:12 GMT
cadis von klaussner Avatar


❝kyle lopez...member of the elite four...and...❞

the man who chose to take charge and scout ahead was well-known. to think he had the opportunity to meet him within such a place. gallade remained knelt beside cadis. awaiting an order from his trainer.

a small, faint smile had formed. some among them were injured, others played hero, and the few were, to put it bluntly, useless. either way, a good amount served as canon fodder. for now he'd no need to act. should his people, such as , be incapable of carrying on. cadis was prepared to offer words of encouragement; though, said words would serve as nothing more than anesthesia.

he needed them to keep pushing. he'd faith blake could handle it. as for the others, per his examination, there were many people who could serve as cannon fodder among them. it would only be a matter of time before the herd was culled and only the capable remained.

"let's continue, gallade." and so they moved. there were a few key players among them who held an 'aura' about them. his interests were captured by the brave and the bold, who were they? that'd come to be unveiled soon enough.


- cadis is to himself and with gallade.
- examins his surroundings.
- his attention is ensnared by a few people.
- for now he and gallade follow kyle and allows him to lead.


[newclass=.merrkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkI b] color: #a695ca; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrktagI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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the stray
thirty three
xxx, orre
bar owner/keep
Senior ranger
Laurence Anderson
131 height
131 height
Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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evan fader DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @evan
evan fader
POSTED ON Oct 13, 2019 6:39:06 GMT
evan fader Avatar

It's not the tentacles.

It's not the fact they grab for him.

His mind stays mellow up until that moment when the fire begins to burn flesh and the smell.

That god awful smell slipping into his lungs through the smoke in the air.

His mimikyu uses her shadow to steady him, forcing him onto the psychic circles he almost falls from and the Musharna perks up, his pokemon on alert because they know even before he does.

It's too much, he desperately wants nothing but to run in any direction away from the flame. It's innate, ingrained, a memory that's been clawed into him from years before and it doesn't matter that his mind has sought to forget it. Something tells him to run and to never look back. Keep going. Take no chances. The moment his pokemon guide him to solid ground he starts running and he doesn't look back. Sprinting forward on the path with little care for what's ahead of them because anything is better than facing the smoke and the gore.

Off kilter, count your steps, get under control. 1,2,3,4. Every thump of his feet is another number in his head as he pushes past other bodies. He focuses on the shadows and the trees and the numbers and realizes people are being left behind. His foot falls slow. He breaths heavy. Counts again. Down from 10.


His hands are shaking on his knees and he turns around anyway. His pokemon have followed him and offer a comfort he wasn't expecting. "Fuck." He counts his steps again, running back down the path to the one's they've left behind and looks for the ones that are hurt the worst. Someone has cleaned the air and he finds it easier now than before to stomach the scene they've all bore witness to. A swap of pokemon allows the cottonee to take the musharna's place. He starts with the stumbling "Cotton spores buddy." The little guy recognizes what his trainer wants of him and releases a series of cotton like spores to attach to the individual's arm without hesitation. Evan Looks at him with wide eyes, hands shaking on the pokemon as he holds him. "I'm sorry, it'll at least stop the bleeding. Someone said there's a castle down the path, head for it."

He turns to the rest of the stragglers, seeking out those that might need what little he can offer and taking the chance to usher them forward towards the castle.

>>so uh, anything bigger than a campfire freaks him out
>>and burning tentacles is a no
>>so good job
>>Books it for the castle and regrets it once his head clears because what if there were people that needed help shit
>>doubles back almost instantly and releases his Cottonee to use cotton spores to help with the bleeding.
>>(shoulder lose a limb on his post he's welcome to some cotton spores too)

[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2019 1:45:57 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar

raid peeps
- can finally sort of relax
- stays close to , happy to have someone during this
- the sounds are spoopy
- she rly doesn't think ya'll should go toward the castle but... she follows anyway
- tries to help who she can, offering painkillers and bandages
- invites @altmight to join her and blaine
- she definitely thinks this is all about to get worse c:
She stays close to him, Ninetales scanning the horizon for any looming threats. The tentacles have stopped for now, the behemoth before them now blinded from the combined effort of their group. With a smile, she glances at Blaine and begins to express her thanks for his brave actions. "Nice job," she murmurs, genuinely impressed with his work. If only she could have done more... Offering a hand marked up by dirt and scratches, she introduces herself without a second thought. "I'm Illeana. Hope you don't mind a companion through this..." The feeling of dread eases when there's another around and part of her almost knows that sticking together might be the best course of action. A second pair of eyes to watch for danger, to aid the other should another lethal threat arise.

A breath of relief escapes from parted lips as she shivers, the cold creeping up on them without warning. Hopefully, the worst has now passed. Somehow they made it. A few were unable to be saved, succumbing to the slimy appendages and disappearing into the earthy soil. The sounds still echo in her mind, the screams of the dying. Somehow she knows she may never forget those noises again...

Some lost limbs, sacrifices for their partners. She admires them, gun metal eyes watching as they fight to overcome the agony of losing an appendage. She knows it cannot be easy and knows the pain is more than likely overwhelming. Perhaps that is why she shuffles forward, searching the bag clasped to her belt. There has to be something in there to help them... Even if it's something as small as a painkiller. Anything to be of use, to aid them in the dire circumstances. She approaches first, a gentle smile coming to her lips as she joins another man by his side. The man who had approached before her offers his assistance as well and while she knows she cannot provide as much as the other man, she still attempts to assist him in combating the pain and protecting the wound from further harm. "Um," she begins, holding out a wrapping of bandages and a small pill. "It's not much, but I hope it will help. She shuffles away then, eyes roaming over the masses. Everyone seems alright for the most part, although perhaps now is not the time to think the worst is over.

There's still noises circling around the area, twigs snapping and the sounds of feet shuffling through the foliage. She knows this is only going to get worse...

Illie stops before @altmight next, Ninetales close at her heels with the Will-o-Wisp still burning strong with an eerie glow of blue. "Are you alright?" She questions, giving him a once over. He seems unharmed but... Appearances can always be deceiving. With a smile and a gesture back toward Blaine, she speaks once more. "Would you like to accompany us? I have a suspicion that it'd be better to travel in a group from here." Something about the groans, increasing in volume and number, has her gathering anyone willing to join her. She can't put her finger on it but those sounds certainly aren't good. She supposes only time will tell, but the feeling of doom in the pit of her stomach grows in size with each passing minute.

Making her way back to Blaine's side and turning once to wave the blonde man to follow, she offers a smile in greeting before looking at the road ahead. The path, now accessible just as she had hoped, winds and curves toward the Gothic architecture of a castle. It doesn't look right to her but... Majority rules in this case. Besides, it's more than likely not safe to stay out in the open, just as the man leading the others says. "I'm not sure we should head toward that place," she murmurs in Blaine's direction. "Between that castle and all these noises, it doesn't seem safe. We might only be walking into more danger." She can't shake the feeling that this is about to get a lot worse but the confidence needed to warn everyone is lacking. Instead, she takes a few uncertain steps forward before glancing back at Blaine, attempting to put a smile upon her lips and failing. "I guess we better follow," she says. "I just hope this won't be a bad decision."

She knows it will be but... Perhaps as a group, they might have a chance to survive this. And so, with this in mind, she tries to ignore the groans and the eerie footsteps, faintly noting that they grow in volume with each step she takes...


[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2019 8:48:46 GMT
Deleted Avatar


“Nice work guys!” Derek exclaims happily to his team of three.

Seeing the great many people who were ensnared being let loose one way or another, Derek would quickly recall his pokemon into their respective pokeballs before moving with the others towards this...castle, was it? The way seemed clear and safe enough, their opposition seemingly dealt with. At least for the time being.

He didn't pay much mind to those who were wounded. Derek hadn't seen much gore in his life, especially on such a scale. This easily beat all the horror movies he'd watched as a kid, and it definitely made him reluctant to watch one ever again.

A such, he really didn't want to look at it right now.

Derek's only concern now was sticking with the group, and doing his utmost to make sure they made it to the castle. All of them, and especially the wounded...

tl;dr derek returns his pokemon & proceeds to the castle!


[newclass=.merkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkI b] color: #DEA02C; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]JexKZxxU
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2019 18:21:10 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]"we should keep pace."

sweaty fingers slacken their grip on the pokeball seated in the palm of his hand. the momentary peace allows them a chance to settle down and calm their nerve. the aftermath of their encounter results in several causalities, none of which fernando particularly cares about. apathy is spared to those he's unfamiliar with. the only exception is the avatar, one which fernando was highly expectant of but his inability to free himself, even with his assistance, is one fernando considers a liability. whether the fault lies with the avatar, the legendary, or the perception of his own dream, means little when the results are laid out before their very eyes.

"remember, your safety comes first."

fernando places a reassuring hand onto cait's shoulder, a brief touch of physical contact before he reclines and doubles up after kyle. his noctowl perches itself onto his shoulder, ROOSTING until called upon.

— tells to keep up.
— doesn't care about anyone cause he can't see anyone he recognizes.
— confused how is having trouble when he has solgaleo but that might be because it's his rendition of balder.
— reminds that her safety comes before the others.
— follows after .
— noctowl is on his shoulder ROOSTING.


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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
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Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @wolfe
Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2019 1:41:25 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar

And just like that, she's freed. Noivern's boomburst is enough to peel the tentacles off of her body. She pulled her leg out of it, disgusted by the ooze that seems to stick to her, a residue from the tentacles. She can feel the bruise already forming on her calves and she hauls herself onto the dragon's back. [break][break]

In her haste, she returns Lycanroc to his pokeball, there's no sense putting him in any more danger. Noivern squeals again, her pride showing as she had single-handedly fought off her masters attacker. [break][break]

Unfortunately, it didn't feel as though the fight was anywhere near over. Trees are uprooted in an explosion and she shields her eyes, Noivern ducking her head and squinting through the brilliant light. There's creaks and groans, but more importantly, the screams of people who had fought the tentacles and lost a limb. Their Pokemon were freed, but at what cost?[break][break]

There's a specifically leader-like young man who mounts a Manectric. She only sees him because he acts as a beacon, and his voice carries across the musty terrain. Out of sheer unease, the woman urges Noivern to follow him towards whatever this castle might be. Fighting off the creepy tentacle monster seemed nigh impossible if limbs were forcibly being removed at the attempt.[break][break]

Hopefully, from in the air, she and Noivern will be safer. However, the dragon Pokemon can only fly for so long.[break][break]



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @rocketnpc1
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2019 2:48:30 GMT
NPC Avatar



"death enabled" raid


[attr="class","ihead"]SURVIVORS & SACRIFICES

AS THE WEAK ARE CULLED, the unlucky pokemon and trainers fertilize the black earth with their sanguine deaths. three trainers face dilemma in the heartless thicket. , , and disconnect a limb (arm, arm, leg respectively) each. even in this malebolge, there is a small mercy provided by the darkness. the darkness masks the gruesome minutiae of their self-inflicted wounds.[break][break][break]


by 's vivillon, a sweet gust carries a soothing scent to the harmed and clears the path ahead. benign cotton spores dab at wounds, thanks to 's remorseful retreat to the party. [break][break][break]

heroically, leads the charge on his manectric. each stride is accompanied with the gallant crackle of electricity, the CHARGE illuminating the way. the tentacles begin to fidget again. as if fresh blood is being pumped into their grotesque chutes, they tremble like dethawing frogs. (dawn), , , , @n0ble, , and the remaining survivors follow past the treeline.[break][break][break]


here, visibility returns to normal. as normal as it can be underneath this eternal night sky. the sloping courtyard path curves toward the front of gothic citadel and is stabbed on both sides with several gravestones. should the party attempt to shed light upon these decrepit tablets, they would find a gravestone for each and every single one of them.[break][break][break]

a personal headstone. name, date of birth, and date of death inscribed therein.[break][break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]THE GATE


should they move closer to the castle, the party would find that their supposed refuge lacks a classic front door. instead, a menacing gate, chained by three locks, rests before them. one lock is GREEN. one lock is BLUE. one lock is RED. it heaves and sputters as if it were breathing.[break][break][break]

no other entrances are visible. should a window be broken, they would only be able to peer into a never-ending blackness.[break][break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]THE UNDEAD


something forms above @altmight's head. an expanding ring. some will find this loop familiar. before the handsome blond can react, an emaciated jaw lunges forth and breaks its teeth into his skull. an abrupt eruption of rotting hands extend forth and claw into his flesh as his body writhes in death's throes. his muffled screams fade as he's pulled into the loop, the last sight of his body being his fidgeting legs.[break][break][break]


from the loop, the undead are regurgitated. the party's lights illuminate their wailing faces. they stumble after one another in a struggling stream onto the castle grounds before chasing anyone nearby. finally, the crescendo of disembodied voices swells to a deafening static. from the murky wood, a massive writhing horde of zombies blitzkriegs toward them. their decomposing limbs lack limping; the undead rush forth, teeth first, at frightening speeds.[break][break][break]


more loops form in the air before them, but before they can disgorge the dead, purple globes collide into their shapes and contain them. manifesting from the shadows, a creature of raven-black and ghostly plume eyes the party with its single crescent eye.[break][break][break]

it speaks, voice like withered driftwood: "help."

a three-fingered hand, the color of drowned flesh, breaks through one of the creature's spheres. the shadowy spectre is grabbed around the waist before being pulled into the disappearing loop.[break][break][break]

the zombies begin to flood the courtyard.

total: 983



most of you must ROLL in this post. as a party, attempt to beat the combined total of the rolls (the zombie horde) above. depending on your actions, the total the party will need to beat will be lower or higher.[break][break][break]

those who attempt to engage with the gate in order to open it can not roll.[break][break][break]

the next mod post will be on 10/17 PST.

  • with every post, please include a tl;dr of your character's actions. some posts may require rolls using the dice command.
  • this is a "death-enabled" event where characters and pokemon may "die"; however, in this event, the character or pokemon simply wake up when "killed".

link to event sign-up page:

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played by


Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2019 3:23:36 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

The cotton spores provided by one of the other survivors helped in stopping the bleeding from his arm. Thankfully, his arm having been torn rather than cut off, the bleeding was slowed thanks to the constriction of the blood vessels by the tearing process. Still, every bit helped, as Thomas continued to practically hyperventilate. The Sweet Scent would do something to calm the wounded trainer, who'd follow Kyle in the air.

Upon visibility returning to normal levels, they would stumble across a courtyard. Upon shining his torch on the gravestones, he would find several. One of them stuck out to him. Upon reading his own tombstone, the date of death matching the day's date, Thomas looked on in shock. "Are... we in hell?", Thomas blurted out. Kalameet wasted no time in continuing their course towards the castle, wanting to get the hell away from whatever was controlling those tentacles.

Upon reaching the castle, Thomas would stumble off the Hydreigon, barely catching himself in the process. He would walk up to the gate, to notice the three colored locks. For a moment, the trainer studied them. The sounds of muffled screams catches Thomas' attention, only to see Arther being pulled into a loop by the living dead. Afterward, a horde of zombies pour out of the same loop, coming towards the group, teeth first.

Before Thomas can give the order to Kalameet or Thread, a shadowy specter attacks the rings, containing them with shadowy orbs. As it shows itself to the group, it asks them for help, before being pulled into a loop.

"I'll help hold the line! I don't know how this will work, but try to attack the locks with certain types of attacks. My first guess would be to attack green with fire, blue with grass, and red with water!", Thomas called out to the group. "Thread, get Colt and Freke!", Thomas called out to the Galvantula.

The Galvantula would use a string shot to pluck the two Pokeballs off his belt, pulling them towards him quickly, before tapping their buttons. From the capsules emerged a Clawitzer, and an Alakazam. "Hold off the horde! Kalameet, Flamethrower! Thread, Thunder! Freke, Psychic! Colt, Dragon Pulse!", called out Thomas.

The four would do as they were told, the Hydreigon giving the oncoming horde of zombies a good taste of a Flamethrower, swaying his head back and fourth to try to cover the area. Meanwhile, Thread would fire a bolt of Thunder into the crowd. The Alakazam would send Psychic blasts into the crowd of zombies. Finally, Colt, who was at the back of the line, fired off Dragon Pulses from his large pincer.


tags: @tag
notes: Thomas offers to help hold the line, while proposing an idea to those who choose to tackle the locks
Hydreigon sprays at zombies with Flamethrower
Galvantula fires bolts of Thunder at zombies
Alakazam fires off Psychic blasts at zombies
Clawitzer fires Dragon Pulses, backed by Mega Launcher, at zombies

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Enma, Homura
may 27
Ecruteak City
we can fall
to hell together
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Tell me what exactly are you thinking, right now - Do you still love me? Or is it that you hate me?
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TAG WITH @ayame
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2019 4:07:13 GMT
she wanted nothing to do with this clusterfuck. 

excuse me; she didn't want to deal with how everything was going to shit. initially, as she was approaching the castle with the other trainers, she actually felt at ease (save for the tentacles beneath them, which she could have sworn were immobilized even if for a little bit). Even if for a minute, she could feel serene under the pitch of night. After all, it was when she thrived the most. 

But that said, she didn't expect to wander up to what looked to be a cathedral with a number of graves lining around. Curious, she slowly approaches them in the courtyard. Her Rotom hovers with her, lighting up some of the names while she idly roams about. That is, until she comes across a very familiar one. 

Her own. 

she glares towards it, immediately beginning to crouch down and read it. Indeed, it had her information like her name and date of birth, along with a death date that appeared to date.. When was it? Mmn.. It should have said something, like today, but she can't properly remember the date. Odd. 

If she could, she'd have it dug up. but, alas, the others were going on ahead of her. She couldn't linger, lest she'd be left behind. 

the peace was short-lived. the group approaches a door to the castle, which she would have liked to prod at. she begins to closely examine the locks, but she seemed to be drawing something of a blank. where were the keys? were there keys?

Then a scream. 

She immediately looks back, and the sight kicks the woman into a state of shock. There was a ring portal of some sort, pulling one of the men who were caught in the tentacles into it. instinctively, she was about to leap out - only to watch as his body was carried off into whatever hell or abyss they were in. "What in the world..?" 

She wasn't even given the leisure to think on it, when she suddenly found a hoard of zombies now beginning to rush out of that same portal. Never had the expression of alarm reach her features so damn quickly. But before she could call to her pokemon, her attention is turned to a pitch, wisp-like.. Thing, that appeared to be trying to fend the hoard from the trainers. For a moment, she was grateful-- 

Then the same portal came from no where in the sky. She could hear a faint bellow; like a cry. 

a cry for help.

she would do just that, if she weren't preoccupied with the zombies. 

She quickly throws another pokeball out to the open, exposing a beautifly in the darkness. "suiren!" she calls out, then pointing to a hoard. "Air cutter! Hanabi, powder on them!" 

With her command, the two butterfly pokemon began to aggressively flap their wings at the intruders. The powdery substance began to travel the winds created by the air cutter, sprinkling across the zombies. With this, Ayame turns her attention to the other trainers. "Fire! As much fire as you can! The powder will react and explode on them!" 

though she was curious about the door, there wasn't any time for that! Now.. For her, that is. She feels like she'd be more useful against the zombies. 

- goes over to the castle thing w/ everyone else
- Chooses to help with the zombies
- vivillon uses powder to power up the fire attacks and create a chain of explosions
- beautifly uses air cutter on the hoard and tries to decapitate them
- ayame is telling people to use fire


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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
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slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2019 5:52:52 GMT
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the scent of decay lingered in the air, the chilled winds causing the putrid odor to waft and overwhelm the senses. cait grunted in response to the reek, vaguely familiar with death's signature. her superior's orders were fresh on the mind, but she as though she was left with very little choice but to disobey; for she considered 's life to be comparatively more valuable than her own. he had led hoenn into an admittedly fragile era of peace - but it was a peace that had allowed for them to settle and rebuild without fear.

hoenn would be lost without him, surely.

cait discreetly shared her sentiments with her god, their shared bond allowing for her to communicate with the fae even within this hell. 

"we need to get inside."

the young woman's gaze flitted between the oncoming hoard to the abnormal gate that blocked their path.

sir, venusaur and i will help with holding them back," she volunteered. "i'll do as you ordered and try my best to keep out of harm's way."

she was terrified - utterly terrified. it shows in her eyes - in her voice - and in her face; but she was ultimately aware of what had to be done. venusaur detected her panic, but remained, solid and loyal and willing to face whatever may come.

i - "

cait blinked and then moved toward the collection of undead after discontinuing whatever she had planned to say, deciding against bidding a farewell in favor of aiding in the defense of whomever sought to open the gate.

prepare a solar beam. we should have enough time for it to launch."

a great orb of light gathered at the venusaur's flower, power acquired from the little bit of light that was present. despite the lack of sun, the power was building prior to it eventually spilling out into a great beam of power. 

- cait decides to priortize 's life over her own.
- informs him of her intentions to keep the zombie's at bay.

- commands her venusaur to ready a solar beam before launching it at the horde. 

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2019 5:53:07 GMT
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The fear he feels is one motive, but helping the others is what Derek strives to do. As such, he experiences the harsh sting of failure as he notices that one of those familiar faces is missing when they make it to the castle. It was Arthur's face he no longer saw among them...

If anybody here didn't deserve to go like that, it was him.

“God damnit! Frustration took hold with only one answer for the approaching horde that was soon to be flooding into the courtyard. Releasing his pokemon of choice, the silver-haired boy would pull upon the sleeve of his jacket to reveal the shimmering mega stone bracelet that began to react with the one pierced through his Garchomp's tongue.
“Sink'em, Kseniya!” Positioned at the foremost portion of the 'frontline', the she-dragon would let out a roar as her dominant foot stomped down against the earth, causing the ground from that point and forward to become softer and softer and...

Soon behaving like quicksand all the way through, this would impede movement and, with enough weight, cause those caught in it to sink further and further below the surface. But that wasn't all he could offer, as Derek could be seen releasing yet another heavy hitter in the form of a Metagross. And now that a considerable portion of the horde was bottle-necking itself into the courtyard...
“Rasputin!” Derek didn't need to say anything else, and he knew this. The psychic behemoth knew what he wanted of them, and as such, the volatile energy of a hyper beam began collecting in it's opened maw. Like piss to toilet paper, the concentrated power of this attack would mow straight down the middle with the aspiration of leaving nothing in it's wake.


tl;dr derek releases his garchomp and enacts mega-evolution, boasting it's power before using sand tomb to impede & bury the zombie horde.

- metagross is also summoned to use hyper beam on the horde.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2019 11:03:42 GMT
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Let's face it,

Your replacement is

All the hopes and the dreams

You took right out of me

I've outgrown your

All of your silly little things

Outgrown those silly little games


He was saved, if barely, by the clutches of another Pokemon's gravity. He did not know who, but as the zombies clambered in from portals and the mist subsided, there was little time to think, and whatever thoughts he had were prioritized on thinning out whatever the horde was going to provide. From the corner of his ears, he heard a woman's voice, turning over to and her Vivilion, he recalled the sprinkle of bug in the air before realizing what she was calling for. If this did not thin the horde, he would need to pull out a bigger artillery, but for now--


"Zeus, Discharge!" He commands, as his Ampharos releases lightning into the nearby vicinity of the powder. Lightning was not fire, that was true, but lightning superheated air to an intense degree that it turned into superheated plasma. That in itself would trigger the explosion, raining flames and combustion upon the massive horde of enemies coming at them.[break][break]


+ Morgan is freed by Chancelor's Gravity[break]

+ Morgan's Ampharos uses discharge on 's powder, causing a superheated explosion on the zombies.





The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing