i scream [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Apr 21, 2020 4:50:56 GMT
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There's a lot on her mind and she knows just the thing to put it at ease - with a little bit of brain freeze. [break][break]

Stormy finds herself knocking on the front door of Kyle's house repeatedly, tapping her foot and glancing over her shoulder every once in a while to take a peek at where her little friend had wandered off to. [break][break]

With the good weather, she had been taking the Null out to play more and more frequently. It seemed to genuinely enjoy the warm weather and the clear skies, which was a relief, honestly. For the longest time since she'd brought him home or what have you, he'd been quite lethargic and disinterested. Even a bit moody.[break][break]

And she didn't appreciate moody.[break][break]

"Kyle? C'mon, don't tell me you're still sleeping. We're going out. Bring helmet-head, we're doing a double date to get some ice cream. I know you want some!"[break][break]

It's hard to tell if her voice carried over the dogs that might be barking at her from the other side.


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POSTED ON Apr 22, 2020 18:16:05 GMT
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kyle opens the door lazily, greeting stormy with half-lidded eyes, messy bed hair, and a discontent frown.

"you're e4 now. we don't have to wake up early. how are you so energetic in the morning anyways?"

it wasn't as early as kyle considers it to be.

kyle's current appearance reflects the opposite of stormy's energy. he wears a worn shirt with a realistic poochyena face printed on its front along with sweatpants. fuzzy manectric slippers indicate that he wasn't quite ready to take on the world just yet.

two poochyenas, ones that weren't as acquainted to stormy as his mightyena, peered from behind kyle's legs, curiously looking up to stormy. kyle's legs gently nudge them out of the house as if affirming them that his guest was not someone they should be wary about.

"why are we bringing the beast killers? won't we get unwanted attention?"

kyle takes a sip of coffee from the mug on hand as he waits for a response.

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POSTED ON Apr 22, 2020 18:47:10 GMT
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Stormy breathes vigor and energy as he opens the door. She pushes it open a little faster because he's taking too long and she's impatient and happy to see him. Without warning she throws her arms around the man, holding him close in a tight squeeze.[break][break]

"We don't have to but I hate wasting the day."[break][break]

She quickly reclines however as she takes a whiff of his bedhead and bedraggled clothing choice. He had clearly just woken up and hadn't showered yet. [break][break]

"Woof, you stink, man. Go take a shower and I'll raid your snacks while you're gone."[break][break]

Her hand gives him a couple of pats on the cheek as she pushes her way into his house and gently nudges him toward the shower facilities. In the meantime, she's knelt down to introduce herself to the young Poochies that had been hiding behind his legs.[break][break]

When she stands up she stretches, satisfied to hear some pops and cracks.[break][break]

"Why not? They deserve some TLC too. I'm tired of the sad puppy-dog eyes and the cramped up attitude. It's time to let 'em out, let 'em be Pokemon."[break][break]

She sighs, glancing around the corner to make sure he's preparing for a shower and not watching her take a couple of cookies from the pantry. She breaks a piece off for a sniffing nose begging for snacks and she chews thoughtfully, leaning against a wall.[break][break]

"But I mean, if you'd rather not bring them we can just let 'em out in the backyard while we go out. I still think it's a good idea to give them some fresh air, though."


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POSTED ON Apr 23, 2020 14:05:22 GMT
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he seems to attract friends that have the tendency to barge into his home, and stormy wasn't the only one with the tendency of being invasive. being used to it, he allows her in, though it wasn't like he had any other choice.

"cause it's unwanted," he answers, sipping his coffee as she ushers him to the right direction. "you'll get controversies from its origins and being an unknown species while also getting badgered by journalists and scientists alike, probably."

so far, his cosmog has been hidden from the public's knowledge, with only a select people knowing about it. he doesn't know which people cait alfric had told about it though, but if it's just fernando, it should be fine-ish.

"surprised no one's come to you after showing yours in the raid. then again, bigger things happened." even the commissioner's scandal was seemingly forgotten after her return. kyle doesn't involve himself in political affairs enough to care though. "anyways, there's ice cream in the fridge if you're really craving for them."

it was vanilla, an apt flavor for kyle's rather plain tastes.

kyle goes up to the second floor where his room was. a houndour scrambles from outside and follows kyle upstairs, which the trainer doesn't take particular notice of. a few of kyle's mightyena follow stormy inside, greeting the ex-gym leader with tail wags and puppy-dog eyes.

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POSTED ON Apr 24, 2020 1:25:38 GMT
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Stormy isn't the least bit perturbed or perhaps even aware that she might not be welcome. It simply didn't occur to her that Kyle might not want to hang out with her or partake in her silly misadventures. [break][break]

But she does pout and display an expression akin to a puppy dog's sad face when he makes it apparent that he isn't on board with her plan. She takes a glance over her shoulder at her own Null as it sneaks nervously into the house. It's quickly greeted by several of Kyle's dog Pokemon, and the Type: Null's fin-tail wags nervously and quickly. It holds its head high as venturing noses and faces press against its body.[break][break]

"I suppose you have a point."[break][break]

She sighs, disappointment evident in the drawn out exhale. The woman folds her arms tightly across her chest as she watches the interaction between strange abomination and friendly Pokemon draw itself out. At some point her Null assumes the role of being dog-like as well, participating in their bouncy games they want to play.[break][break]

"I'd just hate being cooped up, y'know? If I was in their shoes."[break][break]

Kyle disappears and she hears him mention her reveal of the Null during the raid. She scoffs, shaking her head in annoyance. It had been dire circumstance at the time, she could give less of a shit if anyone paid her any attention. [break][break]

"There was too much fuss over a shoe to worry about a dog with a helmet. I'm gonna be honest, I'm sure we've all seen stranger Pokemon."[break][break]

But at the mention of ice cream she bolts for the freezer. The cold chills the tip of her nose but she quickly frowns, pushing it closed and abandoning the idea. She wanted to support her local businesses, not eat some generic tub of basic bitch vanilla.[break][break]

"Nope, we're going out and you're coming with me. I'll buy, if that's what you're worried about."[break][break]

While she waits for him, however, she takes the time to explore the nearby rooms and admire whatever sort of decorating Kyle has done. Her Type: Null paces behind her, investigating every nook and crevice on its own.


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POSTED ON Apr 26, 2020 10:52:09 GMT
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if stormy proved one thing to kyle, it's that he shouldn't be worrying too much on insignificant things. weirder and weirder people started migrate to hoenn and he probably shouldn't be thinking much about their opinion. besides, the spotlight has often been on the wrong people lately anyways.

he gets out from the shower just in time to see stormy snooping around and inviting him out. "what? but wolt wants friends and he doesn't wanna go out," he quickly whines from upstairs.

hair still wet from the shower, he runs down to the first floor of his home. a damp towel covers the top of his head as he wears a plain white shirt and cargo shorts, reflecting how casual he wants to be.

the elite four makes his way to the basement door with haste, opening it with hurry to reveal a well-lighted room below. "tada, your friend's waiting!" he introduces, catching his breath from his sprint.

below lies his type:null, curled on a large dog bed, snoring softly in its sleep.

"see, we can hang out here instead... or something like that."

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stormy, bronwen
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POSTED ON Apr 27, 2020 2:03:08 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


Stormy stops short of probably breaking something delicate, tucking her finger back into her palm as she turns. The footsteps behind her alerted her and she quickly rests her hands back at her side, feigning innocence.[break][break]

"He doesn't want to or he just doesn't know any better? Sometimes you have to push them out of their comfort zone to make sure they know what they want."[break][break]

She winks because it's almost exactly what she does and continues to do with Kyle. He made it pretty clear that he would absolutely, positively, prefer to hang out at home and do nothing. [break][break]

It makes her really wonder how he stays so fit when every time she comes by, he's either sleeping or gaming. [break][break]

"Cause I mean.. you basically never wanna go out - but when I give you a little push you always have fun. Unless you're lying to make me feel better, which in that case I'll personally kick your ass."[break][break]

She pouts but it quickly melts into a smile because she can't stay mad at him.[break][break]

Kyle opens the door to the basement and she leans around him to take a look at the well-lit room. It certainly didn't look as dark and damp as she had thought - though she wasn't sure why she had envisioned it that way. Kyle's house wasn't disappointing by any means.[break][break]

It doesn't take her long to reach the bottom of the stairs, eager to meet her best friend's Pokemon. It sleeps soundly and she slowly approaches, sinking to the floor and sighing.[break][break]

Her own Type: Null creeps down the stairs, carefully lifting its head and helmet so as to not knock against anything on the way down.[break][break]

Stormy glances up at Kyle, a defeated look in her eye.[break][break]

"Fine, fine, fine... have you picked up any new movies? I'll make popcorn and scoop some ice cream for us."[break][break]

She sounds wistful though, like she's not super jazzed to just hang out at home. [break][break]

"But we should go for a walk around the block after. I'll help you with the dogs, it'll be fun."[break][break]

Her own Null slinks into her lap hesitantly, unsure if it wants to be so close but unsure if it wants to lay by itself. Each of Stormy's hands rest on either Pokemon.


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POSTED ON Apr 30, 2020 18:32:29 GMT
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kyle snickers at her interpretation of his lazy behavior. "fuck, you caught on already?" he jests.

he tails her as she goes down to inspect the type:null. "i'd drag him out if i could, but he's too heavy to push all the way up." not that he tried carrying it, but he guessed he'd break his back or something if he ever exerts himself to do the feat.

a hand scratches the back of his head as he tries to recall any movies released in the season that he has. "got a bunch of corny love stories, but i don't want to watch those a second time." kyle shudders, recalling movie nights with noah. "ugh, fine. i give up. we can go out, i guess. know any good movies that's now showing?"

he moves past stormy and their type:nulls and goes straight to one corner of the basement where a pc for pokemon storage is set up. he takes a pokeball, belonging to his type:null, from the shelf beside it. he recalls his type:null with it.

"you gotta help me with the dog walking though, like you said! noah's been busy lately, and he can't be my dog walker for a while and it's a pain to walk all forty-ish of them."

while he knows every single one of his dogs personally by heart, their exact number escapes him.

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stormy, bronwen
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POSTED ON May 1, 2020 22:21:05 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


Stormy scowls but there's a twinkle in her eye as she shakes her head at his response.[break][break]

"They are pretty heavy. I think it's the helmet."[break][break]

Her fingertips brush her own Null's helmet lightly. The Pokemon remains virtually motionless as she does this and Stormy isn't sure if that's a good or bad thing. The woman brushes her dark hair over her shoulder as she glances back at Kyle as he scratches the back of his head. It's his tell. She's got him right where she wants him.[break][break]

Stormy is, however, genuinely surprised he even has corny love stories - he definitely didn't seem the type. But he always had something new to show her, so she wasn't that surprised.[break][break]

She misses his following shudder because she's standing back up, excitement bubbling in her chest as she watches his expression go from mildly annoyed to mildly annoyed but compliant. She nods slowly, waggling her eyebrows as he makes her way past her to retrieve Wolt's pokeball.[break][break]

The Type: Null disappears in a flash of light and Stormy quietly whispers her cheer of success before returning her own to the pokeball attached to her hip.[break][break]

"Of course! I never break a promise. Besides, how hard can it be to walk them all when they're so well behaved?"[break][break]

She giggles as she reaches for his hand, eager to tug him along and back up the stairs to head out. On the way, she snags her purse and slings it over her shoulder loosely.[break][break]

"I think there's a new zombie apocalypse movie in theatre right now - it looked intense."


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POSTED ON May 3, 2020 7:11:20 GMT
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kyle exhales from a deep breath, exaggerating his reaction for his dogs being called well behaved. "you should see the pups. i swear their behavior is relative to their size." there was a reason why kyle only goes out with the bigger ones.

he lets himself get dragged away from the basement to the ground floor. the mightyena that crowded the door cleared the way once the duo walk up before tailing the two as they move.

he hasn't heard any of the current movies of the season besides ones that relate to his favorite anime or one-shot mangas. the genre did pique his interest and there was interest in his expression despite the half-lidded eyes.

"good. i want action," he reacts with a lazy tone on his voice. "this is an action kind of movie instead of a 'me and you against the world' romance thing, right?"

he'd probably suggest the movie to noah if it is though.

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stormy, bronwen
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POSTED ON May 7, 2020 21:04:18 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


"They're puppies, Kyle. They don't listen to anyone."[break][break]

She delivers him an amused but exasperated smirk as she looks to him. But her fingers wrap around his hand as she pulls him up the stairs and into the sunshine. She practically breathes a sigh of relief as the warmth from the upstairs window brightens her skin. Together, they wade through the Mightyena at the front door, settling in behind them. She can feel their poofy tails wag back and forth.[break][break]

"What? You don't like a little PDA? Didn't take you for the shy one, Kyle."[break][break]

Stormy chuckles as she adjusts her purse strap over her chest. She's since let his hand drop and her own fall to her side, one reaching for the door handle and holding it open without pulling it just yet.[break][break]

"I don't think there're any movies these days without a little romance. It's exhausting but whatever. I'm in it for the blood and guts and killer fighting moves!"[break][break]

And then she opens the door and exits, some pep in her step as she waits for Kyle to join her. In the meantime, however, she flags a taxi or something of the sort - she could only assume it might be a walk to the movie theatre.


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POSTED ON May 10, 2020 16:36:42 GMT
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the two of them were on their way to the movie theater, his type:null out of its pokeball from stormy's request. instead of being excited about the movie, however, kyle's face is riddled with anxiety.

"i, uh, this isn't looking so good, storms."

kyle tries to calm his type:null down by placing his hands on its neck for comfort. he could feel the heavy breathing from the pokemon for being in a new environment. its wary eyes swish from side to side, and the overload of new information gets it skittish amongst the crowd.

he had a similar pokemon before. the only difference was that the kommo-o he got from rocket was a known species. kyle doesn't know the full extent of a type:null's capabilities.

"have you gotten a reaction like this on yours before?" he asks, his full attention still on his pokemon. "i got an idea, but i'd like a second opinion."

its breaths start to get heavy. the panting only turns into growls when its eyes meet a bystander's glare.

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POSTED ON May 19, 2020 3:42:59 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


It isn't until Kyle slows down and Stormy gets ahead of him a pace, a thought she has falling just short of her lips as she notices he isn't answering, causing her to glance over her shoulder in confusion.[break][break]

"Did you hear what I---"[break][break]

She's cut off by the look of anxiety on her friend's face and the use of her nickname with a tone of uncertainty. She comes to a halt and waits a moment, perplexed by the situation. She watches as he places his hands on the Null in an attempt to calm it, but she can see plain as day, the way its chest heaves with fear.[break][break]

"Oh no."[break][break]

Stormy approaches cautiously for fear her sudden movement might startle the Pokemon. As she gets closer she starts to kneel next to Kyle, tucking her hair behind her ear carefully as she glances up at him. Her own excitement has dissipated and been replaced with worry.[break][break]

"Not for a long time - I'm so sorry, Kyle. I thought he'd been out more than this, that this was just an easy walk. I shouldn't have pushed."[break][break]

Eventually, Stormy moves around to the other side to effectively block passersby from seeing the situation - not that most cared to even glance their way.[break][break]

"What's your idea?"


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dog boy
october 24
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Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
i scream [c]
POSTED ON May 22, 2020 18:52:33 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
kyle swallows. it usually works for his dogs since they just wrestle with each other without using moves. something as foreign as a type:null was an experiment at this point for kyle despite how long he has the pokemon already.

he answers with uncertainty, knowing that this wouldn't end well in a crowded area.

"...tire them out with a battle.."

this was verdanturf at least. the population wasn't as high as big cities like slateport or mauville, and so there were more spaces for their pokemon to run around on. kyle wasn't too optimistic about that, however, but he decides not to voice it.

the low grumbles from the type:null continue as it starts to do slight lunges towards people that look at it funny. the behavior subsides when stormy blocks its view, but the restlessness remains.

"you know, just a little bop or two until they get their fight off of their systems. i'd recall it back to his ball, but yeah."

they went here for a type:null play date, and it wouldn't really be a play date if one of them's confined in a ball.

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
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1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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Stormy Silph
i scream [c]
POSTED ON May 31, 2020 20:25:49 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


"With a battle? Here?"[break][break]

She glances over her shoulder to her own Null that was currently contemplating taking a leak on a nearby park bench. The Pokemon looks up mid-sniff as if feeling Stormy's eyes on it. It makes some sort of awkward 'I've been caught' sound before approaching Stormy quietly. It seems far more timid than Kyle's, unwilling to meet anyone's eye and unsure how to act.[break][break]

It becomes abundantly clear that this great idea of hers might not have been so great. But her pride prevents her from admitting that. She literally chews her lip, however, as she considers his suggestion and what might happen as a result.[break][break]


Stormy sucks in a breath as she glances around her briefly at the crowd. Although they were making their way past them without so much as a second glance, she wasn't sure that starting a mini scuffle in the middle of the street was a good idea either.[break][break]

"Okay, okay. Fine. It was a bad idea."[break][break]

She holds her face in her hands for a moment, sighing heavily as she pulls her cheeks back and pulls hair from her face. With a subtle shake of her head, she reaches for her own Null's Pokeball to return the creature and quell its anxiety as a result of the situation. [break][break]

"We can see that movie without the puppies, give 'em a break."[break][break]

There's a note of dejection in her voice but she knows it's the right thing to do.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


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