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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
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TAG WITH @marisol
swelter [m]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2022 0:36:54 GMT

"deno--" [break][break]

she calls out, but it's no use. the litleo is already running around and about, scampering around and imprinting her paw prints all around the beach. she thought that it would be okay to set her loose and set her free, until she found out that the little thing had a bit too much energy, and was starting to cause a little bit of trouble. "deno!" she calls out again, trying to chase and recall the litleo. believe her when she says she tried to use the pokeball. she tried. [break][break]

and the little thing just won't stay still![break][break]

it's only a matter of time until the woman slips from the sand, unceremoniously squealing as she trips face first. the litleo only stops her prancing when she notices the trainer staying down, to where she approached her - only for the trainer to quickly snare the little cub in her arms. a soft mewling could be heard in defiance. [break][break]

"if. you. want to stay outside the pokeball. you. have to. behave." she huffs at the flailing lioness cub. another familiar cub comes on by, and she sighs "not now, regulus--"

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
sharkbait (hoo haha) [m]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2022 0:25:16 GMT

personally, she'd rip the teeth from their jaws. [break][break]

but she's a doctor, not a dentist; there's a difference. she also can't do it because she has someone here with her, and obviously, no one would like to witness that bloody scene. so they're on plan b: trying to find what teeth wash up on the shore. though they're rare, the fact that they can show up on the shoreline makes it a safety hazard. [break][break]

so she's doing two good deeds. [break][break]

a red gyarados rises from the water, just further out (you never know if anything could wash up in the deeper crevices), and she spares it a glance as she approaches the waves. the woman kicks her sandals off to walk barefoot into the sad, hands pinching and raising her skirt to spare it from the waves before leaning down to pick a smaller tooth from the muddied sand.[break][break]

"i found one." she raises her voice, holding it up into the air with her ever-changing expression. "it doesn't look like endo's found anything, though." she tilts her head to the red gyarados, who almost.. pouts as he raises his head above the water. [break][break]

"what about you?"

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
scavenging [m]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2022 0:15:27 GMT

would you look at that, something they agreed on. [break][break]

if she had a garden, she'd try to grow these herbs for herself, but the climate in hoenn changes drastically, sometimes, and it surprises her when she realizes that herbs are able to survive in this environment altogether. with a huff, she gently shakes the somewhat dry soil from the uprooted herb, and throws it into a bag with the rest of what they've gathered. [break][break]

"indeed." she voices, that time around. her eyes gaze up towards the dome-like structure that covers the sky, and she grimaces. "as though we don't already have to worry about the meteorite, and the panic that's brought up.." she groans, taking another gander "then something like this happens.." this never happened during her time outside of hoenn. [break][break]

no more herbs where she kneels, so she straightens out and walks over. one glance over his shoulder, however, and the woman quirks a brow whilst leaning down. she gently taps his shoulder with the back of her wrist, holding the small shovel out. "try to collect the roots, too. they can be useful." she says, holding the bag out and open.

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
illuminate [m]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2022 23:59:05 GMT

her ears perk up, and her head turns with the litwick who sat so patiently on top. [break][break]

she should expect this kind of job by now. should expect to be called upon when someone needs medical help, called upon when a pokemon isn't in the best condition. and, because it's her job, she moves quickly towards his voice from where he calls out. it's still dark here, so thankfully there's the dim, purple light helping her see better. "you found it?" she repeats, but she already knows his response. [break][break]

and she doesn't need to hear it again when she catches the shadow of the electric pokemon, slumped on the ground. call it habit and instinct for her to immediately move to kneel in front of the pokemon. her med-kit is pulled out next to her, and the latches are flicked off with a click before she pulls out a stethoscope. even if he says it's breathing, it's important.[break][break]

she holds the bell around the heart, then towards its lungs.. and there was nothing irregular, though weak. the grimaces in the dark. "it doesn't look like there are any wounds." she tugs the ear tips from her head "... it looks more like he's used too much electricity" she raises a hand to gently pat the ampharos' forehead, hoping to coax its eyes closed. [break][break]

".. poor thing."

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
sketchy [m]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2022 23:38:58 GMT

it's supposed to be a pleasant day. [break][break]

a day where she was idling around, when she was given a day off away from her duties and her work. though her first thought was to hole herself into her little lab, she's dragged out instead. she has a gengar following in her shadow, making sure that she's safe. but she's still a trainer, and still supposed to be on the side of "good" in this case, so she has to keep an eye out for any suspicious behaviour. [break][break]

no matter how bad she'll feel if she runs into a former colleague. [break][break]

she honestly expects it, especially when it's starting to get late, in the less occupied area. she choses to come here to get away from the crowds, and away from the people. it's naive to think that nothing will happen. and it seems like she's right to think that, with her gengar perking up from her shadow, half of his body exposed above the sidewalk. [break][break]

"what is it, necrosis?" [break][break]

she asks and doesn't get a response. he seems pre-occupied, tilting his ears towards an alleyway. the nurse squints, and knows better than to approach something sketchy looking on her own, but.. it couldn't be too dangerous if her gengar was trying to move closer to it, right? [break][break]

approaching the alleyway, she keeps a hold on the slightly narrower wall as she carefully makes her way down the path. her gengar moves from her shadow into the surrounding area, poking his ears out from the surface as to lead her. she'd pipe up, but you never know what could be lurking in this kind of place. so instead, she pulls out another pokeball to call a litwick to sit on her shoulder. it's small, and purple, but it's a light.

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
nerd [s][c]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2022 22:20:37 GMT

"i wouldn't say that i'm passionate." [break][break]

it's a bold faced lie when she says it so straight, especially after he's seen the amount of effort she's put into the scribbles, trying to figure out the technicalities. it's only a shame that she isn't as familiar with physics and engineering as she is biology and chemistry, and that's the wall she hits. [break][break]

school takes too much of her time, she can't research more of the things that she's curious about. learn more about the things that she would wish to learn about (granted she doesn't know what it is that she would really like to pursue, insisting that nursing was only a front. its only a matter of time until she realize that it isn't). [break][break]

that's enough of her. [break][break]

"are you interested in this, too?" she asks, head tilted slightly towards the notebook.

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
just vibing [m][c]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2022 21:53:44 GMT

so she didn't keep him waiting. good, good.. [break][break]

it'd leave a bad taste in her mouth if she did. she's lucky that he's being so.. casual about this, too. it makes it easier to talk to him. it makes it easier for her to go through with this. so she smiles, though the smile is more out of relief. now deep breaths, marisol. punch the anxiety known as wendy back into the depths of your stomach. [break][break]

you'd never be able to tell she was nervous, based on the smile on her lips as she tilts her head, raising her gaze at the tail end of his question. "a-ah, no, no" she stuttered. fuck. "my friend actually helped me pick it out." friend? the word is starting to become more familiar.[break][break]

"i'm glad that you like it, though~" there's a bit of truth to it. it tells her that something was done right. she tries to glance back down at the menu as her mind fends off the building nervousness "i'm a nursing student, though. what about you?" [break][break]

.. getting a better look at him, he seems a little familiar.

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
morendo [s][c]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2022 18:49:17 GMT

language is something she's had to learn. [break][break]

countless nights were spent reading dictionaries, translating, reading the different scientific texts and deciphering dialects of varying degrees on this poke-earth. mother and father insisted; so she always needed to know. she knows too many words in all different languages and pronunciations, knows the different ways to curse and to articulate. then she's learned that anyone can lie with words, regardless of the language. [break][break]

there's only one exception. [break][break]

music can't lie, or mask. there's no need to when no one reads deeply into it, and when everyone listens idly like it's the show that it is. maybe that's why no music tells lies. [break][break]

"it's because it's been so long." and she has no keyboard at home, though that doesn't stop her from occasionally playing the piano in public when she has the chance, or when she can play it in a bar, or a pokemon centre. some things never change. [break][break]

"father never really gave me the time to play."

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
reassurance [m]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2022 18:40:03 GMT

Are you happy with who you are?[break][break]

seven simple words that don't sit so easily. does she feel like she's accomplished anything? yes, she's accomplished much under the tutelage of her parents, but she can't say the same on her own (nursing school doesn't count, the amount of people she's saved with her knowledge doesn't count, none of it counts). [break][break]

when he looks at her, the gaze lowers as her lips press thin. the thoughts are weaving together, frayed and scattered, but attempting to form a string. "no, i'm not." it's cold and cuts through the air, but it's the truth. three words to encapsulate her response, cruel and hate-filled as they are. "i hate it, and intend to kill it." to strangle it, to hold it down by the neck as it gasps for air. she hates it. [break][break]

no need for dissection.

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
throw it back [m]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2022 16:17:01 GMT

it's embarrassing if she doesn't know the next thing about dancing. [break][break]

no amount of disgust can be described as she scrunches her face at her.. dance partner's actions. her lips press thin and into a line as she's (very reluctantly) nudged closer to the open space. there's no music playing, and now this woman here just looks like a moron. confident, but still a moron, as she exaggerates her motions. clearly in an attempt to coax her into moving along. disgusting. [break][break]

"ugh, alright, alright." the free hand reaches up to gently rub at the bridge of her nose "give me a moment.." her eyes glare at the phone screen as she idly taps the first song that pops up on the feed, then she walks over to the stereo that sits not too far away. she doesn't know what song she put on, but it starts.. bouncy? [break][break]

whatever. there's no use thinking on it while walking back to her eager dance partner. although her fingers tent, and now that she's here.. what the fuck does she do?

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
:fuepog: :cmere:
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2022 16:07:21 GMT

ah yes, dad was worried. [break][break]

"i don't look that tired, do i?" she's asking when she knows the answer, and even she can't hide the fatigue that eventually finds a way to rest under her eyes. no make up and cover it up (not like she'd use make up all too often; the change in her hair and the medical eye patch already does wonders with covering up her face). [break][break]

the bandages are all wrapped up, and she grabs some tape to secure the flap of the gauze. "don't irritate the wounds, ice the bruises, and get some rest for a while." no need for the last part, but it's for the sake of formalities. one glance around the centre and she sees that people are still busy, but there's just enough people to be tending to each person with minor injuries. she can have a bit of a break. [break][break]

"it's part of the job" it's thankless and tiring "so, worry more about yourself, before you worry about me."

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
playing catchup [dw]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2022 15:46:23 GMT

it's an appreciation for the finer things. [break][break]

there's a difference. [break][break]

she shrugs, feigning ignorance. his words don't weigh heavy on her anymore, now that she knows better than to let him get under her skin. hadn't she known any better, she'd say that she enjoys his presence, and the conversations that they have; but that'll only last for a few minutes. [break][break]

a little shuppet floats by, and her gaze is fixated on it for a moment before she throws a pokeball at the flying rag. "no, i'm not." her glare stays constant, though her lips curl into a smile. it's not genuine. "i'm just excited to see the display" a few steps are taken to walk to the blinking pokeball "although i'm expecting your interest to fall off at some point."[break][break]

a shame.

catching shuppet

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2022 18:03:48 GMT

lord knows she'll take the offer if she can. [break][break]

it looks like the people who were struggling with their clones were dealt with, but now she knows better than to pull out her phone. the woman sighs softly, her fingers reaching to the bridge of her nose to pinch, and to gently rub. the nausea has completely settled by now, but the amount of digitalization is fucking with her sense of reality. [break][break]

the brutal shattering of the pokemon who were hit by beams is still vivid in her mind, although she has to wonder where they are, and how they ended up here. she should be more surprised, or more cautious, but maybe it's the ridiculous events recently that's desensitized her. who can say? [break][break]

she hops onto the back of the noivern, who still seems.. suspicious of her for some reason, but she'll pretend she doesn't see it. he's large enough for her to sit on, anyways, as the trainer opts to have him carry him by the talons. when the bat lifts off, she clings onto the white tuft. with the amount of times she's flown, now, she's starting to get used to this. [break][break]

when they arrive, she lands carefully. her eyes are on the monitor, and she squints at all the familiar icons - save for the bottom two, who she can't recognize. which doesn't belong, it asks. the woman glares almost, at the display. "... i've heard about these pokemon." during her time in rocket. she's heard things from people who talked, heard things second hand. read summaries and did plenty research of her own. even so, it was minimal information outside of mythos. though she'll glare at the image of the yellow spirit.[break][break]

she'll trust others' opinions over her own. so, listening to the conversation, she taps darkrai on her screen before stepping back. "emmy." she tilts her head to the tiny blissey "light screen." the command is quick as the little pink pokemon dances around on her shoulder, a yellow screen appearing before herself, the noivern, and his trainer pre-emptively.

๐“†™ taking the offer, pls don't drop her
[break]๐“†™ tiny BLISSEY sets up a pre-emptive LIGHT SCREEN
[break]๐“†™ lowkey eyes uxie
[break]๐“†™ picks darkrai

cyberchase conundrum

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played by


mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2022 17:28:46 GMT

another treasure, another odd thing. [break][break]

one more should be alright, right? she glances to the greninja, who seems to be rearing to go. he has plenty of energy, which is a good thing. "alright, a third one." she smiles, defeated.


+1 pokeball[break]
+1 devolution

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing