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POSTED ON Aug 10, 2020 2:45:49 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
It wasn't summer if there weren't at least a few scandalous beachfront sunbathers, now was it? All around the beach people were trying to obtain the bronzed complexion by soaking up the sun's rays.

Adrian wasn't sure whose residence it was, but it seemed like it was open house weekend at this oceanfront property. Adrian lay against a plaid towel stretched out on the scorching sands, feeling the sun kissing softly against his exposed hide.

Just Adrian, the radiant starlight warming him, and the chorus of waves and intermittent cries of people and pokemon serenading him, lulling him into a well-deserved afternoon nap. But it was abruptly interrupted when an intercom began blaring across the beach from the seashore house:

...Announcing an All You Can Eat Wing Challenge!

Stomach grumbling unceremoniously, Adrian sat upright from his place on the beach, taking a moment to consider. But in the end he wrapped up his towel after shaking it off, carrying it with him from the beach, hoping to score some free food.
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POSTED ON Aug 10, 2020 4:05:52 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar


A summer event wasn't a bad thing to return to. He had been back in Hoenn for a couple of days now, looking somewhat different then before, but without the Crown and such after him. He was now a free man. It was easier to move around, by not being a wanted man. And one of the best way to celebrate this?[break][break]

Surfing. The good old alolan way. As the man surfed through the waves near Slateport, an announcement erupted from the speakers, announcing free food through a contest of "All you can eat wings". Sounds like a classic event for a summer festival, especially for the restored Slateport beach.[break][break]

Balder headed back to the beach, dropping upon the sand. As the alolan man reached the ground, he proceeded to remove his shirt, revealing his toned muscles. He dropped it near the bench he had placed his equipment on, heading slowly towards the location of the contest. Hopefully this meal would make him feel satiated.


[attr="class","notes"]tldr: Surfed a bit, then went for food

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POSTED ON Aug 10, 2020 4:32:02 GMT
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Approaching the seashore house made him realize just how many people had heard the call for food. As Adrian filed in, he noticed another broader man, someone he'd keenly recognized. But from where?

He found himself sitting adjacent to them, perhaps hoping to engage them in conversation, but as the house began to bustle with other would-be contestants, those whom were seated began to find themselves under a barrage of questions: Do you have any food allergies? What flavor sauce did they prefer, if any? Did they want a drink, and if so, what was their beverage of choice?

And yet the hospitality of the seashore home was oddly enrapturing. It wasn't unusual for Adrian to feel so pampered, but for free? It was bizarre.

Once he found the moment, Adrian managed to ask the stranger a question. "Are you... Balder Schwartz? From the New Year's incident?"

He realized now why he'd remembered their face; he'd seen it on the news on a few passing occasions after the Ultra Beast raided Slateport. But more than that was the doppelganger assailant that had sullied Balder's identity. But after all that, he now had to ask himself: What if this was the doppelganger yet again...? But he doubted it.

And even if it were, that suited him just as well.
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POSTED ON Aug 14, 2020 2:25:09 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar



During the time the Alolan Man went towards the Seashore House serving the free food, multiple individuals started gather before it, listening to the multiple questions and indications being given to them. Reaching the mass of people, the man awaited his turn for the questioning and to be directed at the correct seat for the free food.[break][break]

But then... Something unexpected happened. Someone, to be more precise. Asking if he was Balder, from the incident during the new year. The man turned slightly pale at the mention of that event. Where everything had spiraled down from. Where his mistakes struck. Where his failures resonated. Why now, of all times? After he had come back and had finally pushed everything behind him... [break][break]

The young man swallowed, before turning to see who asked for him. It wasn't someone he had met before, not did it seem like someone from the Crown... Assuming that organisation still existed now that Olivia was off the council. the Ex-Gym Leader moved a lock of hair behind his ear before replying. "While I'd rather not recall this... incident, as you called it, that's indeed who I am. Might I know who's asking?" The man clearly didn't look too pleased with being reminded of this nightmare.

[attr="class","notes"]tldr: Waiting for the food, gets questioned by a random pup.

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POSTED ON Aug 14, 2020 11:36:07 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Adrian frowned at the response, though only afterward realizing he must've made Balder feel cornered. Hanging his head forward he mumbled his response, trying his best to alleviate their emotional discourse. "I'm Adrian. Last name Malcolm. I ran into your doppelganger a while back." He offered a wry smile while pausing his conversation as they were served the first platter of wings. They were surprisingly flat and scrawny, as far as wings went, however...

...But that didn't deter him in the least.

After deigning to sully himself with the stains of buffalo sauce clinging to his fingers and lips as he voraciously dug in, he afforded brief moments to offer more context for the clueless stranger.

"It was some Rocket goon impersonating you in Slateport, around sometime back then."

Adrian didn't have much of a reason for telling him other than the sheer happenstance of having bumped into him, so he wouldn't look to Balder for any specific response, and simply resumed savaging the feeble, sinewy strips of meat lathered in hot sauce until he noticed how remarkably unfulfilling they were. Adrian didn't normally look a gift horse in the mouth, but this was an exception.

"It's like I'm eating a wingull, there's no meat on these wings..." He'd said it in a sardonic tone, but as the revelation hit him, he realized how much it added up. The shape of the wing, the lack of anything savory on those bones... He gulped down hard, raising a hand to get the attention of someone in the know. "What're these made from?"
The answer may shock you.
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POSTED ON Aug 16, 2020 2:14:09 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar



As the boy noticed Balder's reaction, it seemed like he had some... issues with saying what he wanted to say. With the noise around, Balder was able to understand the person's name, and the mention of a doppelganger. That was... a curious word to say in such a word. The alolan man tagged along, hoping to know more of what happened.[break][break]

And he learnt more. And a word he did not expect to hear in a long time, enough to make him slam a fist on the table. "You're saying that, not only is Rocket still active, but one of these sorry bastards was disguised as me and doing crimes with my fucking face? That explains a lot of things now. And I'm gonna have to hunt that fucker down."[break][break]

Balder took a deep breath, easing up the anger that had welled within him, then looked at the sky to help him calm down. Curiously, however, he noticed the lack of Wingulls in the sky. Was it migration season already? As he lowered his head to look at the food, he heard Adrian mention it was like he was eating a Wingull. "Like a... wingull? Oh for fuck sake..."[break][break]

Balder whistled, making a Gengar emerge from his shadow. Why was Gengar in the shadow to begin with? Try surfing while having pokeballs. Where would he put them? In his breeches? Hello comfort. The ex-Gym Leader stood up, trying to locate the owner of the place. If it was really Wingulls that had been cooked, the guy had to pay.

[attr="class","notes"]tldr: Waiting for the food, gets questioned by a random pup.

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POSTED ON Aug 18, 2020 9:25:29 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
While Balder set off for reasons yet unclear to him, Adrian finished off the plate of his wings, belching complacently and yet still somehow dissatisfied with the meal. Something about it left his stomach unsettled; perhaps it hadn't been cooked properly.

From his seat he'd take a few liberal gulps of his soda pop, holding it up to his expectant lips, siphoning wave after wave of the sugary solution that helped ease Adrian's rumbling stomach.

And yet with an audible growl his stomach churned, preparing the free food for a bit of return to sender, the grade anf quality of the meat clearly not quite up to par with his palette. "I-rrrugh-"

Adrian brings a hand to his mouth, cupping it shut to help deter the surging bile and overwhelming nausea as his gut flexed, trying to force out the tainted food. With the sound of sneakers squealing against the floor, and dining ware clattering as he bumped against tables he hurriedly past by, Adrian availed himself to a bathroom to relieve himself.

The lavatory explodes into an uproar as Adrian kicks the door in and rushes to a toilet stall, the sounds of his retching bleeding out through an open door and into the dining hall. "Rrrrghhuua..."
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POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 1:52:36 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar



The man, Adrian, sure was... The epitome of classiness? Belching like a drunkard... And the smell that followed. Most likely because of these wings, but good lord. But it didn't take long for the belching man to start feeling sick. His face almost seemed like it became green, as he covered his mouth with his hand. And it seemed like he wasn't the only one, as multiple individuals seemed to display the same behavior, trying to find a place to barf.[break][break]

As everyone was vomiting their lives around, reminiscent of a Midsummer Madness where people drank too much, Balder started jumping from table to table, Gengar in tow. His goal? Locate the owner of the place. No one in their right mind would serve Wingulls, even for free, to beach-goers. That's an express way to Bankruptcy. Either the guy didn't know what he was serving, or there was something else.[break][break]

As he got closer to the Seashore House he heard some shouting on the left side. Either it was the person he was looking for, or some folks found them first and were dishing out just desserts. The alolan man and his ghost monster approached the commotion, hoping they were right. And this... was even better then he thought. Not only was it an angry mob screaming at the owner, but the targeted person was also shooting at a phone, most likely the provided.[break][break]

"Shadow, hold the fort for me. Make sure he doesn't get away. I'll check on our professional belcher." The gengar nodded, keeping its eyes fixed on the owner, while Balder backtracked to the entrance of the Seashore house and entered, going to knock on the bathroom door. "Hey kid, still alive in there? Did the wings take flight?"


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POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 6:21:44 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Adrian chundered audibly into the toilet bowl as Balder asked after him, to which he responded by flashing a peace sign, though his tone was sarcastic. "That's cute. Did you just come up with that?" Another groan and sloshing of water later, and he rested the side of his head against the arm propped against the toilet, trying to make a moment to breath. "Hah... hah... whew."

"I don't recommend the barbecue... Especially on the way back up." The acrid concoction of bile and smoky, tangy sauce only perpetuated the chain of vomiting, and though his gut undulated as he gagged at the sensations, he managed to hold himself back. Or at least long enough to respond.

"I could use a drink after that shit... Ack!"

The toilet churned with one last expelling of bile before Adrian felt more himself, grasping at toilet paper and swiping the rim of his mouth and inside.

"... Eugh, could use some mouth wash too."
And that about wraps it up, I think.
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POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 4:58:31 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar



As the boy did the peace sign and replied to the flying wings, Balder couldn't help but grin. "At least you're surviving well, that's a good start." The man listened Adrian, saying how the barbecue taste wasn't recommended. And then he proceeded to ask for a drink. "Stay put, I'll get you something."[break][break]

Balder went to see one of the Waitresses and grabbed a Ginger Ale can, bringing it back to the person vomiting his life away in the toilet. Or, as someone people in a remote province would say, he was having a talk through the white phone. The Alolan man dropped the can beside the mohawk guy.[break][break]

"I heard this does wonders for stomach ache. Just make sure to drink it slowly. Oh, and the owner is dealing with everyone complaining right now, so you can be sure it's not gonna happen again." Balder waited for Adrian to take the can before getting up and be ready to leave. "I asked one of the waitresses to take care of you so take your time. And thanks for telling me about that rocket impostor, i'll make sure he pays." And on those words, Balder exited the seashore house, Gengar joining him rapidly.

[attr="class","notes"]tldr: Balder exits. Midsummer Madness completed.

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POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 5:45:04 GMT
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