
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2020 23:04:04 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]when she comes to, the first emotion she feels is panic. lots and lots of panic. beeping machines fill her ears until she can't hear anything else and oh god, why are they going faster? her body aches, almost to the point that it's overwhelming. what the hell happened? jesus, why is it so bright in here? her eyes struggle to adjust as a foreign woman comes into the room. "oh, you're awake!" huh?

illeana tries to shift in her bed, tries to sit up enough to understand who this is and why she's in her house. instead, she's met with a pounding headache and a sharp stabbing pain in her thigh. a whimper escapes and she stills, teeth clamping down onto her bottom lip.

"i wouldn't try moving too much just yet, miss reyes," the woman offers with a sheepish smile. she drifts closer toward the head scientist, bringing a vase of flowers with her. they're gingerly set on the table closest to the bed before the woman turns her attention to whatever is the source of that god awful beeping. "your vitals look good! we were worried for a bit that the poison was going to be fatal but your body recovered." the mention of poison brings bits of recollection together, pieces of the puzzle slowly starting to fit together. she had been in littleroot, right? where is she now? this isn't the contest hall.

her mouth opens to ask question after question but the nurse speaks before any words can leave her mouth. "oh, i forgot! you have a visitor!" wait, what? her eyebrows furrow and the nurse giggles, shuffling back toward the door. "i'll send him in and check back in an hour." a hoarse "okay," is all illeana manages to get out before the nurse retreats and a new figure steps in. while her mind is still hazy, still reeling and struggling to piece together everything, she's coherent enough to recognize him. actually, she'd probably recognize him anywhere.

"mr. silph?"


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POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 3:56:19 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]It had been unfortunate that Fernando was unable to secure a sample of the tree for himself. However, considering how the event unfolded, that was the least of his worries. How such a simple operation could devolve into such a mess was no one's guess but that meant one thing. The League was sloppy.

The fact that Illeana managed to procure a vial of the sap meant the situation was salvageable. It was imperative that Fernando be the first person to check up on her once she woke up and he used all the powers vested within his position to make it a reality. Being able to get her account of the situation as well as her alibi would be killing two Pidoves with one stone. First, understand her reason, and then correct the faults within it. Anything to get closer and groom her into what the League should've been from the start.


Only with the nurse's approval does Fernando enter. He brings along a small fruit basket with produce from his own garden. He sets it down by her nightstand and picks out a plate and knife from the side, taking a Salac berry from the top and taking a seat by her side.

"They wouldn't tell me much but you're going to be okay."

Fernando thumbs over the fruit, looking for the most vulnerable part of the skin to start his dissection.


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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 16:49:32 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]she can't help the way her face shifts through emotions at the mere sight of him. panic, relief, happiness, guilt. each one passes before she finally settles upon one of a more mild manner, lips pressing into a slight smile. "hey," she winces at the way her voice sounds so breathless, as if it's struggling to even come out. the scientist tries to shift in her bed, tries to sit up and look more presentable for the councilman. instead, a hiss of pain escapes her and she's barely able to prop her head up on the fluffy pillows at her back.

"that's good to hear," she sighs. her wounds will heal, her body will recover. the mind will take a little longer to wrap around what had transpired in littleroot.

a hand rises to tuck hair behind her ear, cheeks radiating mild warmth. "you didn't have to bring anything," she murmurs. her head dips with gratitude and the smile widens. "thank you. i - i really appreciate you even coming." although, the question as to why he's here is still unanswered. while she wants to believe that he's just looking out for her, just making sure she's alive and well, she still has mild doubt. her body presses a little further into the bed at the thought of doubting him as if the white sheets will swallow her up for thinking such a thing.

"did everyone make it out okay?" she turns to face him as he settles into the chair beside her. brief flashes of the building shaking, crumbling, falling apart fill her mind and she's clutching at the blanket. "how bad was the aftermath?"


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POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 17:46:56 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] "I heard fruit is good for recovery." He doesn't address her dismissal outright. It's not this first time visiting someone in the hospital after a disaster and it won't be the last. His approach with Illeana diverges from the method he'd use on someone he's close to. He's not here as her friend nor her boss. Fernando's here to right her wrongs.

"People believe Salac berries will bring good luck. Eating them is like consuming a second chance. Scientifically, there's no reason to believe it but people still believe this and tell stories about avoiding close calls after eating them."

Fernando lines the tip of the knife against a sweet spot and starts to trace the skin with the length of the knife. The sound of a soft puncture ends his sentence and he drags it into a clean cut.

"Three confirmed deaths. About a dozen injured not including yourself. Most of them are in fair condition. Nothing more than some broken bones from the debris." Fernando pauses. "Human-wise— we're still recovering the remains of some of the Pokemon. Quite a few of them didn't make it."

One clean cut parts the skin but it still clings to the fruit's flesh. He stops to look up at her.

"The contest hall is ruined, the tree is dead, and Littleroot is undertaking clean up efforts."

Although the image of Illeana crying during her presentation is still fresh on his mind, Fernando doesn't pull any punches. Sugarcoating the situation will only last until the news reports come out. Actions have consequences and it's about time some people realize that the world can't be saved on good intentions alone.

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
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geneticist, alchemist
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to fight the alchemy?
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 18:34:36 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]she'd be lying if she said she wasn't caught off guard by fernando silph, one of the most powerful men in hoenn, nonchalantly discussing fruit. it's odd in a way she appreciates as if it's a new facet to the man she has come to loosely understand. of course, she only knows of him from the perspective of his intern but the shift is refreshing. sometimes it's hard to remember that despite his stature and position of power, he's still just a man who apparently has extensive knowledge of fruit. her smile brightens at the thought.

"i had no idea salac berries held meaning behind them," she murmurs. her gaze drops to follow the movement of his hands. the way the knife swipes through the skin is almost soothing. although, fernando with a knife shouldn't technically be soothing for anyone... maybe it's the precision of the work, the way the knife glides effortlessly, that has her in a mild trance.

and then, the conversation shifts and the atmosphere of the room grows heavy. she swallows.

three dead, a dozen injured... the number of pokemon lost in the chaos still hasn't been determined. her stomach churns at the thought, nausea rising with a quickness she despises. another swallow holds it at bay and her eyes leave the knife's movements to find his. "i," she tries but nothing else follows. she has always understood that other people's actions have consequences but to think that this level of destruction, of lives lost, could be the result of her own? it had never crossed her mind when she entered that contest hall that day... not even in the slightest.

"i'm sorry," she breathes at last, the silence broken by her soft admittance. she remembers him being there, remembers him trying to assist guards while she... she had ignored any sense of civic duty and for what? whatever intentions she had don't outweigh the losses and perhaps him not bothering to decorate the facts with softer words and kinder tones is his way of highlighting what a shitshow this had become. "i -- i didn't think this would happen." no one did.

her head drops almost in shame and she's averting her gaze from his eyes. there's an uncertainty of what she'll find in his gaze if she looks back and perhaps to spare herself from the disappointment he could have, she simply avoids it instead. "has the league said anything about what happened yet?" what would their statement even be? is there a way to mask their involvement? her involvement? littleroot is a mess now, a disaster much like the last city had been. a moment of silence follows before she's finally glancing up, finally seeking his eyes again. "it feels like the whole mission had been a mistake from the start. too many things went wrong..."


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POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 18:47:44 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] Fernando doesn't accept her apology. He doesn't even address it. As much as he'd like to probe he takes his time and returns his attention to the berry in his hand. The slit from his cut is enough to give him a good hold to tear off the rest of the skin but that would force him to touch the flesh. Instead, he continues to make clean, purposeful cuts. He slowly undresses it as the layers fall off.

"We're trying to wrap up a preliminary investigation to make a statement but HNN will probably beat us to it."

She looks up to him for comfort and all she'll find is his diverted attention. Fernando's much too busy to nurse her feelings, no matter how small and how coincidental.

"Do you think so, Reyes?"

Fernando licks his lips and scoots the discard skin to one side of the plate. He looks up to see if there's a trashcan in the room. There's one but it's out of reach, so he stares back at her, empty as the bin.

"Let's take it from the top then. What went wrong?"

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 19:10:28 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]the berry is slowly coming unraveled in his grasp. the knife continues its path, precise, clean, effective. somehow, he's much like the cutlery in his hand. sharp and precise in his methods, his actions. her eyes follow the falling skin as he goes. silence creeps around them for a moment and the only sounds are breathing, beeping machines, and fruit submitting to the blade.

she shifts uncomfortably in her bed, hands gathering the fabric of the blanket in fists and then releasing. it happens a few times before he distracts her with the concept that they're conducting an investigation. what will they find? will it make matters worse? or better? bits of dread coil and pool in her stomach and she's swallowing once more.

"i suppose it's not a good thing to have a statement released after HNN unveils an article about this," she murmurs. while HNN is a popular news source, probably the best in the region, the article won't lend itself to the league's favor. this much she has come to understand from the last disaster they have faced. another shift follows and the bed creaks slightly beneath her weight. "what do you think they'll find?" too much? not enough?

he doesn't offer her much of anything, really. as indifferent as they come, a stark contrast to their first meeting in that board room. back then, he had been charming, kind even. now? it's almost like a different person is sitting beside her and she can't tell if it's intimidating or something entirely different. what she does know is that she hates the way her body recoils at his tone, wincing at the use of her last name.

"i," she starts and stops. the emptiness in his gaze is off-putting, effectively curbing any efforts of deflecting blame. she clears her throat, swallows, and sighs. "ignoring the guards was the first mistake." he had been one of the only ones to join their side, to respect their authority in this aspect. she pauses to reflect on that decision, gaze falling to her hands. "rushing in without a plan had been a mistake too. really, there were a lot made." too many things had led to the mission going south, the objective blinding her from thinking clearly. sure, she had succeeded with the sample in the end but at what cost? lives were lost, towns ruined, trees slaughtered.

almost inaudibly, she adds a meek, "talking about what went wrong won't change it." and she knows in that moment that it was probably best to keep that part to herself but she's already stuck in this hospital room attached to monitors so it can't get much worse, right?


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POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 19:23:39 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]"Hopefully the truth."

Fernando knows damn well that will never happen. This isn't his first rodeo and having the League slandered for its own faults almost seems like tradition. Their first disaster, the Invasion of Slateport, brought him into office but each subsequent disaster never had quite enough impact to oust him. His tenure is as cemented as his personality.


He doesn't miss her comment.

"I didn't know you and follow different schools of scientific theory."

This time the stone cracks and Fernando's tone is both genuine and curious. It's a stark contrast between the rough shell of the Salac and the soft flesh underneath. Both are needed for the plant to survive and Fernando uses both in order to accomplish his goal.

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
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to fight the alchemy?
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 19:38:23 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]the truth. what exactly is the truth in this situation? league had stepped too far over the boundaries drawn in sand? some people she didn't recognize had poisoned the tree and multiple people in its vicinity? fact and fiction have fine lines that always end up blurred in the end. besides, she's still not certain which parts are true and which parts are poison-induced haze.

she stills at his tone, at the way he actually appears interested in what's unfolding in this hospital room for the first time since stepping through the door. "what?" she breathes as if she didn't hear him correctly. except, she did and she's still baffled. they practice different schools of scientific theory? her head tilts at the thought, gaze darting up and away from her hands to find his. "we're different people so in theory, we'd have different processes for thought. ...right?" the last word is added with uncertainty, with the notion that she might just be speaking out of her ass at this point.

nevertheless, she continues to cement her logic.

"i meant," she pauses to gather herself, to collect her thoughts together so as to not appear as she had in that board room. she's different now. sure, still prone to tears and a bundle of anxiety, but slightly different all the same. "that the past can't be changed. we can, um, only go forward i guess?" history is history for a reason. it serves as the foundation for future decisions, future outcomes still being written. a hand rises to run through her tangled mess of hair and a soft sigh escapes. "what went wrong would only serve as blueprints for whatever comes next so the same mistakes won't be made." it sounds right in theory but will she, or they for that matter, actually be mindful the next time around? because of course, there will always be a next time. it's just a matter of when and if the lessons learned from the previous fiasco will be enough to change the outcome.


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POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 19:57:48 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] Fernaando smiles but only so slightly.

"Perhaps not so different."

He claps his hands as if he's ready to tell a story and sets the plate onto his lap.

"Lane's a funny guy. A bit weird and ditzy but he's one of the smartest people I know. He's a real good friend."

It's a stretch of the truth but not many know about their actual relation.

"He makes a hypothesis, tests it, and when his hypothesis fails he reviews it. Sometimes he does it alone at first, sometimes he submits it for peer review immediately and waits on that. Either way, he always does both. What puts him at a cut above the others is that every time his hypothesis is wrong, he identifies why he was wrong, and makes a plan to change his thought process."

Fernando stands and walks over to the trashcan, discarding the skin in the same manner he discards his tone. When he returns to his seat so does his earlier voice, dreadfully plain with the same monotone bleakness that surrounds her hospital room.

"It is one thing to identify what went wrong," he picks the plate back up and runs his index finger against the backside of his knife. "And it's another to make a call to action to make sure it doesn't happen again."

He finally makes a move onto the flesh and delicately traces the blade against the thin membranes that keep its structure together. He carves out a small piece and holds it out for her with a disarming smile.

"Let's take it from the top, one more time, Illeana."

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
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geneticist, alchemist
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to fight the alchemy?
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 20:25:59 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]she flushes at the mild comparison because really, she would likely never be anything close to the brilliance that is . it's a nice thought to entertain but in the end, he's several paces ahead of her due to the reasons that fernando dives into. where she flounders in the face of failure, all but shutting down in the process, lucas lane overcomes his failure by pushing himself and the boundaries that hold him back.

she hangs on every word, every explanation that fernando gives. each one settles into the next until there's a clear picture of her fellow head scientist fixing his wrongs and mending what needs to go right in order to succeed. it's something that's both impressive and intimidating. how does he have the strength to continue when he fails? when he's so certain he'll succeed and then something goes wrong to change the outcome? and then to change the thought process behind it? she's stuck on the concept that changing the way you think is so simple, so easy. is it something that's learned or already possessed from birth? could she just be lacking that quality in her dna? she's always acted a certain way, worked a certain way. it's been this way for as long as she can remember and yet, fernando is giving her plenty of evidence to cement the concept that in order to really exceed the expectations he has given her, she has to change. grow. evolve.

he stands to discard the peeled skin and her eyes follow his movements with acute interest. only when he returns to his seat does she offer a small smile. it's awkward and meek, perhaps because he's intimidating despite their history or because she has this feeling that she's disappointed him. and no matter how many times she tells herself that she doesn't care what other people think of her, it's difficult to not want to change that fact.

"so," she murmurs and she's slowly beginning to understand why he's leading her into recounting the events that transpired. recognize what went wrong so you can fix it. it looks so simple on paper but is it really that easy? "in order to do better next time, one has to understand why their actions were wrong in the first place?" honestly, part of her wonders how she got this position in the first place... he really just spelled it out for her and she's still second guessing, still hesitating.

gingerly, illeana accepts the offered piece of fruit and pops it into her mouth. her cheeks radiate warmth when her eyes dart away from his fingers to his face. the smile effectively does its job as she relaxes a little into the pillows behind her. a smile of her own rises although it's softer and a little shy. "instead of rushing in, i should have assessed the situation more clearly?" she's still uncertain as to what he's asking of her but with some guidance on his end, she might come out of this understanding more than she thinks. her flush deepens as she continues. "i'm not just an intern anymore so i can't exactly just ignore what consequences my actions can have."


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POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 20:39:53 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] Fernando offers her a gateway into his world and she takes the bait with a smile to go alongside the sweet taste of ripe Salac. The first thing he has to do is flip the questions on her. She's too timid, unsure. Yes, they both know she's in the wrong but she's look to him for guidance without finding the answer herself.

In the heat of the moment, most people's worst enemies are themselves. The hard part is getting her to realize it.

"That's hard to say. I'm sure you had your reasons."

His own reaction hinges on her answer— in more ways than one.

"Which begs the question. Why?"

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
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to fight the alchemy?
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 21:36:02 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]if there's one thing that sums up illeana reyes, it's her need to find reassurance in other people. something about the way their perception of her holds more power than that of her own has always been an active ingredient in her character. perhaps it's that she simply has no faith in herself or more that her background lends itself to her lack of confidence and inability to believe in herself. whatever it is, it's easy to take advantage of and despite the warning from , she's still playing right into fernando's hand.

"i did," she murmurs. although, looking back on them now, her reasons hadn't exactly been solid. she's not even fully certain of them now. the need to prove her worth to the league and to herself had been a major factor in throwing caution to the wind but was that all it was? did she want to succeed for herself or for the people around her? it's food for thought that has her silent for a few moments.

illeana fidgets in the bed once more, struggling to come up with a feasible answer. why had she rushed in? why did she not think of the weight her actions held? "i, um," she stumbles over her words in an attempt to find stable footing. "i guess i don't think of myself as being on the same playing field as everyone else in the league?" the answer is spoken with a soft tone, almost as if she's ashamed of admitting it to herself. to speak it is it cement it into the mind and that, in itself, is a dangerous thing. "i wanted to prove that i'm worthy of being in this position by succeeding through any means necessary and instead of doing that, i just made it worse." an almost sad laugh escapes her and she's shifting her gaze to the wall at her side, seeking answers that aren't held in white paint. "my insecurities made me act like an imbecile."


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 21:43:05 GMT

Fernando shows an audible agreement as he listens to her retelling. He nods at set intervals and gives her his entire attention. Although far from certified, he plays the part of the psychologist, eager to appease, tempered to abuse.

"And you thought that you could single handedly accomplish this on your own?"

He pauses.

"Despite everyone else doing the same?"

He cuts another piece but this time he misses a clean cut. It pierces a small pouch of the flesh and juice trickles from the wound.

"I hardly recognized anyone there."

That's more of an idle observation but he allows his clues float around them.

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
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5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 22:09:35 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]"i guess i thought that i could take charge for once," she muses. the smile she wears is half grateful for his attention and half uncomfortable. it's difficult being in the spotlight, let alone airing out the small thoughts in the back of her mind. a sigh follows before she continues, deflating even further. "what kind of head scientist am i if i don't take initiative?" perhaps she had taken too much, however, as it had been one thing going wrong after the other.

she flushes beneath the knowledge that she could have only been getting in the way. other people were trying to do the same as she, some she didn't recognize and some she did. were they just as wrong as she had been? or was she the single factor that changed their success rate for the worst?

"you didn't?" she inquires as juice seeps from the cut. her eyes briefly flicker to follow the trail down his fingers before shifting back to his face. "i recognized a few but most of them weren't familiar." her mind drifts back to kaida, a former partner, and atlan, a brief encounter. her mind lingers a little more on kaida and the product of this is a soft smile. "actually, one of them had really helped me out through half of it. kaida, she's a ranger. we were partners once." briefly, she wonders if the woman had made it out in one piece. god, she hopes she had...

illeana brushes another strand of hair away from her face as she shifts to face him a little more. her body is difficult to angle, limbs still a little fuzzy from the trauma but they work enough to aid her in her endeavor. "i'm surprised you didn't recognize many of them if we were all after the same thing," she says it with mild suspicion, as if there's a reason why some people weren't familiar in the first place. she had only known of good intentions at the start but when things had turned toward worse situations, the concept of snakes in the midst had been barely recognizable in translation. the traps laid out on the first floor were still fresh in her mind, however, so she speaks a little further, gaze darkening slightly. "some people laid traps to prevent others from continuing. did you notice that?"


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