June 3
In Silence There Is Beauty
TAG WITH @kazu
Kazuya Yoshida
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 14:30:33 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","pilotsb kazuyapost"] [attr="class","top"] [attr="class","topimage"] [attr="class","subtextbox"] [attr="class","lyrics"] respect is not kindness, but it is priceless [attr="class","border"] [attr="class","postbox"] [attr="class","imgavatar"] His mouth tasted of dust and iron. If he hadn’t already lost half of it, he figures he’d have bit his tongue off. There’s blood coating his left arm from his earlier collision with a car. After taking a moment to survey his surroundings, Kazuya sits up. He doesn’t immediately move to escape, however. Gold eyes observe what he can see and hear in the almost darkness. He’s been in enough fires and cave-ins to know how close they are to dominoes. [break][break] Moving too fast could lose him what little air he has. Or, worse, bring the entire street down on him. He can hear the wind whistling above as something bears down on the city. With a deep breath, the man knocks on a steel beam above him. The wait that follows feels like an eternity. Sand pours in and bites at his skin. [break][break] A heavy thump comes from above as his Raging Bolt lets sunlight in. A large boulder is clutched between its teeth. A chuckle emerges from deep in Kazuya’s chest. Though a terrifying beast, it currently looks like a Growlithe with a squeaky ball. [break][break] With his torso clear, the Rocket manages to pull himself free. Its eyes are irritated by the sand and its earlier battles. His Wooper and Bewear are there as well with eyes of concern. “Thank BZZZZT you, Ikazuchi.” Though damaged, his ‘voice box’ is working. Thank Arceus. [break][break] Instead of fresh air, his escape is met with howling winds and the noises of earth torn asunder. With a nod to his Raging Bolt, he withdraws it. An electric type will be of little use in the sand. From his almost-tomb’s entrance, Kazuya can see the Regirock. Near it, the humps of hospital wreckage are also visible. Kazuya offers a quiet prayer. [break][break] To acknowledge those lost.[break] For the shadows that now threatened the perpetrator’s heart[break] To whatever the hell would protect him from that thing.[break] Ulysess's voice earns an unseen nod. They own him just as they own the weapons beneath his feet. Ironically, he traded one set of shackles for another.[break][break] Pressing his lips together, he headed toward the behemoth. The sand whipped at him and threatened to kill him with 1000 cuts. But he's experienced worse. “Come, Mina.”[break][break] When he reached a reasonable distance, he ordered the Wooer forward. He waited until it’d hefted a rock above its head. For something like that, there, it was best to use its own strength against it. “Water zzzt gun!”lqh9rf9A
[attr="class","oocnotes"] Digs himself out of the rubble from the earthquake[break]Advances to M5[break] Waits until Regirock lifts a boulder to use Water Gun on it [newclass=".kazuyapost"]--accent:#92A5FE!important; [/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb"]--bg: #222; --accent: #9AA4DC; --url:url(;[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb"]width: 500px; margin: 0px auto; background-color: #222; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; position: relative;[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb b"]font: 700 11px/12px 'Poppins'; color: var(--accent);[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb i"]font: 500 11px/12px 'Poppins'; color: var(--accent);[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .topimage"]height: 200px; background: var(--url); background-position:center; background-size: cover; filter: grayscale(1); mix-blend-mode:multiply; opacity:0.85;[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .top"]background-color: #81697A; background: linear-gradient(to top left, #222, var(--accent)); mix-blend-mode: lighten;[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .subtextbox"]position:absolute; margin:-60px auto; left:0; right:0; text-align:center;[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .lyrics"]font:13px/14px 'Montserrat'; letter-spacing:2px; color:#fff; padding-bottom:5px;[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .border"]height:2px; margin:10px auto; background-color:var(--accent); width:50px;[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .postbox"]font: 11px/14px 'Poppins'; letter-spacing:0.2px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #dddd; text-align: justify; padding: 30px 40px; border: 2px solid #2c2c2c; border-radius: 10px; margin: 40px 40px 0px 40px;[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .pbottom"]min-height: 20px; background-image: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-color: var(--accent);[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .imgavatar img"]float: left; height: 85px; width: 85px; margin: 1px 21px 11px 1px; border: solid 9px #272727; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: -1px -1px 0px #232323, 1px -1px 0px #232323, -1px 1px 0px #232323, 1px 1px 0px #232323, 3px 3px 0px #303030, -3px 3px 0px #303030, 3px -3px 0px #303030, -3px -3px 0px #303030; filter: grayscale(1);[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .oocnotes"]text-align:center; padding:15px 0px; color:#555; font:12px/14px 'Poppins';[/newclass] [newclass=".pilotsb .oocnotes a"]color:var(--accent); font:600 16px/16px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
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