i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
1210 height
1210 height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON May 21, 2020 19:29:51 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Now that they had gathered around again, he took a second look at all assembled. He could only guess if any one of them had done such things, but…

The moment they’d all gathered around, he began looking warily at them—before his vision was swept away into visions of violence. While he had no idea who had done in the man with the knife to the neck, the trainers dying out in the wilderness alone was enough to set him on edge.

However… the Rangers, some of the others, his fellow team mates, comrades-in-arms, blown to bits and incinerated?!

Who did this?! He thought angrily, unable to look around and trying to pick out just whose dastardly hand had done them in. That was an entire unit of them, just… gone. Obliterated.

They were some of the experienced ones! What the hell! He continued to himself in the back of his mind, the rage slowly simmering inside of him as he noticed the very same man he was trailing previously—now confined to a hospital bed, being wheeled somewhere for an emergency procedure—and he can no longer look. As if by a sudden wisp, everything was back to normal.

Or is it?

The same starkness remained, although there was some semblance of color returning to his field of vision. Would the same principles remain like last time? Highly-colored individuals all marked for death…

Just how much had to go before everything was restored to normal?

He didn’t know what drove him to go to one of the hospitals in Slateport, but he did. Was it a hunch? Maybe. He was here, looking for people who were burning spots of color against this dreary, dim landscape. How could he do it, then? Was he willing to kill? Get his hands dirty, in a way?

The answer to that would be all too literal. Overhearing some doctors who were headed his way, he pretended to look through his phone as they swept past, conversing about the attack on Slateport.

“—yeah, what about that girl who got caught in the attack on the night market, though? Have you tried to contact her family?”

“There’s an ID on her, but I have yet to contact the emergency person listed. Although with a surname like Anderson? Kind of sounds like… one of those Head Rangers, or something? You think they’re related?”

“Could be. Shall I call him now?”

Not knowing that the person they were looking for was a few steps away, he waited for his phone to vibrate—and vibrate it did with an incoming call alert. Hands shaking, he raised the phone to his ear and tentatively answered the call.

“H—hello?” he began, unaware that his voice was shaking. Turning around so he could have some semblance of privacy, he had a conversation with the person on the other end of the line, the two doctors not realizing that the person they were looking for was already in the hospital.

A few minutes later, the conversation ended, and he wasted no time looking for the room number. Hoping against hope that the person mentioned was not who he was looking for, he finally found the room and burst in at once—

And was met with an assault of color.

Lying down on the bed was someone he thought he would never see again…

His younger sister, Leanne.

“What the hell—happened?! Why is she like this? Why didn’t you contact me right away?!” he exclaimed once the doctors had found their way to the room, turning to face them. Everything around him wasn’t as sucked-out of color as it was previously, but having heard the cliff-notes version over the phone had not prepared him for the full version—he had specifically told his siblings to hide, to get the hell out of Hoenn and hide elsewhere, but what the absolute hell had happened?

Had Fritz not kept his end of their bargain, all those years ago?

For the record, where was Claude?!

Wait, the fact that he’s not here means… at least one of them managed to escape… he thought bitterly, currently seated down in a chair and letting the words wash over him. His mind wasn’t properly processing things anymore, but the fact of the matter was that his younger sister had been in Slateport earlier this year—had she not escaped, like he’d asked them to all those years ago?

Much as he wanted to ask more questions, his throat had gone dry. Once the doctors were done explaining what had happened to her and how little the chances of her waking up were at that point, he sighed.

“Can I… can I have some time alone, to think?” he managed to get out, his throat all prickly.

He didn’t know what had overcome him.

Recovery chances are low… slim to none… lucky our parents aren’t around to see this, but… he thought, a very dark look on his features as he went out to look for the doctors to convey his decision.

“Just… let me stay with her, until… until the end. P-please?” he asked quietly, his face betraying the slightest twinge of anger, of sadness and despair as they handed him a clipboard to sign. Gulping in a sharp breath of air, he… much as he didn’t want to do it, he really didn’t want to prolong her suffering, either.

Once he had managed to get through the papers, and had signed off on everything, he sat down in the same chair that he had been in. Watching slowly, quietly, as the doctors unhooked the machines from the wrecked remains of what was his younger sister—

Watching the color drain out of her as all the machines were unplugged.

She’s as good as brain dead… he thought, looking at the monitors and watching them all flat line.

Once the entire thing had been done and over with, he paused preparations for her funeral to return to Mount Pyre, back to the place where he had originally ventured out.

He wondered if he could face Claude the same way again—if they ever met.

“It’s… done,” he mentioned quietly to the cocoon.

He goes to a hospital in Slateport, looking for one of the targets (injured tourist in a coma)… not realizing that his younger sister is one of them. He then made the very difficult decision to pull the plug, so to speak. Is there any chance for a clinically brain-dead person to recover? Highly unlikely at this point…

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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON May 26, 2020 11:37:40 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Scenes playback through their minds; crimes carried out perhaps not by the same hands, but in the name of the selfsame agenda nonetheless. His own experiences flash through, a twinge in his poorly composed expression as he regrets the passing remembrance, amber irises downcast.

What delusional, errant thoughts had secured his loyalties to this thing's notion of... equilibrium?

As the esoteric entity's words washed over their union, Adrian couldn't help but reflect over his past actions, to call into question his own sensibilities: Had there ever been a reason, a promise or pledge that had coerced him into this dark communion?

Or had the allure of the unknown been enough? Had the call of the void keenly wrested such hold over him, that he'd pursued it for its own sake?

Be it by promise or happenstance, the malfeasance demonstrated throughout their previous trials had earned them the twisted boons of their benefactor. An aura, a resonance of a sorts took hold, and Adrian felt himself saturated with an incredible euphoria. It wormed its way into his core, giving rise to his misgivings before dispelling them just as swiftly, leaving him self-assured, perhaps even giddy. A pleasant sensation, to say little of it.

And that was but a taste of the potential...

Who could blame him, the hedonist that he was, for pursuing this high to its completion?

Adrian could be found loitering within Slateport, the sleek black exterior of his '69 Ford Mustang glinting in the brilliance of the midday's starlight, parked along the sidewalk as he glided along his skateboard nearby. It helped him, this distraction, to think less of the task set for him. And yet as he glided past the hospital, a sense of foreboding overcame him. Adrian plucked the board from the ground, walking into the hospital unimpeded.

Yveltal knew how to navigate him from here, to relieve Adrian's conscious of any perceived fault. Its intervention was also key in bringing Adrian to the proper room with the proper, isolated patient whose comatose features, while still and motionless, exuded more life in its color than aught else that could be discerned with his eyes alone.

A hand swiped her unkempt bangs aside, stroking down along her cheek before the hand withdrew from the contact. Yveltal's influenced seemed to burgeon at this moment, and the dynamic of its true power became clear as the color and life itself seemed siphoned from this patient. Their vitals began to show sudden dips on the monitors around them, but Yveltal, through Adrian as its vessel, stood vigil over her final rites of passage:





Adrian's eyes become glassy as Yveltal begins to relinquish its grasp over him, surrendering to his humanity, allowing him a chance to grieve.
Nurses and staff pour around him into the room, escorting him away into the hallway while they attempt to revitalize her in a futile gesture.

To them he is naught but a visitor, in the right place at the wrong time, and the surveillance footage will prove little else. Any suspicions they have, however well placed, cannot be cemented by proof. He walks away a free man with a clean conscience, none the worse for his part in it.

Arriving atop the summit of Mt. Pyre thrice over, sanguine orbs fixated on the stygian cocoon, Adrian cannot help but begin to see the world as Yveltal has so meticulously painted it for them.

But he has a mind to question the thought-creature. Can there be no exception then...?

Whether he has become worthy of an answer cannot yet be made clear as they await further instruction from among its selective audience.

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777 height
777 height
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2020 23:44:19 GMT




[attr="class","ihead"]A FAVOR FROM THE FALLEN

Preservation of the cycle at any cost: it's the reoccurring theme of the covenant that Yvetal presents to any willing. When they complete their labours, the three reconvene. This time, two members are noticeably missing. is alive and well, unwilling to succumb to the whim of something he doesn't understand, while remains missing. No one knows where the Rocket has gone but the bond shared between them suggests that the man's bitten off more than he could chew. [break][break]

The effect is not immediate but their vision returns to normal, granular in change as each murder is successfully carried out. What the SHINIGAMI EYES will come to realize is that their power never expires. They retain the ability to spy on those that defy faint, shrouded in an aura as vivid as their rebellion. Those that continue to survive will radiate a harsher glow that makes it impossible to miss. SHADOW POKEMON will continue to bask in their own special ambiance, covered in a toxic gloom that hints at something more sinister than any can imagine. [break][break]


Your success manifests in the cascades of cracks that expand across the egg's crystal shell. It wriggles in an earnest attempt to break free, foreshadowing the awakening of the great beast. But it's not enough. There is still work to be done. As much as it continues to sway it cannot come out just yet. There is still one obstacle in the way. [break][break]



Elsewhere, subjects his Braviary to the Shadow Chamber for the umpteeth time. Rocket has spent a small fortune into trying to further their progress in SHADOW POKEMON and they too enjoy the fruits of their labor. It is only by mere coincidence that the experiment happens while the Yvetal is wrestling to hatch, susceptible to being siphoned off as Team Rocket defies death once more. Their success instigates the Pokemon's wrath and its carapace begins to peel. [break][break]

[player][/player] [break]

"GO! NOW!"


Yvetal's urgency demands action! This will be your last task. [break][break]


Those that accept Yvetal's task will now have SHINIGAMI EYES: [break][break]

  • 'marked' individuals will have a colorful aura
  • shadow pokemon have a dark aura
  • 'special' individuals may appear differently than others such as with an aura
  • 'special' individuals are different than 'marked' and include avatars



There are multiple ways to progress this research thread. You must complete at least one in order to progress. These prompts will involve other playable characters. Do not badger the player of the character for a thread; they are allowed to politely decline. [break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]OPTION 1: KILL YOUR TARGET

Your character have been tasked with making sure the following targets die. You may either post in this thread stating that your character refuses the prompt or complete a thread where you interact with at least one of your targets. You do not have to kill your target in order to progress the thread, however, your in-character actions will reflect what happens. [break][break][break]







[attr="class","ihead"]OPTION 2: LAST MAN STANDING

Be the only living, active character in this thread. This is between , , and . [break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]OPTION 3: ELIMINATE SHADOW POKEMON

Successfully kill three SHADOW POKEMON or 's SHADOW BRAVIARY. [break][break]

As a note, pursuing 's SHADOW BRAVIARY will trigger another quest. If he successfully repels your attempt to kill his Braviary and either kills one of your Pokemon or defeats two of them with Braviary, your task will be considered a failure and he will receive a buff to his Shadow Pokemon. [break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]OPTION 4: DEFEAT YVETAL

Defeat Yvetal in a Ranger Raid style battle. The other participants of this thread do not have to partake to assist you. They can instead join in to jeopardize your attempt to gain favor from Yvetal! Succeeding or failing this option will have a tremendous impact on the outcome of the thread. Also, the difficulty of this battle will be scaled to account for four active participants. [break][break]
  • only eight pokemon can participate in total.
  • only four pokemon can be out at a time. a trainer can only have three pokemon out at a time. exclusions can be made under certain circumstances.
  • 'you must determine the physical formation of your pokemon in your post. you may modify your position in subsequent posts.


To claim this option, post in this thread with your intention to fight Yvetal. [break][break][break]

  • the moderator will be the one responsible for calculating damage on the raid boss and on your pokemon.
  • moves like surf or reflect will affect the user and their allies. consult bulbapedia's move articles to discover which moves affect your allies.
  • moves like taunt or disable will only last on the raid boss for 1 turn.
  • the move perish song will not have any effect on the raid boss.
  • status conditions can be conferred upon the raid boss and vice-versa, and do not stack.
  • the following moves can be used to heal an ally pokemon: floral healing, heal order, heal pulse, milk drink, moonlight, morning sun, pollen puff, present, soft-boiled, wish.

[attr="class","ihead"]BONUS: CONFRONT LUCAS LANE

One of you have betrayed the covenant. Confront in a thread and attempt to assassinate him. This is first come first serve. You may collaborate in this endeavor. Let know once a thread for this route has been created. [break][break][break]

repost in the research thread after you have all posted!

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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
1210 height
1210 height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2020 18:06:09 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Now that the question of morality was brought up—would he ever go through with it?

Lars was… a little more than concerned when it came to what options were presented to them. While one of them was tempting, he would only do so… if he knew where to even start. There’s no way in hell I’m doing that to… no. Not like this. This is not how it’s supposed to go… he thought with a scowl on his face, before casually looking to one side and wondering what the other two…

Wait, since when did their numbers become so few?

He could only blink, wondering what had happened to the others who were here…

Either way, there was only… to Lars, there was only one plausible way out of this. Even if it meant defying the entire system… he didn’t know if the other two were going to follow the way he was going, but—seeing as there was only one viable option remaining (at least in his mind)…

He turned to face the cocoon.

“I’m sorry, but—this is going too far. You—you can’t be serious about what you want me to do,” he began quietly. There was no way in the nine circles of Hell he was going to sell out his friend, or the one that had given him the position—or even the one he wanted to protect, even if he was at a loss how to do it.

“So… I’d rather… face you,” he continued, as he turned to face the crack in the cocoon. “I don’t know what’ll happen, I don’t know if I can face you alone, but—take note of this—I am not going to stand for killing any more people. Having to do that to my own younger sister was bad enough as it is.”

Taking a deep breath, he steadied his resolve.

“I challenge you, to a fight.”

He isn’t going to take any more of this lying down, and chooses option #4—challenge Yveltal to a battle!

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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
2,433 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2020 23:23:36 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
As Adrian droned on in the overwhelming, esoteric influence of Yveltal, he felt a persistent itch in the background of his thoughts, something trying to break free of his clouded judgement...

For a time he seemed doom-driven to adhere to this carefully laid path Yveltal had paved for them, listening idly as the others would, until at last the pokemon's tone betrayed a sense of urgency unlike its usual somber self. In that moment, Adrian broke free of its grip over him, and was able to properly reflect on his actions in its thrall...

He felt betrayed, but by himself... nothing could have justified these deeds, save lofty claims and altruistic nihilism, but Yveltal had given him almost nothing. Just a lure at the end of a baited line to motivate them further along its crooked path...

Adrian wanted to puke, it made him so sick.

Why did I... It all came back when he saw where he was yet again, that place of parting at the summit of Mt. Pyre. Howitzer's urn was still tucked away in his satchel, yet laid to rest for the sake of this beast's agenda. And he'd readily submitted to it; to dampen those most pervasive memories, and perhaps... perhaps, find a way for Howitzer to...

Only now did he see how delusional he'd been.

'No... No, I don't think I will.'

Adrian's mind had been reached by Yveltal's influence, and he had a hunch it could understand him, if only by sheer intuition. 'I'm done with you. You've given me nothing, no hope...' Although it drains him, his memories rollback to when Howitzer was just a pup, full of life and love, and all those impressionable moments of hers...

...Up until the present day.

'Unless you can give me something worth my while... I'm done with you. And it doesn't end there,' he takes a step forward, the heel of his boot digging into the gritty earth beneath his feet.

'I'd say you've much more to answer for...'

Fingers twitched readily towards the lopsided belt hanging at his waist. Narrowed eyes leering at the dark creature's effigy, Adrian can't help but feel its dire tone indicates an urgency it can ill afford to have ignored, especially by such upstart servants.

'So what's it gonna be? Your call.' None but Yveltal and Adrian himself are privy to these seditious thoughts, shared across their 'bond'...

Sorry for the delay. Adrian is tentatively considering fighting Yveltal, although whether Yveltal can offer up any of the things he wants/needs, may affect his shaken resolve.
"At Death's Door"
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October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2020 21:45:14 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

The trek back up Mt. Pyre was a long, foreboding one. The Gym Leader, who had been asked to kill those close to him, found himself unable to carry out the will of the Cocoon, despite what he had told himself. That this was all for the greater good, that if they had the Agent of Death on their side, the ends would justify the means. But alas, the Cocoon asked of him something that not even he could agree on. He was a failure, and he knew it.

But if his life was forfeit for his failure, then he was going to go out like a warrior. had told him about his plan to fight him, a plan the Gym Leader initially rejected, out of his notion that siding with Yveltal was to the benefit of the League, to Hoenn. But with what the Cocoon asked of him, the Kalosian found himself warming up to the plan. Even if he was sure that Yveltal would kill him, it would be a good way to go out, fighting a god. If this was how he died, he was going to make the most of it, for sure, to die a true warrior's death.

As Thomas approached the Cocoon, he would find the other two confronting the Cocoon. The large man's hand balled up into a fist, the man taking deep breaths before speaking to the Cocoon. "I suppose I'm a failure. I couldn't bring myself to carry out your will, even after everything.", Thomas lamented. "But if this is how it must end for me, as the price of my failure, then I choose to go out like a warrior! I shall face you as well!", Thomas called out to the Cocoon, his one eye staring it down intently.

notes: Interaction with Dahlia - Joining Lars in battling Yveltal

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777 height
777 height
5,203 posts
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2020 7:35:59 GMT



[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]









[attr="class","status NONE"]
[attr="class","th th-fire"]



?? / ?? / ?? / ?? / ?? / ??[break]
?? / ?? / ?? / ?? / ?? / ??[break]

TENSION PEELS FROM the Pokemon's form like brittle eggshells. What hatches from the cocoon is an unfurled wingspan that dwarfs Mount Pyre. Yveltal rises, crooning its neck at the sound of their defiance, maleficent energy crackling along its pronounced veins. When it comes to an apex, undone in a majestic curtain of shadows, it stares down at them in disgust. [break][break]

" [break][break]


Its flesh is translucent. Like a flashlight held against flesh, they can see through the inner-workings of the Legendary's body. It glows with the same red that courses through their bodies. They may live worlds apart but they both bleed the same blood. And despite this, the warm colors of the Pokemon's blood holds one great blemish, a blot of purple seeping out from the Pokemon core, subtle at first glance, insidiously spreading. Even the Legendary Pokemon is unaware of the invasive contrast, unable to hear their pleas over the thumping of its own life-force. [break][break]

[player][/player] [break][break]

" [break][break]

Mount Pyre is the worst place to challenge the shepherd of the dead. Hauntings of past spirits start to rise from their graves. Those unable to pass on now sit above their tombs. They spectate in an earnest excitement, eager to have new companions to keep them company. Sure as the spectres proliferate so does Yvetal's DARK AURA. [break][break]

"SO BE IT." [break][break]

The very energy they've killed to harvest now works against them. A purple shockwave sweeps through the mountainside. Anyone caught in the blast will realize the effects of petrification. They will suffer a slow death to pay for their impudence. For now, they're fine, but they're battling on a timer. Several of their Pokeballs have been turned to stone, allowing them only partial access to their party. [break][break]

Face to face with death's incarnate, they will feel the PRESSURE of facing a God.


  • you may begin attacking this round.
  • outline which POSITION your pokemon is in the formation (front, back, left, right), for the formation shown above (hover) is most likely inaccurate.
  • make sure you BOLD your pokemon moves/abilities (when they activate).
  • all pokemon are under a lot of PRESSURE. they cannot use the same move repeatedly. trying to use too many moves may cause them to fumble.


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played by


October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
2,433 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2020 5:17:14 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




research: death stranding




Here he was at the precipice, and it haunted him to witness so unnatural a beast's birth; the esoteric aspect brandishing its reclaimed power at the cost of life. And yet it showed the scars of its monstrous purpose in the form of an abnormality cresting upon its breast, and yet for all man knew of it, it remained known to them simply the crux of its ungodly influence... for now.[break][break]

As the color drained from his features, Adrian considered running. Just bolting down My. Pyre, hoping that the others would offer enough of a diversion for his mad dash to succeed. But he'd been here before. Slateport, Blacephalon... These beasts could be beaten, if only with sufficient numbers; and yet as he reached for a pokeball, he clutched at the petrified, defunct machination only to realize the calcified husk remained inert. It's... dead...? What power was this it wielded?[break][break]

Adrian fished out Omen's after replacing the other pokeball hurriedly, unleashing an eerie beast with alabaster hair wreathing its body; a Grimmsnarl that bore semblance to an oni. And save for being leveraged against an aspect of death, it was a hulking and level-headed contender that warranted the confidence placed on it as Adrian likely sent it to its doom. "Omen, Light Screen," he managed, though his voice broke, breathing shaky, gripped by fear beyond mortal reproach.[break][break]

If he'd ever felt there was a moment in his life where it was all over, where he had to make his last stand... that time had now come. Could the sparse efforts of these few three truly ever hope to match the undiluted power brought to bear by a literal god? Or was this entity, this rebirthed demon, beyond man's contention? The air was frigid and his breath escaped in wisp-like bursts as their stage became a haunting ground. Inside his bag was an auspicious urn, and Adrian sensed with his shinigami senses a nascent presence at his hind.[break][break]

But what should he find standing at his back but a pale imitation of Howitzer, bound to an ephemeral existence that seemed to be cultured by Yveltal's unholy renascence here at the summit of Mt. Pyre; home of Hoenn's fallen.[break][break]

What... What kind of devilry... is this?[break][break]

And yet to see it made manifest before him so casually, Adrian couldn't help but postulate that it was indeed possible; that Howitzer was still within reach, even if his fingers slipped through her specter as sheers through gossamer.


Grimmsnarl used Light Screen! [Prankster]


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[newclass=".punkianger-gv .tagline"]float: left; margin-top: -6px; margin-left: -40px; margin-right: 10px; background: #1a1a1a; font-family: 'Open Sans'; color: #999999; font-size: 10px; line-height: 10px; padding: 9px 11px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-gv .tagline a"]font: inherit; text-decoration: none; filter: brightness(120%); font-weight: bold; transition: all 0.3s ease;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-gv .tagline a:hover"]color: #fff;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-gv .bulk"]padding: 30px 40px; font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; color: rgba(9,9,9,9,9,9); text-align: justify;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-gv .bulk i"]font-weight: bold;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-gv .ooc-notes"]padding: 6px 40px; background: #1a1a1a; min-height: 31px; font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-size: 8px; line-height: 50px; text-align: justified; text-transform: uppercase; color: rgba(9,9,9,9,9,9);[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-gvcredit"]width: 500px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-family: 'Oswald'; font-size: 11px; line-height: 20px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-gvcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
1210 height
1210 height
nessuno vince.
3,835 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2020 17:54:58 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

In a way, he felt responsible for issuing the challenge… but he knew that it was the only choice they could stick with. Looking over at the other two men, all he could do was nod before the shockwave of energy very nearly knocked him off his feet.

Yet, his gaze was defiant. Staring up at the black-and-red specter, he noticed that there was—something—off about the ‘god’ that had spread its wings and unfurled himself to full form.

What Lars was not expecting that he would be cut off from half his team—the first containment unit he reached for was heavier than usual. Looking at it in silent shock, his eyes slid from Thomas to their other companion, before wondering if their other Pokémon was still accessible.

Shuffling around in his pocket, he finally found a containment unit that didn’t feel heavy in his hold—and sent out its occupant forward. While he was hoping for Ro or Alpha, the surprise on his face was absolute the moment he saw Ryujin unfurl herself from the beam of red light before landing with a silent thudding noise on the ground.

Ah, shit, he thought as he fought down the urge to betray any fear on his features. Hoping that this harebrained insanity was going to work, he nodded at the Swampert who had turned back to face him, utter shock on her face.

“I know. We have to make this quick,” he said to her, before turning to the other two. “This is going to get torrential, I apologize in advance,” he added a few moments later as he snapped his fingers exactly once.

That cue was for the Swampert to call down a concentrated downpour of rain around the area.

If they were going to go down, they were going to go down fighting to the last.

As the Rain Dance unfurled and began drenching all those present, Lars thought he felt—something brush by his leg.

He wished he hadn’t looked down, because just like the spectral Arcanine that had appeared…

There he was. The first.

He didn’t know what exactly had happened to Suijin in the explosion, but there he was—a spectral figure standing close to him, much like how he did when he was still in the world of the living. Not until did he feel something stinging his right eye did he think of wiping it away—what the fuck?

“Sui—“ he croaked, blinking away the burning sensation that was stinging his right eye. He couldn’t turn to address Thomas, he had to keep his attention right here, in the now. In the present.

Tick, tock.

Ryujin the Swampert used Rain Dance to summon a torrential downpour! (1 / 5)

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October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,526 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2020 18:05:46 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Thomas looked in in awe as the inhabitant of the Cocoon emerged from within. Despite the danger of the situation they're in, despite the real chance of death, Thomas was amazed to finally see the Agent of Death in person. Despite that, he held his head high, gaze defiant. If this was how he was going out, then he was going to be going like a warrior, as he had promised.

As he reached for a Pokeball, his expression turned to shock, upon feeling the calcified Pokeball. "What the hell!?", he muttered, feeling around the other Pokeballs, until he noticed one that wasn't calcified, then another. Before that could possibly change, he brought out two combatants, taking the rear positions. Thread and Colt glared up at the Agent of Death. This was the moment they were prepared for, a final stand with Death itself.

As rain fell upon the battlefield, Thread immediately fired off a bolt of Thunder towards the Yveltal, further guided along by the torrential rain. Meanwhile, Colt's large pincer opened wide, before firing off a massive Water Pulse, enhanced by both Mega Launcher and the rain.

As Thomas looked around, he'd spot the ghostly visages of Pokemon who had lost their lives, including a familiar Galvantula. "Taze!", Thomas called out, immediately recognizing it. The ghostly Pokemon cheered on his master. "If this is how I go, then I look forward to meeting you on the other side!", he'd call out, a tear streaming down his face, hidden by the rainfall, before turning back to the battlefield.

notes: Formation, as discussed with Ven and Fonz
Galvantula used Thunder, Rain boosted accuracy
Clawitzer used Water Pulse, power boosted by Mega Launcher and Rain

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777 height
777 height
5,203 posts
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2020 9:29:34 GMT



[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]









[attr="class","status NONE"]
[attr="class","th th-fire"]



DARK PULSE / SNARL / ?? / ?? / ?? / ??[break]
?? / ?? / ?? / ?? / ?? / ??[break]

THE LIGHTNING'S ILLUMINATION symbolizes what little hope they have of breaking past a blanket nightfall. Rain and thunder wash over the battlefield, making their mark, but neither prove enough to purge them of their sins. Their team work is amiable but that does little to dissuade the Legendary's anger. [break][break][break]

   [break]GRIMMSNAR uses LIGHT SCREEN![break]

  [break]SWAMPERT uses RAIN DANCE![break]

   [break]GALVANTULA uses THUNDER!

   [break]CLAWITZER uses WATER PULSE![break]

THE LIGHT SCREEN HOLDS for now but how long will it last against Yveltal's SNARL. Not long. Psychic glass rattles underneath the pressure of the Pokemon's guttural cry. It's a warning of what's to come, manifesting its own energy to fire a pin point blast at the source. Considering the menacing display of the Pokemon's power, Adrian's Grimsnarl doesn't look too damaged. [break][break][break]

      [break]YVELTAL uses SNARL!

   [break]YVELTAL uses DARK PULSE![break]


  • you may begin attacking this round.
  • outline which POSITION your pokemon is in the formation (front, back, left, right), for the formation shown above (hover) is most likely inaccurate.
  • make sure you BOLD your pokemon moves/abilities (when they activate).
  • all pokemon are under a lot of PRESSURE. they cannot use the same move repeatedly. trying to use too many moves may cause them to fumble.


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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
2,433 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2020 10:35:21 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




research: death stranding




When Mt. Pyre became awash with Yveltal's unchecked power, the ghost of Howitzer faded away, as if its presence flickered in tandem with the dark creature's own resonant energy. But more to the point, what tricks that had lulled him away and diverted his attention were no more, as he turned back to see Omen bearing the brunt of Yveltal's force. And though he yet completely abandoned hope, it was not that, but anger that broke his reminiscing.[break][break]

Rain began to drizzle before it became a steady downpour, the sky obscured behind a wall of stygian clouds flashing with lightning, the crashing of thunder the only illuminating presence aside from the radiant blemish upon Yveltal's breast. Yveltal had been struck perhaps a mortal blow for any mortal, but this creature looming over them had yet to give them a taste of its full measure... of divinity.[break][break]

"Omen, Spirit Break!" It didn't matter where, it didn't matter how; it just needed to hit Yveltal, and the bewitched strike would sap away Yveltal's life and vigor, if the gods be good... but this one most certainly was not. Its mannerisms, its posture, its velvety voice were all so very wrong... and yet still he found himself seduced by its power; its glow. Like it was calling out to something in him...[break][break]

"What do you mean you can help us be saviors!? You can't even save yourself, let alone a dog!" The eerie luminescence evokes a raw, emotional reeling inside him that causes a brief lapse in his silence as his outburst reveals a glimpse into his all-too-familiar motives. Except he has kept his lips stiff, refused to confide in his purported compatriots; consumed by sudden hysterics that breakdown his composure.
He hopes however that they don't read into it, hoping it's only his guilty conscience that makes his words seem so conspicuous when spoken aloud.[break][break]

That beautiful, bleeding canvas of Yveltal's hide shimmered with an unearthly glow that seemed to pulsate with its demonstrations, and Adrian wanted to see what happened if Grimmsnarl probed at the mysterious radiance nestled in its center which seemed to be more than met the eye. If only Howitzer were here... She could read into his directives, as if she just somehow intrinsically knew what he wanted from her, without having to be told in as many words.[break][break]

But Adrian was not sure Omen had that same gift.


Grimmsnarl used Spirit Break! [Super-Effective! Special Attack Down!][break]


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[newclass=".punkianger-gv .wordcount"]position: absolute; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); bottom: 100px; left: 40px; color: #fff; font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-size: 9px; line-height: 9px; padding: 6px 8px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-gv .lyric1"]position: absolute; bottom: 80px; left: 43px; filter: drop-shadow(0 0 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.4)); color: #fff; font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-size: 11px; line-height: 11px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px; font-weight: bold;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-gv .lyric2"]position: absolute; bottom: 40px; left: 40px; filter: drop-shadow(0 0 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.4)); font-family: 'Oswald'; color: #fff; font-size: 40px; line-height: 40px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 300; word-spacing: -8px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-gv .lyric2 b"]font-weight: 600; mix-blend-mode: overlay; position: absolute; white-space: nowrap;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-gv .tagline"]float: left; margin-top: -6px; margin-left: -40px; margin-right: 10px; background: #1a1a1a; font-family: 'Open Sans'; color: #999999; font-size: 10px; line-height: 10px; padding: 9px 11px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-gv .tagline a"]font: inherit; text-decoration: none; filter: brightness(120%); font-weight: bold; transition: all 0.3s ease;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-gv .tagline a:hover"]color: #fff;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-gv .bulk"]padding: 30px 40px; font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; color: rgba(9,9,9,9,9,9); text-align: justify;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-gv .bulk i"]font-weight: bold;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-gv .ooc-notes"]padding: 6px 40px; background: #1a1a1a; min-height: 31px; font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-size: 8px; line-height: 50px; text-align: justified; text-transform: uppercase; color: rgba(9,9,9,9,9,9);[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-gvcredit"]width: 500px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-family: 'Oswald'; font-size: 11px; line-height: 20px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-gvcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
1210 height
1210 height
nessuno vince.
3,835 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2020 19:58:25 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Summoning the Rain Dance was a good idea after all—it did help Thomas’s Pokémon to land a direct strike on the gigantic being that was above their reach—for the moment. The Thunder strike and another Water-type attack were powered up in the weather, and he drew up his jacket’s hood to protect himself from the downpour momentarily.

Once the strange white-colored Pokémon had taken their turn, he had two options to juggle through. While it was tempting to drop a Rock Slide to force the damned thing to land, he figured—why not use the torrential weather to his advantage.

Looking down where he had seen Suijin’s specter, he was not surprised that it had vanished. Blinking, he hoped that it was just a figment of his imagination.

They had to hurry. They had to move, and quickly.

“Drench it,” was all he said, tilting his head at the direction of the being.

The Swampert took aim, before releasing a powerful blast of Hydro Pump in an attempt to either strafe or bring down the black-and-red beast. He wasn’t sure if it was going to work, but…

It was well worth a shot.

Ryujin the Swampert used Hydro Pump!

Rain Dance (2 / 5)

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played by


October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,526 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2020 20:10:54 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Thomas would turn his gaze back up to the Embodiment of Death, his one good eye giving the dark bird a defiant look. Despite the odds being stacked against them, he was not going to give in. No, if this was how he was going out, he was going to go out roaring. Thankfully, the Rain provided by Lars' Swampert would give them something to go on, as it did help in striking a decent blow against the Yveltal.

Despite the Snarl, perhaps thanks to the Light Screen, Colt and Thread held strong, both glaring up at the Legendary Pokemon. As their allies went on the offensive, they too would join in. This time, the Galvantula would fire off an Electroweb at the Yveltal. Meanwhile, Colt would charge up an Aura Sphere, firing it off at the bird. As with the last attack, this too was enhanced by the power of Mega Launcher.

notes: Formation, as discussed with Ven and Fonz
Galvantula used Electroweb
Clawitzer used Aura Sphere, power boosted by Mega Launcher

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777 height
777 height
5,203 posts
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2020 6:11:49 GMT



[attr="class","userHP YELLOW"]

[attr="class","userHP YELLOW"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]









[attr="class","status NONE"]
[attr="class","th th-fire"]



DARK PULSE / SNARL / HURRICANE / ?? / ?? / ??[break]
?? / ?? / ?? / ?? / ?? / ??[break]

THERE IS STRENGTH IN UNITY. The combined efforts of the Pokemon show purchase against the Yveltal's impenetrable bulwark. It may shrug off each blow like nothing more than a mere annoyance but the fact that it reacts at all shows that their attacks are not in vain. Against the backdrop of the constant downpour is the very real possibility of them taking down this titan. [break][break][break]

   [break]GRIMMSNAR uses SPIRIT BREAK![break]

   [break]SWAMPERT uses HYDRO PUMP![break]


   [break]CLAWITZER uses AURA SPHERE![break]

THE WEATHER HAS WORKED in your favor so far but don't let it lure you into a false sense of security. As sure as the rain continues to drizzle so do the harsh winds that come with it. As if to demonstrate its mastery over the elements, the Yveltal loops around, mildly slower due the ELECTROWEB, picking up wind in order to launch a terrible HURRICANE at those below. Heavy gusts tear into Lar's Swampert while the others are thrown back by the constant gales. [break][break][break]


   [break]YVELTAL uses HURRICANE![break]
SWAMPERT is now CONFUSED![break]
rolls 30 and under will HURT ITSELF![break]

     [break]ENEMIES are buffeted by the HURRICANE![break]

High above, the Yveltal crackles with energy, concentrating its power into a POWERFUL ATTACK. While it's sure to land, perhaps one Pokemon can leap in the way to intercept it. From the way the sky seems to contort as the power manifests, whoever gets hit is sure to be in a world of pain. Even the strongest protection may not be able to stand up against such a terrible power.


  • outline which POSITION your pokemon is in the formation (front, back, left, right), for the formation shown above (hover) is most likely inaccurate.
  • make sure you BOLD your pokemon moves/abilities (when they activate).
  • all pokemon are under a lot of PRESSURE. they cannot use the same move repeatedly. trying to use too many moves may cause them to fumble.
  • please roll in your next post due to CONFUSION.
