June 3
In Silence There Is Beauty
TAG WITH @kazu
Kazuya Yoshida
[nospaces] [attr="class","pilotsb kazuyapost"] [attr="class","top"] [attr="class","topimage"] [attr="class","subtextbox"] [attr="class","lyrics"] respect is not kindness, but it is priceless [attr="class","border"] [attr="class","postbox"] [attr="class","imgavatar"] The battle comes to an almost comical end as the world around them flashes red. Misa’s nimble feet land on nothing as the Golurk is withdrawn. With a grunt, Kazuya launched forward. The squirrel landed in his upturned palms. [break][break] As Zev dispatches orders, Kazuya stares at the blinking screen. With perked ears, the Emolga watches as the arena’s next ring collapses. Now expecting it, the kindler pays it no mind. Since he cannot voice his thanks with his voice box naught but wires, So, he settles for a simple nod. Then, he presses the ball to Misa’s side. With a frantic wave, the erratic thing vanishes into its Pokeball. [break][break] She is replaced by a much larger creature. Its elongated neck dwarfs many of the nearby trees. Its blue markings stand out from its normal brethren. It seems that the baby cup is over. As Kepler flies off on his Gyarados, Kazuya cannot resist a smirk. It seems it is time for Round Two.[break][break] For a moment, he is content to be the forgotten combatant. It gives him a moment to shake the frost from his limbs and catch his breath. It also allows him a brief catalog of his opponent’s abilities—including Mega Evolution. [break][break] With a nod to the Raging Bolt, Kazuya gestures toward the whirlpool. His fingers moved in a running motion as the territorial beast—Ikazuchi—charged into the fray. Taking advantage of steel beast’s set-up, the electric type unleashes Thunder on the swirling Hurricane Kepler had whipped up. Then, it stares down the Iron Moth and unleashes a barrage of rocks fueled by its primeval power. vfe5lQYb + 170 = 172
[attr="class","oocnotes"]Time to meet his Raging Bolt. Watches the kids duke it out for a minute. Has Ikazuchi use Thunder on Gyarados and Ancient Power on Iron Moth. [attr="class","pbottom"] [attr="class","pkmnteam"] <img title="MISA | ♁ | WATER ABSORB | EARTHQUAKE, YAWN, MUD SHOT, MUDDY WATER, WATER GUN, TOXIC" style="max-width: 100%;" src="" class="">
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