the TNT punch [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the crown prince
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Remiel Calcifet
the TNT punch [m]
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2020 6:02:54 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.


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Well, sure.

Perhaps he didn't look the part of a bouncer. And he imagined the sight of Isra, who was a little shorter than him and certainly a lot lighter, wasn't something the pair of rookie League trainers took seriously either. But when one of them had summoned his Feraligatr into the dark alleyway they presided over in the Upper District, they had foolishly sealed their fate tonight.

A valuable lesson in 'biting off more than they could chew' was clearly required. So, with a sigh, he snapped his fingers, waiting only a second before his Leavanny swung down from the rooftop high above. She, too, he imagined, didn't look all that tough in front of the burly Feraligatr. But appearances were definitely deceiving.

"This is a private event, lads," Remiel warns them one last time. "No invitations, no warrant; no entry." He adds, leaning back against the wall.


The large bipedal alligator snarled, as defiant as his trainer would prove to be. And, as said trainer responded to Remiel, the black-haired royal was quick to notice the other one reaching for a pokéball of his own. "Cut the bullshit. This is just a front for an illegal pokémon fight club. Now let us in before we break our way in. Or we'll arrest you, too!"

Unimpressed as ever, Remiel's nonchalant eyes shifted over to his partner. "I'm afraid we've been given no other option." His hues of blue-grey shift back to the Feraligatr. "... Electro Web." And, without any hesitation, the loyal Leavanny complies and fires a net of electrified web from its mouth that wraps itself around the large alligator and causes it to stumble back.


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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
the TNT punch [m]
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2020 22:21:53 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar
They grit their teeth and Isra grins.

"Fine we'll do this the hard way then!" the second part of the set states as the Feraligator is stopped in it tracks, the electricity coursing through the web wrapped around it impeding its ability to move forward. The chuckle is light on her lips, as if they think the medicham that enters the alley way has any chance of salvaging the encounter. "Ice punch!"

It moves in to strike for the grass type, the crackling crystals growing colder by the second as they form and fall from the fists of the pokemon. There is no hesitation in Isra's response, hand reaching for the sky, whistle sharp. Wings curl around the shadow in the sky, the same one that had alerted them to the pair's arrival before they made themselves known. The Noivern dives for the alleyway from above, fangs enveloping in light as he descends, seeking the shoulders of the medicham and sinking in while the pokemon is still in motion.

The bat does not let go, talons sinking into the sides of the pokemon as his wings unfurl and lift him upward again. The fighting type goes with him, soon dangling in the air above them. If it's cries where worthy of note Isra did not notice, and neither did the Noivern, choosing only to tighten his grip. "Shit!"

"now now, two on one's awful unfair don't you think?" there's something playful in her tone, a warning beneath it. They will find no easy victory here and to turn around and walk away would be in their best interests.

"Last chance boys." she hopes they don't take it.

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
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Remiel Calcifet
the TNT punch [m]
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2020 4:35:15 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.


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The so-called 'heroes' of Hoenn. How pathetic.

It didn't necessarily surprise Remiel that a six-month course was insufficient to properly instill the laws of this country and the rights of its people into their gung-ho morally-driven minds. Yes, Rocket exploited these very laws and privileges every single day— tonight certainly being a prime example of said fact. But if they wanted to play hero, then they could at least do it right. Those who didn't stand by their own supposed tenets, or those of their 'do no wrong' institution, were less than men.

As the Medicham soared above them helplessly, the Feraligatr's trainer growled as he stepped back to create some distance. He then commanded his behemoth as it struggled to release itself of the web it was wrapped in:

"Brucie, Thrash!"

Though it had more or less been doing that since the electricity petered off, the bipedal alligator now intensified its actions with an aggressive swinging of its arms. The rampage prompted Remiel to finally step aside from the door himself as it stumbled forward. Acacia, on the other hand, was nimble enough to duck and avoid one of the Feraligatr's strikes. "Tie him up. Keep him away from the door." Remiel calmly ordered.

With a fairy-like giggle, the Leavanny complied as she grabbed onto the Feraligatr's arm and was catapulted upwards. When it realized what it had done, the large beast turned its ferocious gaze upwards and raised its arms, ready to thrash the agile bug out of the sky. But it never got the chance when, suddenly, she fired a net of web at its eyes mid-descent. It stumbled backwards again in a rage, desperately trying to pull the web off of its face  while she landed behind it. Quick to peek out from said position, Acacia looked at her master eagerly...

But his eyes were focused on the distraught Feraligatr instead. How sad. She would have to do more.
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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
the TNT punch [m]
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2020 21:20:42 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar
Isra grimaces at the name, something about brucie simply leaves a sour taste in her mouth and she finds it difficult to let it pass.

"Brucie? Was that really the best you could come up with?" her brows knot together, the look of disappointment is impossible to miss. it falls a moment later, the subtle shake of her head seems to loosen her feature and return them to their usual disposition. The woman doesn't linger on the subject, her own Noivern being of greater importance. The call by the medicham's trainer for a zen headbutt not being lost on her.

The woman whistles and her Noivern responds in an instant, dropping the pokemon like a toy she no longer wishes to play with before the glow of psychic energy around its head can come to mean anything. What comes next is a decision made by the bat herself, the beating of her wings kicking up a whirlwind from above. Before the fighting type can steady itself its feet come out from under it and it collides with the wall of the alley way.

The sound from the noivern's chest is something almost like laughter, a cackling that it has most certainly learned from her ghost. It watches the fighting type closely as it scrambles to recover. Neither it nor its trainer seems entirely ready for a fight. Not really.

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
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Remiel Calcifet
the TNT punch [m]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2020 4:10:25 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.


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The League trainer shoots Isra a glare for her comment, but is cut-off from responding when he realizes just what sort of predicament the Feraligatr has found itself in. With all the grace and silent motion of a cat, the trickster-like Leavanny has wrapped thick threads of web around the bipedal alligator's ankles. When she's finished, she taps its shoulder to immediately garner its blind and rage-induced attention. The act prompts it to forgo pulling away the web from its eyes in favor of wildly swinging an arm behind it before turning around.

In the act of doing so, however, it trips over its webbed-up feet and nearly collapses on top of its own trainer.


It crashes with a thunderous thud that shakes the very ground beneath their feet. Its trainer, who practically had to dive out of the way to avoid being crushed, scrambles back up onto his feet to aid his partner. Unfortunately, still in the throes of its Thrash, the man is abruptly mistaken for the enemy and flung backward into the alley with another powerful swing of the Feraligatr's arm.


He yelps before crashing into a pile of trash nearby. Remiel, in the meantime, sighs and rubs at his brow with a single hand. "This work is beneath us..."
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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
the TNT punch [m]
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2020 7:56:06 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar
Isra watches the debacle, which neither of the men they are faced with seem prepared for in the slightest. Her noivern soon finds itself just as over matched as the medicham attempts to prepare an attack, barely on its feet before the Noivern descends on it again.

The boomburst is controlled, precise and executed just as the flying pokemon is closest to the fighting type. Unable to dodge the sound waves forcing it back the pokemon is thrust into the wall again and will soon find that the pokemon is content to toy with her prey. She circles the alley, watching it closely. If it dares to stand, thinks it might attack, moves she closes in again. The deafening burst of sound seems impossible to escape.

It is apparent by the look on the trainers face that they have no idea what to do with the situation.

Isra turns to Remiel, chuckling at his reaction to the situation. "Told you we should have just let Layla take care of this." she remarks playfully, referencing her Zoroark whose illusions could have helped them avoid the scenario completely. Oh well. Sophia was always in a better mood after she got to toy with something anyway.

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
the TNT punch [m]
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2020 20:54:07 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.


boom boom xxxplosive



"I really didn't think we'd come across trainers this foolish," Remiel retorts, watching as the Feraligatr writhes on the ground below before finally managing to tear apart the web around its ankles. "All this trouble for an antiquities auction." He adds, shifting a knowing glance at Isra as Acacia subdues the Feraligatr again with an Electro Web that illuminates the alley.

"Do you trust your Noivern to handle itself for a moment? Perhaps you should step away to see how Layla is faring with it." He continues, reaching for the door before knocking on it thrice. The metal slot at the top of it slides open to reveal a pair of scrutinizing eyes. Remiel whispers a passcode, and those eyes disappear behind the metal slot once more. Then the door opens slightly to allow the young lady inside. 

League trainers banging on an alleyway door that may or may not lead to an illegal pokémon fighting circuit was one thing. But to fool them into believing it was actually nothing more than an auction for vases and cabinets was another. It was the difference between a slap on the wrist by their superiors and reassignment to traffic duty. Controlling the narrative in this manner might normally be impossible in these kind of circumstances... but not with a certain Zoroark and its illusionary magic.

With a slightly annoyed murmur, Remiel sauntered past the electricity-ridden Feraligatr and over to its trainer. He'd help him up out of the trash while his partner desperately tried to shoo the Noivern away.
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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
the TNT punch [m]
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2020 10:56:00 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar
Isra chuckles, of course she does. "You should be asking if I trust her not to go overboard." that was a little less likely. The Noivern adored her own brand of downright rotten behavior. As it was the pokemon looms overhead, chittering her amusement as the fighting type she has so thoroughly bested begins to tire. The medicham find itself slumped against the wall, breathing hard.

It is the tell tale click of heals that carries Isra through the door. Her whistle a gentle tune, as if it were telling a tale too (and it is, a tale of things to be seen and things not, weaving the images together like the mind makes a mirage beneath the desert sun) however short or long it might be to those listening. It tells of halls leading to delightfully aged items hidden behind the stage they are destined to be displayed on, the seating before it, the quiet chatter.

Of course it tells too, of the man at the door, greeting and bowing to those allowed inside. Ensuring they amongst the invited guests before they are allowed any farther. Quiet and tall and surprisingly fox like despite his graying beard. None would be the wiser should they tread over the threshold. After all, Isra has trained her fox as well as the dragon in the alley way.

She seeks the nights host, the woman in charge of their gathering for the evening. Dear Miss Layla, who she can't imagine will be pleased with the interruption in the slightest.

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
the TNT punch [m]
POSTED ON Jul 18, 2020 3:55:59 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Royalty is wasted on those who don't achieve definition in conflict and build their own legacy.


boom boom xxxplosive



Remiel supposed this couldn't be an entirely unconventional means of throwing League trainers off the trail. He was sure many of Hoenn's underworld appreciated what a Zoroark and its ability to weave illusions could do. But these amateur do-gooders likely hadn't fallen for such tricks yet. And the young royal was counting on it as he lead one of them to the door, pulling it open to reveal the exact scene he'd subtly asked for.

Stunned, the League trainer could only speak in a sequence of hasty, but only half-delivered, words for a moment. Even as the female 'auction host' berated him for interrupting their session and not having an invitation, all the lad could muster was a soft apology. He'd screwed up and caused a scene outside. And he knew the pair of guards wouldn't simply let it go.

Remiel's pair of stormy blue hues met with Isra. With the League trainer's back turned towards him, he saw the opportunity to flash that triumphant smirk that was yearning to break free. This idiocy was over. 

At least for tonight.


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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
the TNT punch [m]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2020 5:54:36 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar
Isra watches with her arms folded bellow her bossom. Though Remiel gets to sit back and enjoy the show Isra's eyes are watching far more closely. She is noting every little tik and tok, the gears that make the illusion work. She seeks out the small pieces of the interaction before them that makes the illusion come alive.

She seeks flaws, discolorings, things that could give it away. She and the fox will break it down bit by bit when the night is over, seeking to perfect the illusions that Isra has come to rely so heavily on. Perhaps too much so. Then the dreamers cross her mind and she thinks again.

Remiel will find her returning his smirk though it is for different reasons. She's satisfied, if nothin else. Pleased even, with how well her pokemon's illusion takes hold. None are the wiser, none need know what happens in this building beneath the shadows.


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the TNT punch [m]
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2020 5:39:36 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!!
[attr="class","reward2"]both of you receive the following: 75 pokedollars & 10 infamy.