Aurorus Winter Ball

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
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Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 2:45:33 GMT
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availability period: until january 1st (PT) / january 2nd (UTC)



UNDER A CURIOUS EVENING'S SNOWFALL, the aurorus winter ball begins. the lavish event is set in the mountain range leading to mt. chimney's peak, within an old-fashioned hotel called the highland lodge.[break][break]

nestled within the jagged pass, this hotel has taken advantage of the snowfall, providing a limited space for skiing, snowboarding, and tubing. inside the hotel, attendees would be greeted by the rustic wooden architecture, reminiscent of an earlier, nostalgic era.[break][break]


the fresh scent of pine swags and toasty fires would greet guests in every homely sitting room. outdoor hot tubs are available to those who wish to soak their ski-tired limbs, while the grand attraction, a vast and dramatic ballroom, plays a posh selection of tunes by a band of pokemon.[break][break][break]

there are several rooms for your characters to choose from. from small singles to romantic doubles and lavish suites, the highland lodge provides those with a comfortable sleep should they stay the night.[break][break][break]



this event will run until january 1 (PT) / january 2 (UTC); however, this is subject to change. although this is a relatively casual thread, expect some fun interruptions, dramatic shifts and conflicts your characters may have to engage in.[break][break]

  • the aurorus winter ball is one mega event thread, so please add brief tl;drs at the bottom of your posts.
  • the dress code is varied, but the popular options seem to be ugly holiday sweaters or formal wear.
  • you can enter the thread with as many characters as you wish, but try to interact with new characters and players if you can.
  • mods may occasionally post with information (song changes, other tonal events, mini-games, etc.).
  • participating in this event will net you rewards.
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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
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Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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Ruby Walker
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 4:00:04 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

Ever since she heard of the name of the ball, Ruby knew that she had to attend no matter what. After all, she had Opal the Aurorus herself was definitely enjoying the snow. The large, frozen dinosaur pokemon was currently outside, slowly walking around as it watched all the excitement happen. A whole ball themed around the ice and snow? No wonder she was excited. Ruby simply let out a relaxed sigh, smiling at the sight from the warm inside. She would be out there with her, but not only did she trust Opal to be okay on her own and have fun, but she was wearing a dress! To head outside, she'd need to change into the proper attire! This cute, pastel-blue dress was in no condition to keep her warm outside.

Suddenly, Ruby felt a gentle nudge against her arm. Blinking in surprise, she turned to notice another one of her Pokemon, Darling, standing there with a little play full of snacks for the girl. A little bit of everything they had to offer. Her eyes widened immensely, her joy practically infectious as Darling herself was unable to help but smile as she politely just held the plate for Ruby as she grabbed a cookie from the plate. "Thank you, Darling," Ruby spoke softly. Taking a small bite out of the cookie, her free hand reached over and affectionately rubbed the Indeedee's horn. Satisfied with making Ruby happy, Darling let out a soft hum of joy.

"You know?" Ruby spoke softly to Darling, continuing to take gentle nibbles out of her cookie as she watched Opal slowly rolling some of the snow into larger and larger piles outside. "Mom and dad would really enjoy this. A cute little hotel, having a winter ball in the tropical region of Hoenn. Dad would get a kick out of it." She giggled quietly to herself, unable to help but grin a little bit wider as she took a larger bite out of her cookie. "Do you think you can remind me to send them a letter later? I know I can call them, but Mom's always been asking for postcards of the places I visit. " Of course, Darling only nodded her head, happy to be of service.

notes: Have fun at the ball, everyone. Feel free to interact with either Ruby inside, or Opal playing in the snow!


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 4:51:14 GMT
Deleted Avatar

so it was cold.[break][break]

very cold, in fact. even so, she heard that there was going to be some sort of.. event? a ball, if she heard it right? it was getting cold in the winter and, unfortunately, she hadn't scrounged up enough money to get herself something warm to wear - or anything presentable. she still wore the same clothing that was given to her by the residents of the beach she washed up on, but they were, by then, filthy and unsightly. she didn't want to ruin anyone's christmas celebration like this, did she? [break][break]

no, she didn't, which is why she stuck closer to the cabin walls while pulling her cloak over her shoulders. thankfully for her, the soft squeals from her vulpix playing and rolling around in the snow's enough to take her mind off the numbing cold. after being greeted by the hotel staff, she was taken and whisked away to the hotsprings - possibly for a much needed bath. her clothing was taken from her (something about them needing to wash the filthy thing) and she found herself standing by the steaming water. in the cold. in a towel. [break][break]

... well, it was free, so she wasn't complaining.

notes: nicole's relaxing in the hot spring and her vulpix (delta) is playing with opal


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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 6:27:42 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","lnr lnr-bubble"]
[attr="class","lnr lnr-gift"]





FROM ITS SACK, the delibird pulls out an ornately wrapped gift box. should you open it, you will find the following items:[break][break]


& @nicole (feel free to treat this as ooc)

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may 15
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slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 7:20:52 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

she had commissioned a talented weaver to oversee the design and creation of her dress, the lengthy process resulting in a product that had made both the wait and price well worth it. cait stepped into the lodge proper in her elaborate wear, flanked by her ninetales and gardevoir as she made a quiet and unceremonious entrance.

'it's lovely here,' she noted, her gaze swiveling to and fro. 'warm and traditional.' 

she breathed in deeply, taking in the multitude of scents that hung heavily within the air. the consolidation of fragrances drew her further in, for it told of baked goods and charred firewood. cait considered her options, the faces she glimpsed so far having yet to draw her focus. there was no one here that was familiar and she decided to make a beeline for the treats.

'free food,' she thought. 'my favorite part.'

the young woman supposed dancing was a close second as her hands procured a cookie and her teeth bit into its soft dough. her gardevoir partook as well, with her ninetales ignoring the treats in favor of further surveying the crowd.

[ outfit

- cait's basically just enjoying the free desserts. 

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flower boy
june 14th
laverre, kalos
alexei ivanov
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Pulling down backstreets deep in your head / slipping through dreamland like a tourist.
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TAG WITH @florian
Florian Laurel
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 7:30:47 GMT
Florian Laurel Avatar


A ball!

Florian's thrilled at the prospect; there were plenty of fancy events back home in Kalos, but he'd strayed away from attending most of those he was invited to in fear that he would run into someone he'd rather not deal with. Here, in Hoenn, he was new to the region and ecstatic at the prospect of dressing up, showing off, and meeting some of the other outgoing residents.

He'd tried his hand at skiing first, getting the hang of it after a while but taking numerous spills. He stumbles toward the hot tubs half an icicle, with snow in his hair and cheeks flushed red, but he's grinning from ear to ear.

A Sylveon bounds through the snow behind him in equally high spirits, snowflakes dusting his pink-and-white fur.

There's a girl standing by one of the tubs, and Florian tilts his head as he strips off his bulky winter jacket and kicks off his boots. "Allo," he greets her, offering a friendly smile. "Are you not getting in? It must be cold standing there like that!"

He's already feeling the chill as he steps out of his outer layers, goosebumps prickling at his skin.

tl;dr: florian gets off the ski slopes and makes for the hot tubs, greets nicole. sylveon is with him.


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 8:16:50 GMT

"Ho, ho, ho."

Fernando repeats the sounds with a deadpan expression and even duller enthusiasm. You can hear the life literally drain from his voice as he repeats the festive greetings in his Santa Claus outfit. Who better to represent the spirit of Christmas than one of the League's primary representatives. With the news of 's circumstances and her location still unknown, the least he can do is step up to ensure the League has somewhat of a reputation. So, against his wishes, he commits to serving as a temporary host and dons the Christmas outfit as he goes around the lodge exchanging greetings, thanking visitors, and handing out the occasional gift.

Begrudgingly, Fernando lugs around a red knapsack filled with small sized presents with a decorated Sceptile beside him. The Christmas lights wearing Pokemon serves as a mascot for the region's starters, the fully evolved form of the popular Treecko that are given out to new trainers that decide to start their journey through a League authorized professor. It matches with the color of his dyed hair, just in time for the holidays.

Fernando makes his rounds and it brings him to where the food is catered, a popular destination for those looking to take a quite bite between the festivities. "Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas Alfric," he answers with a miserable drag. It goes without saying that he recognizes the Mauville Gym Leader and he compliments her attire before shuffling to someone nearby. "Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas. Thank you for partaking in these festivities. Have a gift." He almost sounds robotic.

Fernando reaches into his knapsack and hands a present wrapped up in plain, blue wrapping paper.

— is dressed up as santa with his christmas tree sceptile
— goes around greeting people and gives some of them gifts
— stops by the food area and says hi and
— gives a gift.

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Employee at the Stray
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Annie Mei
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 12:22:49 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar
Annie wasn’t about to let a little something like no money stop her from spreading holiday cheer.

She’d found an absurdly long stretch of red cloth at a thrift store, and stitched into a very baggy onesie. A quick trip to Oldale Town allowed her to cobble together scraps of wool from the Pokemon she’d helped defend. She’d use that to cover most of her face in ‘feathers’, beard and massive eyebrows included. A ring of black face paint covered what little of the skin under her eyes was visible, and a Santa hat had most of her hair bundled into it. Completing the look was a white sack. There were a few presents in there, but the majority of it was everything Annie had to her name, dragged behind her as she entered the room.

Of course she went for the food first, but she’d barely taken two steps into the room when she noticed a problem. There was another gift giver. He’d had more money to make his outfit, but it lacked the spirit of Budget Delibird. It wasn’t the only thing that had lost its soul. The man delivered presents to the party-goers, but he did so with all the enthusiasm of a minimum-wage employee. What was the point in looking nice if he wasn’t even trying?!

No, she wouldn’t stand for that. In fact, she marched (with a slight side of waddle) across the room, no doubt nudging a few people, and perhaps a Sceptile, with her sack as she passed.

“You’re doing it wrong,” Annie grumbled, stopping beside the man. She cleared her throat, as if she needed any help drawing people’s attention, and raised her voice:

“Ho-Oh-Ho! Merry unspecified holiday!” She tried to give them a jolly low voice, and succeeded in at least one of those. “I bet you’ve been a good girl this year! Let’s see what I have for you…” An eagle-eyed observer would get a sneak peak inside the sack, onto to see that it was mostly made up of her backpack. She’d stuffed a few goodies inside there, however, and she offered one of them, small enough to fit in her closed fist, to the vaguely familiar girl.

Buying actual gifts would have easily doubled the cost of Annie’s costume, so Ruby received the best Annie could find for half a pokedollar. It was a single fortune cookie, still in its packaging. Should the girl dear to open it, she’d find a message inside:
‘Be a generous friend and a fair enemy.’

Big Bird wouldn't bother to check; instead, she was giving Fernando the smuggest of smiles, as if daring him to outdo her.

OOC: Annie brings Low Cost Cosplay to Hoenn.
She approaches and , giving the latter a gift.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 14:10:49 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Gift exchanges, popular faces, ugly christmas sweaters just like his own, and honestly Monty can't believe he worked up the money and courage to actually get himself into this silly ball. He rotates his head around the room. First, his eyes fall on , who is dressed as Santa and handing out gifts. catches his eye next, looking adorable as fuck as per usual, he secretly had a crush on her aesthetic, no big deal. He's not terribly familiar with , the young trainer, but annie mei he does know; what a small region it was after all.

He decides to approach the dessert table with caution. He doesn't know any of them and really he's just waiting on to get there so he can go up to the double suite that he booked for them. A romantic time in a warm room; wins for both of them.

Once more his eyes fall on the gifts that Fernando is handing out... he wonders if somehow he can net himself a gift?

< tl;dr monty's just stalking people at the dessert table, silently wanting a gift, eyeing them real hard >

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 14:56:54 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Spencer arrives, dressed in a red-and-green Christmas sweater, and immediately has the urge to leave again. Blue eyes scanning the room full of people he doesn't know, he wonders what he's doing here in the first place; this wasn't the kind of thing he'd ever go to, so why start now. Then his gaze falls on the back of Monty's head, green hair standing out wherever he goes, and he's reminded why: because Monty asked.

He walks up to him, glad to see him standing by the dessert table (because if he was going to be here, he should at least get some free food out of it).

"Hey," he says, stopping beside him. He waves a hand, glancing around the room. His eyes fall on the man dressed as Santa and he breathes a laugh through his nose, rolling his eyes. "So this is — a lot."

For someone who never celebrates Christmas, it's a sudden overload of festivities.

tldr; he complains about being here that's it that's the post

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pro wrestler
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shinra Redgrave
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 15:01:38 GMT
Shinra Redgrave Avatar

"you kidding it was easy! swept the floor with the gym no problem, i mean how else do ya explain this?" shinra held up the badge that he had won last month for the few folks he was chatting with to see. his arm flexed as he held it up in a triumphant pose showing off his muscles and earning a starry eyed gaze from someone before it suddenly broke into laughter and giggles. at first he was confused, perhaps they were finally noticed how silly his favorite sweater was before he noticed santa claus of all people walk by.

it was enough to make him do a double take

not because it was santa but because of who was underneath the suit. he'd seen news articles and pictures of fernando before but never met the guy in person, and well seeing him up close for the first time in a costume of all things was something that caused him to join the group in their laughter and giggles. he wouldn't fault the guy for dressing up but being santa had to be the result of him losing a bet or something. "well i'll see ya folks later, perhaps join ya for a dance after some snacks? or sit on santa's lap and ask for a gift."

with that he decided to make his way towards the free dessert table to fill up his stomach. watching the people who had come and gathered here he wondered if he should join in more on the festivities. dancing seemed like fun but he wasn't really well versed in dancing, sure he could move his body to the groove but it wasn't like he was about to waltz all over the floor. maybe provocatively move his hips but that was usually saved for other people. as he got to the table and grabbed a cookie he wondered if he could actually pull it off if he had some "courage", "does anyone know if there's some good booze at this party?"

    +shows off his new meadow badge with a pose
    +came in a very cute ugly sweater
    +made his way to the dessert table and asked if anyone had some booze


[attr="class","merrktagI"]@aurora ball

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 15:35:35 GMT
Deleted Avatar
How exciting! How delightful! It is, without a doubt, the absolute best time of year: a time of family and giving and showing others how much you care, winning their hearts and earning their love and trust to forever hold onto. It's a time of giving gifts and then, months later, reminding someone of that wonderful gift they were given as if by accepting it, they agreed to sell part of their soul.

Lenora loves the holidays.

She sees new and familiar faces and catalogues each one as she moves through the party. Her presence is announced by the jingle of bell shaped earrings - a sound that comes to an abrupt stop as soon as she finds someone to talk to. Bright eyes flicker from the man's face and downward then back to his own eyes. It's a quick, split second gesture.

"They have wine and some champagne," she offers, red lips pulling into a smile. She touches her fingertips together in front of her ribs. "I don't believe they have hard liquors, though. That wouldn't be very suiting for something like this, after all. Imagine - everyone so drunk they can't even stand straight! What a disaster that would be, don't you think?"

- strikes up a conversation with shinra


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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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Ruby Walker
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 17:37:05 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

Ruby was pleasantly surprised to see just how many people were already here. And in such beautiful attire too! There was this one lady in the room with a gorgeous dress! She couldn't see who it was from here but she made a mental note to give them a polite compliment on it later. For now, Ruby was simply content to enjoy the warm, festive environment, eating cookies slowly as she watched people around her. There was nothing wrong with people watching, in fact, sometimes it was more fun to her than actually being involved in the conversations directly.

Of course, that didn't seem to be what was planned. Before she could do get up and do anything, a man dressed up in costume with a decorated Sceptile came towards her! She only was able to know what kind of Pokemon that was, since Treeko was one of the most popular starters for the region, but seeing him all dressed up and decorated encouraged a quiet giggle out of her. As he spoke with that robotic tone, she was just about to giggle again and thank him, before a gift was given to her. Ruby's eyes opened up widely, a soft, nervous blush forming on her face as she stared at the light blue box now sitting on her lap. "O-oh my, thank you."

However, before she could open the present, a familiar face also dressed in a silly costume stepped up beside the man and spoke out as well with a loud voice. It was a good thing Whisper was back in her room, surrounded by lots of blankets to keep the sounds out, otherwise, that would have been enough to summon her. And yet, Ruby couldn't help but blush even more at the second gift given to her all of a sudden. "O-oh goodness, I, oh thank both of you. This is too kind."

Unsure what else to do, she smiled sweetly, her cheeks a soft shade of pink, she cracked open the fortune cookie, making sure to read and acknowledge the smaller of the two gifts before opening up the large one. ‘Be a generous friend and a fair enemy?' Why, how lovely of a quote. She gently set the cookie down on Darling's little plate to eat along with the rest of her assorted cookies. Of course, this prompted the passionate little Indeedee to hold up the tray, offering cookies to both of the costumed Santas. With a careful hand, she slowly unwrapped the box and took a small peek inside, her curiosity and nerves combatting against each other.


- - -

Outside, Opal was simply having the time of her life playing in all this snow. The large piles of snow she had been forming were carefully being rolled into massive balls of snow, pushing them around with the top of her head and gently pushing them with her feet. However, with the addition of a cute little friend coming along, Opal slowly kneeled down, encouraging the Vulpix to climb onto her back if she wanted.

notes: Ruby accepts both gifts, incredibly flustered! Darling offers cookies to the two Santa Clauses, and Opal makes a new friend.


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 17:39:23 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
kyle is slumping in the corner of the ballroom, silently praying that no one notice him in his reindeer costume that forced him to wear.

his arms hugged his knees while he buries his face on them. a full-body costume of the reindeer covers his body, minus his head. on his head was a headband with the horns and ears attached, which was surprisingly fit for his head since it hasn't fallen off for the rest of the night.

he also hopes that fernando doesn't see him shirking his duties to provide appearances.

  • kyle is in the corner of the room, sulking

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Aurorus Winter Ball
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2019 17:41:29 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Mana didn't purposefully avoid others, but she hid toward the back corner of the ballroom. She knew no one here--she didn't know what encouraged her to come at all. But when she saw that beautiful red dress in passing, she knew that it was meant to be worn in this moment, right here, right now. Missy, her Misdreavus, was far happier than her and was trying to push her toward the other guests. "I'm sorry, Missy. I just don't know what to say... or even how to introduce myself. I barely know who 'myself' is at the moment."

It was true. It had been a short time since she awoke with no recollection as to who she was other than her name. She hardly had the time to meet others when she was focused on searching for answers about herself. But rather than dwelling on the past, Mana wanted to enjoy tonight's celebration. She... was just having a hard time meeting others was all. She wasn't a shy person, but it felt awkward approaching strangers.

"Come on, Mana," she told herself sternly. "Have some courage and faith in yourself. You've got this." Missy cheered her on as she took a step forward toward the others, only to miscalculate her heels. Down she went, the crimson dress going with her, as she hit the floor in a dramatic fashion. She remained on the floor in embarrassment; there was no way she could have brushed it off. It was a sight no one could dismiss. I guess that's one way of making an introduction, she thought to herself in pity.

tldr: Mana is hiding in the corner with her Misdreavus because she doesn't know anyone... yet. And then she trips and falls over. No one in the ballroom could have missed it.
mana's dress


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing