
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 22:26:36 GMT

Fernando ponders for a moment before staring at her blankly.

"I'll reach out to Goode about that. While I admire those who show initiative, if you're feeling pressured to charge blindly onto a battlefield then we'll need to reevaluate our values. We can't have our aspiring rangers breaking into people's houses to seek our recognition."

The trick is to accept her feedback genuinely and twist her words in all the wrong ways. Remain genuine, allow yourself to be surprised, and engage.

He avoids the incision and works around the other end, cutting another piece. This one is clean and the membrane makes sure the piece isn't sticky. "There were so many people and everyone went into a frantic mess. It was hard to keep track." He doesn't mention Kaida on purpose because going down that route will only prove to be a detour. There's a subtlety to effective guilting.

"Handling a wild Pokemon with a team of six is easy. However, it's impossible to control wild out of control Pokemon with just one."

He offers her another piece.

"You think someone there was behind this?"

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
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to fight the alchemy?
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 23:06:01 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]the mention of dahlia has her suddenly nervous, hands gripping sheets and then slowly releasing the crumpled fabric. she hadn't meant it like that. the commissioner has been nothing short of kind and precious toward the new scientist when she didn't necessarily need to be. and here she is, placing blame on the ideals she oversees? oh no. "i -- i don't think it's a problem with the league values, really," she offers sheepishly. her fingers begin to trace small patterns over the wrinkles in sheets. "more of a me thing, maybe? i wanted to feel like i belong in the position i have, sure, but that doesn't come from pressure in the league..." does she offer him tidbits of her history? or does she leave it at that? unable to decide, she settles on inklings of facts, even going so far as to add what she had told him back in his board room. "there are expectations of me from my parents, from you, from everyone. i wanted to exceed those expectations."

he continues to work through the fruit in his hands, speaking as he does so. she nods in response although her eyes drift back to the way the inside of the fruit gives way to his movements as if understanding it's no match for fernando silph with a knife. the whole place had pretty much dissolved into chaos from the moment the guards had begun to attempt to lock down the floor. of course, they were simply trying to do their jobs and nothing more, but had that really been the catalyst? or was it the mixture of wills in a small space? "it really was a mess," she tries to laugh but it sounds forced and she presses her lips into a firm line for a moment. "i didn't expect so many people for something that should have been simple." it turned out to be the exact opposite of what she had believed it to be from the start but sometimes, these things evolve into situations they can't predict.

another gentle acceptance of fruit follows, the piece popped into her mouth and slowly chewed on as with his words. strength in numbers makes sense and if she remembers correctly, he had been one of the only ones to try their hand at placating the situation. ah, but there was just one of him and a plethora of bodies taking immediate action against his ideals. a losing battle, perhaps, but the tenacity behind his actions still shows. "that's true," she murmurs, although she declines on adding further. instead, she ponders the thought a little further before swallowing her fruit.

"behind the whole thing or killing the tree?" her head tilts with the question. both options lead down different paths, really, but which one is worse?


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POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 23:51:39 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] For what few faults she had, was always good at one thing: being a scapegoat. Somehow, such a gentle spirit was always disparaged and thrown to the wolves. The distinction between her treatment at large and her impression makes those touched by her kindness eager to defend her. Illeana is just like the rest of them and that exposes an area to attack.

"I agree. I don't think League values necessarily reflect what happened." Empathy and agreement are used to coax the impression that he's on her side. Make it seem like it's not his fault, out of his hands, and then dress up the answer like he has no choice in it — a textbook play. "But we can't considering it a one-off when literally everyone else did the same? We can deny it all we want but when the results consistently reflect a trend—"

Fernando leans back once she takes the piece and chews on the tales he's spinning for her.

"Either or." Fernando narrows his eyes as if in deep thought. "If everyone ran in with the same mindset, looking to do good, how did everything go so wrong? Any ideas?"

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
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to fight the alchemy?
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2020 3:03:33 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]she's lulled into a false sense of security, of similar ideals and thinking. the nervousness fades into understanding and she can see where his reasoning lies. it's a difficult situation to approach for anyone but for the council? for the commissioner? the pressure at their backs must be overwhelming. she's always thought of their positions as ones of prestige, of honor, but now? there's almost a tint of pity in her gaze as she glances toward him.

"i suppose," she murmurs. contemplation overcomes her features and she's silent for a moment as her eyes drift back to the wall. even with bringing up the trend, would anything change? or would they still rush in without lingering on the consequences first? she had, as had the people around her throughout the fiasco in littleroot. it's easy to get caught up in the rush, in the surge of adrenaline that burns through your veins in the heat of the moment. "one or two people doing the same could be considered a coincidence but there were too many people for that to be an option." from a logical standpoint, anyway. even looking at it from a different view produces the same result and the notion tastes bitter in the mouth, much like betrayal. "maybe consequences could just be given to those involved and better training practices put into place? i know i'm not familiar with how everything works yet but that seems reasonable." less pressure on the council, less pressure on dahlia's shoulders? while it's nice in theory, niceness only goes so far against a predator and fernando silph is the fiercest of them all.

illeana hums as if weighing the options. "well," she begins, a finger rising to tap at her bottom lip. a habit she has yet to break, one of far too many it seems. "i would think that somehow some people with evil intentions put themselves in the midst of it all, right? i mean, it's only logical to assume that those there for league purposes wouldn't just poison the tree." her eyes had been slightly dazed earlier but as they turn back to him, they're as sharp and metallic as ever. "oh, and those security guards. they had some symbol on the chest that seemed familiar but i couldn't put my finger on where i saw it before. were they hired specifically for the event from some company or are they league affiliated?" that c logo, purple in color with odd patterns... only a brief pause had been spared toward the logo but she remembers being stuck on why, exactly, it seemed to pop out. curious. anyway, she shifts away from that weird tidbit of information to lean toward him a little, head tilting with interest. "you don't think someone pulled strings to make that entire thing happen, right? i mean, that'd just be vile."


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POSTED ON Jun 18, 2020 21:20:26 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]"We don't know who was involved. Most of them were not League affiliated trainers."

He closes his eyes and exhales.

"Which is why there's suspicion in the first place. A dozen of non-League related trainers disregarded procedure to trespass on private property to steal something. If we didn't know better, you'd be on the list of suspects."

Fernando resumes slicing the rest of the fruit and laying out the pieces on the plate.

"Thankfully, I do."

He doesn't address her recommendation outright because there's no need to suggest punishment. There will be repercussions and Fernando will be the figurehead of pushing such an agenda. Training too will fall under him but that's a move for a later time.

"The security guards were hired by Macro Cosmos. Everything on their end checks out — aside from them being livid about what happened. We can't find much of a motive because everyone's alibi matches your own."

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
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geneticist, alchemist
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to fight the alchemy?
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2020 22:11:59 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]suspicion. naturally, she understands why it shrouds the entire event, clouding good intentions until they're muddy and dark. and yet, she doesn't know where it should lie. in those with the league? or those acting of their own accord? is it as simple as black and white or all different shades of grey? she hums as he speaks, each tidbit of information he strings out for her settling into place. each action had a consequence and he's painting a better picture for her to understand until it lays over the one she had.

"that, in itself, is a little worrying," she murmurs. her gaze shifts out of focus, as if she needs to recall the memories from before the destruction, before the poison muddied everything into a haze. the amount of people there that she hadn't recognized is too great of a number to be disregarded. he made sure to point that out, to note the oddity that it was that even a councilman didn't see many faces of recognition. "if they weren't with the league, then why were they there in the first place? certainly not as spectators if they disregarded the contest above." which, is another puzzle in itself. what was the reasoning behind the appearance of others? for her involvement, it's simple. being sent to investigate a random massive tree springing up in the middle of littleroot would fall under her jurisdiction. but... the same cannot be said for others. "this list of suspects... do you have any leads?"

when he resumes slicing the rest of the fruit, she doesn't follow the work of his hands. instead, her eyes settle on his face and linger on the way he's absorbed in the task. almost as if it's a distraction from other things or just simply something to do with his hands. if the fruit wasn't there, would he sit as still as a statue? given the indifference of his features, she has an inkling that he just might.

"i see," she sighs. nothing more than a simple security team doing their job, then. somehow, that makes her feel even guiltier for disregarding their presence in the first place. "do you think there's some different motive than what you've already found?" for a man of his authority, his intelligence, she would find it hard to believe he doesn't have his own theories of what transpired in that basement. although, thinking of fernando as a conspiracy theorist doesn't quite sound accurate even if it is. she shifts in the bed, head tilting with consideration. "i just don't understand where it all went wrong, you know?" another sigh escapes and she's propping her elbow up onto one knee, chin settling on a hand a moment later. looking to him for answers seems like the general course of this entire conversation and yet, she can't seem to shake the habit.


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POSTED ON Jun 18, 2020 23:20:47 GMT

Fernando grants her the time to reflect and waits for her to come to the only definite conclusion.

"We have no leads. The security footage shorted out due to water damage."

had made short work of the security cameras. The DRIZZLE from his Pelipper had severed the feed and made backtracking near impossible.

"Well, technically, the only suspect we have is you."

There's a reason Fernando wanted her disposition in the first place. Maybe Illeana would be shrewd enough to piece together why he allowed the conversation to flow smoothly instead of throwing accusations — tact creates trust and with it a vulnerability to exploit.

is also a suspect but dead men don't talk. He doesn't mention this because there's little to derive from reducing her into a sniveling mess. He doesn't know Illeana that well but it isn't presumptuous to assume the news will be heartbreaking.

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2020 0:16:46 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]her brow furrows at the single word, as if she's not certain if her thoughts are going in the right direction. on one hand, the way the event escalated points to nefarious themes but... does she really want to assume the worst? that there were people there with bad intentions? no, she doesn't want to and so she tries to steer herself away from that thought. instead, she tries to focus on the reoccurring theme of today: why. why were they there in the first place and... who led them there?

the road to hell might be paved with good intentions but who crafts the road in the first place?

"i," she starts and stops because she doesn't know if what she's about to say will damn her or not. is it wise to question their involvement in the first place? especially to a councilman? isn't that sort of just asking to be stripped of her title? swallowing, she continues. "i don't want to assume why others were there but i don't believe that they were there for their own reasons?" a hand rises to fiddle with a strand of hair, awkward and unsure. "it's natural to be curious about a random tree popping up in littleroot but to trespass and ignore security is a different matter in itself." briefly, she understands that that could be damning of her as well and so, she scrambles to cover it with her own explanation, her own reasoning thrown into the mix. "i was there for my department but i can't speak for everyone else involved."

security footage doesn't even help them in this situation, it seems. she briefly remembers the damage he's speaking of, although the pokemon that caused such a thing escapes her at the moment. with no footage, it would be even more difficult to gather any leads in the midst of the rubble. that much she understands but... what she doesn't understand is the next sentence he utters.

her... a suspect?

to say her jaw drops is almost an understatement. dark eyes fly open at the thought, mouth opening and closing for a few moments as her brain practically short circuits at the information. "you -- you," she stumbles over the words and has to pause to recollect herself, to run her hands through her hair and compose herself into the scientist she is. "they really can't believe i had anything to do with this." and then, she's second guessing her position within the league anyway because in the face of uncertainty, she looks to the source of power for reassurance and that just so happens to be fernando silph. "right?"

illeana flushes with embarrassment a moment later, as if more pieces of the puzzle fall into place and she's coming around to finally understanding why he wanted to lead her through her mistakes in the first place. instead of coming in and treating her as a suspect from the start, he settled in the chair beside her and bothered to listen to her. hell, he even wanted to show her the faults in her actions. "i'm sorry," she murmurs, looking at her hands, the plate, anywhere but his face. "i guess i just didn't think my actions would make me a suspect."


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POSTED ON Jun 19, 2020 0:39:55 GMT

Fernando visible agrees with her line of thinking through his body language. His head nods as she explains herself and he follows up.

"It is natural for people to want to see such a phenomenon. It is another thing to trespass into an area with a flagrant disregard to the rule of law. Because events unraveled in the way that it did, anyone who falls into that category is a suspect."

The Salac berry is reduced to just the core. Several pieces lines the plate and Fernando takes the one he cut into earlier for himself.

"I was investigating the tree as well and worked through the law, with a warrant. Cooperating with the owners and representatives of the property clears me from being a suspect."

The same cannot be said about Illeana. Her reaction is palpable and Fernando probes as far as he can between her actions. The real tell is within her eyes. Watch her pupils. Do they dilate? Does she look in a specific direction? Is her panic real or orchestrated?

There's no real way to tell but he reads her to the best of his ability.

"Suspicion into your involvement is minor but still a very real one. It goes without saying that since you're the only real lead, pressure that should've been divided among suspects will be pinpointed onto you"

He pauses with a heavy sigh. It's purposeful rather than through frustration, but Fernando puts delicate details into his acting.

"But I believe in you. I doubt you're up to anything aside from getting in way over your head." He smiles. "However, this make things much more difficult."

He clicks his tongue.

"A majority of the League wants you out of active field operations. Permanently. Even under the assumption that you have nothing but good intentions, a Head Scientist is too valuable to risk on the field. There are only so many people with your skill set. Everyone wants to be a trainer. Very few devote themselves to science."

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illie, sap sipper
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to fight the alchemy?
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2020 19:32:39 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]relief follows a nod but as it always is, it's a short lived sensation. he manages to both disarm and rearm her within just a few sentences. while it's clear he understands her reasoning, even sort of agrees with it... there's still the blatant fact that she fucked up and he isn't willing to let it go. she didn't expect him to if she's being honest but the notion that it brings her into the spotlight as a suspect is unnerving. her position within the league is still fresh, still new, still easily changed. meekly, she adds a soft, "i see," and nothing further. what else can she really say? he's right, that much is obvious.

she remembers the piece of paper he stresses, almost remembers it clear as day. the way he strode toward the staircase with the right amount of authority and purpose was different than the way she had acted. two people in high places and yet, one went too far. "honestly, i didn't know a warrant was needed to be there," she murmurs. while it's logical and lawful, the thought hadn't even crossed her mind. she thought that with her scientific background looming behind her, she wouldn't face many obstacles. and, as always, she had been gravely mistaken.

the sensation of panic rises as he continues to speak. she's never been comfortable in the spotlight but the center of an investigation? how is anyone supposed to handle that? her skin feels like it's crawling, like it wants to leap off her bones into a pile on the floor. she swallows as if that will curb the sensation but it doesn't. instead, it brings with it a sense of nausea and she's paling by the minute, unable to even offer anything of sustenance to the topic.

and then, he utters four words that quell the feelings in her chest, that bring with them a light sigh of relief. i believe in you. it's funny, she has always had this notion that to advance in this world, in this society, she needed his approval. from the moment she entered his office as an intern until now, the words uttered to her on that day never escaped the confines of her mind. exceed the expectations held. don't just meet them. except, she has completely failed them and he still believes in her? cheeks radiate warmth and her gaze is darting to meet his, lips parting into a soft o shape. "you do?" it comes out sounding both relieved and incredulous as if she half expected him to take her side and half didn't. "i -- i know i put myself between a rock and a hard place with how i acted but if you believe in me then," she has to pause to string the words she wants to say into a comprehensible sentence. "maybe the investigators and the rest of the league will too?" the smile she flashes him is hopeful, easy to take advantage of.

it falls flat a moment later, lips settling back into a firm line. they... want her out of active operations? the widening of dark eyes returns and she can't help the way it catches her off guard. while the logic behind it is sound, reasonable even, she can't wrap her mind around it. what good is she to the league if she can't help when needed? awkwardly, she shifts and sinks further into pillows. "i understand that it's valuable to be a scientist, especially with the position i hold, but i joined the league with the intention of helping people," while her voice is soft, there's an almost defiant look in her eyes. not quite but enough to keep her going. "field operations are dangerous, that much is very certain, but others with higher positions and more to lose still put themselves into the line of fire for their duty to the league. shouldn't i be allowed to do the same?" it's not often that she stands up to anyone, especially someone of his caliber, but this might be a different set of circumstances.

to be useless is to be worthless and illeana reyes will be damned if anyone puts her in that position again.


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POSTED ON Jun 19, 2020 19:54:54 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Fernando doesn't fault her for her excuse. At least she's honest. And green — too green. Her tenure is non-existent and believing that she can intrude wherever she pleases is a plunge into naivety. But he believes her. It fits her MO. Illeana is a textbook shy girl who lives with a mindset fit for a children's cartoon. If only the world was so simple and joyous.

But being naive is better than being malicious. At least naivety can be fixed.


He doesn't expert her opposition. Not after all of this. Not after spending the last twenty minutes spoon feeding her everything she needs to make the correct decision.

He's disappointed. And he hides it behind apathy. There's no reaction, just the same objective, nameless expression Fernando holds when conducting business. Years of being disappointed work well to temper his expression. The faces that make up his colleagues change every quarter, his expectations don't.

"Name the last time actively put himself in a dangerous situation without League personnel."


" and I actively served on the front lines of the Slateport Invasion, rescued a dozen people successfully, and survived."


" was a Gym Leader and tested by the League to match a certain standard of battling capacity and self sufficiency."


", a Head Ranger, didn't even ship out for the Mossdeep Invasion or Littleroot."


"We can replace politicians. There are plenty of top brass. Gym Leaders and the Elite Four are tested and trained in order to handle these situations."


"You belong in a lab, Reyes. There are people willing to sacrifices themselves just to make sure an asset like you can continue to make sure Hoenn has a chance at a brighter tomorrow. That's what it means to be a Head Scientist. You're invaluable."

Fernando sets down the plate.

"And I agree. If anything happens to you and Lane, we're fucked. You can pass me a sample and tell me what it is but I can't do anything with that." His eyes narrow. "We need you."

But some people prove insistent. There's only so much you can do. Fernando knows this and prepares an alternative. Always have a back up plan.

"But if you must be in the field, we can make exceptions. Train up a successor and turn in your title. It'll be hard for them to make a case against you becoming a field scientist as long as we can maintain two Head Scientist."

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2020 20:16:22 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]so apparently, she will be damned because there's no room for argument with the amount of facts he piles into the small spaces of the room. each one brings with it the overwhelming concept that she's in over her head. to be trained and readied for the field is one thing and he makes that point very clear. she's not on their level, not even close. still practically a baby bird with her wings clipped, rushing in would almost certainly get her killed. it's understandable, even painfully so, but does she want to accept that?

does she want to stay locked inside a lab instead of helping out?

there's two sides to every coin and apparently two sides to this situation too. on one hand, she could disregard the progress she has made to get this far in favor of putting her life on the line for others. and on the other, she could do as she's told and dedicate her time to what she was born and raised to do. somehow, it reminds her of her parents, of the way they engraved her purpose into her brain until she could no longer question any other way.

and somehow, it works. she backs down with a soft sigh and a head settling into her hands.

"i," she starts, swallows, continues. "i'm sorry." another apology, perhaps the twentieth one to be uttered since he entered this room. "i just want be to useful." and in his eyes, she is. perhaps not in the way she had hoped but it's hard to argue with the firmness of his tone, the facts laced through every syllable. they need her and it's foolish to refute that fact.

"you're right. the skillset i have is designed and bred for a lab. i -- i don't really even have any sort of training background that'd be suited for the field but i just thought that as long as i'm trying to help, it's worth something." of course, she had been mistaken in her thought process. her worth is not measured by the field work she does or how many times she narrowly survives. no, it's measured by the work she does in the science department and he has made sure to remind her of that. and yet, it still somehow leaves her mouth bitter as if it's not enough to not feel expendable.

in the end, she backs down and cowers as only she knows best. while it might be commendable that she tried to stick up for herself, tried to make herself out to be stronger than she is, it only results in her crumbling back into that scared little girl from snowpoint who can't make her own decisions. "i don't want to lose all of the hard work i've done to get here," she murmurs and it tastes like defeat. "not yet." perhaps eventually she will lose it all but that day isn't on the horizon yet and hopefully, it never will be.


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POSTED ON Jun 19, 2020 20:20:53 GMT

Her reaction forces him to soften up. He cannot berate her forever. Watching her break down does the same thing to his voice. His volume lowers in accordance.

"What does it mean to be useful?"

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[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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illie, sap sipper
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2020 20:32:34 GMT
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[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]the calling of her name brings with it the rising of her head. slightly, just enough to peek out at him from behind her hands. his tone softens, shifts into something that lures her into a false sense of security. perhaps that's why she lowers her hands further until her face is no longer obscured from sight. "as far as textbook goes, to be useful is to be able to be used for practical purpose." although, that isn't what he's asking. she flushes and continues.

"but i suppose it depends on the person," she murmurs.

is being useful the same for everyone? or simply based off of different desires? does she want to be useful for those around her or for herself? sighing, she moves her head to rest her cheek on one palm. "being useful doesn't mean putting myself at risk of endangerment." it takes a few moments for her to come to this conclusion but eventually she does, even if it's a whispered admittance as if she's not sure that's what he truly means.


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Jun 19, 2020 20:42:58 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Patience. Fernando continues to breast feed her with his own vitality: his time.

There is potential in the Head Scientist and that's why he entertains her delusions. She's meek, caring, and naive. She approves of him and seeks validation in anyone willing to spare her a glance. It shows in her answers as well as her actions. The fact she can't answer with confidence reinforces his analysis.

Which makes it that much easier to break her down.

Fernando considers to be one of his most successful endeavors. A capable trainer in her own right, Fernando endorsed her bid for Gym Leader and nursed her pursuit with approval and praise. There is no doubt in his mind that she couldn't do it on her own. Which is why it is imperative that he steps in and rides the forefront of her success before she can realize it herself.

The end result is someone who worships him like no other. Watching her give up not only her own life but everyone else standing in his way is confirmation that he's groomed her well.

Illeana could be the next Cait Alfric.


Illeana will be the next Cait Alfric.

"What does it mean to be useful, Reyes?"

He pauses.

"Why do you keep saying you wanted to be useful?"

Time to pry a little deeper.

"Why do you think you're not useful?"

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