bad day at black rock [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
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Stormy Silph
bad day at black rock [m]
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2020 19:12:43 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


"Maybe that's all part of the game. They want to get caught. We're like fish caught on a line and they're slowly reeling us in for the suspense."[break][break]

Stormy stops short, having already blown past the security who had nodded to his partner to allow her in. Even despite her own disheveled look, they hadn't blinked twice at her. Atlan, on the other hand, was being held up immediately. The woman glances over her shoulder briefly, narrowing her eyes into the crowd when she realizes she's lost sight of the pair.[break][break]

This leads the woman to come back to the front of the building to rectify the situation with the guards. As she approaches she reaches for the badge in her purse, flashing it - though they already knew who she was - in order to get their attention.[break][break]

"Hey, guys, he's with me. There's a kid on the loose with a Kadabra causing some trouble. We're taking care of it."[break][break]

They seem to pause, visibly uncertain given their assumption that Atlan was a panhandler. But the intensity of her gaze and the irritated shake of her badge encourages them to let the guy go. Atlan then points up to the second floor, bringing her attention up to the pair snickering from behind the railing.[break][break]

"Come on!"[break][break]

Once again, without hesitating, Stormy takes off to climb the escalator. Instead of waiting for it to reach the top like most people, she weaves in and out, offering brief apologies as she bumps and knocks her way past people too stubborn to move.[break][break]

However, she takes a moment to catch her breath at the top, clearly winded. Her stomach growls uncomfortably loud and she wipes strands of hair from her face.[break][break]

"They're lucky they swindled me out of a fantastic lunch, or I'd have already caught up to them."


[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
bad day at black rock [m]
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2020 4:35:16 GMT
Deleted Avatar
If I wasn't comfortable with myself, I would never be comfortable.


bad day in lilycove



Atlan initially doubted that the kid was smart enough to employ the kind of tactics Stormy's words suggested. But, recalling on his lonely days as a child on the research base in Holon, the young man reconsidered. Even so, something just didn't feel right about the whole situation. It went beyond the boy just pranking them for fun's sake. There was another layer, perhaps several, that Atlan knew the two of them hadn't quite perceived yet.

Just when he thinks the pair they've been chasing after have gotten away with it again, however, Stormy flashes a badge to the security guard to permit his entry. The content of said badge certainly doesn't go unnoticed before Atlan swiftly limps by, his pride a little wounded at the moment but his drive to catch the scoundrel stronger than ever. "Thanks..." He mutters, mostly to the elite four member than the security guard who moved.

Shortly after Atlan had pointed out the two taunting them from above, however, Stormy burst into action and ran up escalator. Not one to let the loss of a single shoe impede his way, Atlan also gave chase. He struggled just as she had to push his way past the people on it and apologize all the while. Unfortunately for the assistant, however... his pant leg got snagged into the escalator.

Stormy says something, but he's too busy struggling to free himself of the escalator as it slowly crawls upward. "WHAT. IS IT. WITH. MY. LUCK TODAY!?" He growls, looking up just in time to see the kid and his Kadabra run away deeper into the outdoor shopping mall. "I'll never catch up to them if I keep going on like this... Nemesis, I'm counting on you!" He announces, gesturing for the Rookidee to chase the two culprits. "Help Stormy detain them! I'll catch up!" He desperately commands. 

Whether or not the female followed suit, the Rookidee would do as it was told and fluttered off. Moments afterward, Atlan would free himself from the escalator moments before he was forced to take his pants off altogether. But not without having to rip his pant leg. He groans in defeat after stumbling on his ass off the escalator, the pedestrians behind him stepping over his legs to pass by. "Gahhh... these were new!"

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
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Stormy Silph
bad day at black rock [m]
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2020 5:13:40 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


Stormy's bullheaded confidence and determination prevents her from stopping when her shoelace gets stuck at the top of the elevator. She merely pulls so hard that she snaps the string clean off. It causes her to stumble for just a moment as she catches her momentum to keep on running, but all she hears is a couple of shocked gasps.[break][break]

It doesn't occur to her that the situation is off, that there might be more to this than a scumbag kid stealing shit from unsuspecting idiots: her included. She was gullible, it's true.[break][break]

Of course, her luck continues to slip through her fingers even as she weaves through the crowd. She bumps shoulders, jostles her elbows, finds elbows in her ribs and arms as she struggles to fight her way past the slew of people walking as a group in the perfect formation to slow her down.[break][break]

Atlan's Rookidee flies ahead of her but it's what keeps her level-headed and determined. He acts as a beacon of hope in this trying time.[break][break]

"Just.. slow down.. for a second."[break][break]

She huffs and puffs as she breaches the wave of crazies last-minute shopping. For just a moment, a fraction of a second, Stormy rests her hands on her knees to catch her breath. But the breath is short-lived by the continuous assault of giggling as the pair round the corner. And then she reaches for a Pokeball. It rolls down the isle, kicked and bumped and knocked - but it bursts open and Stormy's Chandelure appears in a twirl of excitement.[break][break]

"Hestia! Stop that Alakazam!"[break][break]

The Pokemon obeys without question because it seems the curse is on Stormy, not on her Pokemon. Chandelure takes care of the situation as quickly as possible, picking out the Alakazam in the crowd with a PSYCHIC. Of course, the psi Pokemon's psychic ability is much stronger than her own, but it's a distraction and Stormy takes advantage of it. [break][break]

"Hah! Got ya!"


[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
bad day at black rock [m]
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2020 3:17:03 GMT
Deleted Avatar
If I wasn't comfortable with myself, I would never be comfortable.


bad day in lilycove



The scrappy kid watches from afar as his Kadabra is literally picked out from the crowd. He's got one foot on the stepping pad at the edge of the escalator that ferries people back down, but he doesn't act on it. Instead, he's frozen. And he blinks, as if snapping out of some trance he didn't even know he was in. Before he can really come to it, however, a Rookidee suddenly swoops down to snatch him by the collar and pull him away. Its Scary Face prevents him from putting up any real struggle.

| | |

Reunited in the food court, with their captives in tow, Atlan gestures for the boy to sit at one of the cheesy 90's aesthetic plastic tables before the Rookidee finally lets him go. Looking incredibly worse for wear (like some vagrant, to be quite honest), the assistant is quick to notice the suspicious glances he receives from people passing by. But he settles into ignoring them pretty easily as he sets the full scope of his attention back on the kid.

The Rookidee perches itself on his one unspoiled shoulder. It glares between the kid and the Kadabra. Its Keen Eye, perhaps, noticing something Atlan hasn't.

"Kid... you wouldn't believe the day I've had... or maybe you would." He speaks, drumming his fingers lightly on the table's surface as he glares at the swindler.

"I don't know what you're talking about, old man," The boy defiantly replies, his small hands turning into fists on his lap as he glares back. "I've never met you before in my life. You new on the street?"

"... Eh?"

"New. On the street." The kid reiterates, folding his arms across the edge of the table as he leans in. "You're not gonna get a good reputation when the others find out you're panhandling from an orphan."

Thoroughly confused, and knowing full well that could lead to supporting the kid's designation for him as an 'old man', Atlan backs off and clears his throat before turning to Stormy. "Uhh... you making any sense of this, Storm?" He asks, regarding the boy as he turns to the Kadabra nearby and looks at it confusedly.

"Is that one of yours, too, mister?"
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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
bad day at black rock [m]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 23:54:29 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


Stormy gasps and puffs, fingers crinkling the fabric of her jeans as she works to catch her breath. It really made her realize how badly she needed to get back into working out and being active. The break-up depression and recent events outside of her control had really started to hang over her like a dark cloud.[break][break]

This was certainly an eye-opener.[break][break]

Atlan takes over the situation, his Rookidee dragging the boy away from the Kadabra. The Chandelure is unable to keep the psychic type from escaping, and ultimately returns to Stormy with a wide-eyed expression of ghostly concern. Stormy waves her away, standing back up and bracing her back with her hands, sighing heavily.[break][break]

It seems, however, that the situation they're walking into is much deeper than they at first suspected. As if snapped out of a trance, the kid responds to Atlan with genuine surprise and confusion. As if he is honestly not sure who they are or why they're chasing him. Stormy furrows her brow at this, holding back from interfering in the interrogation.[break][break]

She only finds her words when Atlan asks her a question.[break][break]

"I-- what do you last remember, kid? You were with a Kadabra just now, causing quite a bit of trouble I might add. Any of that ring any bells?"


[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


template by kay

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
bad day at black rock [m]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2020 7:10:34 GMT
Deleted Avatar

The child blinks at Stormy for a moment, as if trying to figure out some semblance of a puzzle in her eyes. To him, the two adults looked pretty crazy. Who was to say they weren't just spouting crazy, too? On the other hand, though, the woman seemed pretty convinced. And, as hard as he tried, trying to remember how he'd gotten here and why ended up being far too foggy to recall.

"I... I don't know." The kid finally uttered in reply, eyes trembling with uncertainty as they flicked between the boy and the girl.

It's in that awkward moment of silence and confusion that, suddenly, Atlan perceives something. It's a voice... in his head. And it's telling him— no, urging him to...  send his Rookidee after the Chandelure? He lowers face into his hand as he tries to get a grip. "I— if this kid is telling the truth, then... that has to mean... ack!"

He exclaims in anguish, dropping to his knees as an invisible force seems to grip him painfully by the brain. But, as it turns out, this force is not as invisible as he might think. In fact, it has taken the form of bright glowing eyes on a captive Kadabra.


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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
bad day at black rock [m]
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2020 19:27:10 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!!
[attr="class","reward2"]both of you receive the following: 50 pokedollars, 5 infamy, 1x applicable psychic-type move.