don't stop till you drop [mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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don't stop till you drop [mission]
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2020 18:40:05 GMT
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After what happened at his last job, the scarred male decided it was time to do some training himself. Although he did keep himself both mind and body in decent condition, he felt the need to go do a good workout. And it just so happens, one of the jobs available was perfect for that task. It helped to get paid to do it too. With that, Maverick traveled from one side of Hoenn to the other. As usual, it took several days to get here but he was glad to finally be at the base of Mt Chimney.

It was early morning, maybe just a hair pass seven in the morning. Not a cloud in sight, a mild breeze. Normally, Maverick wore dark cloths that covered almost all his scars except the one of his face. But with the sun over the horizon and the heat rising with it, Maverick knew he should wear something else that would be able to let his skin breath. He had his hair down, deciding not to do it today. A part of grey basketball shorts hung his waist and nice pair of running shoes on his feet. However, that was it. Bare chest with multiple burn scars ranging in size from small to across his pecks. Of course, he felt very self conscience about this but how was he to get over it if he didn’t force himself to face it.

Extending his arms above his head, the man stretched. He could feel his muscles loosen as he leaned to one side than to the other before bending at his torso to reach for his toes. A pop in his spine indicated he needed it. Maverick continued to stretch, warm colored orbs looked to the path he would be running today. With him, he had his normal team of canine’s. Azula, the massive houndoom, Evo, the arcanine, and lastly Azur, the houndour. Each of them did their own little stretch before they stood by Maverick. As the team readied themselves for a good old fashion run up the mountain, the job said someone would be with him just in case problems arise while they train. The trainer wondered what kind of problems could occur and who would be joining them.

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OOC mission lets have fun! i was thinking we can have them run into trouble as they go.

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Eye of Staraptor
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Selena Desmarais
don't stop till you drop [mission]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2020 13:36:15 GMT
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The fact that Selena had been busy for weeks working up piles of broadcast prompts and gym leader stuff on her desk, this opportunity to recondition her body seemed a stellar idea for the pink-haired lady.

“I say we race to the top and see reaches there first, huh?” She jokingly nudged her companion, a fairly muscled man with scars extending his limbs, body, and face. Like him, Selena wore something light and cozy, enough to make her breathe amidst the strain from extreme exercise.

The Kalosian’s partner for today was her blaziken named Freia—someone who could keep up with her pace and leg power and not competitive enough to overtake her.

Before she continued, she offered her hand to the stranger, beam flashed on her face. “I’m Selena. They said I’ll be you with you today. Let’s conquer Mt. Chimney, shall we?”

rocky steps (tos) mission
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don't stop till you drop [mission]
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2020 16:56:40 GMT
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As the scarred man and his pack of canine’s stretched to ready themselves for a good jog, Maverick couldn’t shake the feeling that something in the job description seemed strange. Why would they tell you have a partner just in case there would be trouble? In his mind, he felt as though it was a set up. Like, it was a trial or something to test the pair who dare take on his mission. Like instead of in case you run into trouble, expect to be put in a dangerous situation. It just seemed too odd to Mav. He has been in his fair share of dangerous situations and most of the time, missions or jobs he took it said you will be put in danger. With a low grunt to himself, the trainer knew he could handle anything thrown his way anyway. Always expect the unexpected. Isn’t that how the saying goes?

It wasn’t until a feminine voice rang in his ears and a playful nudge when the man snapped out of his daze. He flinched, startled at first. His warm gaze fell upon a pink haired woman accompanied by her own fiery creature. At first, Maverick was speechless. He couldn’t believe it. It just seemed, weird. Maverick knew gym leaders and other higher up league members had lives but still. He was in the presence of a gym leader. “Uhhh…” he mumbled with a chuckle for a moment before realizing he snapped out of it when offered her hand in a old fashion hand shake, “Hello Selena. It’s nice to meet you.” Not going to lie, she was pretty. “The name in Maverick,” he introduced himself, extending his own hand in a hand shake, “That is Azula, Evo, and Azur.” Each of the canine’s head titled at the sound of their name, Azula the six foot seven houndoom moved in close to Maverick. “And yeah, let’s go.”

On that cue, the man fell into a steady jog. At first, he wanted to start light though would speed up if his partner actually wanted to race. Azula and Evo darted before them in their own little race, playfully nipping at each others sides as they chased after each other without a care in the world. Azur, the little pup, trotted next to Maverick in a light pace though his mouth already parted in a pant. Maverick could already feel his blood start pumping, heart beat increase, and already feeling sweat starting to form. Man…. He was out of shape. Of course, he tried not to let his partner already see him struggling. After all, she was a gym leader and at some point in his lifetime he will have to face her again in her gym.

OOC mission lets have fun!

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Selena Desmarais
don't stop till you drop [mission]
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2020 17:46:54 GMT
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Selena was under the impression that the guy was just starstrucked. She already got used to it considering the profile she had as an esteemed international journalist although it was the gym leader title bolstered her regional prestige even more. She was surprised the guy had not mentioned it though, and somehow she was glad because bringing any relations to work was something she did not need in her leisure time.

The moment he took her hand, he introduced his canine entourage to which she also nodded at every name mentioned by their trainer. “And that’s Freia.” She offered in return, the blaziken nonchalant with the presence of the dogs.

They began jogging.

Although the lady thought ‘hiking’ was the more appropriate term to this activity. A few minutes tailing the speeding bulky guy made her realize why there is a treadmill at her office. She could also see Maverick trying hard, continuing despite the constant panting and heavy breathing but as far as she was concerned, he already beat her into it. Covered with much sweat, the gym leader opted to rest her knees for a while, her blaziken continuing to jog in place, as she called on her partner to take sudden halt. “You know... it’s been a long time since... since I did this.... It’s a shame... we’re not still halfway there and... and I’m already sweating this much.”

rocky steps (tos) mission / ooc: what if selena’s the trouble you’re looking for kagdksksks
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don't stop till you drop [mission]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2020 15:44:37 GMT
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At one point in his life, Maverick was a gym leader on another region. Although his position as a gym leader was very short lived, he knew what it was like. Kinda. Before he left his former home, he challenged the previous gym leader the title of gym leader for that town. And by some kind of miracle, Maverick actually won the title. And in his short four month renovation of the gym and new ruler, he had a small sample of what it was like. The man went from nobody to somebody. Before his interview and national region announcement, the scarred male was just another trainer in the world. As soon as the news hit the television sets in that area, thousands flock the town to see him. It was unfortunate that his gym never officially opened and he never had a challenger for his gym badge. The region was deemed inhabitable after the last round of chaos that recked the region and the man was forced to leave, finding a new start on hoenn.

These thoughts and so many move rattled in his mind as they jogged up the mountain side. Occasionally, his warm gaze would flickered to her though he remained silent deep in his own thought. Maverick wasn’t much of a small talker either, especially if this woman was a gym leader he would one day challenge. It didn’t take long for Maverick to feel the burn, small droplets of sweat trickled down the side of his face and his pits started to feel damp. Good thing he put on extra deodorant this morning. Maverick’s attention was on his two canine who playfully ran around in front of them, every once in a while tackling each other before getting to their feet once more. He could feel himself breathing hard, panting much like his canine’s.

It was only when the female called out for a break that the man stopped a few feet in front of her, legs already felt like noddles. Mav turned to her, hunched over to rest his hands on his knees gasping for air. The houndoom and arcanine kept going, Azur stopped next to his trainer. Droplets of sweat slid down his face and fell to the ground below. His warm gaze fell upon to the long legged blaziken who ran in place. If only he had that much energy to burn. Crimson colored orbs shifted to the female, seeing she too was feeling the jog already. “Yeah…” Mav chuckled mixed in with panting, trying to think of a joke to lighten the moral, “I think this might be my workout for the month or maybe even the year.” A hint of a smile tugged the edges of his lips, but faded when he stood up straight to stretch his back. “Do you think we might run into trouble?” Yeah, it was still bothering him. “It just seems odd to me.” Twisting at his torso left then right, he nodded to Selena. “I’m ready the you are.”

OOC mission lets have fun!

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Eye of Staraptor
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Selena Desmarais
don't stop till you drop [mission]
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2020 10:53:18 GMT
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“Well, this is Hoenn.” Selena had been in the region for quite some time now, relarively a foreigner to some but native enough to understand the precarious and shady underground affairs that happen in the locale. “You never really know what’s coming so we should always expect the worse.”

The blaziken was still jogging on its place as it waited for her trainer to recover, disappointment was obvious in its eyes. “You’ve heard the Littleroot incident? No one expected the celebration in the pokémon contest to be a tragedy moments after as the giant tree in the middle of the town wilted and disintegrated.” Selena finally straightened up, emotions running on her veins as adrenalined seeped in to invigorate the otherwise tired body of the gym leader. “That’s where my aegislash died.”

Perhaps, the true reason why the Kalosian was tired was because of the trauma, the sadness, the anxiety she has had during and after the mayhem that was Littleroot. Sleepless nights, tired mornings—there is no wonder why Selena had no time to di a little workout. Her mind was already racing with undying thoughts of how to recurperate from a sadness she did not expect to have especially when the subject of death was uncommon in her line of work.

“So yeah. We might run into them, but who cares? We got our partners who are alive and kicking. We might cross them up with a few blaze kicks here and there.” Her eyes met with the blaziken who could only share a nod of sympathy towards her trainer. “Let’s go?”

rocky steps (tos) mission
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don't stop till you drop [mission]
POSTED ON Jun 29, 2020 15:50:42 GMT
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Maverick wasn’t the type of man that watched the news or really paid attention to anything that had to do with contest. Contest was something he never found remotely interesting. So when the woman mentioned what happened during the contest that recently took place here in Hoenn, it took Maverick by shock. “…Oh..,” the man said in a low muffled tone, warm colored orbs turned away in hopes to not to see what he would only assume to be pain in her eyes from the loss of a pokemon, “I’m sorry to hear that.”

Maverick could only imagine what she felt at that moment when she found out her pokemon was not longer with her and when these thoughts crossed her mind once more. Although the man had no idea what kind of relationship she had with her pokemon, any loss had to be at least a little depressing. Memories of his past life in another region filled his thoughts, picturing losing Kimba almost brought tears to his own eyes. She saved his life numerous time back than, risking her life without a moments hesitation so he could live on another day. And now, the trainer had no idea where she was or if she was still even alive. Before Maverick would let his emotions come out in front of a stranger, the man let out a light chuckle. Breaking his train of thought to something else as she motioned to keep going.

He nodded, a faint genuine grin spread across his once placid face. “I’m sure anyone who sees your blaziken would know you mean business. Your blaziken could easy kick my ass that’s for sure,” the man chuckled lightly, trying to lighten the mood as he tried to playfully nudge her before he readied himself to start running again, “But yeah. Let’s keep going.” Azula, who was wrestling with the arcanine just a few feet in front of them, overhead their conversation. The houndoom’s passed their little play fight to gaze in their direction. She did not find his comment very amusing, her own ruby colored gaze shifted to the tall fire and fighting type pokemon as though the pokemon was going to actually do it. Her lip start to raise but Evo nipped at her side and she was distracted once more.

The man fell silent for a long time, unsure of really what to say. Small talk was still not his forte and he still struggled with him often. Clearing his throat after a while, his warm crimson colored orbs flickered to the gym leaders briefly before returning to the trait ahead. “Besides being a gym leader, what else do you do?” Maverick huffed out in-between gasps for air, the sun baking down on them. He could feel sweat dripping down his face, clothes began to stick to his skin from the sweat. “Do you have any hobbies you do for fun?”

OOC mission awww mav is trying so hard. xD

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Eye of Staraptor
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Selena Desmarais
don't stop till you drop [mission]
POSTED ON Jun 30, 2020 16:53:08 GMT
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Selena was not naive with her partner’s intent to lighten up the mood. Despite being relatively awkward and shy to carry the conversation, Maverick’s attempt was not overlooked without a genuine smile from the Kalosian. The blaziken, however, was not very happy with the delay.

The Kalosian, too, was not very confident speaking after lashing out her frustrations. After all, Maverick was still a stranger, a person she just met. She did not know if he was taking her opinions heavily or not. But it was nice having someone to talk to about her problems. And the good thing about ranting to an acquaintance is that he might even forgot what she said just now.

The pace was relatively slower than their previous one, perhaps tiredness and the difficulty of the terrain was already catching her and her company. Their share of conversation could also be a factor, but it was what made this hike more enjoyable.

When Maverick mentioned her gym leader title, she was surprised the man did not ask something relates to her training journey. “I’m a journalist. I work for Vantage. It’s a competition for HNN, but we’re just setting our foot in the region.”

Journalism is Selena’s past time. “I like to write. A lot. Conspiracies and fictions and stuff like that. How about you?” She swerved closer to Maverick. “Have you always been around here? Haha.”

rocky steps (tos) mission
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don't stop till you drop [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2020 16:02:59 GMT
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Was it getting hotter outside or was it just him? Beads of sweat slowly rolled down the side of his face as he kept a light brisk pace with the gym leader. The man wasn’t sure whether it was exercise underneath the high sun or the sudden attention he seemed to get from the woman that made him feel as though it was hotter outside. It’s been a while sense the man been alone with a woman who didn’t just turned away from him or just ignored him. Although Maverick knew it was probably just friendly conversation, he couldn’t shake it off even as Selena got closer. He attempted to swallow the lump in his throat, though his month was too dry. It was at the moment, he realized he forgot to bring water with him.

“Journalist for Vantage, huh,” the man choked out in-between gasps for air from exhaustion as he let his gaze flickered to her for a moment to give her a polite smile before returning forward, “sounds interesting. I never really thought about who writes the articles. I mean, I knew someone did but never actually met someone who wrote them. Not that people who write them don’t get out or anything but just-” Maverick stopped his nervous ramble, realizing he was making a fool out of himself if he kept going. Scratching the back of his head, he moved on in hopes to recover. “Oh! Me?” No one really asked him those questions before. In truth, it threw him off guard for a moment. It also made him realized, what does he do? “…Ahh…” He chuckled lightly, gathering his thoughts for he spoke again. “I just moved at the start of the year, been traveling around looking for a good place to stay for a while.” Not to mention, looking for his pokemon he lost before coming to hoenn and collecting new pokemon to rebuild his team. Trying to redeem himself from his last failed attempt to be a champion back home. Training to one day challenge all the gym leaders, including her, to be possible champion here. But, she didn’t need to know all that. And really, she probably didn’t care like most others. “I have heard hoenn is a great place to stay and pokemon are plentiful. I can tell you this, it’s a lot better than the place I came from. Haha.”

Now that, was the truth. It felt like almost every few months some kind of chaos wrecked the region in some kind of shape or form. If not natural disasters, legendary pokemon or some else would bring a mess of trouble. It was nice knowing you would live another day here. In hopes to keep the conversation going and away from his boring life, Maverick tried to get her talking about herself more. It also kept his mind away from dying from the heat and/or collapsing from exhaustion. “Did you grow up here or did you move here?”

OOC mission awww mav is trying so hard. he hasnt had this in a long time. xD let me know what you want to run into trouble and what kind of trouble.

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Selena Desmarais
don't stop till you drop [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2020 19:17:22 GMT
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“Oh, a fellow outsider.” Selena exclaimed, answering Maverick’s question. “I’m originally from Kalos, but I’m also traveling a lot. Until I became the Lilycove gym leader.”

The Kalosian was grateful for the opportunity she was given. She never knew she would acknowledge Hoenn so much she would commit herself to its people despite being very non-commital. She never liked the idea of settling down, but the thought have crossed her once or twice, and if it was only because of her chase for the rockets, she would not know.

Maverick was still shy, a reaction Selena would brush-off thinking this might be an effect of her celebrity-ish status. “And how about you? Let me guess. Kanto?”

The trek was incredibly difficult as they climbed further. Freia was keeping her pace with the guy’s canines and the woman could tell her partner was only trying to catch her pace. She appreciated the gesture but she thought they could speed up more. Selena rushed forward, tried to take a few more steps before reaching an unexpected blockade. It was very unusual to have an obstacle like this, but Selena knew Hoenn was always unexpected this way.

“We’re only a few steps away from the pinnacle, but we first have to smash this rock. You have anything in your team’s arsenal?”

rocky steps (tos) mission
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don't stop till you drop [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 1:32:11 GMT
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To be honest, this was the longest conversation the man had with someone in very very long time. It was also the most anyone really got to know him. It kind of was weird, but nice at the same time. It made him feel all weird inside. This was a new feeling that he wasn’t really sure about. At the mention of Kalos, the man nodded and replied. “Never been there myself.” And when she guess where he was from, she was correct. How did she know? He chuckled light, a sly grin spread across his lips. “Is it that obvious? What gave it away?” He never really thought about what gave people the impression he was from Kanto. Did he have a accent or something?

Maverick could feel himself sweating more and more, body damp to the touch. Definitely going to have to take a shower after this one. The man could only hope he didn’t stink. Taking a deep breath, he pressed on wondering if there was even an end. By now, the canine’s has had their fun and held a few paces in front of him at their own steady jog. Both the houndoom and arcanine’s had their mouth slightly parted with tongue out panting from the amount of exercises they were doing as well. But suddenly, the woman got a burst of energy and pushed forward. Maverick sighed, not sure if he really had the energy but pushed himself to keep up.

But when he tried to catch up, he came to an abrupt stop. Warm colored orbs flickered to the woman when she spoke, giving her a nod and reached into his pockets to pull out his ball. With a simply flick of the wrist, the ball burst open to reveal the blue scaly creature known as Dratini. “Tharisiron, can you break up some of these rocks for us? Use outrage.” Maverick turned to the woman in a warming. “I would stand back.” With that, the scarred male moved back and his canine’s did too. At first, nothing happened. The little blue dragon just sat there. But then suddenly, his body became outlined with a red aura. His eyes became to glow with rage and soon, the creature began to smash some of the rocks. He slammed his body into them, breaking up a few before he suddenly stopped. Knowing what was about to happen, the man called him back to the safety of the pokeball. Turning to the woman again, he shrugged. “That’s all I got with me today other than an Umbreon and a honchkrow. Is that enough to get by you think?”

OOC mission quick reply!

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Eye of Staraptor
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Selena Desmarais
don't stop till you drop [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 6:18:37 GMT
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“You’re vibe?” Selena would say his scars, but she learned how to keep quiet especially with things concerning another person’s physical apprarance. She would not know if the topic was sensitive or not. The Kalosian smiled and tried to reassure her companion. “Or maybe your accent, or appearance. It seemed familiar. I guess I was right!”

Maverick sent out his dratini which would attempt to destroy the huge rock to no avail. Freia reckoned it needed more pressure to break. 

“Here, let me try another one.” The blaziken used her BLAZE KICK and shattered the few remaining pieces of the rock.

rocky steps (tos) mission
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maverick noah ryder
don't stop till you drop [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2020 14:44:25 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

With his little dragon not providing the right kind of destruction, the gym leader once again proved to Maverick why he was superior. The man watched at the fire and fighting type kicked the large rock with just one move. The rock shattered into pieces and was just enough strength to let them through the path. Although the man didn’t show it, he could feel his own pride be knocked down a peg or two. His warm gaze shifted to the woman, a flash of a smile appeared on his face before he turned away. Maverick really needed to start trying his pokemon to become stronger. With the rock cleared from their path, Maverick motioned for the canine’s to continue. Azula darted in front of them, Evo followed quickly after, while Azar remained by his side panting.

Vibe? What kind of vibe told her he was Kanto? Kanto people had a vibe. His gaze turned back to her, a soft chuckle escaped him. “Yeah. You’re right? I am from Kanto. I was born in Lavender Town before our house burnt down.” Mav turned away for a moment, eyes closed as memories of the fire flashed before his eyes. Oddly enough, that was the only thing he remembered from his childhood in Kanto. The hot flames, smell of smoke and burning flesh, the agony of being burned alive. Before he let the past consume him, he turned back to the woman. His once light expression shifted to pain though he tried not to show it. “We move to Sinnoh after that. When I was of age, traveled around a little bit. Worked in the mines for a few years.” Why was he telling this stranger about his past? He didn’t even know her, yet it came out without much thought behind it. “Found the love of dark types. Overcame my fear of fire with handling fire types. Seen the raw power of dragons, had to test myself with those.” He kept his history short, she didn’t really care. Did she? “But after what happened at my last home, I decide to try out Hoenn. And, here I am?”

At this point, Maverick started to fall into a light jog again. And when he was done talking, he fell silent. His thoughts ranged from his Kanto life, Sinnoh life, and Mysste life all at the come time. And after all that, what does he really have to show for himself? He lost his former team and hasn’t spoke with his family in years. The man had no really friends, a lone wolf. Clearing his throat, Maverick tried to turn it to her again. “How about you? What’s your story?” This was a new to him and really, it felt kind of night. “If you don’t mind me asking.”

OOC mission quick reply!

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Eye of Staraptor
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Selena Desmarais
don't stop till you drop [mission]
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2020 5:25:35 GMT
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The rock was smashed, the pinnacle was a sight to behold, and Maverick was someone she admittedly enjoyed the company he was providing her. Perhaps it was because of thr attention she was being given, something that rarely comes for a journalist like her. “The tower town!” She exclaimed. Kanto has been a part of her development as a reporter. Lavender town was especially crowded after the holocaust by Team Rocket. “I’ve stayed a lot longer in Kanto and Johto. They’re closer like home.”

Her eyes widened at the mention of Sinnoh. That region was pleasing geographically but she did not particularly enjoyed its culture. Se stayed long but because her chase for the Rockets did not bear in her stay, she proceeded to move elsewhere as soon as possible.

”A date,” she answered nonchalantly. “I’ll answer your question after a date.” And then she teased him as she push forth the trek with Freia immediately following, leaving behind Maverick and his pack of canines. Is it the adrenaline that keeps her moving forward despite the exhausting steps? She does not really know.

rocky steps (tos) mission
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POSTED ON Jul 17, 2020 15:36:25 GMT
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She was correct. Lavender Town Kanto was known for the pokemon tower filled with graveyards for thousands of pokemon who have passed away. It has said to be haunted and only the wicked lived there. But other than what stories have told about spirits and such, Maverick could not remember much of the town. Other than the fire, his memories were blank. And really, he doesn’t even remember the house he grew up in. His mother always joked that a spirit was the one who set their house on fire. It was a spirit that was angry but she never said why it would be. She also believed that Maverick was save by another spirit, locking away the fire that could have killed him into his eyes. That is, if you believe such things. Maverick didn’t. His mother has lost her mind.

But when he asked the woman about herself, her response through the man off guard yet again. His gaze shifted to her, surprised slipped over his expression. “A date?” His voice squeaked a little, a lump started to form in his throat. Did she just ask him out? It has been years sense he had been on a date. And really, Mav couldn’t even remember his last date. It took the man a moment to recover as she darted forward leaving him and his canine’s behind. To be honest, he didn’t know how to respond at first. It has been awhile and was not expecting to be asked out. Isn’t it the man’s job to ask a girl out? The gym leader was throwing him off like no other. But deep down, he liked it.

Taking a moment to gather himself, the scarred male picked up his pace to catch up to her. He wanted to ask so my questions like why? Maverick wasn’t the most attractive, the most sociable, the most cunning, the strongest, or the most intriguing man. Why was she interested in him? It was probably harmless. Just wanting to get to know each other. Yeah. That’s it. Once he caught up to her, he gave her a smirk. “Sure,” he replied, a chuckle mixed in between his huffs and puffs, “What does a journalist and gym leader like to do for fun?” Oh man, this was weird. Be smooth. Be smooth Maverick.

OOC mission awwwwwwweee! :3

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP