the hotel despoina [s]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
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POSTED ON Feb 14, 2020 1:44:58 GMT
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She finds herself rolling the stem of the glass between her fingers while she waits for him. It's a slow motion, guiding the spare droplets that never quite leave a glass across its surface with unneeded focus. Isra does not look up from it until he speaks. He's met with a smile, whether it's over his comment or because he seems to have let himself get comfortable is left for him to decide.

When she moves to follow him Isra makes a point to leave the glass on the edge of the balcony where she was standing. An empty testament to her annoyance if only for herself. Should the wind threaten to blow it over her Banette will catch it anyway, always watching from the shadows. Besides, the annoyance will not linger long, it never does.

Isra lets her eyes linger on the book more than him as she watches, she is no stranger to books well past their prime. Even at a distance there is no denying its age and the creek in its spine almost makes her smile. There is a part of her that questions how authentic it is but save such notions for after she's sure it's worth caring about. Her brows furrow at the name he gives it and mouths the word to herself, seeing the shape of it in her head as she moves closer to stand beside him. He hardly needs to point out the name on the page.
she didn't need more reason to be curious,
he's given her it anyway.

There is a stillness in the silence that washes over her as her eyes scan over the old ink. Isra kneels beside the coffee table, an action as old as time to her. Something ingrained, automatic, the only difference is she's never seen this one before. She reaches out, fingers hovering over the surface of the old pages but careful not to touch them though she wants to. Touch makes things real, more than a notion in her head.

It is less the name that is alarming and more the accuracy. "The Nightingale house keeps a rather expansive record of its lineage, I have seen nearly every bloodline there is to see that leads to me." she begins, there is a firmness in her statement. "It makes it very difficult to present a lie to us."

There is no implication there, only fact as she reads through the two pages presented to her, picking apart the information with a meticulous eye. She skims the titles, the history is intriguing but the names catch her attention first, eyes trailing over them, hand following along but she stops to hover over one in particular.

Aris Nightingale

Beside it is a small depiction of a flower, old but recognizable as a honeysuckle. Though it may seem like nothing but extra care for the individual in particular Isra knows better and it makes her grin. It is the difference between truth and lies, something an outsider would not look at twice. She takes back her hand, for the most part satisfied.

Isra moves on, but sees no need to stall conversation while she reads the exploits of the man Crowley, which the passage seems intent on focusing on. "Where did you find this?" she makes a point not to comment on how accurate she thinks it is, wishing to finish reading it before she makes a final decision and with something like this the woman reads with care. In her head she is plucking at the threads that cross the tides of time, though the stores may be old she finds familiarity in their words. There is a mental note to speak with one of her cousins after this, a young woman of the right heritage to know this for certain better than she might.

Crowley's exploits seem to be many and at first superfluous to her, things she expects of someone with the Nightingale name. Creatures conquered, rivals defeated, but for a second she hovers over one particular line a little too long. Something makes her eyes widen in momentary surprise but she avoids lingering on it for long, almost as if she avoids the notion of it unlike the name that kept her attention. A victor of the Gauntlet seems like nothing more than some sort of festival or game, most might assume as such even. Believing it to be a challenge that held some sort of local merit.

Isra knows better.

>>let me know if anything ought to be changed/yah want more I try to keep reasonable pacing <3

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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Feb 14, 2020 3:51:38 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.


that was honestly perfect, don't fret ♡


Gnossiennes 1-6 - Erik Satie
Remiel observes her interest as she kneels beside the coffee table and reads through the contents sprawled out across it. He's patient, not one to ask questions while someone is still processing such new information presented and making heads or tails of it. But leaning down from above and not being on the same level as Isra isn't going to work out for him. So, instead, he kneels down beside her and sits back. His eyes follow her line of sight until landing on the exposed pages of the tome again. He'd poured himself over it dozens of times. 

But this time was different.

This time he had the real thing beside him.

The black-haired royal curbs his eagerness to accept her first statement as a confirmation of authenticity. He's conscious of the fact that he'd like his theories and intuition to be proven right. He'd already put so much effort into the research and study that seeing it disproven now would be most unfortunate. But, even if it was, he wouldn't exactly consider it all time wasted. Regardless of her ancestry, and how it all tied together with his current goals, Isra was much more than just a descendant.

His eyes note the printed name that her floating hand seems to stop over: Aris Nightingale. It wasn't something he'd missed the dozens of times he'd read this section before, but there wasn't anything ostensibly interesting about it. When Remiel catches sight of Isra's grin, however, he chooses to accept that he's in the wrong. There's something there; something beneath its layer of presentation. Something only a Nightingale would know.

Snapping out of his thoughts, his hues of blue-grey settle on the artistic depiction of the honeysuckle as he answers her question. "Galar. I found it during the excavation of the Hammerlocke Catacombs. Research has proven it to be over 900 years old. Furthermore," He leans forward, softly rubbing shoulders with Isra as he hovers his finger over a faded, barely noticeable, insignia at the corner of one of the pages. "It appears your ancestor, Crowley, was one of its many authors. This symbol appears on the first page of this chapter, along with a personal foreword and signature."

That would do well to explain why there was so much detail about him in the section concerning his own family, anyway. But perhaps he was wrong. The truth of it was, there was still a lot Remiel didn't know: far more theories and hypotheses than there were concrete answers.

Leaning back and pulling his arm away, the lad with the messy black hair turned to the female beside him. "Did you know anything... about any of this?" He asks, the crux of this meeting dwelling in the back of his mind.
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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
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POSTED ON Feb 14, 2020 4:58:58 GMT
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Her hands settle on the table in front of her while she listens to him, eyes following to where he guides them. She finds herself comfortable in the space next to him despite how the contents of the book's pages should make her anything but. Though she's far from done with dissecting what it has to offer and she'll spend time later confirming her suspicions about the information within it is not something that was meant to be seen by outsiders. At least not some of it.

"Yes and no." he questions her and she can't give him a straight answer. "Outside of the Sinnoh branch most of the other parts of the family- of us are a bit.. estranged." she's not sure its quite the right word but it's the best she can come up with and it shows. At least without getting into the specifics of a sort of inter familial and religious set of politics that would take far too long to answer.

Her eyes move back to the book, she's not sure what to think of it. "Most of the others are much smaller, our numbers are concentrated mostly to Sinnoh, the next largest being here in Hoenn and the rest are mostly seen as stragglers that are there for one reason or another. Galar is no different."

"I have heard pieces of these stories before, seen this part of the record keeping in other records and this name in particular-" she reaches out to it again, to Aris with an unusual hesitation. She can't help but think it was not meant for the eyes of an outsider, they rarely understand. She takes a breath, and says it anyway. "The name by itself means little but with the image next to it means I can tell you almost exactly which one she is, especially with that kind of time frame."

"But it also means this should have never left our records, and the fact that you found it some catacombs is... odd." she's questioning the nature of it and it shows when she looks at him, because she knows how particular they have always been and whatever this is about, whatever the details on these pages are for were enough to break rules that had existed since long before this book may very well have.

There are missing pieces, and it bothers her.


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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Feb 14, 2020 6:31:36 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.


a deadly game


Piano Concerto No. 2, in F Minor, Op. 21 : III. Allegro vivace - Frédéric Chopin
The interest was brimming off of Remiel. He hadn't been this stimulated with such rabid curiosity since he'd first found the book. So, needless to say, he listened intently to his raven-haired guest as she explained. Isra didn't know the extent of his research nor the amount of time he'd spent poring over this tome. But her confirmation of the fact that this was, indeed, part of her heritage kicked off his urge to procure more answers like never before.

Particularly, he wanted to know more about this 'Aris Nightingale' he had been so quick to disregard. Who was she? And what about the image made her significant?

But then he supposed there was a more pressing discussion to be had. He could continue evoking the secrets of her family from her later. If he didn't explain what this all meant and why he'd brought it up in the first place soon, however, he was convinced his clever date would put up a proverbial wall and call it a night.

So tit for tat it would be.

"The circumstances surrounding this record of your family are as shrouded in mystery as everything else in this tome," He began, his calm gaze shifting back towards its contents. "I'd wager the primary sect of the Nightingale lineage never even knew this record existed in the first place." He sighed, then got up from the floor. He fancied himself another drink of wine.

"This is all part of a bigger conspiracy, Isra." The young man continued, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt after he got up, then sauntering towards the wine bottle and glass he'd left behind. "It's something I've been researching in secret since I discovered this in the Hammerlocke Catacombs. Something that has put targets on the back of people with storied ancestry such as you and i." Perhaps, with just that, she understood. Though he wouldn't blame her if she needed (or wanted) more information. He would give it anyway.

Reaching the table out on the terrace, he swiftly picked up his glass and the wine bottle before ferrying it over to the lounge bar inside. It was stationed across the coffee table where he'd set the Grimchiridion. His eyes met with Isra's from across that distance before he uncorked the bottle again and poured himself another glass of wine.

"I've attempted to reach out to others... so far I've come across nine mysterious disappearances, and two confirmed deaths. You're the first to have simply stumbled across my path one fateful night, however." He added, not a big believer in fate but sticking with the wordplay anyway as he took a sip.
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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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POSTED ON Feb 14, 2020 7:03:45 GMT
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If it weren't for the things he didn't know about her she might have written him off then and there but she doesn't. It wouldn't be the first time the Nightingale name was caught up in something of such a caliber, if anything it was more likely to be true than not. Though they were only one part of a much larger playing card they themselves carried a certain weight to them that the others didn't. Or perhaps, couldn't.

Isra stays behind when he stands, opting to watch him instead. As if she might gauge the truth of his words from how he carries himself while he says them. Pessimism says she's being played and it wouldn't be unlikely, many take her for being brainless and blind and she lets them. It gives her room to do as she pleases. The only thing stopping that train of thought is the fact he's given her no reason to believe that's the case up until now.

"Well I suppose it's a good thing I'm not the worrying type them." she stands, smoothing out her dress as she does so. Moments like this make her wonder why she wears them so often, but the image of a lady is well crafted and not easily let go of. "Because that almost sounds like I should be worried when I leave here tonight." she's teasing of course, though she doubts he knows the extent to which she does not worry.

She crosses the space between them with ease, sparing one more glance at the book before she leaves it behind for now. She'd like to see the rest of it but pressing too much too soon does little good when there is much about it she'd like to make certain of first. The rest come come in pieces.

"Before I say anything else Remiel, is this all you know of my Family?"

Because if nothing else, she needs to know how much it is safe to say.

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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Feb 14, 2020 14:46:41 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.


didn't want to dump another wave of info at isra just yet lol


Piano Concerto No. 2, in F Minor, Op. 21 : III. Allegro vivace - Frédéric Chopin
Piano notes danced lightly in the air of the penthouse as the soundless footsteps of the poltergeist he'd invited crossed the distance between coffee table and lounge bar. He'd almost smiled after she'd stood up and feigned worry. It was good to worry; at least, to a degree. But if she'd been the sort of person to let it control her, he wouldn't have told her the very real and very dangerous circumstances to begin with. "You're welcome to stay then," He teased back, gently stirring the wine in his glass. "No boogeymen here besides us."

Isra inquires after the extent of his knowledge concerning family, however, and he pauses. Folding an arm across his chest and leaning backwards against the back counter, he utilizes the moment to take another sip from his sparkling wine. There was no doubt in his mind that Isra Nightingale wasn't the type to trust people easily; she was smarter than that. And, though they'd gotten along so swimmingly so far, she likely half-expected him to keep some truths from her as he felt necessary. That went both ways.

"Only what I read in the book," He replied, tilting his wine glass in the direction of the opened tome: a well-practiced and balanced gesture that didn't spill a single drop. "Though I've learned not to take things at face value. Especially with the Grimchiridion."

A truth, but perhaps not all of it. Regardless, Remiel was back to donning his typical nonchalant expression, so it'd be almost impossible to tell. Though the idea of her drawing in close again and staring into his mind with those all-seeing eyes unnerved him to some degree.

"As far as I can tell, it seems like your family has a penchant for sticking to the shadows of history."
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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
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POSTED ON Feb 14, 2020 17:27:44 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar

The smile is barely there at his tease. She finds it more amusing than most might given the circumstances, who he's saying it to. While she doubts he hasn't gone looking, not if he's found as many missing persons as he says she doubts he's found the full scope of what they are.

And beyond that, which one he is speaking to.

"Is that an invitation then?" she tilts her head ever so slightly to the side, as if out of curiosity. She has no intentions of staying of course, because that means something quite different to her than him. The woman cannot leave in the morning when the sun is up and her worries quieted. He doesn't need to know that of course though.

Isra approaches and only stands close enough to steal his wine glass when he gestures with it, a motion more fluid and delibrate than most expect of her. Boundaries mean little to her and taking a sip of his glass seems like just as natural a behavior as taking one from her own, but she has no plans to go retrieve it.

The flirty and coy visage hangs loosely over her, a distraction from how she really feels on the topic of her family. "I see." she returns his glass to him just a little less full.

There's a moment where there's too many questions and too many things to be skeptical about, but curiosity over powers it. Truth be told despite the happenings of the region this may very well be more amusing than anything else that has happened until now. Isra cannot decide where else she wants this conversation to go, and as such leaves it to him to speak again.

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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Feb 15, 2020 7:52:56 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.

Isra puts his guard down far more effectively than he's realized until now. Back at the festival it had been the same. He made no move to distance himself from her as she approached. In fact, the black-haired royal watched her with rapt interest as she moved. Each motion seemed so well-practiced and effortless. Graceful, even. The air that surrounded her during times like these was as peculiarly alluring as she was mysterious. The act exposed an underlying foundation of comfort with one another.

A rare find for the Galarian.
His hues of blue-grey never leave hers of amethyst during the display. The young gentleman takes his glass back from her without a word, then smoothly finishes what's left. There's confidence in her comfort— clearly enough to make moves like that and participate in such an amusing game. Every back and forth they have toes the line between playful flirtation and... something else, however. And, at this point, Remiel's grown daring enough— impatient enough— to push it just a little bit farther and see what could possibly await them on that other end.

Before she knows it, he's stepped forward and closed the already very minor gap between them. The hand holding the empty glass gently sets it down on the counter behind her, then keeps itself propped on the counter's edge by Isra's side as Remiel leans down to hover his face right near hers again. His eyes shift downward, briefly acknowledging her shapely figure before settling on the long raven hair that drapes down over her shoulder. It's then that his free hand slowly raises up from his side, palm faced upward as it gently carries some of that hair upon its fingers. He turns that same hand sideways, and watches as that silky hair cascades downward once more.

"You're quite the bold one, though... aren't you?" He finally utters, the sharpness of his eyes suddenly fixated back on her own. There's a pause afterward. A stillness so profound that he can practically feel her breathing. The music in the penthouse sounds several degrees higher in this silence. But that doesn't last long when he raises his free hand further and tenderly cups her chin with the end of his fingers. Something tells him she doesn't need a guide, however, as he slowly leans in by the inch. By the centimeter. "And they say fortune favors the bold..."

The whisper, and the proverb therein, sets in motion his action. Her presence is a whirlpool— a black hole; an inescapable force that he willingly wants to lose himself in. And, at last, he's slipped. His warm lips finally meet her own, softly and inquisitively at first. A gentle melding of two bodies. Then, as it ramps up, a deep and covetous exploration of their sugar and wine-flavored lips. 
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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
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POSTED ON Feb 15, 2020 23:07:45 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar

Watching him finish the glass, Isra suspects she's made a bigger impact than she thinks. She always anticipates a slow game, a crawl to the finish and the back and forth in between only ever serves to make the end more desirable. When he closes what little space between them is left Isra becomes quite certain he doesn't play by the same set of rules that most do. Her eyes are instinctively on his and alert to the boldness of his movements. The way his eyes drift over her make her smile, just enough to matter, enough to approve.

Isra doesn't stop him, makes no move to resist. If anything he'll find an encouraging look in her eyes. Hadn't she told him once before? She quite likes forwardness, boldness, she has no time to waste on anything less and he's proven to have it aplenty so far. The reward is subtle but its there in how she lets him play with her hair, his too gentle touch guides her to him and there's an almost-chuckle on her lips when they meet.

'Fortune favors the bold...'

It certainly favors him tonight.

One hand reaches for the fingers on her chin because they don't need to be there anymore. Pulling his hand away she seeks to lace their fingers together just as they had been for most of the festival. A surprisingly affectionate gesture, something she might normally forgo but she finds she likes him more than most. He keeps her interest without trying and it shows in how easily she reciprocates. There's a certain delight in how he still tastes of the shared wine.

She shifts closer to him, eating away at the space between them. Her other hand finds its way up to the back of his neck, fingers dancing in his hair as if she might be able to coax him into staying, continuing. Not because she needs to, faintly, vaguely she thinks its because she wants him to. Him. A curious idea for a woman who cares so little for people, who rarely finds anyone to be worthy of interest. Company is hollow and nothing more than an act of filling a void she can't place a label to but he is a rarity amongst the company she keeps, one of very few.

Even when the inevitable parting of lips comes, Isra makes no move to put distance between them and the looks in her eyes says the only thing that needs be said: She seeks for more, if he's willing to give it.

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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Feb 16, 2020 8:17:43 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.




Noche Oscura - Feng Suave
Kissing her comes as naturally as breathing.

It comes in waves, a push and pull that gently presses their bodies together back and forth as they savor each other's lips. The act is far more satisfying than he could have imagined. In almost no time, he's obsessed with seizing her as his own tonight. And, as he feels his delectable date's dainty fingers lace between his own before she pulls in close and brings him in by the hair, Remiel is all too pleased to see that feeling reciprocated.

Giving into the carnality of their pleasure feels like delicious sin, especially after such a long abstinence on his part. But his hiatus fails to reflect on his technique. For Isra to have been the one to break the suspension is quite the achievement, whether she is aware of it or not. Though he'd kept these feelings brimming just beneath the surface of his mind the entire time during the festival, the intense attraction he felt for her (on several different levels) now made up for his lack of experience over the last year.

This was raw and unadulterated desire, and the raven-haired female received it as well as Remiel dished it out.

When they feel the dance between their mouths ramping up, drawing close to a point where they would actually have to forgo breathing for brief intervals if they wanted to continue, the young royal and her pause and part their lips from each other. She stays right where she stands, her body pressed warmly against his, as he looks into her eyes and translates the message therein. Then, he grins.

It isn't long before he answers, suddenly placing both of his hands against the smooth curves of her waist before hoisting her up so she's sitting at the counter on level with him. The action is smooth and seamless; ending almost as quickly as it starts. And when she's there, held steady by his gentle yet firm hands on her sides, Remiel doesn't wait long before leaning in and kissing her again.

He's so adept at taking the lead, and even now his body language conveys a preference for it. But, compared to just a moment earlier, his pace has slowed. He's more controlled now, cognizant of his need to curb this powerful craving for her. The rich swapping of tongues is savored deeper by it. His teeth delicately find her bottom lip and nibble, lightly tugging it backwards before letting go. He gauges her reaction briefly, but not long before he softly buries his face in her neck and peppers it with kisses.

He wants to claim her. That much is clear. But, perhaps even more so, he wants Isra to claim him, too.

"Can I assume you've accepted my invitation?" He whispers, his warm breath ticklish against her neck.
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The Nightingale
Twenty four
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Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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POSTED ON Feb 16, 2020 10:00:08 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar

With each passing movement he becomes a little more intoxicating, a little more difficult to pull away from. She could get lost in him, if she lets herself and she almost does. He meets her expectations and then some, surprising her even with his willingness to act on his want- it only serves to make him more enticing. Her head is filled with the taste of his lips and the feeling of his skin beneath her's. She doesn't think he needs her coaxing and when they're lips are forced to part her hand drifts down the side of his neck, a barely there touch, a ghost of a tease.

And then he grins and she's his.

Her hands move to his chest when his land on her waist, there's a warmth in the gentleness of his touch that makes her draw a breath she doesn't expect. His hands stay there and in a way she finds them comforting. Unlike before, back at the festival when he'd caught her off guard, the touch unexpected she welcomes it now. Her own hands find their way to his waist to pull him in closer, forcing him to devour what little space could possibly be between them in her stead. Slender fingers trail across his surface, a feather light touch, an exploration of him. Seeking more than she has already been given, unsatisfied in the surface of their apparent want for each other.

His actions are slower now, more deliberate, and Isra suffers her impatience, weathering it with the belief that it will pay off better than she thinks. He makes it worth her while as slow savory kisses turn into delicate nibbles at her skin, she indulges in his want to take the lead, letting him spoil her. She will return the favor in time, never one for feeling like she's in a place of owing. She'll let him spoil her until she's had her fill and then she'll return the favor until they are mutually fulfilled, satisfied in their indulgence of each others touch. Perhaps more so tonight than most, impatient as she is, Isra is willing to wait.

He speaks and she steals the moment to nibble on his ear, staying close so her lips brush against his skin when she answers. "I'm your's til the sun rises."

Whatever misgivings she might have had are soon gone, lost to the little momentary promise of herself to another. Fingers drift until they find the hem of his shirt, porcelain fingers dancing over his skin.

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Remiel Calcifet
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POSTED ON Feb 16, 2020 18:43:47 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.


another exciting thread, very well done ♡


Noche Oscura - Feng Suave
”I'm your's til the sun rises." She says.

And a wide toothy smirk widens against her neck as he kisses it. She can feel it, briefly, before he nibbles and gently sucks her skin. If that isn’t enough for her to comprehend his answer, the sensation of his firm fingers, reassuringly sinking a little more into the sides of her waist, surely is. The royal heir is eager to find out whether either of them signed up for more than they could handle. Though it is apparent he has a good idea where those dice will land, given his brimming confidence.

Granted permission to sink his proverbial fangs into her and claim her well into the night, the air surrounding them slowly begins to intensify. He only forces himself to pause when he feels her fingers pulling up his shirt, briefly parting from her neck as he helps her and sheds the black long sleeve himself before tossing it away. Their bodies almost immediately crash back together afterwards, giving Isra only the briefest of moments to see the sword cuts and minor burns scarring his lean muscled arms and bare torso. There will be other opportunities, very soon, for her to grow familiar with each scar, however.

Like his kisses, his hands slowly and deliberately trail downward from the sides of her waist until impatiently— and quite unapologetically— pulling up the the sides of her dress to expose and caress her soft thighs. It is then that their passionate exploration of each other really begins, right there on the spacious counter of the lounge bar. Obscured desires and fantasies now brought to the surface and made real in the magic of the night.

Meanwhile, the tome sitting on the coffee table gently closes itself shut, seemingly on its own accord. Much like a third wheel recusing himself from the situation and shutting his bedroom door behind him, the poltergeist that typically inhabited its teacup had seen enough. It would remain dormant in the Grimchiridion for the rest of the night— like every other night since Remiel came into possession of it. Though this was the first where he had the pleasure of a lady's company.


| | |

Faint morning daylight filters through the window above the lounge before glistening on the pool of spilled wine on the counter. Through some miracle, the now empty bottle had managed not to roll off the counter’s side when it had been knocked over carelessly earlier that night. The spilled wine, on the other hand, traveled in thin rivers before finding the edge and dripping off towards the hardwood floor below— ultimately for some of Remiel’s clothing to inadvertently soak up on the ground the below.

This scene, however, is only the beginning of a clear path that starts from the counter and makes itself through the second floor of the penthouse. A painting of great Olympus at the end of the lounge has been rendered crooked. Cabinet doors inexplicably hang open. There’s a wine-stained handprint against the wall. And, as the path leads into the hallway, the last of Remiel’s clothing lies across the floor before entering the well-furnished bedroom.

It is here where Remiel slowly wakes, bare beneath black bedsheets, reaching for the warmth of her body beside him but grasping at nothing but air. When he finally realizes, perhaps a lot later than he should have considering his grogginess, the black-haired royal sighs and covers his eyes with the back of one hand as he lays back. He can still smell her perfume faintly against his skin.

Until the sun rises...

He’d come close to it. Time was an illusion and, especially now as his mind struggled to wake up, as difficult to comprehend as the extent of space in the universe. But his exhaustion certainly wasn’t on the same level as that of a man who had rested for even an hour. No, he’d had his arms wrapped around her no less than forty or so minutes ago. He was sure of that. And now she was gone; as quick and silent as any ghost he’d ever seen or met.

Forty minutes...

Remiel almost mourned the waste of time resting. If he’d had better control of himself, if they’d paced each other, they could have spent that time maximizing the extent of their rapturous union. But then again... it wouldn’t have been as deliciously rewarding, would it? And, to the credit of each of them, it was a miracle they had lasted that long to begin with without succumbing to the limits of human stamina. All that withstanding, the young royal knew he would be very sore, very soon. And, surprisingly, he smiled at himself at the thought of that dull, lingering pain.

It would be a reminder. And, hopefully, a benchmark to pass for future reference. Because, at the end of the day, he did wish to see her again. Isra Nightingale...


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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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TAG WITH @isra
Isra Nightingale
the hotel despoina [s]
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2020 9:52:33 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar

That's more like it. She thinks, a mutual acceptance leaves little room to hold back and when two individuals with overbearing confidence in their actions meet head on the only option is an explosion that'll either leave them both in flames or dulled to ash.

Isra has a feeling which of the two this will end in and she cannot wait for it. There's proof enough of it in how he takes her hint, the temporary vacancy on her skin as potent as the return of his presence and she nearly clings to him when he does, fingers trailing across his skin. She soon finds she likes how he handles her, rewarding him with small kisses that she sneaks in between his own, trailing across him like she might find some hidden treasure if she seeks for it long enough.

Despite her own eagerness there is a clear contrast between them, just like the night he stumbled upon her in the streets of Lilycove. His intensity is met with something surprisingly delicate, something slight and barely there but the potency of it does not change. She slips in between the cracks in his passion, like a ghost reaching across the divide. She is not a woman who sinks her fangs in, she coaxes him to her, encourages his actions, emboldens his passion with her own until it might devour them both.

* * *

She couldn't possibly sleep, not really. Her own bed is always empty and a life in a different world makes her sleep light and yet for just a moment she finds herself almost falling into such a trap beside him, tired and worn and far more comfortable with the idea than she would like to be. He has undeniably he has won her over with the nights affairs, a taste of another part of him tucked away bellow that stone surface. It's only the nagging feeling in the back of her mind that stirs her, slipping away while she can, while he's not awake to coax her into staying out of turn with his questions and curiosities. It takes more effort than she would like it to, limbs heavy beneath the weight of their night together. She finds it hard to find someone as insatiable as she is and the fact he kept up with her is evident in the feeling sinking in.

There's time to spare, at least a little. She takes it slow, back tracking over the path they left through the penthouse, a chuckle light on her lips at the thought of how they couldn't keep their hands off each other. Why would they when neither of them seemed willing to say no? No, they were far too caught up in it, they meshed together too well, a matching set in too many ways. From boldness to untamable desire to the scars they both bore on their skin when the illusions of perfect posture and slight daintiness fell away. Isra thinks for just a moment that she would like to trace her fingers over the pattern of his skin again, the stories held within every break in it.

But her keeper comes calling from just beyond the horizon, reminding her that she will soon be over staying her welcome. She cannot dwell on the scene she walks through for as long as she might like. She must gather herself back together, replacing every piece of the illusion he's seen a crack in from the shawl around her shoulders to the heels in her hand. Isra takes great care to ensure the little moon from the start of their evening is tucked away where she cannot lose it before she takes her leave of the place.

There is not sound of clicking heels to signify her exit, she leaves like a ghost. No feint traces left behind for him to find but the ones in his skin, of which there should be plenty enough.

It was too bad he wasn't going to get to see the liveliness in her eyes as she left the building.

* * *

When he wakes enough to emerge from his room and bares witness to the scene himself he'll find a curious addition to the painting they've left crooked on the wall. Placed just bellow it, almost as if to caption it is a sticky note, an item that surely doesn't belong in either version of the scene, the sleek and modern penthouse or the passionate trail that had been made through it. Closer inspection will reveal two darling little doodles, sketched out in pen with as much care she can spare. In one corner sits a waving banette, the one opposing it holds a tipping sinistea and written out somewhere in between is the one thing she had not gotten to say, unable to sneak it in between touches:

"Thank you for being a perfect gentleman."

>>You're perf <3 but i already told you that i guess

[newclass=.isratalk b]color: #8e4e5d;[/newclass]

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