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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jun 7, 2020 17:16:55 GMT
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part of him subconsciously wanted the battle to have happened. an unexplained disappointment comes to him, although he ignores it abruptly to recall his type:null back to its ball.

"y-yeah. we can try again someday. i'll try getting him more comfortable outside though!"

he hasn't actually seen his type:null in a battle, so perhaps it was a better choice to keep it inside the ball for now. using the other nulls during the slateport incident as reference wouldn't really be a clear indicator of his own pokemon's ability since his behaves rather strangely.

kyle wonders if it's simply because he's too lenient on his, or if it's just a species thing.

"yours doesn't act like a spoiled child, right?"

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POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 22:53:28 GMT
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With both of the bizarre Pokemon safely returned, the attention of the public falls off of them. They melt back into the occasional passing crowd, and she stands back to her full height. She's more than a little disappointed that their wonderful afternoon spent walking their nominations to the movies was so tragically ended - but alas.[break][break]

"I'll hold you to that. Admittedly, we probably should keep them considerably more low-key than I suggested. I forget that they aren't... natural."[break][break]

Her fingers get caught in a knot in her hair and she winces as she pulls her fingers through it. She had seen her Type: Null in battle, it had been the reason she rejected the idea of a fight in broad daylight in the middle of the town. Her Type: Null was a force to be reckoned with, and she wasn't willing to test her control over it so recklessly.[break][break]

Fernando would shoot her, after all.[break][break]

"No, not yet anyway. I'd rather not risk it, anyway. Come on, we have an epic movie to watch."


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POSTED ON Jun 18, 2020 17:42:17 GMT
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he looks at her blankly before he breaks into a slight smile. "ah! shouldn't have promised anything." the curve of his lips turn to a grin after the jest.

he lets her lead the way to the movie house, although he picks up the pace once they near the ticket booth. while there were various other movies available, they already planned on which one they'd be watching even before coming.

"you know what? my treat."

he clicks his tongue subconsciously afterwards, picking up common mannerisms on romance flicks he had binged before whenever the main character took their date to the movies. there was no wink that accompanied it, however.

kyle takes his wallet out and pays for the tickets. a picture of noah in traditional kimono holding a houndour falls off and lands on the ground without kyle noticing.

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POSTED ON Jun 24, 2020 22:44:22 GMT
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Stormy chuckles at his surprise, mirroring the curve of his lips with her own amused grin.[break][break]

She makes sure to walk alongside him or just a pace ahead. There's no ill intent in her lead, merely anticipation for time spent with a good friend and the eagerness to sit back and relax later.[break][break]

Surprise halts her conversation as she opens her mouth to order the tickets. The woman behind the ticket booth glances between the two of them with surprise, apparently amused by his suaveness and charm. Even Stormy is unable to hide the awkward blush at his boldness.[break][break]

"Wh-- alright, sure. I'm not gonna say no to free."[break][break]

But her attention is snagged by something falling to the ground as he turns to leave. A photo has slipped from the man's wallet, and she pauses to peel it off the ground carefully, brushing dirt from its shiny surface.[break][break]

As she stands and jogs to catch up with him, she reaches out to grab him by the hand. The gesture is soft, even as she presses the dropped photo into his hand. With an affectionate pat, she releases his hand and winks.[break][break]

"He's more than a friend, isn't he?"


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POSTED ON Jun 26, 2020 6:34:17 GMT
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kyle blinks at stormy when she hands him the photo, and then presents a smile at her. "hehe, yeah. he's my baby. isn't he cute? i miss him every day since i--" he stops and then processes the wink.

kyle starts to get red and quickly shoves the small picture back to his wallet, and then the wallet to his pocket. he grabs the tickets quickly with one hand, and stormy's hand on the other, as he moves away from the line with a brisk walk. the pace slows down eventually as kyle leads them to the line for snacks.

"y-you didn't mean frey, right?"

he lets go of her as they reach the end of the line, covering his mouth with his palm as he fidgets, eyes darting from one corner to the other. it wasn't that he wanted to hide his relationship, but rather he found it difficult to find answers for potential questions that would follow.

kyle wonders if stormy would ask more pertaining to her discovery.

"i-i'm not hiding this any better, huh?"

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POSTED ON Jun 26, 2020 17:31:54 GMT
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Surprise paints a pretty picture across Stormy's face as she watches Kyle's expression switch rapidly from happy-go-lucky to sweaty and nervous. Before she knows it her hand is hostage in his and she's being tugged away from the ticket booth and toward the snack bar. She's pretty sure that it isn't because he's hungry - but I mean maybe.[break][break]

When he lets her go she shakes her hand out and shoots him a puzzled look, studying how red his face had become. It involuntarily makes her own face red, like she's catching whatever fever he's presenting.[break][break]

"Frey? No, I meant Noah."[break][break]

She gestures to the wallet in his pocket, an eyebrow rising. He looks from side to side and she instinctively chooses to lower her voice in the hopes that it might make him more comfortable. [break][break]

"I-I don't know why you're so freaked out, man. I'm happy for you."[break][break]

He was absolutely not hiding it. In fact, now that she'd gotten over her initial shock, she was actually amused by how bashful he was being. It was a side of him she'd never seen before, and it was cute.


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POSTED ON Jun 27, 2020 11:34:40 GMT
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kyle swallows. he takes his eyes off of her for a moment to stare at the price of each snack. the distraction doesn't work.

"i'unno. it's just i'd hear people ask a lot of questions about it and i'm not really sure if i can answer them and all..."

he starts to rub the back of his neck, perhaps too furiously. he doesn't really care whether people know of it or not, although he supposed it's more of that he's more guarded with his personal life than anything else.

he knows stormy though, so he doesn't feel that bad that she knows.

"you've had relationships before too, right?" kyle wasn't sure if she has one currently. "do you get awkward with it too and try not make it a big deal or is it really just me? i-- uh, am i explaining myself right? i don't even know now..."

when they went out of his house to go to movies, kyle did not expect for him to fumble over his words trying to explain something so simple.

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POSTED ON Jun 27, 2020 20:48:55 GMT
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To alleviate tension, she follows his gaze to the menu items. But while his attempt to distract is a failure, Stormy has already picked out what they're going to order. In fact, while he's inner monologuing, Stormy has spoken up with a chipper attitude. By the time he speaks up again, Stormy's arms are full with two bags of popcorn (because she doesn't share well), and a drink in either hand.[break][break]

"You don't have to answer any of them, Kyle. It's none of their business if you don't want it to be."[break][break]

She's being sincere but the sentiment might be lost by the frustrated and concentrated look creasing her brows together as she works to juggle the snacks.[break][break]

"Y-you mind taking some of the burden here, friend?"[break][break]

But her eyes glance up to meet his and her struggle comes to an end at his question. While it doesn't necessarily make her uncomfortable, it does make her feel something. [break][break]

"Y-yeah, but I'm really not the best person to ask for relationship advice, if that's where you're headed."[break][break]

She clears her throat awkwardly, but Kyle continues before she could say too much.[break][break]

"You're fine, Kyle, just relax," she insists. If her hands hadn't been full she'd have given his arm a squeeze to try and reassure him. Alas, she has to rely on her exasperated tone that might not help in the slightest.[break][break]

God, she was really bad at being the comforting friend.[break][break]

"That's a hard question to answer. I think, honestly, it depends on the situation and the person you're with. I've been on both sides. I've both made it a big deal and went to take that step to making it a big deal, and I've also worked to not make it a big deal. If.. if that makes any sense. In both scenarios, it didn't end well."[break][break]

She forces an anxious laugh as she walks down the hall to their selected movie.[break][break]

"Like I said, I'm not really.. the best person to ask that question. I'm kind of a train wreck when it comes to romance. But if you like him, don't be shy about it. Enjoy it."


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POSTED ON Jun 30, 2020 3:42:53 GMT
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when stormy asks for help, he offers to hold the soda. having seen her combust to flames once makes him wonder if she has increased body heat or some other kind of mutation, and he doesn't want their drinks to get warm fast.

"you're right," he answers with a sigh, hanging his head low. he quickly whips his head up, "i mean the not making a big deal thing, and not you being a train wreck."

she had multiple relationships before, so that meant she's some kind of expert, or so kyle thought. he wasn't well versed on romance either.

kyle follows stormy to the hall and hands over their tickets to the staff taking them as they reach the end. a bunch of teenagers were with them, but that was to be expected with the kind of genre the movie they're watching is.

"i'd probably just talk about him like how i talk to my dogs, and that's gonna make things weird," he muses.

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POSTED ON Jul 3, 2020 4:46:08 GMT
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Stormy sighs with relief as the sodas are removed from her hands. The moment the ice-cold cups leave her hands she readjusts her arms to carry the popcorn with much more finesse and less fear of dropping it.[break][break]

Imagine if she dropped it before they even got to the movie.[break][break]

But he is absolutely right about the increased body temperature - taking the drinks away was the best idea. Bonus, however, was Stormy could probably pop any unpopped kernels if there were any. [break][break]

She glances up to Kyle's face when he speaks, a frown turning her lips down at his answer.[break][break]

"Oh, be honest. You think I'm a train wreck," she chuckles.[break][break]

While Kyle hands over the tickets, Stormy hangs off to the side to wait for him to rejoin her. She can't see past the giant bags of popcorn, so she bumps her shoulder against his before lowering the bag.[break][break]

They make their way to their seats and she glances at the teenagers before lowering awkwardly to her seat. [break][break]

"Well.. you love your dogs, right? I see nothing wrong with talking about him like you talk about your dogs. I think that's really sweet, honestly."[break][break]

She passes him his popcorn and gestures for him to pass her her drink.


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POSTED ON Jul 8, 2020 10:03:26 GMT
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he responds with a smile, dipping his head as he thinks for a come back, before lifting up with a chuckle.

"fine. you got me," he jokingly admits. "gotta surround myself with wrecks to make my life seem stable."

maybe he just overthinks things. he supposed it's better to come back to the usual thing of him doing what he feels is more comfortable instead of trying to accomplish things the correct way, since at the end of the day, he isn't quite confident with most of his choices anyways. no point in stressing himself over everything.

he'd give her her drink and take his snack from her as they enter the dimly lit room. the shows starts in a bit, but they have time to find their seats with the lights on still.

"you think so?" he confirms. "then i guess i'd start asking you about your love life too." kyle wasn't the type of person to prod someone of their personal lives, but the conversation seemed to just steer in that direction. unfortunately, the more practical side of him resurfaces.

"well, not now anyways. movie's starting soon."

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POSTED ON Jul 8, 2020 13:03:22 GMT
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Not long after they settle into their seats, the lights start to dim around them and they run through the trailers and commercials. She idly picks at her popcorn - too impatient to wait for the movie to start.[break][break]

She glances back to Kyle through the dimming light, mildly surprised that he would even want to ask about her own love life. She hadn't really meant to pry, herself, to begin with. It had just happened instinctively when she'd seen his boyfriend's photo. Now she felt a little self-conscious and pushy. [break][break]

"You can ask me anything, whenever you need, Kyle. Isn't that what friends are for? To share each other's bad advice?"[break][break]

But he eventually shushes her because the movie is starting and she melts into her seat to avoid the eyes on her. When all else is forgotten and the movie goes into full swing, she would find herself hand half in the popcorn bag and her temple pressed against Kyle's shoulder.[break][break]

They're in the climax of the movie and she's fast asleep.


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POSTED ON Jul 14, 2020 18:40:57 GMT
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a sudden weight on his shoulder distracts him from the movies.

he turns his head to his side to find a sleeping stormy. a smile forms on his face as he stares, only to realize he cannot take a picture of her sleeping in the movies. regardless, the fond memory stays.

figuring that she probably was tired or wasn't interested in the movie, kyle tries to be considerate and doesn't wake her up. he figures he'd just feign ignorance of this incident if she asks why he had not woken her up.

for now, he enjoys the movie.

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POSTED ON Jul 14, 2020 18:50:30 GMT
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Thankfully, she doesn't snore - at least not loudly. However, as the movie comes to an end and the viewers clap (because some people do), Stormy blinks herself awake and stretches, peeling herself from Kyle's shoulder and leaning away, letting slip an awkward chuckle.[break][break]

"Did I fall asleep? How embarrassing."[break][break]

But it was more than likely that she worked herself pretty hard in her day to day, and her day off she'd decided to spend with a close friend. [break][break]

She rummages in her popcorn bag as the credits roll. Everyone else is stirring to get up and get out but she hesitates because she's still sleepy.[break][break]

"Great movie, yeah? I really liked the part where the zombie bit the guys ear off. Gnarly."[break][break]

She says this with a wink because she may have just made that part up - and if pressed, she would say it was a background scene and Kyle must have missed it.[break][break]

When the theatre is mostly empty, she gets to her feet and rolls her head around on her shoulders, sighing.


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POSTED ON Jul 16, 2020 18:28:28 GMT
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stormy eventually stirs awake from her nap. "good morning," kyle responds with a fond smile and a cheery tone. clearly, stormy was right that going out was a good idea for him.

"my favorite part's where the zombie charizard burns the entire street down, but yours just might be better."

it was also a part he made up, but with kyle's tone and lack of gestures, such as a wink, there's little besides intuition to hint of it. as people start to get up their seats, kyle reclines on his.

kyle hesitates on getting up for a different reason. he'd rather get our when there are less people crowding the exit than walk in awkward baby steps as people try to file in towards the exit.

stormy eventually gets up, but kyle catches her sigh. he follows after her as he checks up on her.

"anything wrong?"