Two sides of the same coin (Battle)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2020 17:49:24 GMT
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Alec didn't have a bike just yet, so he had to he ended up taking the path underneath the cycling road. He was out training his Pokemon, however, the truth is he couldn't find a decent spot to train. He didn't 2anna risk damaging the Cycling Road, so training directly underneath wasn't an option. 

He figured the clearing towards Mauville city would do the trick and had decided to head that way. Just as the young trainer had made it to the clearing, Alec had stopped as soon as he had seen a familiar face. "Is that ... Adrian?" Alec asked himself having a goofy smile on his face.

-Sorry for the wait! Tryna update me PC! :3-

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Adrian Malcolm
Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2020 18:44:48 GMT
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Adrian dusted off his jacket as he stepped out from the Mauville-side facility of the Cycling Road, studded black leathers adorning him from head to toe, so much so that you'd think he was part of a biker's gang. But that was just his aesthetic.

After confirming his possessions and attire were still held together, he took a few measured steps towards Mauville City, careful to circumvent the area where Monty lived. That's when he noticed an onlooker ogling at him, and though he didn't entirely recognize them, he thought he heard the whisper of his name. And so he stood there, transfixed, trying to remember who they might've been. Problem being, he'd met a lot of people.

This person didn't strike him as a fan, though.

Taking a few casual strides toward them, waving a hand in greetings, Adrian flashed a smile while trying to guess at their identity. "D'ya know me?"

Regrettably, Adrian wasn't always one for tact.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2020 19:09:01 GMT
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Alec was excited to see Adrian again, however the young trainer's facial changed into a puffy angry face. However, no one really ever took seriously when he made that expression. Maybe it was because Alec was only seventeen. "Yeah, I know you! We were partners in stopping that wild Dragon Pokemon. Remember? You bolted too after I caught it too," Alec said, holding his pouty face.

"You could've stayed and celebrated ya know! Even though I feel the people were to blame for why Drake acted the way he did, they had gave me free food, which you missed out on by the way," Alec said a little smugness in his tone. After all, who in there right mind would pass up free food!?

"Well, you'll remember me when I become the Pokemon League Champion!" Alec said with a big goofy grin slapped on his face. There was also a sense of determination hidden underneath that grin of his.


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Adrian Malcolm
Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2020 22:10:10 GMT
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Hah, that was him? Adrian recollected a few sparse memories from that day, hardly remembering the incident as well as he'd have liked to. But they got the job done, and that's all that counted to Adrian.

He might've been a little jealous of the food, but he didn't like crowds, and he could hardly take a compliment. His swift retreat had been calculated.

"Alright, alright; My bad. You look different, though," Adrian still hadn't quite placed it, but they seemed almost like a completely different person. After a moment of considering it with his fingers clasped against his chin, he called his hand into a fist, slapping it against his outstretched palm. "Ah, it's your hair!" They'd gotten it cut.

Letting a lone arm droop at his side while the other scratched the back of his head anxiously, digging his fingers through the tangle of hair, Adrian let out a huffing chuckle. "Hey, don't be so sure. Maybe you're looking at the next Champion, hm?~"

Adrian had always aspired for such a title, but as the years went on, it seemed to get further from him. That wasn't to say he'd given up, though.

"So what're you doin'? Lollygaggin'?"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2020 4:51:09 GMT
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When Adrian mentioned Alec's Haircut, Alec giggled with his grin growing wider. "Yep! It was free too! Got it done at Lavaridge Town!" Alec had said, happy that he got his haircut.

Alec had then laughed at Adrian's comment about him being the next Champion. However, it wasn't because Alec had doubts of him getting there. In fact, Alec was laughing because he had met another person who desired to become Hoenn's Champion just like himself.

"Well, I guess that means we are Rivals then! No one will become Champion before I do!" Alec said with a determined grin on his face. That was when Alec had got an idea. "If, you are aiming for the same thing as me, then lets have a battle! Three of my Pokemon against three of your Pokemon!" Alec had said, holding the grin on his face. The boy wreaked with anticipation as well as determination.

If no one could see that, then they were as blind as a Deino. "And noooooo! I was looking for a place to train, so I came to this exact spot! And then, you showed up. And since I declared you as my Rival, you have to battle me!" Alec said, having his big goofy grin showing again.

-Alec and Adrian's Rivalry is official! UwU-

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Adrian Malcolm
Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2020 3:06:54 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
"Oh? That's nice." Alec seemed pretty enthused about it, although Adrian honestly liked his hair better the other way, but he wasn't going to ruin someone's happiness with his meager two cents.

Besides, it wasn't that big a difference. And of more pressing concern was the rivalry, and subsequent challenge, that Alec issued him.

He wasn't one to turn someone down, yet...

Is he serious? Adrian never had a friend to get competitive with; most people would tease you if you said you wanted to be the Pokemon Champion. It came as a refreshing change of pace then, although Adrian couldn't help but give Alec an incredulous look, waiting to see if he would drop the facade and start poking fun at him in earnest...

But he didn't, and so Adrian relented.

"Well alright, but don't go sobbing if you lose," it wasn't like Adrian to pull his punches. And he'd known Alec to be very forgiving of pokemon, so he wondered whether they would be as cutthroat in battle as Adrian was accustomed.

Plucking a pokeball from his belt, Adrian released the fiery, flowing figure of his Arcanine, Howitzer, onto the low lying grass. He could feel the heat resonating off of it, almost as if the sunny day around them was amplifying its residual heat.

"Go on. Pick a pokemon, then," he goaded them impatiently. Battling made him anxious. But even so he set his sights on one singular goal.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2020 12:11:00 GMT
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Alec continued to grin at Adrain, his facial expression not faltering in the slightest. It was then that the young trainer laughed at Adrian's statement once more. The determination in his eyes grew. "I was just about to say the same thing to you!" Alec said, tossing a poke ball he grabbed from his belt and tossed it up high into the air.

It cracked open, and Veda, his Dragonite flew down to the ground majestically with the same look in its eyes as Alec had. "You never got acquainted with my other Pokemon. However, your about to meet some of them today, and trust me. They won't disappoint," Alec said calmly, his grin turning into a smirk.

His Dragonite smacked her arms together as if she were smashing her fists together like a fighter does that's pumped up for a wrestling match. "Alright, Veda! Start off with ExtremeSpeed!" Alec ordered, having her start the battle against Adrian's Arcanine. Within a split second, she dashed towards the Arcanine at such a speed that the human eye could not ascertain; attempting to tackle the Arcanine in a flurry of barrages.

-Using Veda first! ^^ lemme know this needs fixed UwU-

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Adrian Malcolm
Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2020 18:48:37 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Alec's Dragonite was about as fast as you'd expect, a sharp contrast to its rotund figure and dinky little wings. But Howitzer was nothing if not a legend for its blinding speed; and its regal visage of course.

It didn't take much more than throwing her weight to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack as her body lurched evasively, Arcanine's paws digging into the dirt as it landed back on the ground. She shifted her footing, lowering herself as if meaning to pounce, facing off against the Dragonite, Veda.

"Howitzer, Snarl." Her booming vocals cascaded across the open space, instilling a sense of imminent danger. The effect was almost tangible, as if the world itself darkened with despair all around her, enveloping the Dragonite in a dark resonance. But she wouldn't pounce just yet.

Adrian was confident in her abilities, but he felt cornered by the Dragon-type match-up. He couldn't exploit Howitzer's greatest strengths against such resilient scales. Fire wouldn't avail him in this battle, but enough cunning just might.

tl;dr Evaded the attack and used Snarl. I hope you don't mind me going with a free form approach, if you want to choreograph this fight a bit more, or discuss with me what you think should've happened, I am of course always willing to hash things over. But only if I win... jk... unless...?

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Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2020 0:54:15 GMT
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Veda had felt her ears ringing from Arcanine's Snarl that enveloped the vicinity. Alec even felt his own ears ringing. However, the Snarl was only brief and it didn't do any severe damage to Veda it had seemed except for her eardrums ringing aling with her master's. "Your Arcanine has a set of lungs, but hopefully that's not all it's got!" Alec said, still having the grin on his face from before.

There was also the fact that the Arcanine had been able to dodge Veda's ExtremeSpeed as well. That meant that this was going to promising. Or at least, Alec had hoped. "Veda! Use Dragon Tail!" Alec ordered, having his Dragon go in for another attack. It was obvious that Alec usually preferred direct approaches when it came to his Pokemon in Battles. However when it also came to his Dragonite, she had a blend of moves that used her speed to her Advantage which proved in the past that she was a formidable opponent.

-tl;dr: Veda takes damage from Howitzer's Snarl; attempts to attack again with Dragon Tail.

Using the following below for rolls

1-10 = miss
20-75 = hit
76 - 100 critical hit

Hope you are okay with this! If not pls lemme know! <3 basically Dragon missed so :P RIP-

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Adrian Malcolm
Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2020 6:21:23 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Ha, it missed. Adrian couldn't help but scoff at Veda internally and the poor example she was setting. It made him wonder how Alec was training her, but he wasn't being conceited. Accidents, and mistakes, just happened. There needn't be a reason, it happened purely because it could have.

But even so, the circumstance fed Adrian's ego.

Alec's Dragonite comically fell short with its stubby tail, perhaps not compensating for Howitzer's prone position, but the opportunity presented by the blunder was immediately seized by the Legendary Pokemon. In a sudden blur of tooth and claw, the Arcanine lunged for their Dragonite.

What happened next...?

It was evident the Dragonite possessed the speed to rival Arcanine, but its lumbering figure held it back just enough for the canine to match it, crashing into Veda with its full weight. Her jaw to its flesh, her claws to its scales, she would attempt to pin it against the ground while she had the upper hand, thrashing its jaws in a power play.

The above roll will adhere to the same conditions set by Alec in the previous post; 1-10 shall be considered a miss, 11-75 would register as a hit, and 76-100 as a critical hit. An addendum will be added (past the phrase "What happened next",) that will explain the happenings based on the outcome of the roll.

tl;dr Arcanine uses Extreme Speed!
(It managed to hit!)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2020 10:44:53 GMT
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Alec made a disgruntled expression when the desired outcome didn't work. What's more was Veda was now pinned down by Adrian's Arcanine. However the young trainer knew that Veda had some fight left in her. 

"Don't give up Veda! Use ExtremeSpeed to counter, now!" Alec commanded. Even though clearly Veda was in pain, she complied using her free arm to attempt to get Arcanine off of her with a burst of speed running through her very own arm to increase the impact.

Veda had a serious look within her eyes, now taking the fight against the Arcanine more seriously then she had before. Alec also had the same look as well. "I admit, we kind of underestimated ya there! But that won't happen again! Right, Veda!?" The orange dragon huffed and nodded in agreement with Alec. Ready to take on the Arcanine for a second go-around.

-tl;dr: Veda attempts to counter with extreme to knock Arcanine off of her; the hit is successful!

Using the following below for rolls

1-10 = miss
11-75 = hit
76 - 100 critical hit


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Adrian Malcolm
Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 10, 2020 18:47:47 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Veda forced Howitzer off her, returning the favor and meting a yelp from the Arcanine as it was brushed off with relative ease. She seemed to avoid putting too much pressure on her right foreleg, but she had always been light on her feet, and so she quickly acclimated to the duress.

"Are you so sure?" Adrian had been keeping a figurative ace up his sleeve, something he would pull out if the going got tough, but for now he was comfortable staying on the offense. "Flamethrower," he commanded Arcanine fluidly.

What happened next...?

Veda was lost in the torrent of flames racing out of Howitzer's gaping maw, the scorching heat rolling off its scales but still searing its flesh enough to cause painful burns that made Adrian think ouch.

The above roll will adhere to the same conditions set by Alec in the previous post; 1-10 shall be considered a miss, 11-75 would register as a hit, and 76-100 as a critical hit and in this case, a burn. An addendum will be added (past the phrase "What happened next",) that will explain the happenings based on the outcome of the roll.

tl;dr Arcanine uses Flamethrower!
It was mostly effective!
(Dragon-type resists!)
(Sunny Day boosts!)

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Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 11, 2020 2:22:17 GMT
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Alec may have regained a little of his confidence however this battle was not yet won yet. Adrian's Arcanine was down for the count just yet. It was then that the big dog let out a flamethrower from its jaws. It had hit Veda head on, and even though she was hit, she was still standing. The resiliance of Dragon type Pokemon was truly astounding and those who were not careful could end up being the one to fall.

"Veda, Use Dragon Dance and attack with Dragon Tail!" Alec had commanded. The Dragonite trilled, now using her favorite move. She flew quickly towards the Arcanine in fluid motion - dance she was quite attuned to. Just as she spun quickly in front of the Arcanine, she swung her tail violently, using her increase in speed to increase her attack power by the momentum of her body, forcing her tail to have more power behind it as she swung.

Veda's tail had connected, which brought a grin to stretch on Alec's face. "Alright Veda! Nice one!" Alec commented, making his female dragon trill with delight while still focusing on the Arcanine.

-tl;dr: Veda takes hit from flamethrower; Uses Dragon Dance with Dragon Tail; Speed + Attack increase; Dragon Tail hits!

Using the following below for rolls:

1-10 = miss
11-75 = hit
76 - 100 critical hit


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Adrian Malcolm
Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 19:27:47 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Adrian could feel it coming as Veda's movements seemed to boost in speed, but not only that; her movements cloaked her intentions, leading Howitzer by the nose. It was only fitting then that she got slapped right on her muzzle, a shrill yelp escaping her as the blunt forced knocked her backwards off the ground. But she was nimble.

Landing on her feet, her lips peeled back baring her teeth, the muscles in her muzzle trembling as she snarled at the perpetrator. She put a paw forward, digging deep into the ground to charge...

"Howitzer, Morning Sun!" Her ears flicked at the sound of her trainer, her menacing glare softening momentarily while her body began to shimmer with the waxing daylight. Her body was immersed in the heat of a phoenix fire, quickly mending what had been broken, even her fighting spirit.

That was the difference in the scope of their abilities. Where one was a powerhouse, the other was a sleeping giant, unmoved. Undaunted.

The above roll will adhere to the same conditions set by Alec in the previous post; 1-10 shall be considered a miss, 11-75 would register as a hit, and 76-100 as a critical hit and in some cases, additional effects.

tl;dr Arcanine uses Snarl!
It was a critical hit!

Arcanine uses Morning Sun!
(Sunny Day boosts recovery!)

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Two sides of the same coin (Battle)
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2020 20:13:38 GMT
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Howitzer's snarl had invaded Veda's eardrums once more, louder than the one before. After the sound had stopped, Dragonite huffed, however she was still on her feet. Alec smirked, knowing it would take a lot more than loud sounds to do her in. However, it was then that Arcanine had begun to heal itself with a move that Alec had not heard of before. Even though it was bad news for him, he still couldn't help but grin with excitement.

"That's cool that your Arcanine can heal itself in battle! Yeah, that may put us in a bind, but That just means we just have to hit you even harder!" Alec said, his grin turning into a smirk with more determination behind it, showing how serious he was.

"Veda! Use Dragon Dance with ExtremeSpeed!" Alec shouted confidently, already revved up and ready to have Veda get back out there. It was also apparent that Veda was getting revved up to. She kicked off with her feet, using her fluid mobility to do as she had done before, however with the burst of extreme speed, it could possibly hard for Howitzer to keep up this time around.

That was what Alec had been aiming for from the start of the battle actually, if he were to be honest. If it wasn't clear to Adrian the last time, than the result of this attack would definitely make that clear to him now.

-tl;dr: Veda is hit by Snarl; Attacks with ExtremeSpeed while using Dragon Dance again; Speed + Attack increase once more; ExtremeSpeed hits!

Using the following below for rolls:

1-10 = miss
11-75 = hit
76 - 100 critical hit

Lmk if this needs fixed pls UwU -

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