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great escape
lost track of time & space
The nerve of this woman! She was either daft, mad, or both. And if she had a death wish, then he had half a mind to grant it. Red-maned hair rivaled the fiery glare in his eyes. His trigger finger was poised over what he was too flustered to recall was simply a taser, and not an actual gun. His people wanted her unharmed. But it was clear she would not make things so easy. Just as he steadied his aim at her, however, the light in the room dimmed. Then a cold chill began to grow like a vine up the length of his legs.[break][break]
When he looked down to see it, the man immediately panicked.
"Gah! Bloody hell!" He exclaimed, struggling to pull himself free from the dark influence as the ruckus from the Applin chase continued to transpire around them.
"What have you done?!" The stranger snapped in accusation, relinquishing the struggle to break his legs free from the dark influence and aiming the taser once more.
"Here's what you're asking for then, you witch!" Before firing it at Isra.[break][break]
In the space of a moment, Herschel had leapt in front of the black-haired Nightingale to deflect the tasers probes with his
BULLETPROOF apple skin. The probes, instead, lodged themselves within the pursuing Zoroark's face when it had leapt to trap the little green Applin in its jaws. The bipedal fox yelped once before succumbing to the seizures of electricity that racketed its body. It crashed and landed on Isra's lap on the ground below while the
LEECH SEED, too, continued to grow throughout its fur.[break][break]
Realizing the proverbial tables had been abruptly turned, the red-maned man turned to unclip another pokéball from his belt... only to notice, out of the corner of his eye, that Remiel had managed to grab his sack of pokéballs from the floor. Pinned to the ground by rubble and a cabinet, and definitely a little worse for wear, the royal still offered the lad a brief hint of smile before holding up a reinforced luxury ball and pressing its button.[break][break]
A burst of dark, shadowy essence filled the room alongside the loud crash of furniture and shattering glass. When the darkness began to clear, a pair of eyes like infernal jewels were the first things to break through. Its breathing was slow and deep; a carnivorous rumble in its throat so loud that the vibrations could be felt throughout one's bones. Air exited its nostrils in a powerful snort. The remains of the cabinet and pieces of rubble that had once pinned Remiel Calcifet to the ground were now slowly sliding off its back in all directions. A flap of its muscular and scaly wings flung them off completely.[break][break]
As the red-maned man stared at the monstrous mutant in confused terror, Isra would feel Remiel's hand grasp her own just moments before the panicked screams kicked in.
"We have to go." He urged, clutching at a bruise to his side as the limp in his leg cried for him to lay down instead.[break]
notes: let's go!
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